GTA San Andreas Paranormal Investigation....

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Jun 8, 2004
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The graveyard is very close to the wheelchair, just east of it (check the map I posted) in Palmino Creek,if you look at the in-game radar on the screenshot you'll see the exact location. Time on the screenshot is just before 01:00 so i'd try then for the ghost.


I've completed all the main missions and have begun looking for the supposed 30 Easter Eggs. (There is an actual easter egg in GTA:Vice City. Got to the VCN Building ,near the Bridge that leads from the western Island to the Island with the Film Studios, go to the top of the helipad and jump into the nearest window you will be inside a secret room through the window on the building.)

Anyway, If you are looking for UFO's go to Torenos house and look at the map on the wall. These are the places you will find them.
My friend has seen the Shark and says it is huge. Dunno if hes lying or not but there definately WAS a shark on Vice City near the Lighthouse but it doesn't attack.

Off Topic

I also saw a guy kill himself by jumping from a building. You can apparently also see people lying on the Traintracks in Los Santos.

Have also seen a Dodo crash into a Skyscraper. Very Cool.

Haven't seen anything related to Big Foot or Nessie. Hope that helped anyway. Also PSM2 (I think) Magazine will pay £50 for a video with any Bigfoot or other paranormal activity on it.

I really hope the TTCM rumours are true...

Off to find LF now... I'll give him a piece of my mind... :p

Keep Searching People.

Oh and the hidden thing in area 69 is a jetpack (not a secret) to any of you who wondered. You get it on a mission but can also get it by using the cheat : L1 L2 R1 R2 Up Down Left Right L1 L2 R1 R2 Up Down Left Right

Hope that was helpful :p
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May 18, 2004
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Ravendust said:
It's Area 69, the innuendo of Area 51. You get 5 stars for just being near the damn thing, and it's a no fly zone so if you fly over it you get hit with two heatseeking missles and have to parachute down into M4 fire.
I love doing this in the hydra, then dogfighting with the other hydra's that come chasing you. It's hella fun.

There is an actual easter egg in GTA:Vice City. Got to the VCN Building ,near the Bridge that leads from the western Island to the Island with the Film Studios, go to the top of the helipad and jump into the nearest window you will be inside a secret room through the window on the building.
I've also been looking for a similar thing to this, as i found the one in VC and it made me want to play more :)

On the topic of area 69. Close to the place where you can smash through the gate (in the army barrack section with the cargobob, patriot, flatbed, 2 tanks and (later) 2 hydras) there's an area with a strong green glow coming from under the ground, with that green lensflare from the "green goo" mission. I wonder if there is a way to get back into area 69 to find out what this is? I tried the vent entrance but it's sealed up, but i haven't been to the control tower again to try and open the main doors.

Also i'm still looking for most things mentioned in this thread, and i've still got a crapload of stuff to do for 100%. This game is really somethin' :)
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Jun 7, 2004
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Lol! Wel there goes one myth out the window? Which one is next?
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Nov 23, 2004
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i dunno what i hit on the road (not big foot becaue that dude has been owned!) not but i ran something over kinda hard to tell if it was a person or not cause it was in a super gt with x10 nitro so my blurr was insane not to mention my car caught on fire after i hit what ever the hell it was....i believe it might have been a side poll thing along the high way because i didn't see any thing go flying up into the air

as per area 69 iv had a close look at it considering you have to go inside the damn thing! they do have some thing in there though :( time ended when i was nearing the end of a tunnel gonna try again to see whats at the end of it :D

and the shark yes there is one the fricken thing ate me i couldn't swim away from it happened when i was getting my lung capcity up

and swimming from island to island besides the insta 4 starts if its across the sea border patrol comes over and shoots you/ drives you over

the pycho dude is real my gang mates are always shooting at some thing at night and the fricken ass killed me...all i saw was feet and a dude running with a chain saw when it zoomed out a bit

lol the ufo's are funny they always get away form me when i lock on with my harrier

and if aliens weren't real then wtf was the green goo u got for that damn hippi!? i think thats when the UFO's appear after that mish

and how do you get back inside of area 69 and not get 5 stars?


You can't get inside area 69 (or the airforce base at San Fierro) without getting 5 stars.
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Nov 23, 2004
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ooo fun stuff i get to run around with an m16 killing ppl while gettting 6 stars and hopeing not to die...hip hip hurrah! has any one noticed that when ur at Panopticon fog always rolls in after an hour in game time? but whats cool is theres a vortex at the bottom in one of the shacks :D
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Jun 8, 2004
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Kirby said:
whats cool is theres a vortex at the bottom in one of the shacks
What do you mean, a vortex? There's blood on the floor, but I haven't seen a vortex. I don't think anyone has :S I think the Panopticon must have something coded on the area to make it more foggy than usual or something, it definatley seems that way. Oh and I gave up on Leatherface after about a month of on-off searching. Ghost Cars, UFO's, all fine, Bigfoot, Leatherface, not so fine.
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North East Pennsylvania
~^vGhosTv^~ said:
hiiii okkk
SPAM is usually rewarded with a sever thrashing about the neck and head, but I'll let you off with the admin's eyebrow.


Keep in mind, this will be your last friendly warning.
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May 13, 2003
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Has anyone found some more information on these myths, preferably the Leatherface one? Because I went up to the Panoptican and found the carved up Glendale, found the wheelchair in Palomino Creek but now I climbed up a shack in Panoptican 'coz the area got all foggy and quiet...I was planning on taking pictures of some spooky stuff, and all I've got so far are the wheelchair and chainsawed Glendale..........and I want more >:F

EDIT: Hey hey, I just found a "A Few Good Men" book lying on the bed in the house at Blueberry. >:x
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Apr 12, 2003
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I think thease game myths are just a waste of time, do they really excist?
The only thing wierd happening to me once, was when i was driving down one road near the mod shop, forget which one, and a plain crashed landed behind me and exploded as i was driving.

*Off Topic*
[]Kirby said:
lol the ufo's are funny they always get away form me when i lock on with my harrier
Where is the flying school? I want to fly too:cry: lol
Screen shot would be nice.
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May 13, 2003
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You *have* to learn how to fly in order to complete the game, so don't worry, you'll learn when you'll learn. :p

Or you could climb over the fence in Los Santos, fly around for 20 minutes in a Shamal and get your license from there. Your choice. ;)
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Jun 8, 2004
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It's in Las Venturas and it's a mission unlike the other schools, you can't progress in the game 'til you get it. Check out the Verdant Meadows airfield.

OnT: I didn't think they'd have the balls to put in jets crashing into buildings after 9/11 (yeah I know it was years ago but still) but they did all the same :p I've pretty much stopped believing in Bigfoot and LF now, the footprints could just be something they thought it would be cool to stick in, as in real life, nobody has evidence of the Sasquatch, and the LF...well, they could just be a load of references to one of the great horror movie classics.

Something I found strange about the pedestrian stats on the disc, firstly not all of the pedestrian types seem to be covered, and secondly, the way it's layed out with an explaination of how the stats are layed out seems very suspicious, it looks like it's made for someone without a clue about programming, almost as if they left it for someone (us) to find, and it's a dummy file with no actual relevance, and the psycho stat is just a Red Herring.
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Apr 12, 2003
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Ravendust said:
It's in Las Venturas and it's a mission unlike the other schools.
What do u mean "other schools" ?? Theres more schools than just the Driving and Flying school?
PLease, tell/show me where!! :talk:
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Jun 8, 2004
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Driving - Doherty, San Fierro
Flying - Verdant Meadows, Las Venturas
Bike - Blackfield, Las Venturas
Boat - Bayside Marina, Las Venturas


I'm new to this, but I have been searching for myths for a long time now. I have come here to declare a few things.

- There is nothing in area 69, I used a blue hell entrance and there wasn't anything but another map.

- The maps may be mysterious, but I know what they are. They show secrets (Ghost car, Area 69, Poster, etc.) and may prove vital as to finding BF and LF. Known map locations are: Area 69 Sideroom (Room is VERY dark and the map is on the radar) Toreno's Cabin Above The Desk, and Lil' Probe Inn In The Office Behind The Main Desk.

- There are no UFO's. They are unmodeled planes. All they are is the lights from planes, but Rockstar decided to leave them go.

Leatherface... Now that is something I don't know about. I really do think he may be in SA, but I may be wrong. Known reported locations: Small cabin In Panopticon (Small area) and in the Shady Cabin in Shady Creeks. You cannot have a camera (?), it must be raining (won't work with Rainy Weather cheat, I tried) and must be between the hours of 20:00-05:00.

Can I get a map of where LF, BF, and Sharks are?

And one more thing you might want to hear about.
- In Back O' Beyond these is a lake. This may be where Nessie, Black lagoon monster or whatever it may be, could be settled. I have reason to believe that Nessie is there because, well, Lake Loch Ness is QUOTE: "Brown... Like a coffee color" and so is the lake at Back O' Beyond.

(Sigh) There is all I know and it should prove quite useful for future searches!
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Dec 26, 2003
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rofl...its obvious u know nothing of what u talk about..going to area 69 is a mission in GTA SA gg...beat the game before looking for myths plz...its even on the map..under "restricted area"..i honestly think ur talking out of ur bottom region =\
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Jun 17, 2003
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mouzerball1000 said:
I'm new to this, but I have been searching for myths for a long time now. I have come here to declare a few things.

- There is nothing in area 69, I used a blue hell entrance and there wasn't anything but another map.

- The maps may be mysterious, but I know what they are. They show secrets (Ghost car, Area 69, Poster, etc.) and may prove vital as to finding BF and LF. Known map locations are: Area 69 Sideroom (Room is VERY dark and the map is on the radar) Toreno's Cabin Above The Desk, and Lil' Probe Inn In The Office Behind The Main Desk.

- There are no UFO's. They are unmodeled planes. All they are is the lights from planes, but Rockstar decided to leave them go.

Leatherface... Now that is something I don't know about. I really do think he may be in SA, but I may be wrong. Known reported locations: Small cabin In Panopticon (Small area) and in the Shady Cabin in Shady Creeks. You cannot have a camera (?), it must be raining (won't work with Rainy Weather cheat, I tried) and must be between the hours of 20:00-05:00.

Can I get a map of where LF, BF, and Sharks are?

And one more thing you might want to hear about.
- In Back O' Beyond these is a lake. This may be where Nessie, Black lagoon monster or whatever it may be, could be settled. I have reason to believe that Nessie is there because, well, Lake Loch Ness is QUOTE: "Brown... Like a coffee color" and so is the lake at Back O' Beyond.

(Sigh) There is all I know and it should prove quite useful for future searches!
First of all, you don't know. You just took (copy+pasted) the info out of the Second, you're responding to a dead, dead, dead, dead topic. Might want to check the dates before posting....

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