Final Fantasy VII and VIII and X and tatics stuff

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Dec 31, 2002
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Final Fantasy 7 i liked the best because of the story, character development, combat (FF with the best limit system), mini games, chocobo breeding, materia, and the best bad guy in any FF... Sephiroth. Final Fantasy 6 was a very close second. Sadly I have never played Final Fantasy Tactics :(, but someday I hope to buy it. :)
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Dec 2, 2001
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actually u really shouldnt even have to do melee in tactics once u get all your characters the holy skill(priest), matk up(wiz), and calculater job mastered.

set your characters to black mage(primary), calc(secondary), also have matk up set in your skills, the moving is really up to u but teleport is always good.

with all your characters set like this u can literally end a battle in 1 turn. but if u arnt careful u can destroy everyone on the map including yourself.

as for the screenshot, if u play it on your computer using the virtual game system by connectex u just print screen and host it. otherwise that you will have to take a picture of your friends tv with tifa and aeris on. personally i dont believe you because this is a game made in 1997, thats a 6 year span for people to discover things. and the fact that no one has a faq a code or even a mention of what u claim is proof enough for me.

u may have gotten the sephiroth and aeris thing confused with ff7 because its possible to play as sephiroth in vincents place using a gameshark in ff7, and there is also a way to bring aeris back in the japanese version of ff7.

one more thing 200dmg = nothin i set up ramza to do 600+dmg to all characters on the field. but if u must have a melee chaarcter your set up for ramza is alright but once u get orlandu and his haste sword u really dont need another melee
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Dec 8, 2002
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1m4 0wn y0 455 said:
actually u really shouldnt even have to do melee in tactics once u get all your characters the holy skill(priest), matk up(wiz), and calculater job mastered.

set your characters to black mage(primary), calc(secondary), also have matk up set in your skills, the moving is really up to u but teleport is always good.

with all your characters set like this u can literally end a battle in 1 turn. but if u arnt careful u can destroy everyone on the map including yourself.

as for the screenshot, if u play it on your computer using the virtual game system by connectex u just print screen and host it. otherwise u will have to take a picture of the tv that you will have to take a picture of your friends tv with tifa and aeris on. personally i dont believe you because this is a game made in 1997, thats a 6 year span for people to discover things. and the fact that no one has a faq a code or even a mention of what u claim is proof enough for me.

u may have gotten the sephiroth and aeris thing confused with ff7 because its possible to play as sephiroth in vincents place using a gameshark in ff7, and there is also a way to bring aeris back in the japanese version of ff7.

one more thing 200dmg = nothin i set up ramza to do 600+dmg to all characters on the field. but if u must have a melee chaarcter your set up for ramza is alright but once u get orlandu and his haste sword u really dont need another melee

thanks a lot at the place where u have to battle Celia and whathername and Malak........who and what should i bring??

as for the not really a comp person and i got lost at the part about the virtual connetx thing....oh well, i just ASSUME u can get aeris and tifa coz he was FRIGGIN BRAGGING ABOUT IT FOR THE PAST (censor :)) MONTH!!!!! ok...enough....
so u want me to have BahamutCloud(named after Cloud strife since basically he's my idol aka Ramza) as a black WIZARD (or mage?) Ramza charc is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY low in MP.......only 30-60 mp i think....

my primrary use is using Ramza, then a was-a-chemist charc that i have now as a Geomancer-and hell, he does 140 dmg at LEAST! and then Agrias....should i put her as a Lancer again? and then Mustadio to use his Snipes.......really really helpful having mustadio and my geo coz they both have Item on, and then agrias has holy sword then followed by Holy magic(using holy.....but as a holy swordsman, she only has about 70 mp) but i used to have her use black what you mean matk..........does that mean magic attack up? ok...i got a LONG way to go..............and then i need to do a lil degeneration.......coz chocobo's are EXTREMELY hard for me....can anyone help me? oh, and i dont have calc mastered....although i just used the glitch on black magic and white magic =^-^= man...there are SOOOOOOOOOO many glitches in the game!!!


i found out that in ff8, it is EXTREMELY easy to play! since once u obtain aura, u can use limits ANY TIME! and one more thing, you dont have a LIMIT BAR/OVERDRIVE BAR so things can get extremely cheap

For example, when i was getting my Tonberry GF, all i did was have Zell, Squall, and Quistis (damn she's a hotty!) in my team

i had zell be my Meltdown charc, and had the other two in critical...


1.) meltdown
2.) REZOKUKEN baby(my squall had extremely high spd because of Pandomena)!
4.) repeat 2....step 3 if needbe

so u see, its pretty easy, all u do on bosses are just Meltdown and then Rezokuken...OR just hope that Gilgamesh/Odin shows up to slice and dice..........

im not saying ff8 is bad-cause it ROX! its on my top 20 list-but im just saying having free-be limits....isn't that a lil cheap compared to FF7 where you have to earn your limits and then hope u can kill off enemies with it? well....after u get Omni-slash it doesn't matter..BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! the point is,


FFVII limits vs FFVIII

what do u think?

also, on a side note, PLZ HELP ME GET A GOOD COMBO FOR MY TEAM IN FF TACTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dec 31, 2002
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I didn't care for the limit system in FF8 or for that matter FF8 itself. It was lacking in so many areas such as character development, story, combat system, items (No armor ??? and only weapons that you can upgrade), spells were just plain weak in the damage department, draw system was really bad because I am one of those people that need 99 of everything in the game, it was cheap that you could just keep summoning GF's, monsters level up as you do (huh they must adventure also ???),the end boss you don't know anything about until the end and was so easy.

However..... The game did have one saving grace and that is that it had the best ending I have seen in any Final Fantasy, FF9 being just behind it.


I loved the FF7 style of limit breaks, I always used hypers on my characters so they could get there limit break twice as fast. Hypers were the best :yes:
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Dec 8, 2002
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Majin Krillin said:
I didn't care for the limit system in FF8 or for that matter FF8 itself. It was lacking in so many areas such as character development, story, combat system, items (No armor ??? and only weapons that you can upgrade), spells were just plain weak in the damage department, draw system was really bad because I am one of those people that need 99 of everything in the game, it was cheap that you could just keep summoning GF's, monsters level up as you do (huh they must adventure also ???),the end boss you don't know anything about until the end and was so easy.

However..... The game did have one saving grace and that is that it had the best ending I have seen in any Final Fantasy, FF9 being just behind it.


I loved the FF7 style of limit breaks, I always used hypers on my characters so they could get there limit break twice as fast. Hypers were the best :yes:
heh...yea...me2! OMNI-SLASH 'EM ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!

actually...u can draw 100 spells and stuff....i didn't like the remodling tho....took waaaaaaaaaaay too much time and waaaaaaaaaay to less weapons to choose from.....Triple triad is ok tho....if it wasn't for all those stupid RULES!)!#*()!*#)$(!*#$_!()*#%)

ffx had a decent Overdrive thing tho....the overdrives were just like FF 8's
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Dec 2, 2001
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the easiest way to acomplish the strat i talked about is to have atleast 2 characters go priest and get holy and mabey heal. then have these characters go to black mage and learn magic attack up(matk up). once this is done you should have a lvl 4 wizard+ and a lvl 4 mage + for both of the characters. then make them the other to classes u need to become calculators(time mage lvl3, and oracle lvl3). now u have your calculators. since calculators are very slow u will want to get walk jp. and in battles kill of all but one monster and have the 2 calcs hit each other if they get low hel them. do this till u have enough jp to master the class. now that u have mastered calculator switch them to black mages. and secondary skill calculator. since the calculation skill uses no sp u can use any spell learned(except summons) freely and with speed. dont forget to equip the matk up skill on them. it is a very time consuming process but well worth it. if u do this before the flash back is over u are literally unstopable till u get to velius, and the marquie.

as for who u should bring it all depends on how your characters are set up. just go with your strongest characters
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Dec 17, 2001
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One of the best class combos is a lancer/samurai---(should be female)
this class combo has the most success when they are equiped with the best lance, ribbon, maximusplate, chantage{steal from miladul(SP?)} and have their skills set up as
Jump-primary, drawout-secondary, 2hands,counter, & Teleport... this will make it to where they do 999 damage every hit..:p enjoy

(EDIT) the draw out skill should be used to give them shell-protect as well as haste & regen
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Nov 4, 2002
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tactics is my favorite of all time. I know you can get other characters with the gamecheat thing that I can't remember the name of right now. Oh, I also had ramza doing one hit kills in the game. Take the ninja's two sword ability and then change to something else.
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Dec 8, 2002
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1m4 0wn y0 455 said:
the easiest way to acomplish the strat i talked about is to have atleast 2 characters go priest and get holy and mabey heal. then have these characters go to black mage and learn magic attack up(matk up). once this is done you should have a lvl 4 wizard+ and a lvl 4 mage + for both of the characters. then make them the other to classes u need to become calculators(time mage lvl3, and oracle lvl3). now u have your calculators. since calculators are very slow u will want to get walk jp. and in battles kill of all but one monster and have the 2 calcs hit each other if they get low hel them. do this till u have enough jp to master the class. now that u have mastered calculator switch them to black mages. and secondary skill calculator. since the calculation skill uses no sp u can use any spell learned(except summons) freely and with speed. dont forget to equip the matk up skill on them. it is a very time consuming process but well worth it. if u do this before the flash back is over u are literally unstopable till u get to velius, and the marquie.

as for who u should bring it all depends on how your characters are set up. just go with your strongest characters

thanks A LOT! at the fight right after Yugou woods or this strat still work good after velius?? oh, and what if my charcs have low mp right now?? all the charcs im using are ramza, my super strong geomancer(tat came from a chemist) and mustadio and agrias....the other 2 generic charcs i kinda gave up on....although i might but my 76 brave and 74 faith guy back....

Scorcher2k can u clearify tat ninja thing?
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Dec 2, 2001
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well after velius the monsters start doing alot of dmg so its best to try to get the calcs as soon as u can. but ya that one guy had avery good setup with the lancer/samuri combo.

i dunno i personally get my characters very high lvl early in the game. and u should be atleast lvl 50 before going after velius. i say 50 because u will have alot easier time
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Dec 8, 2002
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1m4 0wn y0 455 said:
well after velius the monsters start doing alot of dmg so its best to try to get the calcs as soon as u can. but ya that one guy had avery good setup with the lancer/samuri combo.

i dunno i personally get my characters very high lvl early in the game. and u should be atleast lvl 50 before going after velius. i say 50 because u will have alot easier time
OHOHOH, one BIIIIIG quesion (and a small one)

1.) how do u get a calc, and what are the advantages?

2.) im at the place where kill malak for the second time (b4 velius and that guy) and i was wondering, since i want to get Genji Equipment for Cloud later on, and i was wondering, oh great and powerful gamer-1m4 Own y0 455, what is the EASIEST tatic to gain every piece without dieing?

my hp range is between 200-300 (ramza as a squire has 398 with flame shield)

oh, EDIT! do u steal the Genji Equipment in the fight after velius, or later on in the game?!?!?!?

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Oct 2, 2002
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Too much writing for my lazy ass to read, but I read the first post, and I'll throw in my 2 cents about the three games.

Cloud=Tidus? Um, no. Cloud is like Squall: they're both dark, dismal jerk type people that don't talk a lot but are still the heroes and get the girl.

Tidus is more like Zidane from FF9: very positive and upbeat attitudes, jokesters, etc. In a word they have a hell of a lot more personality than Cloud or Squall. Though people tend to like the silent folk more.

Tifa isn't like Lulu. For one: Lulu is a very dark, brooding person (but still good). Tifa isn't exactly happy-go-lucky or whatever, but she's still relatively positive.

Rikku= Yuffie. Yes. Small, happy thief girl. Done.

Kimahri is silent like Vincent, but they're different in the sense that Kimahri is just a guy who's completely and utterly devoted to protecting Yuna. Like a guardian angel if you wanna call it that. That's basically his personality. Vincent is just... mysterious.

Aeris= Yuna. Basically, yeah.

Sephiroth= Jecht? I think FFX did a good job seperating Jecht and his relationship to Tidus from everything else. He's not that much like Sephiroth. Overall I think FFX had the best depth in plot, and character personality depth/development. Makes sense, since it's the latest really.

FF7-10 are all just Guy meets Girl, Girl can summon, in the end the guy must kill some super evil person who's trying to destroy the world. That's actually pretty vague, which is why Square can pump out FF's over and over and havem still seem different, yet the same, and cool in that way.

Tom Cruise? Robin Williams? Erm, no comment.
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Dec 3, 2002
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BlackVashAngel said:
OHOHOH, one BIIIIIG quesion (and a small one)

1.) how do u get a calc, and what are the advantages?

2.) im at the place where kill malak for the second time (b4 velius and that guy) and i was wondering, since i want to get Genji Equipment for Cloud later on, and i was wondering, oh great and powerful gamer-1m4 Own y0 455, what is the EASIEST tatic to gain every piece without dieing?

my hp range is between 200-300 (ramza as a squire has 398 with flame shield)

oh, EDIT! do u steal the Genji Equipment in the fight after velius, or later on in the game?!?!?!?


Oh god the Genji equipment was such a pain, you have to steal it from that vampire guy that kinda looks like sephiroth. Its a pretty tough fight.. remember to get Ultima with Ramza while your there though.
Overall, youll NEED a good time mage with stop/slow/haste to have any chance at stealing it, because it takes a very long time.

Course I havent played the game in years so, I THINK thats the guy you steal it from :\
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Dec 8, 2002
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Ryuma said:
Oh god the Genji equipment was such a pain, you have to steal it from that vampire guy that kinda looks like sephiroth. Its a pretty tough fight.. remember to get Ultima with Ramza while your there though.
Overall, youll NEED a good time mage with stop/slow/haste to have any chance at stealing it, because it takes a very long time.

Course I havent played the game in years so, I THINK thats the guy you steal it from :\ is it AFTER the fight with Velius or the fight in chap. 4?!
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Dec 2, 2001
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well after u fight velius u fight the marquis and the assasins, i would suggest doing it in the chappel because if raffa dies its game over on the rooftop.

the requirements for a calculator are lvl4 black mage, lvl4 priest, lvl3 time mage, lvl3 oracle.

the advantages come after u master the calculator.

advantages are instant cast, no mp usage, and u have access to all time mage, blackmage, oracle, priest skills u have learned.

there also one very big advantage the calc skill can cast from anywhere. one u get the hang of how to use the skills u can kill all enemys in 1 move if you are lucky
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Dec 8, 2002
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1m4 0wn y0 455 said:
well after u fight velius u fight the marquis and the assasins, i would suggest doing it in the chappel because if raffa dies its game over on the rooftop.

the requirements for a calculator are lvl4 black mage, lvl4 priest, lvl3 time mage, lvl3 oracle.

the advantages come after u master the calculator.

advantages are instant cast, no mp usage, and u have access to all time mage, blackmage, oracle, priest skills u have learned.

there also one very big advantage the calc skill can cast from anywhere. one u get the hang of how to use the skills u can kill all enemys in 1 move if you are lucky
so what u mean by 'chappel' is that its in chapter 4 battle with him? or the battle right after Velius?

AWE gonna fight velius i can't get calc's until chappie 4....
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Dec 17, 2001
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One of the best ways to steal it from Marqueis Elmador(k) is to use a chemist with all knights skill and speed break him t'ill he get one attack every 10 moves like i did :p..also best way to keep rafa alive is to have everyone focus on one assassian(the one with the lowest HP) and hit her t'ill she drops..this will end the battle and allow you to run away...also if you want the best summon you must have a summoner get hit with it to learn it (much in the same way you learn Ultima)...not to mention for a calculator i like making him use Petrify :p takes out half the enemy if you do it the right way...
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Jan 25, 2003
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Mr. Satan said:
Mr. Satan's FF Opinion(s):

Final Fantasy 3/6 > Final Fantasy 8 > Final Fantasy 7 > Final Fantasy T > Final Fantasy 2 (US) > Final Fantasy 9 > Final Fantasy 10 | And ALL Final Fantasies are 100000x better than MYSTIC QUEST
OMG Satan I love must be the only other person in the world than myself who thinks 3/6 is the best FF ever. I feel sorry for you chumps who are too young to remember the glory days of the SNES.....

If they remade FF3/6 with fancy 3D graphics and all that it would be the best selling game ever. Period.
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Dec 8, 2002
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Abe Froman said:
OMG Satan I love must be the only other person in the world than myself who thinks 3/6 is the best FF ever. I feel sorry for you chumps who are too young to remember the glory days of the SNES.....

If they remade FF3/6 with fancy 3D graphics and all that it would be the best selling game ever. Period.
err....what about Final Fantasy VII, eh?

lol, IMO, THAT's the best RPG ever.......although i never tried ff3/6........what is the game like anyways? like, plot wise, weapon wise, etc.
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Dec 3, 2002
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err....what about Final Fantasy VII, eh?

lol, IMO, THAT's the best RPG ever.......although i never tried ff3/6........what is the game like anyways? like, plot wise, weapon wise, etc.

Far better than FF7 for sure. :smile:

I wouldnt call it as "deep" as FF7, but I thought it was better in so many ways.

1) More characters
2) Every character can have the best magic (Not limited to Materia)
3) You can customize stat growth via Espers (My Cyan was a beast with 2 sky renders and Offering)
4) Many more weapons and armor
5) Cyan
6) 16-bit goodness
7) Kefka was the best FF villian, just listen to his laugh and his theme.
8) Good story

cant think of any more right now.. sorry :scared:

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