Dixing Adv. Melee idea

New Member
Mar 30, 2002
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Dixing posted an idea that I thought was top tier, it might be just all eye candy but it's really good "eye candy" and I don't think it would take much coding. The animations, the knockback/push code, the teleport is already there, it would just be put in advance melee. And before the other thread gets closed, I want to post it here so it won't get completely ignored.

Well here is a shortened outline of his idea and stuff I added.

(Adv. Melee)
1. Add a push/knockback to medium/hard DDR hits, small hits stay like they are now.(For combos)

2. Add autoteleport or autoswoop for the attacker that is still continuing his sequence on the push/knockback player. (example: p1 hits p2 with a hard random kick up, p1 then autoteleport instantly up behind p2 and hits p2 back down (p1's sequence was a Hard hit up DDR/then Hard hit down DDR)

3. The DDR speed stays the same (or faster), but the push/knockback and teleport animations are fast to keep up with the sequence.

4. If the knockback/push sends a player flying into a wall (or even another player), you could either have the sequence completely end like it does now, or you could make them bounce hard of the wall and the attacker continues the sequence.. (The first choice sounds fair and easier to add, but the second is more dynamic...You decide....)

5. The dodging is the same as now with DDR, but after a player is hit and pushed/knockback, if they put in the correct DDR they just recover and normally dodge the next attack... (The animations are all really fast looking though, so it all looks fluid)

There might be some stuff I forgot that could be added or changed but, Its basically the same thing as now just with more flavor and style, and it looks more dynamic. Also it will make the map you fight on much more important. (You will have to be VERY aware of your surroundings, even more than now.)

This idea in all likelihood will get ignored but, I wanted to give it as much chance to be noticed as possible.
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
ita already getting changed in 1.3 to stamina based and the animations will be redone.

Allthough i kindof like what you typed
New Member
Apr 1, 2004
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hey manontherun thanks for supporting my idea, I kind of gave up on it myself since I thought nobody will read it but it seems u did.
I have to say that I think this idea is quite simple, or at least a part of it, what I wanted to suggest was simply 2 basic things-

knockback- after a medium/hard attack the attacked player will get thrown a couple of meters away depending on the strength of the punch/kick and the attacker will then fly closer to him to continue his combo!

combo directions- I feel that the arrows on the attacks should mean more then just something random that u need to defend from, I think that if u land a medium/hard hit on someone and its the last hit of the combo the attacked player should be sent flying in the direction u made the punch/kick, its absurd u will land a hard kick in the down direction and the player will just get shot straight away from you, instead I think he should be smacked down, or if u punch someone with the up direction he should be sent flying up from you.

now if u take my 2 suggestions together I think it would be very very nice, u punch someone and he gets knocked back a few meters then u fly into him and knee him to the air.

I have to admit this isnt really a suggestion to improve gameplay which btw I think is fine the way it is, its more eyecandy so all the people who feel ESF is "boring" will get more excitement of the melee battles and also it will make ESF resemble dbz more :)

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