Bomb iraq !


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Aug 26, 2002
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its not all iraq to blame, they have alot of civis who didn't do naything besides follow what sadam says.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Im gonna add my 2 cents on our..."predicament" so flame if u need to

I personally think Bush is a war hungry person, and this fight is gonna be no desert storm i think either, I believe this time we arent going to have ass easy a time as we did last time in the Middle East, since Saddam has had over a decade to figure out what hit him, I am not saying I lost faith in America or that we cant take them out, we are just gonna have to put some effor tin this one, it seems like the 60's now, young people sent overseas with their women crying and all that fancy stuff, hell lets just have anotehr Woodstock!(damn hendrix is dead oh well)
but as most other countries think, we are a country that is full of ourselves(and yes we have the right to be) ou r success rate is so high in combat is because the last war fought on American soil was the Civil War! before all the technology that is around now, we are feared because we have the bombs.
the scary thing is that we dont know what we'd do if we had a fight on our soil,(probably win, but we never no, we cant launch a nuke on our soil, but i think we would hold out on whoever would attack us, if anyone dared to)
but a scary thing is that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, they had a plan to attack the west coast of the mainland, and if they did( Ive read this somewhere and it had a bunch of other stuff on it) they would have taken us by so much surprise, we would have been captured up to Chicago! WHOA!O_O Half the country taken by Japanese! that wouldnt be cool! thats why i just hope Bush doesnt do more harm than good.

For those of you who think i am stupid and wish to flame me, feel free to at any time:D
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Jun 9, 2002
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rofl its funny, but i do not agree with attacking iraq, but i'm too lazy to write my reasons
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Nov 15, 2002
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I don't think we should bomb Iraq because we don't have the right too. We are allowed by constitution to attack the Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, but we are not allowed by constitution to attack Saddam Hussein. I do believe he should be assassinated, but we shouldn't do war. He has not attacked us. And though he has broken an agreement that he made with us, it's still not right. How would we like it if Saddam did exactly to us what we're doing to him? One word. Protest. Thank you for listening to me.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
i just think we should imply something since we did find 12 warheads
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Jan 20, 2003
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Its one of the stupidest ideas ive heard of, assanaite saddam, just cause and eveb bigger war and they would not hessitate to blow some stuff up in america, there would only be one country to blam(take a guess) and that would cause a massive milatairy strike from both sides, iraq would propbally blow half of america up with all that crap saddam is hiding in the back seat of his car.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
EXACTLY, and there are otehr countries out there that I would think we should also not piss off,(CHINA!) so we should imply a small force or settle it in a game of chess;D

but some of the mid east hates sadddam, maybe theyd take us out maybe they wouldnt
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Jan 20, 2003
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China is allied why would we attack them? why would they attack us?


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
china isnt necessarily an ally i would say,id say we like them as much as Russia likes us
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Nov 25, 2001
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Well what choice do we have? It is get them or they get us. I may not agree with some of it. but there is little options to be done. and right now they think we are a big bluff and we will not lay a hand. I guess what i am saying is that. War is nasty no matter how you look at it. We lost alot of people already. If we would have helped the others who asked for help with terror then maybe none of this would have happen. So live and learn. Now we learn and we attack
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Dec 29, 2002
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War On Iraq is just a cover up, its a wag-the-dog type thing that G.W. Bush is doing. In other words to cover how ****ty of a president he is , he wants to make war as a distraction. dont get me started on how stupid Bush is. He would still be a redneck in texas if his dad wasnt president years ago.

Anyway **** you people who say bomb Iraq. Yea wow you are really cool you like to blow up and kill innocent women and children. This is something I don't condone.

And if you think the fact that UN inspectors found "weapons of mass distruction" is a good reason dont start a war. You are very wrong. who the **** do you think gave Iraq this technology in the first place? US did! they gave Iraq weapons to fight and win in the war Iraq vs. Iran (which iraq did win but just bearly) and now they say Iraq cant have any weapons of mass destruction. Why? Many other countries have worse weapons. There is only 1 country that sopports war against Iraq and that is USA, the rest of the world isnt stupid and they know its a bad idea, if they do have war I can almost be sure that more bad than good will come out of it.
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Jan 9, 2003
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Anyone who knows George Bush knows that he is planning to colonize (yes, occupy and colonize) Iraq for its oil. Iraq shouldn't be our major target, but they are right in the crosshairs for two reasons:

1.) Oil
2.) They can't really put up a fight.

If we were actually following this rediculous "save the world" rhetoric that Bush is promoting we would be attacking North Korea, but we wont (at least not without everyone backing our ass). North Korea has no oil and they have firepower, and nobody wants to deal with that.

The real culprit here is America, and I don't mean that to flame the flag. Ever since America created the nation of Isreal and moved military troops in to protect our "allies" people have tried to stop us. There wasn't an issue of terrorism before 1947 or whenever we created the country. Terrorists aren't out to destroy the world, they just want us to pull the hell out of Isreal, and I'm all for it. So what if we are a Christian nation? We can lose one province to save countless lives from the clenches of terrorism. Or I guess we could just blow up anyone that threatens to drop a bomb on us... we need to screw our heads on straight and start thinking smarter. War wont fix a damn thing, it'll just cost us more money.
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Jan 10, 2003
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(I need a little smiley that is pinching the bridge of its nose and sighing coz that's what I'm doing now.)

Making war is one thing, but you stupid **** for brains mother ****ers don't have enough respect for the sheer ****ing power of a nuke!!!! Dumb asses. ;( *sigh*;/ Look, I'm not against a limited war, but the dip ****s of this generation don't know **** about ****ing nuclear warheads. First, in terms of them nuking us: unless they do a terrorist run and sneak it into the US they aren't going to get it very far from their country before our anit-nuke defense system knocks it down(yes despite rumors it has been built, do you seriously think that something that important wouldn't be, in spite of the objections of other countries?). Second of all this generation of this country doesn't have any respect for nuclear warheads....HELL, a lot of people in this forum don't have enough respect for these weapons!:\ Can I tell you how many times I hear people slinging the term "nuke them"(or something to that effect) around? I'm sure if I could I would be even more pissed off than I am now. Alot of people talk about dropping nukes like it ain't nothing! Young Americans make nukes sound like hankerchiffs. This generation needs to see the full power of a nuke and give it the grim respect it deserves.

Let the young jack asses just look at a nuclear explosion in the middle of an unpopulated part of the great plains, then we'll see how many of them remain bloodthirsty. I personally think that the more bloodthirsty amonst us should be the ones to set off a nuke...standing right next to it! And hell, I'll even be there myself just to be spared from the dishonor of my own hypocrisy. You ****ing ****-headed blood-thirsty idiots don't have a God-damn idea what you are talking about when it comes to bombs and turning major landmasses into lakes. ****ing dip-****s.
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Nov 26, 2001
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nice use of the english language. Never have i wished i was german more in my life

But i know what ur talkin about. A nuke is not some petty little explosion that only effects what happens near us. My mom got boils when the reactor in Russia blew up. I mean it is not a litttle thing. Radiation and Nukes are serious.
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Dec 7, 2001
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Can't we just bomb saddam and bush? :p Would be much nicer that way :p


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