Bid For Power

New Member
Nov 22, 2002
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I wasnt tryin to be a mod i wasj us j/k around jesus christ you people are uptight :\ lus i dont see the big deal with tryin to help anyways

Person#1: yea lol
Person#1: hehe
Person#1: aha
Person#2: stop posting jsu click edit man
Person#1: oh sorry
Mod:Omg do that again ur banned stop doing that theres a thread saying that you cant do anything to help the forums l0ser n00b
Person#2: sorry for tryin to help
Mod: well next time jus try to remember helping the forums unless your a mod that doesnt do anything is not allowd

that about sums it up ;/
New Member
Dec 29, 2002
Best answers
Well sorry about the triple posting i did it to bump my thread up so some one could answer me question which still hasnt been answered I went to the site and there is nothing about DBZ models on the BFP site, I dont feel like making an account for their forums either , so then I searched google and didnt find anything usefull just links to ppl askin for DBZ models not any real help

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