102 Years In Jail For Posting UnderAge PICs

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Oct 21, 2003
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Sure, why not? We are saying he deserves harsh punishment, even some of us think he deserves death, but i personally think thats a little harsh. I think he deserves 15 years, with lots and lots of community service. I dont think he deserves 102 years for some child porn, its not like he killed someone. but what he did was pretty sick so i dont care what happens to him, maybe he will get casterrated and 50 years in prison XD.


Not so far as to cut it off but to have an injection that makes it impossible for purposes other than a release of bodily waste.
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Oct 21, 2003
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That would suck, sounds good to me.

[puts on gloves and checks needle for bubbles....]

[yup theres some bubbles, ah...who cares?]



Leave the bubbles in there - see how they like pain for the rest of their life.
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Dec 1, 2001
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KyoKusanagi said:
Leave the bubbles in there - see how they like pain for the rest of their life.
Umm guys, get back on topic, or this thread WILL have a legit reason to get closed.
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Nov 10, 2002
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Well... I think the justice system in america is a little harsh... Even theives can get up to like 22yrs im prison or something... What if that theif was like the biggest harmless person on earth? Al he wanted was money but not to physically hurt anyone right? Why should he be punished for song long if hese the biggest sour puss to walk the sands?

I dont get it. I mean porn is porn even if its of the wrong kind 102yrs is really harsh... They should make it like a short period of time + therapy for all criminals so that maybe they will have a change in their way of thinking and they could be released earlier.
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Jun 2, 2002
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Well i have a story about this topic that i would like to discuss. my mother works with alot of doctors, and one of the doctors she works for has a 19 year old son (i dont know his name so lets call him "Pepe"). One day Pepe was alone in his home surfing for porn. when like 10 or more pop-ups poped up. a few of them has child porn so Pepe tried to delete the windows as fast as he could. after that he turned of his PC and went to sleep. in the morning there where 2 squad cars in his front lawn. They started to search the pcs until they found some child porn pics in Pepe's PC. Now hes spending around 10-20 years in jail because of a mistake. (my mother told me this so i explained it just like she did. she may have streched the truth, but she has been known to tell the truth.)

EDIT:people that surf for porn should be extreamly carefull from now on. just because of a pop-up you could spend half of your life in jail.
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Nov 24, 2001
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G-Gear#666 said:
They should make it like a short period of time + therapy for all criminals so that maybe they will have a change in their way of thinking and they could be released earlier.
thats what a parole is
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Nov 10, 2002
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Thats what a parole is AFTERWARDS. Then you gotta talk over almost everything you do with your parole officer. Its annoying. If Im ever let out of jail im leaving the country ASAP... :p


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Aug 26, 2002
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Chitenga said:
Well i have a story about this topic that i would like to discuss. my mother works with alot of doctors, and one of the doctors she works for has a 19 year old son (i dont know his name so lets call him "Pepe"). One day Pepe was alone in his home surfing for porn. when like 10 or more pop-ups poped up. a few of them has child porn so Pepe tried to delete the windows as fast as he could. after that he turned of his PC and went to sleep. in the morning there where 2 squad cars in his front lawn. They started to search the pcs until they found some child porn pics in Pepe's PC. Now hes spending around 10-20 years in jail because of a mistake. (my mother told me this so i explained it just like she did. she may have streched the truth, but she has been known to tell the truth.)

EDIT:people that surf for porn should be extreamly carefull from now on. just because of a pop-up you could spend half of your life in jail.
Life's a *****. I do think it is unfair, but it is his story, he can't prove all it was, was a popup. If that were all, I doubt he'd be in jail for the next 10-20 years.
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
Child predators deserve neither mercy nor consideration. It's sad when someone who wasn't actually involved in a crime is convicted for it, but having known many small children (nephews and cousins) and being an expectant father myself, I know that I would prefer that these animals spend time in jail rather than in my neigborhood.
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May 30, 2003
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I can't believe this is a debatable issue. The man is a pervert, and is harmful to society. It has been proven time and time again that once pedophile, always a pedophile. Even if the guy was a graduate he knew what he was doing is wrong, and should be punished to the full extent of the law in his state.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Chitenga said:
Well i have a story about this topic that i would like to discuss. my mother works with alot of doctors, and one of the doctors she works for has a 19 year old son (i dont know his name so lets call him "Pepe"). One day Pepe was alone in his home surfing for porn. when like 10 or more pop-ups poped up. a few of them has child porn so Pepe tried to delete the windows as fast as he could. after that he turned of his PC and went to sleep. in the morning there where 2 squad cars in his front lawn. They started to search the pcs until they found some child porn pics in Pepe's PC. Now hes spending around 10-20 years in jail because of a mistake. (my mother told me this so i explained it just like she did. she may have streched the truth, but she has been known to tell the truth.)

EDIT:people that surf for porn should be extreamly carefull from now on. just because of a pop-up you could spend half of your life in jail.
Heh I can almost guarentee you that's bull****. I don't know how much time you can get in jail for posessing child pornography, but I have a feeling it scales with the amount you have on your computer, as well as whether or not you were distributing it to people. I also have no idea what kind of websites you have to be on to get child pornography popups (probably child porn websites), because I've never seen one. Anyway, I don't think you can be arrested for cache in your temporary internet folder, although it isn't inconcievable, because you voluntarily "posess" it. If you intentionally download something or save a picture, you are now in posession, which is illegal. Presumably if you are using a sharing program like kazaa, that could be considered sharing and distribution, which could land you much more prison time.

Anyway, details aside, if he was 19, and it was his first offense, and it was only some pop-ups in his internet cache there's no way he could be in jail for 10 years. Now, if they searched his computer and found a whole bunch of pictures, that's a different story entirely. Owning child porn is bad, whether you have a "mental problem" or not, and it can get you arrested if it is traced (I'm positive there are websites out there hosted by the government that trace IPs), so don't mess with it.
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May 12, 2004
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The loser that made this thread is like, be safe, dont get caught for your child porn. HELLOOOOOOO!!! WE AINT PERVERTS LIKE YOU WHO ARE INTO CHILDREN!
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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I think if you actually use your eyes and read a little bit you'd realize that he wasn't the one that created the ad, he was just showing it to us so we could understand what he was talking about. He just did it in a really stupid way.
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Nov 29, 2002
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Seriously though, this is an email spam advert...it's a fabrication. They are all fabrications, trying to sell someone a product.
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Oct 21, 2003
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I bet there FBI tracers ^_^. I bet some idiot here actually downloaded one.

Ok, so you where charged with possesion and distribution of child poragraphy.How do you pleade?


Ok then lets do this the hard way. Bring in the defendants personal computer system...... thank you baylif. Ok, now lets see what we got here. hmm...kiddies, kiddies and ermm...kiddies. oh! and look a free coupon for a free Ps2 game with a purchase of, hmm...child porn. Geez, i thought i was gonna get me a copy of GTA:VC. Well, because i didn't get my Free copy of GTA:VC, i find you guilty of possesion and distrubution of child porography.

"OH GOD! PLEASE NO! I can get you that GTA:VC!"


"I got one right here, one sec (hmm...lets see, kiddys gone wild, playwomen, backdoor kiddys 9....) OH! HERE IT IS!"

OMG! Thank you sir, ermmm....i rule in favor of the defendent, incocent. [OH YEA!]

Yup, then i would push the button under my desk that sends sick pervs to hell :devgrin:.
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Jun 9, 2002
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I dont think you guys realise that this thread was actually an advertisement. So what if you can get put in jail, all you guys saw the thread after the advertising links were removed.

Closed. Debating restoring warning. Contact me if you wish to discuss this further.

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