
  1. imkongkong

    who is in charge of video game distribution?

    what exactly are the rules for video games? who is in charge of video game distribution, for the content, etc.
  2. Grundig29

    Video Compression

    What types of software are good for video compressing? Thanks
  3. DJ-Ready

    [Video] [S2k] - ESF Pro Action 1

    Hey ... a while ago me and some friends from the clan decided to take a video of ESF at its full glory (actually it was like 3 months ago -.-) :D Now I finally cut together the source files we recorded during the session and made a nice video out of it :) (yay .. 17gb more free space again...
  4. D

    My first Sony vegas 6.0 video (a bleach amv) leave a comment this time wil ya? O_o
  5. Spunky

    World of Warcraft VIDEO Thread!

    The thread below gave me this idea. Because, frankly, screenshots are boring. I said I would post a pic of my Shaman, but then said "Why post a pic, when I can post a video?". So this thread is as the title implies, go ahead and post your WoW videos. But the rules are: - The videos have to be...
  6. Kama

    Video Game Pianist I'm pretty sure he's old news. I was just wondering if someone could name the songs he is playing? I know a few of them but can't place the others and it's bugging me. More specifically, the song at 45 seconds in. Anyone know?
  7. M

    Ipod Video

    Is there a software download that can turn my 20g Ipod photo into a video or would i actually have to go buy the new one?
  8. B

    Funny Video Game Quotes...

    post some funny quotes you've gotten while playing video games i read this one today, some kid was complaining about something, then laughing at them. You know trolls, those blathering little kids that post on game forums pissing and moaning about some imaginary controversy they drum up...
  9. JDeezNutz

    Sleep Over Pranks!... Take II (5 video clips)

    Hello again fellow forum pet monkahs! This is the last sleep over before my mum got back from her holiday. It was a blast over the past 2 weeks. Enjoy the clips =) CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE
  10. Chakra-X

    Video Games on PC

    Frequently, a video game made for a console will be made for a computer as well (i.e GTA: San Andreas. Sonic Heroes) and vice versa (i.e Half-life, The Sims). Why would someone want to buy a game that is for a console but play it on their computer? This is sole opinion for me and that is...
  11. Jugo

    My pc freezes when watching a video

    I need help. whenever i watch a video on any player, any video. My pc freezes after a couple of minutes/seconds.. it happens all the time. How can i fix this ? if its possible..? ;/
  12. 009

    new video release... Char' Introducing...

    Its a video which introduce you for all the chars in esf... for more info or if you wanna download it click on link >> Link For Video << Should i post this in "newbie central" or here ? o_o
  13. D

    Video games path

    Hellooooo, I don't really hang out in this section much, I just read what your posting most of the time, but I have a question really, and I'll start out with talking a little bit about myself. I'm 18 years old, and in about 2 years or so I'll be heading to Arizona for Video Game Design college...
  14. E

    New ROSAT video on ESF-w

    ROSAT video + SSJ2 It looks awsome -.- Btw, is the aura model already changed or? Btw, which song that is? I wanna dl it -.-
  15. L

    My First Music Video D:

    Didn't come out the way I wanted it to.. but kinda close.. - Not Anymore.rar Warning, This Video contain's coarse language. :warning:
  16. Tsunami

    Chinese farmers in video games get owned.....

    China blocks online gamers from playing for more than 3 consecutive hours By Faye Wang Shanghai. August 23. INTERFAX-CHINA - The Chinese Government unveiled a new system Tuesday to prevent individuals from playing online games for more than three consecutive hours, which must be...
  17. Mr. Satans

    Video Card Problem

    Just recently (about 1 hour ago) I started getting a problem with this game I love called "Battlezone II" and BAM, I got an error I tried uninstalling/reinstalling n all that fun stuff, but as I thought, it still didn't work. So, I went and ran DXDiag and... Direct3D 7 test results...
  18. Kaination

    F.E.A.R. Music Video

    Yes, I made this. It's my first music video, but everyone that i've shown said they've LOVED it. It's straight action, and to heavy metal :yes: BTW, it might contain spoilers ;0
  19. D

    Video Cards

    Im looking to buy a video card,what card should i get though cuz there are so many.Im looking for somthing made by radeon or nvidia,but i need somthing that will at least support pixel shading.on the site i have been browsing but im not exactly sure.So can someone help me out?
  20. Volosity

    My 1st Anime Music Video!!!! I just made this in about 30 min :D i like it hehe any 1 know where eles i can host it? that 1 doesn't last for too long :( 6.69 MB and the Movie is The return of Fusion, Song: Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You...
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