
  1. Zero12

    Hello people

    Hi the names Zero12 and i love me some esf and half life you will remember me as vegetafan or something forgot that account well i got half life by steam ;) and now i will use it with the right way i will now play some esf now lol and i will respect the rules nicely and the right way yes i like...
  2. A

    hmmmzz nicely done or Cliché

    :shocked: o_o THIS is WAAAY off topic.. o_o :shocked: I just had to post it anyway :devil: I have to edit a little bit to make some sort of glow coming of me also
  3. DiebytheSword

    Meh, some new stuff because I haven't been in here in a while.

    These are the first peices of art someone paid me to make for them. Woo hoo. I haven't done anything lately but these, but I plan on attacking my scetch pad soon. En garde! *adding them in a moment, couldn't attach to forum* I don't watch Yugioh, so I did use reference pics for...
  4. Nuttzy

    i am boredom;s hostage =(, heres a WIP tapion

    <object id="MS3DViewerCtl" width="400" height="400" classid="CLSID:59131903-4A33-40D5-80C2-5242DD365AB3" codebase=",0,0,6"> <PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536"> <PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="16007"> <PARAM...
  5. TehMuffinMan

    mr satan... shadow... tetsuo... RELEASE!!!

    RAH! *does a little dance* yes, talked to spin, got the mutha's uploaded, so here ya go! MR SATAN >>>HERE<<< TETSUO >>>HERE<<< SHADOW >>>HERE<<< brief details to keep ya intersted. Mr satan uses all his weapons, has custom sounds, and just looks good :P Tetsuo...
  6. ultrassj_vegeta

    new 3d abstract

    c and c if poss.. thnx :) laterz -jez edit:.. and before other people start commenting on the text... its a logo i put there :D... its like my tag or something... yeah i think thats the right word?... thnx
  7. Froggo

    Third Wallpaper :D

    Heres my Third one, I know its empty becouse i like it that way and with the icons it wont be so empty. Its mostly made for you .hack//SIGN fans out there
  8. P

    Zereth's Place

    Alright, A webpage I made.. I used: Photoshop/Image Ready/Notepad [Link] (Link don't work yet. Only a test.)
  9. V

    ***Setsuna (ESF/TS) Released***

    Far (really far^^) from perfection^^ but still fun… Mirrors largely appreciated
  10. S

    "The Death of Hamtaro" the life of a hamster

    another picture from my friend
  11. Ryoko

    A Final Fantasy 9 wallpaper

    I made a new wallpaper! And it isn't of Ryoko o_o What do you guys think?
  12. Ryoko

    Collaboration colouring

    Well, I finally finished the cg of The Noodlers Selphie Tilmitt picture. Took me a while too ;_; Original drawing can be found here
  13. E

    New Layout, what ya think?

    Hey guys, Ive been kinda busy, but yesterday I whipped up this new design, what do you guys think?
  14. Hawki_ice

    Dragon Ball Ng Issue 2

    i love doin this!! DRAGON BALL NG ISSUE 2 IS DONE YIPPIE Go read it! *edit (for the noddy's who dont know what a linked image is )
  15. Marauder

    Copter wip

    like the name of the thread says... thats 3 min's of work, ill put some more effort into it... made it again, to show ppl that not everything is random, but im sure that someone *cauhg*imsotalkingaboutsparrrightnow*caugh* will still go and say: WHY DIDNT U MAKE ANY DRIVER SEETS , OMG IT...
  16. S

    Sig + Wallpaper

    Ive made my first sig and wallpaper with 3dsmax, just click my sig to view the wallpaper, CnC pleez :)
  17. VivaLaPineapple

    soon to be the ultimate animation these are my character concepts. its going to be counter strike animation but with alot more action then most cs movies. i made myself a character which is the one on the right. well what u guys think? its all drawin in flash 5
  18. E

    Buu WPaper

    for the hell of it
  19. DragonDude

    ESF_Moon Coming Along Nicely

    Alright, I have started my first map I actually plan on releasing. Progress is begining. It's still got a long way to go, but I'm going to keep you guys updated with screenshots as I finish it. Don't expect too much from me, but I need some work out there so I can call myself a...
  20. Saiya-jin Jin

    Asking nicely for Pro's to help on a private server

    Please all players who play this game... mod... would u teach sum of us?
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