
  1. -Dark Shadow-

    Help me!!! I really need help!

    ok i made this ssj2 goku and tried to test it i got it as a mdl file and then put it in the right folder and when i loaded the game up then chose my chracter goku and then it just says like mod_brush then says my file of my model then says the version number like 846431343 something like that...
  2. -Dark Shadow-

    how do you make your model a mdl file?

    i have milkshape and have made models and want to test it but i don't know how to turn it into a mdl file anyone PLEASE help!
  3. -Dark Shadow-

    In milkshape how do i delete seperate things?

    well i am on milkshape and uploaded evil buu and when i did it had all the things there and was trying out something cos i delted the cape and then i was wondering how to delete like JUST the gloves NOT the OTHER THINGS AROUND IT which is JOINT up with... can someone tell me how to delete...
  4. Y

    short hair mdl

    sorry nitro Cooler didnt told me
  5. -Dark Shadow-


    where do you get it from and is it to make models?
  6. B


    How do u make the mdl cpmpare the size of esf beta modelS? tell me how to re-amanate model
  7. G

    aura change

    how do i have to chance the color of gohans aura
  8. Kman3252

    How do you make a milkshape file a .mld file?

    How do you make a milkshape file a .mdl file? How do you make a milkshape file a .mdl file?
  9. StriKe!

    Vegeta ssj3?:)

    This model belongs to Kreshi, the skin too!!! i just made some minor changes (if you see the skinpacks, you can see wot i reskinned lol). I know the hair isn't correct, but ssj3 Veggie doesn't excist but, i thought it looked funny:). I dont have a site so i cant really post it:D But, like...
  10. D

    must learn

    Can some one help me learn how to skin?
  11. R

    First Question ever, maybe a stupid one, but try to help me anyway, PLEASE

    How can i import the models of ESF into 3D studio max? If you can do that, it's much easier to change the models then starting from Scratch! Thx for the help, grtz RavensAngel
  12. A


    guys ... can any1 be kind enough to recolor the battle damaged gohan's hair to make it look black ? so he will have a regular form and a transform ;/ i will be greatfull and many others that im sure that they want the same thing
  13. K


    How do i switch models i go into my esf folder then model then player then i took ou ssj goku mdl the put in ssj3 goku mdl but when i transformed i went to normal sayin not ssj or ssj3 PLEASE HELP
  14. D

    i need a little help

    okay i use milkshape and i decompiled the gohan mdl an imported the gohan.cmd and edited and saved but then in game i see no changes so plz help
  15. S

    MREQ: Cell Saga Caped Gohan

    Could someone make a gohan model with the piccolo-ish cape he wore during the cell games? just take that editd gohan model that gives him more hair and such (or jut the defualt one) and take off the cape of S-Bolt-- 's piccolo remodel and put it on the edited or defualt gohan. Thats all im...
  16. SSJ n00b

    model skin

    how to make models and skins;D
  17. S

    How do I edit .mdl files?

    I don't know what to open them with... what do I use?
  18. S

    Where Do i put the MDL to try it on the game?

    In WIch Directory
  19. C

    Redundant: .MDL compiling

    HOW?!!?!?!? HOW?!!?!?!? WHERE'S THE MAGIC PILL TO COMPILE .MDL FILES?!?!?! WHERE'S THE SECRET CODE, THE EXE, THE OBSCURE RUMOR, THE BACKWATER SITE WITH THE ANSWER?!?!?! <table style=filter:glow(color=blue, strength=#+1)>...
  20. D

    how can i get it back to .mdl

    Hi u guys i am trying to edit skins and models from esf, but now im stuck. look i made from the .mdl in milkshape a .smd but now my model is finisht and i want to compile it back in .mdl but how?? sorry for my bad english but if anyone could help me i be thanking you ;D
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