
  1. N

    Maps, Maps, Maps

    ;( ;( ;( wheni try to join a server, all the servers have new maps,,,where do i go to get 'em? cheers p.s. am i the only brit to actually play this? p.p.s. Gr8 mot
  2. Ranma

    Are some maps the same in beta?

    Sorry if this has been asked/told, but will any of the maps in alpha be in beta, or are you making new ones. Also if they'll be some old ones, will they be changed to look better when transfering over to beta? I know your making new maps for beta (right?) but i'm just seeing if the old ones...
  3. W

    question 'bout the new lookout map

    will the new kami's lookout have a hyperbolic time chamber in it? you know, like the one swisscheese made? that would be sweet...
  4. dudeman

    idea: mapping contest

    hi all i heard that there are not so many maps in the beta yet, i think it would be nice to do a mapping contest, that every mapper can make a map and the one who makes the best, wins, gets a test version of the beta, optimizes his map to it, and the map gets in the beta.. plz esf...
  5. V

    Alternate Background, lovely!

    I've been annoyed by esf_namek_3's background so I changed it. Check it out. I might even release it to the public. Doubtful though. <MRA> esf_namek_3 alternate background -VideoGamerJ
  6. MrMasj

    Esf_Tournament Prosses Status

    I did find out thats it was time to post a new post in here this will send information about how the Esf_Tournament Beta projekt is working new ideas are welcome for the map projekt. The map you will se pics from arent the lastest versíon and are printed in the Esf Alpha version the map scale...
  7. E

    Namek map info!

    Okay here it is guys... I am making a totaly new type of Namek map... First there is a map with/out any water in it as some requested.. then a map with water... I need to know if you guys want one or the other or Both? the maps will include 30+ new textures to make landscape look...
  8. I

    Maps Request

    Can Whoever Has Almost Every Map Can u name Maps In Which U Can Destroy Mountains or Building or Maybe Little Planets????
  9. S

    You want a TOTALLY destructable map??

    you only have to wait until tomorrow, or monday...
  10. Big Bang Attack

    That Time Camber Map

    THAT TIME CAMBER MAP it ROCKS like hell and i want to play it so bad but SHOULDNT the sky just be white like in the show... ALthough i love it like that and i guess the white makes it hard to see
  11. S

    Bigger maps

    yo there most be realy big maps thats a lot fun.
  12. V

    Models and skins

    :devil: Hi ihr esforces hersteller! Wo kriege ich models und maps für esforces her? Schreibt mir bitte die seite auf meine e-mail adresse auf!! [email protected] Ps:Cooles Game
  13. LaMM

    ESF Configurations???

    I'm new to mapping but i already made a few maps but just for half-life. I wanted to create them for ESF but I have got no idea on how to configure Worldcraft or Hammer. Could someone help me on how to configure Valve (and I'd prefer some screenies of your configuration plz!!) Thnx for your...
  14. dudeman

    Landscape V 1.0

    hey guys, i released 5 maps in a mappack called Landscape V1.0 the maps are: -esf_desert -esf_hill -esf_mountains -esf_river -esf_ugly esf_ugly is the most ugly map since the creation of half life!! i added it for fun... download the mappack HERE or download it at...
  15. dudeman

    New Map!!!!

    hey guys, i just made a new map... check it out! DOWNLOAD IT HERE!! it's a bunch of mountains, a few lakes, some trees..o_o i hope to see people playing this map on internet... ow and note: this map is better in the beta cuz then the size of it will rox!!
  16. N

    Maps for download??? where???

    LIke the topic mentions is their any place to download maps
  17. D


    HI, i am new to making maps, and i would like to know if you guys can help me out just a little. Thanks:)
  18. Emeka650


    To make a map what will I need and what will it cost.Because I would love to make maps for a mod.I dont really need what I need.Just the cost.
  19. Majin Vegeta 05

    how big

    how big are the new maps?
  20. V

    My Model

    Here is a link to one of my web sites. On it are pics of the model i am currently working on, my first model ever mind you. And of the map i am working on but i cant compile it. The map is alittle bit better done than the model because I have been making maps for like 5 years. So check them out...
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