Originally posted by esf_STRYKER
haha actually VIDEOGAMER] that is the sky map I was given by someone to use on the namek map.. although I dont remember who it was but the sky was kinda messed up because it had some issues with certain sides being in the worng place and upsidedown so I didn't use it.
Just thought u should know... ohh and if that is a fixed version of the sky i would like it if you can seeing as how i dont know how to make skymaps and i need one for namek!
send it to [email protected]
Well, I saw no bugs on the background, it looks lovely, and I like it 10x better than the "Morning" default sky. However the only way I got it to work was by replacing the "Morning" background with the "Namek" background in Pak0 located in C:/Sierra/Half-Life/Valve. Wally was very unstable at replacing these files due to the size of Pak0. Even for my Athlon XP 2000 256 DDR RAM to handle. Anyway enough talk, I'll send it, I just wanted to let you know of that. Good luck on all work for the Beta, my best regards to the staff and their hard work and devotion. ~_^