
  1. Styles


    Could someone run me down on Krillins transformations?
  2. I

    Remove Krillin? Add more bad guys?

    I was just thinking, eventually there will be level 3 super saiyans and such powerful characters that little krillin will be easily surpassed. I'm not trying to dis Krillin, but I don't think it would be that kool to keep him as he has no natural transformations. There should be more bad...
  3. T

    Krillin is cool

    I want to get this game so I can play as Krillin but I haven't seen a krillin skin yet and I need to update my computer first. How much money would it cost to get all new good stuff for my computer?
  4. H

    krillin question

    is he human?
  5. H

    *suggestion* new krillin trans

    how about insted of him getting hair you have it a different way... insted how about he gets some armor... like in freeza saga example... 1stage reg freeza saga krillin... 2stage black armor krillin...3stage black armor white glove white boot krillin (mabye extra add on gloves and boots glow)...
  6. E


    How u gonna make the Krillin's transformation?Huh? I don't have seen Krillin transformation number 2 in the film. PS:sorry for my english ;)
  7. B

    Krillin's PL

    Ok i just wanna know how in the world are yall gonna make krillin have a chance against ssj3s(goku)?
  8. T

    Krillin Followbeam,

    heya, first post here but i been following this mod for agggggeess, first and foremost keep up the good work. not sure if its already been posted but i was reading harsens dev journal and hes looking for the name of krillins follow attack he uses on the saibaman, its called the Kakusan-Ha...
  9. D

    My krilin skin!

    Hi, I'm not new here or anything..... I've been with the oldest of the team. Before they were even esforces, they were power-up. Well anyhow wanted to know if anyone could give me lesson or 2 on how to do the clothing.... and yes i know about . This is what i've done...
  10. E

    Krillin Model

    800 polys, WIP, plz critisize....its my 4th character model
  11. Tien

    Whos Stronger? Tien or Krillin? first go here and then vote it is no doubt in my mind that hes more powerful theres too much proof..and still people deny it because Krillin is a more popular and enjoyable character which ****es me off
  12. Chimpbot

    Work in Progress on behalf of SS_Vegeta!

    Hey guys....SS_Vegeta's working on a Kid Buu model...he wanted me to post his pics....remember, this is a work in progress.. Enjoy: He knows of some of the problems..such as the length of the arms and neck.. Anything new would be useful.
  13. thor


    three weeks ago we had a new map ever couple of days i havent seen a new map in a while weres all the mappers gone?
  14. D

    Bout the Tree of might map

    seeming as there are gaps between the roots will they be black floor or a hole? cause if its a hole people will use them to hide in, and to drop out of PS into. Great map though
  15. thor

    Help with gohan and krillin

    when i select either krillin or gohan the character dosnt load i get a grey coloured model with no detail on it so i daownload some new models for those characters and replaced there mdl file and it still came got just as a grey coloured model can any help.
  16. L

    Models for Gohan and Krillin

    I think, there were models for Krillin and Gohan in the SSJ 5.0 Script Version. You can get the models, when you install the SSJ 5.0 Script and then you go into the file esforces/models/ and there are all models, for SSJ Goku, SSJ Vegeta, MAJIN Vegeta, SSJ Gohan(but without yellow hairs!!!?????)...
  17. NightShade


    i know a bug with krillin. hit secondary attack to charge your disk, you can then charge or block while charging it, once the disk is done charging you can then move about at the half speed "normal when you charge a disk" while powering up or blocking. so i can block and move at the same...
  18. B


    I was wondering, everyone in ESF will have 2 transformations i was wondering wat will krillin's be will he become the older one when he has hair like a Fan or wat? Some input please. BrunO
  19. G

    Gohan and Krillins Speed!

    Have you noticed that Gohan and Krillin are the slowest people in the game! I think that since they are smaller they should be faster. Also in the show Gohan is faster than most of the characters.
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