
  1. SSj Goten

    Chibi Trunks

    Here is the most commonly wanted model ChibiTrunks!..... u can edit it if u want just send me the model back to my email or my aim Credits:Original Gohan Maker: 35% Original Trunks Maker: 35% LiL_Gohan:35%
  2. T

    ahhhh help plz!!!

    any 1 know of a site for tutorials for noob modelers cuz i wanna make some models and get into it >_< i got the prog but dunno wat to do lol
  3. Warbandit

    Copyin Animations

    Well how do i copy animations and put them into a model WITHOUT milkshape? I need to copy the cell anim. and put it into another cell model. Please HELP!!!!!! ppppllllllllllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee!!!!!!! :cry: :cry:
  4. Emeka650

    EFH Gotenks

  5. D

    Where can i get milkshape?

    Does anyone know where i can get milkshape or like a demo of it? thanx.
  6. T

    a moving aura?

    is there a way that they could make a moving aura...or will that create to many lag problems. but they could make it user only or somethin plz respond to this i wanna hear all sides :laff:
  7. G

    My Models 2

    <TABLE style=filter:glow(color=darkred, strength=#+1)>Ok guys if you want to see my MODELS you dont have to sign up just go to and put on User Name: Dark_Serpentine Password:landau91 please dont edit just go to the photo albums and check my models they are the 3D ones with...
  8. CyroTek

    help with an animation

    well i reanimate the final flash, but how long I the animation make it doesn´t matter,it always ends at the same point, any ideas how to fix it??
  9. Bryggz

    I made ussj brolly's hair, give comments

    hey guys i love brolly but honestly im sick of seeing all the crap hair on the brolly models, and since im trying to make saiyans looks the best they can i been workin on hair, and thanks to mr smos advice i took a crack at brollys, give crits click here
  10. B

    Brolly model

    This is a model form dmz that i converted to work with esf... this isnt my model or skin.. I just converted it... Model: Evil Chimp Skin: Metro-tek :( *The infamous Metro-tek edited this post to stop the spaming... Thx@metro :)
  11. AscendantSaiyan

    Hmmm i tired to model...

    Right this is the first thing i have ever modeled and i was wondering what you think? Not as how good a goku head it is but more as how good do you think it is for a first try. (this is the reason i didnt post it in the modeling section). <img...
  12. L

    Rate This

    I worked on it last night when i was bored lol. rate it not my best but i'nm at school and have nothing better to do
  13. MinesSkylineR34

    a quick photoshop question

    help me out on something in photoshop, for example if you just want the part of the picture that has the whole character, how do you take it out?! the lasso tool isnt very dependable :\
  14. CyroTek

    question about poly limit

    i maked a model, well and i get it a lil bit too detailed, it´s about 2900, now my question, will it still work in esf?? or are there any bad effects, when it´s so high??
  15. LaMM


    I made a new map, i found it very difficult cuz it was the first time i used a hull file and it caused some problems but ive worked that all out. This map is meant to have a competition, like some 1 on 1 fights. it contains an arena + an area where you can stand an watch the fight or something...
  16. B

    check out dis

    check out dis
  17. Mistery X

    Azn's new car?

    check what I recieved from Azn him self..
  18. HyperSaiyaman


    Is it possible to make a chubby janemba and the other janemba? it can be replace it for fat buu, cuz janemba has mouth blast. well if you have an idea or wanna make a suggestion well put it here im a rookie by modeling but ill try to make them.
  19. S


    Cant soemone do a Sonic model to replace kururin or Goku or something like that he already got a great transformation
  20. C

    CaSe SeNsItIvE - Artwork Topic

    Right, after posting lots on the DMZ forums, ive decided to do one here.... For starters, heres my Deviantart Profile Here you will find lots of my new and old stuff Here are some of the best sigs that i have done...
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