
  1. T

    Aura Pack

    i just put a little aura pack together and it has the defult aura in it and 4 other different auras. you can download it here.
  2. Kama

    My Rendition of NeD's Vegetto

    Well I took some time to see what I could do, this is my first skin besides a few reskins, and before anyone asks keeping in NeD's favour this model is not up for download.
  3. S

    Ssj3 Goku!?!?!?!

    Where do i find a very good ssj3 goku model not that one from red saiyan please if u know any other good ssj3 goku models please give me the download link and a pic fo it to if u can please!
  4. Z

    im sorry im sorry im sorry

    i forgot to give crits i thacht i gave m on my site i forgot sorry every one :scared: i hope i didnt ofend anny one with my c17 model and yes its origanaly an trunks in vegetas armer so crits to brollman atleas it think he made it and pro stfu you ****face you cant even model that good if you...
  5. E

    sounds of dbz

    hi all a little question. someone know where i can download the sounds of dbz? i mean like where gohan first time be ssj in room of ghost and spirit. goku fire a kamehameha on him he remember on old time. and the sound on background i mean. someone know?
  6. L

    Im Done!!

    i just finished the head i wash modeling... can i email it to someone so they can post it for me plz? i wanna get feed back on it cause its my first model
  7. Escobar

    My First Web Attempt

    Like the title says... its still WIP (specially tha main banner) , im also thinking of getting rid of dose affects on d side's but tell me wot joo fink...
  8. RedSaiya

    Mystic Gohan

    Someone can make a mystic gohan that replace the real gohan?
  9. D

    Cell model Request..

    Im not the one to make requests... But does anyone else think that the cell model blows? I mean when he jumps he is all squiggly.. dude the model just sucks... I need someone or a new Cell to replace it please.. New anims too ..
  10. T

    Trunks vs. robo freeza

    somebody should make a map where trunks fights robo freeza at his spaceship make it so you could go inside the ship, that would be awesome is somebody could!
  11. Z

    quake 3

    i need mapping tutorails for q3 and modling tutorails for q3 who can help me out ?
  12. H

    Good Goku Models?

    Can anyone show me some good Goku models? I need a normal and SSJ, or SSJ2 and SSJ3, something like that, the ones I have now suck, and actually, any good models that replace Goku would be nice too. (and yes, I know there is a request thread, I don't want to post there and wait ages for...
  13. Logan4434

    ssj script?

    ok i tried to get it on RS but the link is down.couls someone gimme a link to it?(yes i know you dont need it for beta but i like to play alpha and it would be nice)PLZZZZ
  14. K

    Editing Model Animations

    I'm just fooling around with ESF. Making new sprites for goku's attacks, and giving goku a beard and cuts on his face and such. However, I don't know how to edit the animations like I've seen some people do. Can someone help me with this?
  15. Z

    need for modlers and mappers ($)

    hy i need some good modlers im making a rpg kind of game with all the dbz poeple in it i need good modlers animators and mappers for q3 ( its on the same engine) (if your models are realy good and so on you wil ofcourse get $ ) anny one up fore the chalenge :rolleyes: p.s you may not...
  16. S

    Devoted Half-Life Modellers Needed!

    LaZer Half-Life wants YOU! We need a devoted Modeller/Skinner/Amimator to help make LaZer happen! LaZer is basically a Laser Tag mod for Half-Life, and not one member of it's dedicated team wants to see it die, in fact, they aren't even recognizing it as a possibility. Only 2 models are...
  17. T

    Android_C17 Model

    Just like to see if anyone has or can make a Android_C17 model. Maybe it could replace Trunks. Seeing how Trunks is a big meleer and Android_C17 is good at fighting without beams, And when he does you beams its not alot. Which would make him perfect for replaceing Trunks.
  18. B

    Gohan Ssj2 Help

    I have make an new modle (no only the head is from bfp!!!!) and i had problems with compile it with the bones ! Need help!!!
  19. S

    Dakd plz read!

    Dakd have u relised your android 17 yet?? because i have been looking for a long time plz msg me to tell me if u have or not or if some one can tell me if there is one already out ! thx
  20. Z

    wariors of destiny

    hy im making a game and want some modlers animators for it info: the game is mostly going to be a rpg style game with quests and stuff its a dbz game but the chars look a litle difrent and going to have another name (so funamation cant suw us hehe) its goig to be a stand alone based on the...
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