
  1. X

    ESF Freezes when I try to RUN it ;(

    When I hit Go! on the Expert Run menu It goes into ESF and gets to Building Server then it says it is loading the SKY textures and it freezes there, but it also say that it cannont find the commandmenu.txt. If anyone knows what I did wrong plz respond :D or PM me if it is easier.
  2. G

    Half Life PC Game

    Is the a specail kind of halflife game to get in order to play this mod or do i need the original or what someone please explain.....
  3. S

    if only i had a scanner....

    then u could really c this drawing at its best.... ill try to scan it with the help of a friend with a scanner....but for now... btw, im not posting the real pic cause i want ur comments first. then ill post it. promise, just be honest http://www.geocities.com/s_t_s_om/DSC00013.JPG
  4. C

    Maya from 3dsmax

    Ive chosen to switch to maya before i get too comfortable with 3dsmax. So far i like it alot better but i havent seen alot of mention on useing it to model for esf. As i have not taken any of my models to the finished state im not sure what is entaled..... Long story short... Is it...
  5. R


    Ok I am wondering if you can use Bryce5 or other versions to make maps, and if so what program could I transfer the files to so I could make them into functional maps? Or if its just possible to make maps through this program. Oh by the way, Bryce is a program were you can design 3D...
  6. M

    Milkshape 3D

    can anyone tell me how to use that stupid milkshape 3D, because I want to create a model (for half-life of course), but i can't get it. I dont know how to give my model textures, form and so on. I'm gettin mad!!! :cry: :fight: :\ :p :shocked: O_O please reply on...
  7. Q

    Video logos

    This is a logo that I made for myself that is put into videos that I help with. Usually I just do some odd 3D work like make a title or something but atleast this gives me a way to pimp the **** i do Check it out here (2.5mb) http://home.cogeco.ca/~pkeen/logo.avi and for anyone that is...
  8. E

    A Drawing

  9. G


    is there a site to gets esf prefabs? cause i need a kamis lookout, but cant find one, and oh and a rounded house like gokus and capsule corp too pleeeeasssee!
  10. G

    NEED MODS. Full version of ESF?

    need some mods, if anyone can tell me a good site thanx. And does anybody know when the new ESF comes out?

    this request is interesting...but hard 2 do

    i was wanderin if some 1 who knows who Crono is.....could u make a model of him?if u can i ask that u r really good at modelin and could i make him have his sword?well if u can do it i ask u PLEASE do and post it here 2 k.well tell me if u can do it it might take some time but so did all the...
  12. B


    Can any one help me to get the new skins working for beta 1.00 PLEASE :cry:
  13. G

    Kid Buu Skin

    I made a kid buu model about 4 days ago, I liked the model and tried to get it skinned, it was not that bad but I am looking for a better skin. I am looking for a skinner to skin this model. There are pictures at http://ljdajd.tripod.com Another thing this is a completely different model than...
  14. CyroTek

    question about psp7

    i´ve got a little prob, cause always i save a bmp skin in psp, and import it in half-Life model viewer, he say´s could not load bmp texture, and then i open it in paint and save it as 256colour, but then i lose some colours, what should i do? i´ve got no idea, sorry for my english, please...
  15. Q

    New Sig

    well I figured it was time to make a new sig.......this is what I came up with There are three different versions, tell me which ones you like best And of course comments and crits all always welcome
  16. H

    Ssj3 Goku "model"

    Well...this took me a total of an hour and a half...figuring out the damn joints alone >_< Me a modeler for two years and still never bothering to animate is rather pitiful(Although I did quit modeling) Anyway, to the subject at hand. I took an existing animated model (Azn's Mystic Gohan...
  17. Z

    Where can i get these things?

    can anyone tell me where i can get skin creators or general tools to create things for esf
  18. A

    how do i make a milkshape file a mdl file

    i have made a model that i will post here, but i need to know how i export it as a mdl file for the game? plz help me thanks you
  19. R

    Beta 1.1 Half Models

    This is an idea I had concerning the half models they are introducing into beta 1.1 when people are hit with disks. Well lets say buu ,for example, gets hit by a disk. In the show when he gets cut in half he doesnt die he just regenrates. Perhaps they could introduce a system where the disks...
  20. NeLo

    SSJ6 Goku??

    ok wtf happened to my model topic?? I was gone for like 2 hours and 2 pages of flames popped up and prof was banned. What the hell went wrong?? My topic got locked b4 i could get back on topic. Damn that was a BIG war. I know this is gonna get locked but all i ask is for a reason y did my topic...
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