
  1. Wuying Ren

    Vegeta with jacked

    I finished my absolutly first model. Its my first so I only mixed two original models. (its just a model edit not a new model)
  2. TehMuffinMan

    >>>frieza saga goku!!!<<<<<

    thats right, here he is, goku! copy the images into your browser to see the wonder! www.angelfire.com/apes/kick_ass/gokufront.jpg www.angelfire.com/apes/kick_ass/gokuback.jpg and what youve been waiting for, The file!!! www.angelfire.com/apes/kick_ass/goku.mdl hope u enjoy it. and if u...
  3. Eclipse

    how to Edit ESF?

    i've seen a lot of new skin being put out for current ESF models....how would i go about making my own? i've never used the HL engine before, so it's new to me, anyone wanna help? or got a link to a nice tut?
  4. Wuying Ren

    Milkshape question

    Is it possible to import an esf model and edit it ?
  5. VorteX

    animated GIF

    how do i show animated .GIF files? i have them on a web page but when i post them they dont move.. how do u get them to move?
  6. Wuying Ren

    Two model requests

    Can anyome try to make a ssj4 Gogeta and/or a Oob/Uub model ?
  7. |Da|K|

    Hello can you guys help me...

    ok can some one plz tell me how u make them look sooo good like the battel damaged vegeta how do u make it look so real and stuff thx.. :devil:
  8. B


    hi again :D I have DECOMPILED SSJ Vegeta now I want to know how I open SSJ Vegeta Plz tell me.
  9. S

    Reskin of ssjgoku

    i editted the original skin from the ssjgoku model that comes with esf, lookie what i made (i did NOT make this model nor the skin, i only editted it)
  10. G

    Edits to Fat Buu and Goku

    THe first one I just made Buu grin a little. I thought that would make his face look alot better. Second is the back of Goku with King Kai's emblem on the back. The third one is just regular Goku, just showing that it is Goku in the flesh! These are the original models of ESF, and i...
  11. Marauder

    Help me?

    Well i have lots of pictures that i wanna make sig out of em, but im not that talented, i wonderd if some1 could help me take 1 of those pictures and put my name on it and edit it abit
  12. M

    Esf Majin Vegeta !!SKIN!!

    I have edited the origonal esf vegeta skin to be majin vegeta cos hes coo :P heres some pics :P and here is the model file. NOTE! I DID NOT MAKE THIS MODEL!!. I ONLY EDITED THE SKIN DOWNLOAD MODEL HERE
  13. S

    turtorial for head modeling?

    hi all im trying to modell again but i need a head turtorial. are there some turtorials for it? plz if there is give me the link or something SaiyaMan * Edit * Help me!!!!!!!!!!! Someone.......... Anyone............. PLZ!!!!
  14. T

    Newest Skin give comments..... *WIP*

    yea i was bored as hell and i thought hey! why not skin a face... so i did it i know it needs work but it took me about 45 mins.... tell me what u guy think.... *EDIT* i fixed the mouth ill post pics later!
  15. Hash

    Backround Help

    I'm currently making a new sig with Raziel, from Soul Reaver. And I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips, or idea's for what I could do for a backround. I'm asking because I wanna try and make this look real good, (well in my eyes anyways) and I can never produce a good backround...
  16. T

    Learning Body Anatomy

    well i was doing this took me about 15 mins... im learning a structur of a human body a real one not dbz... im trying to get my models more relistic... well tell your thoughts..... *edit* the skintone is off since of the gif convert..
  17. suicidal_maniac

    My first WP in a long time!!!

    Well, its been a while since I made a WP so I decided to try it again. Its still a WIP, since I know it needs something Ijust cant figure out what..... Anyway, here it is Overwhelming WIP *edit* Hmm.... I guess I sacrificed to much quality for size, so just imagine the same thing in...
  18. owa

    New Sig.

    Hey, Well I got around to making a new sig. It is simple I agree but I like it. Not my best work IMO but still I think I'm improving Tell me what ya think.
  19. owa

    Photoshop 7 Help!

    Hey, Well I'm tryign to make a character thing like the one for Red sayin (well not liek it my own made up character just somthing like SPiN| Created) you lal know what I'm talking about right? its I guess you could say Redsayin's Mascot :p But ok I wanna know if there is a way to make a...
  20. owa

    Sig thing or ya whatever...

    Hey, Well I made a sig I kinda like it I'm just trying some new style and stuff just practicing you know I'm sitll a n00b and I suck and I dun care. tell me what you ugys tihnk :)
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