
  1. ultrassj_vegeta

    new sig...

    err... i quickly like just made this new sig.. i dun really like my sigs.. they look like crappp ....ahh!!.... wat u think of this one??... shud i use this instead??.. or is this just crap... edit: i thot this one was like less clustered.. like my current one... so yeh.. goodness thru...
  2. imkongkong

    splash screen, need hosting

    i made a splash screen, i was wondering if someone could host it, i'll send to you whoever wants to see it, i pretty much like it :p its in the stars in space with a pic of earth and some of the z fighters, you know, earth's special forces, pic of earth, umm yea
  3. E

    small taste of namek map and i mean small heh!

    my avatar will now be the small way of showing my progress on my current map project.. here is namek to the left.
  4. GhostfaceKillah

    Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE help!!

    hey, im kinda new to sig makin and i was readin some tutorials on how to make custom patterns and whatnot. it says u hafta got to Edit>Define Pattern, but in my version of photoshop, it doesnt have anything about patterns, i tried searchin the help about custom patterns but i cudent find...
  5. D


    HI, i am new to making maps, and i would like to know if you guys can help me out just a little. Thanks:)
  6. N

    Hey, I got a question

    Is it possible for someone to make a mesh and save it so stupid people like me don't have to try and make one? I'd like to try my hand in skinning cuz im fairly gud with 2d GFX, but I'm having a ***** of a time mapping out the skin :(
  7. V3g3t@


    can someone give me tutorials to make dbz models and skins please i dont know how to use milkshape 3D greetz V3g3t@
  8. R

    Too many modifiers! (Skin help)

    I'm skinnig, using 3ds max 4... Okay after I set one uvwmap and a uvw unwrap, you have edit save etcetc... I'm sure you would want to save it right? as the uvw for that part... also... After I'm done skinning something I have about a bagillion modifiers! Such as edit mesh, edit mesh, edit...
  9. B

    Even More Car Photo Manips

    Well i decided to do a little more car photomanipulation, this one has got the most extensive reworking of the cars body that i have attempted yet and i think it turned out very well comments and critz welcome. My Edit:- Original:- BrunO
  10. Synth

    SSJ Script 5.5

    I currently got 5.1, and i was wondering if any knew where any mirrors are. the redsaiyan site is down and i can't find a site that has it.
  11. S

    Skin help

    does anyone know where i can learn to skin and what programs to skin with. *EDIT* And I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me where to find learning stuff on makeing game maps and then putting textures on them.
  12. S

    Can someone make me a Kick *edit* Piccolo model!

    Can someone make me a Piccolo model like one with his training armor like the one under my name or even better. I can even put it on my webpage which will be models, maps, auras, and beams that ppl can dl. *Don't circumvent the anti-cuss* *Cucumba!*
  13. M

    wc help

    WorldCraft 3.3 Help needed!!!! I'm having the map not found on server problem again even when there are no errors on my map what do i do to fix?? *edit any helpers ?!?!
  14. fatmanterror

    Model Edits

    here are alot of edited/new models that ive made/edited/got from DBZ Piccolo To the Models
  15. 4xMega-Saiyajin

    Ok guys who can createGOKU4 ???

    I hope Vassago will answer me cuz i ever trie to get an answer from him ;)
  16. Antoine3323

    SSJ3 Goku

    Anyone wanna make one?? That'd be tight!!! Cuz, Ive already attempted and it turned out horribly!! LOL
  17. T

    SSJ4 Goku Skin Edit

    what do you guys think
  18. Darkness

    My first model edit

    first try took half an hour i know its nothing special but what are your honest opinions remember its my first one Just goto http://www.faceparty.com/member_zoom.asp?uid=141496&img=387823&member=darklikeone
  19. Hibiki


    here is yet another ssj goku... this is my first model edit so shut up 16..... :P ps the reason the hair looks kind of funky is because i didnt add any new polys..
  20. Akhkaru

    Making a .MS3D file a .MDL

    How do you make a milkshape model file a Half-Life model?
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