Recent content by Vegeta's RAGE

  1. V

    SO? What's up?

    I was wondering if anyone could give some info on what's holding up the release of the new update. That's it. Thanks...... ~RAGE
  2. V

    The Spirt Bomb

    I think people would have more fun BS'ing and PS'ing huge beams n things rather than getting their arse whooped in melee. Dammit now I'm gonna have to install freakin half-life again so I can see the level of sexiness this 1.1 beta has. ~RAGE
  3. V

    I Hate When This Happens...

    Its quirk :)
  4. V

    FOR PEOPLE WITH Error: Could not find WAD

    Actually no man it aint about the settings. Cuz i loaded your settings and it still can't find WAD unless I change it manually. I think it may be worldcraft so :no: :no: ;( to your post. ~RAGE
  5. V

    FOR PEOPLE WITH Error: Could not find WAD

    LOL Man this is my first map and and I've gone thru some major shizzle. Still figuring out how to get damn lights to work. Trying to make an ok replica of something from the show is pretty difficult... ~RAGE
  6. V

    FOR PEOPLE WITH Error: Could not find WAD

    Ok I think I have found soemthing here... If you use Worldcraft\Hammer to make your map and you export the .RMF to .MAP . For some reason when you export the .MAP file it doesnt include the WAD file Hard drive Directory name, Ex. C:/ D:/. To fix this all you have to do is open your exported .MAP...
  7. V

    Map Making Help!

    ey matt dont worry about that error i have the same thing in mine it does it all the time. My game internet games work fine.. dont worry abbad it :) ~RAGE
  8. V


    HOTT DAM! thats a nice map ya got there I love the effect where if you leave the dome you start to suffocate ;) ~RAGE
  9. V

    Mao Problems

    I dont kno if this will help but here goes. You can only view one camera at a time. All you have to do is hold Shift + CTRL and left click where you want the cam to be, you can also hold the left click when making a camera and choose in which direction the camera is looking (indicated by red...
  10. V

    Mao Problems

    I dont kno if this will help but here goes. You can only view one camera at a time. All you have to do is hold Shift + CTRL and left click where you want the cam to be, you can also hold the left click when making a camera and choose in which direction the camera is looking (indicated by red...
  11. V

    With all the new stuff

    Please GOD!!! NO MAJIN!!!!!! M3 W4n7 SUP3r V3g3T4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~RAGE
  12. V

    OK Major map n00b H3r3

    HEH Thanks for clearing that up. ~RAGE
  13. V

    OK Major map n00b H3r3

    K thanks. Right now im just gettin comfy wit this prog makin boxes n messin with them n shizzle. Now with the views where it says like: side x/z , top x/y etc. Now When I see x/y axis I assume im looking at a side but it says top. So what im trying to get at here if the x/y says TOP does that...
  14. V

    OK Major map n00b H3r3

    OK so like how do I start a map do I make a box, make it hollow and work from there inside it? or do I use a Certain amount of space on the bottom of the x,y,z, axis? Also do you use that whole space for the map (I'm talkin all the way zoomed out). Or is there like a general size for an ESF map...
  15. V


    k3Wl thanks for replying ... ~RAGE
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