Why Dislike DBZ

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Mar 23, 2002
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dbz was the ****... the hell are you people saying

everyone here watched dbz... every single soul in this forum has watched dbz and liked it.. SHHHHHHHHHHHH i know this is true
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Feb 23, 2002
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I won't go as far to say that I hate DBZ, because as it's already been mentioned, DBZ is one of the founding fathers of anime itself. I'll admit that without DBZ, anime wouldn't be where it is today. But now that it is today, I must say that I don't find DBZ very entertaining.

My main gripe with DBZ, is that compared with other anime, it has virtually no character development or plotline. The only stuff I can consider even half decent is everything up until the end of the frieza saga, and that still isn't that good. I'll admit it had some pretty cool fight scenes, especially later on in the series when the animation was way better, but when these fight scenes are spaced out by 40 episodes where the character repeats himself non-stop about who knows what, it really loses your interest fairly quickly.

I consider DBZ as a Sub-Par anime to todays standards. But we must of course remind ourselves that this is to todays standards and that the show is over ten years old. So really for it's time, DBZ was exceptional, it brought something to the table nothing had ever brought before. But that was then, and this is now. When pitted against other anime, the fact is that the others give the viewer a significantly more entertaining experience than DBZ will ever give.
Mar 27, 2004
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hmm only reason i dont like dbgt is because they stfed up the story line from dbz.... mainly the only thing is that Gohan was meant to have gone past the use for ssj yet he goes ssj in dbgt and also Goku being very small is annoying and Vegeta looks like a pansy :p
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May 7, 2003
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Smokin'. I'd say Alea hit it right on the damn doornail. So finely laid out, and just so right. I've never seen ANYONE summarize ANYTHING that well before.

Regardless of how much I dislike you, I owe you my gratitude.
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Apr 2, 2004
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Kagome said:
Bad Things About Gt
Master Roshi is still alive
that because he drunk the exlir of inmortality from his pet pheonx before it died of the tainted bird seed (dragon ball manga vol 1 tale 4) . i means that he can die but he lives 4ever. i don't hate DBZ i just don't like what those S***s at fundimation did to it. cuts and the lines "i can sense his power" when it should be "i can sense his Ki"
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Apr 18, 2003
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Why GT Sucked
1: Dumb Fights
2: Goku is the only one who could make a difference the others play no big roles except for Pan who is more comic relief than an actual character
3: Much of the story is is ripped from dragonball ( looks at black star dragonball saga )
4: Enemy's that were new all looked retarted
5: Ridicilous SSJ4 stage ( common a red haired saiyan ...retarted...)
6: Fan Made ( nuff said )

And after GT became a flop and it is a flop Akira never gave out the rights ever again , but DBZ should have ended at Cell ( Buu Saga was retarted ), o yeah and if you do not like the long talks in DBZ then read the Manga's , there better then the Anime anyday
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Jan 14, 2004
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MyStiX said:
dbz was the ****... the hell are you people saying

everyone here watched dbz... every single soul in this forum has watched dbz and liked it.. SHHHHHHHHHHHH i know this is true

lol yea i guess ur right, i watched it even when i disliked it..but i guess everyone is right in the above post, it is a respected anime.
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Apr 21, 2003
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SailorAlea said:
The problem with these people is that 90% of everybody believes that DragonBallZ "came out" when the anime started airing in the US.

DragonBallZ ENDED in early 1996. 8 years ago was when the Buu season -ended.-

DragonBallZ and Sailor Moon are the only animes (Well, besides Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko chan) that a gigantic % of the population watched.

Anime isn't mainstream in Japan, most people don't watch it. Most people read manga, though.

Anyway, the point is--DBZ and Sailormoon, while not as highly revered today, at least in the US, set the stage for almost every anime you sit here smirking and consider to be "better."

Almost every energy attack you see in any anime, is emulated after what Toriyama Akira envisioned.

People who say it's a "recycled plot" and it's "repetitive," they definitely were not at the time. DBZ and SM had the biggest anime followings in Japan's history (again, besides Sazae-san and Chibi Maruko-chan, which aren't really anime--they're just animated shows).

DBZ was fresh, it was new, and people were excited to see every episode.

That's why it's respected, even though by TODAY's standards, the plot-type is old.

People compare Naruto to DBZ all the time. What sense does that make? Naruto is less than two years old. DBZ came out more than 10 YEARS ago, more then half of most of your lifetimes.

There's no reason to HATE DBZ, because even if you don't like it as much as some other animes, you can be sure if it's an action anime it took example in many ways from DBZ.

Sorry for rambling, but I hope at least one more person understands why DBZ, while not the best anime, should be respected nonetheless.

Thankz for Summarizing That up Now i Understand Fully :]
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May 16, 2004
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I dont see how people can compare nartuo to dbz anyway if they know its much older, i mean im a big fan of Inuyasha, but i do go around comparing 10 year old shows to it even if i dont like dbz, the main thing everyone was comparing here is dbz and dbgt, maybe people find it weird that u can like something like gt better than what show it originated from, i dont see whats wrong with that.
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Apr 9, 2003
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Kagome said:
I dont see how people can compare nartuo to dbz anyway if they know its much older, i mean im a big fan of Inuyasha, but i do go around comparing 10 year old shows to it even if i dont like dbz, the main thing everyone was comparing here is dbz and dbgt, maybe people find it weird that u can like something like gt better than what show it originated from, i dont see whats wrong with that.

Thats pretty much true, because i prefere the new Ninja Turtles over the olds ones or i like WWF before it changed to WWE and broght ecw and wcw invasion and stuff or need a better example,but yet i bet i would get flamed for that as well or either called and idiot on account of oppion, nice summary by he way alea.
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Mar 6, 2004
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Well... i still see DBZ today actually :) and i simply love it... if it wasn't for DBZ i would never have seen this game or ever seen animes... I think DBZ is repetive yes, BUT i kinda like that, i dont think its a bad thing that a battle can last for 20-30 episodes! thats what makes it all so excited :D tho i hate when theres only talk in an episode like the "No Worries Here" episode where u only see Goku and Gohan catching fishes before the great Cell tournament, thats one of the worst episodes ever...

I dont think the saga should have ended at Freiza or Cell... i REALLY much like the Buu saga because they are SOOO strong at that time... and the Fusion is just UBER!!! :) Well the "WOAW HES THE STRONGEST FIGHTER IN THE UNIVERS" and then in next episode u get the same comment again from the same person (usually Krillin LOL what an idiot) thats kinda lame, they should have removed atleast some of those comments... well i really like the Powerups too... looks good and i am always happy to see when someone has powered up and suddenly become really strong and kicks the others ass :D

well i cant really see why people thinks DB is better than DBZ... DB is all comic and it doesn't fit into the DB univers at all...!!! I simply hate Animes that is based on comics...!

And i REALLY DONT!!! understand why people thinks Naruto or Cowboy Bihop thingy is alot better than DBZ... Naruto is very odd :S very hard to folllow a person in a fight when they use those jenjutsi powers :S cus suddenly theres a tree hugging the enemy and then the enemy gets out and now the good guy is hugged by the tree (thinking of episode 81) wird stuff man :S and Cowboy Bihop is really boring cus theres no magically about it... and the main character is SOOOO UGLY!!! hes looking like an 80 year old man!.. and i dont understand the story at all...

just call me wird, but i think DBZ Rules the day!

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Jan 6, 2002
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Hash said:
My main gripe with DBZ, is that compared with other anime, it has virtually no character development or plotline. The only stuff I can consider even half decent is everything up until the end of the frieza saga, and that still isn't that good. I'll admit it had some pretty cool fight scenes, especially later on in the series when the animation was way better, but when these fight scenes are spaced out by 40 episodes where the character repeats himself non-stop about who knows what, it really loses your interest fairly quickly.
Here's something that people seem to be endlessly ignorant of..

DBZ was a sequel. o_O

Not just that, it was a sequel to a long running series. So the reason that Goku, Krillen, Yamcha, and most of the cast didn't show any great development was because they had developed in the first series. New characters such as Vegeta, Gohan and to a lesser extent Piccolo did evolve over the course of the series. DBZ was originally meant to be centered around Gohan, or so I've heard, but over time it seemed to be more about that transformation that Vegeta underwent from bad guy to good guy. As far as new characters went, there was a decent amount of development.

DBGT on the other hand mutilated almost every single character in the series. All of the humans, most of the Saiyans and even Uub who, correct me if I'm wrong, was set up in the end of DBZ as Goku's air apparent, became background characters to an extremely retarded "Goku saves the day!" knock-off of a series. Maybe it did have good points but they were drowned in the betrayal of characters that I actually liked.

In closing, I shall say only this..

So help me god if anyone dares to say that Piccolo was not the ass-kicking source of coolness that we all know he was, I shall hunt that person down and beat them with oranges. :\
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Dec 3, 2002
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The thing to keep in mind about the "DBZ takes a million episodes to do something" problem, is that it was based on a comic. In comics, often times, they aren't very long and because of their nature (one line and one action per character per panel, for the most part, save for vital stuff to the plot), they often go through several comics in which not a great deal happens.

Personally, to the elitists, I prefer the americanized DBZ over the japanese one. I can respect what Alea said about the japanese one being the artists' true vision...but a lot of the stuff that gets cut is nothing I'd miss. In fact, if things like Bulma flashing people or everyone porking their wives before fighting Cell was in the show, I think it would COMPLETELY OVERRIDE any of the things I like about it, because I wouldn't take it seriously in the least. I also didn't like the original voicing at all, either. And the animation was worse; all the criticism people lay on funimation around here is unfounded. I think the dub is dubbed very nicely; I think the voices are suited well; and the animation, once cleaned up, is obviously superior to the older episodes that were brought right over.

The japanese know a lot about inventing great stories but it is not always the case with the actual TELLING of said stories. In America, entertainment is our business, it is our life and lifestyle; if nothing else, the decisions to remove a lot of those scenes were good ones in that sense. I can understand losing the gore, but again--animes put gore and sex in almost entirely as the entertainment equivalent of spam. The sexual stuff in DBZ was never condusive to the plot overall--which was the fighting.

As for ditching the gore, that's just standard issue Americanization. You think Funimation went, "We'd better take that out, that way more kids will watch, and then will beg their moms to buy our merchandise and we'll be rich, because we are an evil corporation who gets a universal raging hard-on by 'ruining' anime and ripping off the fans!!!!" ...? Not at all. The FCC would never have let the frigging show on the air if that episode with Trunks cutting Frieza in half stayed how it was. Nor would they have allowed the sex, but I still think that was removed on the part of Funi...it seemed less of a forced decision, since as the series goes on the showing of the violence increases (because they could show demographic data that their audience was older overall to people like the FCC board, showing that the more mature content could be handled), but they chose to willingly leave the sex stuff mostly out.

Now, before I get flamed for supposedly insulting the japanese' ability to create entertainment content, it should be noted that I am NOT saying a blanket statement like "the japanese can't make a show." I don't thinkt here's anything wrong with japanese people or their culture, so as to disclaim myself from being flamed about that, I'd like to make that clear. But how many times have you seen an anime with seemingly irrelevent sex in it? All I'm saying is that I feel that the americanization of things like DBZ is not bad at all--I think of it as a "filler filter" and I don't see a problem with people like Funi removing gratuitous stuff, whether it's for their own creative reasons or for the FCC's approval.
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Mar 6, 2004
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yea... the american one is the greatest!!! :) i kinda hate the japanise one because their voices is very light and fast :S sounds like small childrens to me...
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Apr 7, 2003
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Well, you're wrong about some things, Pride.
The FCC has absolutely nothing to do with why DBZ was censored.
Also, they never show sex on DBZ, in the real version.

The FCC does indeed have regulations regarding shows, however--

The only reason DBZ was censored, is because Funimation, in order to make the absolute most profit, wanted DBZ to have the lowest possible rating (Y7, etc) so it could be played at that "Right After School" timeslot.

They could show DBZ uncut on Adult Swim, or any time after 9PM,

But then they wouldn't get as high ratings, i.e., make as much money from their commercial profits, i.e., make as much money from DVD sales, game sales, garbage sales, etc.

So it really IS about Funimation having a "universal raging hard-on," by ruining anime and ripping off the fans.

Also, any "animation quality" differences are ridiculous--the only changes done to the actual animation were deletions and edits so everything said "ROOT" before "BEER," and things of that nature.

As for outright changes in story.. I'm sorry, but I don't need to have someone who never even knew the original author just changing a story to suit his fancy, whether it be music, voices, plot..

"Wee. I think I'll have Majin Buu sound like an absolute moron, just to make it seem like he's really a big baby. Won't that be fun?"

In short, it's nothing more then Funimation and Cartoon Network wanting to make the absolute most profit from the show at the expense of Toriyama's vision.

The FCC isn't an evil censoring institution.
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Apr 21, 2003
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Engar said:
So help me god if anyone dares to say that Piccolo was not the ass-kicking source of coolness that we all know he was, I shall hunt that person down and beat them with oranges. :\

Piccolo was not the ass-kicking source of coolness that u knew he was :fight: so get those oranges ready now how do u like them apples :laff:
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Mar 1, 2004
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SailorAlea said:
Well, you're wrong about some things, Pride.
The FCC has absolutely nothing to do with why DBZ was censored.
Also, they never show sex on DBZ, in the real version.

The FCC does indeed have regulations regarding shows, however--

The only reason DBZ was censored, is because Funimation, in order to make the absolute most profit, wanted DBZ to have the lowest possible rating (Y7, etc) so it could be played at that "Right After School" timeslot.

They could show DBZ uncut on Adult Swim, or any time after 9PM,

But then they wouldn't get as high ratings, i.e., make as much money from their commercial profits, i.e., make as much money from DVD sales, game sales, garbage sales, etc.

So it really IS about Funimation having a "universal raging hard-on," by ruining anime and ripping off the fans.

Also, any "animation quality" differences are ridiculous--the only changes done to the actual animation were deletions and edits so everything said "ROOT" before "BEER," and things of that nature.

As for outright changes in story.. I'm sorry, but I don't need to have someone who never even knew the original author just changing a story to suit his fancy, whether it be music, voices, plot..

"Wee. I think I'll have Majin Buu sound like an absolute moron, just to make it seem like he's really a big baby. Won't that be fun?"

In short, it's nothing more then Funimation and Cartoon Network wanting to make the absolute most profit from the show at the expense of Toriyama's vision.

The FCC isn't an evil censoring institution.
You nailed it again, the DVDs were cut, and then the tv show was further cut. If you watch the raw episodes, theres a lot of cool bits that get cut in the dubbed eps. Also, they make them say the cheapest lines sometimes, and have you noticed how they always say "DARN YOU!" where the swearing was?
Its so annoying.
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Dec 2, 2001
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Here's why I think people hate DBZ:

The same reason mall goths hate pop music. Because it's just what Anime Elitists do.
the real reason poeple dislike dbz is the fact that it blows, not because its a trend thing to do. ill give in and say the FIRST dragon baal was decent, it had a plot and character development was alright, it had side humor aswell as fighting. then along came dbz....it all got centered around the transformations, and power lvls. the story got lost, and anything good about what once was decent has been scrapped.

im ganna compare dbz to power rangers. they always have to fight some monster or being that is powerful but in the ned they win, and get a upgrade or 2 along the way.

i dont like dbz because of the fact when poeple think of anime they automatically think dbz, and then presume every other anime is like dbz, guess what ass nugget not all anime has a repedative plot about going to a barbeque and then being attacked.

and mall goths hate pop music because pop music also blows. i wish i could get famous for whining about stuff, or TRYING to sing but having it come out off key "WHAT WOULD I BE WITH OUT YOU!!"

and now my pop song set to nellys, EI

undaley undelay mcdonalds french fries french fries, uh oh dipped in ketchup tonight. im a sucker for hash browns, with eggs and sasage on a roll (hey) mini mcnuggets with dippin souce for yo (alright) paying four fitty for a number 2 yo straight from the warmer because thats how they roll, who knows i know and i love it when u make your cheese touch an egg roll as falls to floor der ya go.

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