Who plays 1.1?

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Jan 21, 2003
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New Jersey
Texas said:
No i wasnt that good.
And the "skillz" was who had the highest mouse sensitivity and who has the most ki to last out the whirlpool swooping.
"l337" 1.1 players dont like 1.2 because its abit balanced and they have a possibility to loose.
So i suppose 1.2 isnt about the skill"z"...

thats not 100% true, in 1.1 i had a perfect 20 sens and was "1337" i like to think. And I for one and i belive others will agree they dont like 1.2.x because any random guy who just got esf can randomly run into people toss in random keys and might win a fight 100% on luck, in 1.1 something like that would never happen.

Thats my feelings.

P.S. Im getting a mulit mod server if the 1.1 people lick my ass enough i might make it 1.1/mm


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
I considered myself good, or atleast I was able to keep up with the good people. I had a sensitivity of 5...
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Mar 16, 2003
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You know, theres a ton of other stuff exept advanced melee. Thats just an excuse.
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Sep 22, 2004
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the game changed...1.1 is obsolete. Yea i enjoyed it..but i also enjoy 1.2 better. I am used to it and that is how i play. The whole

"the person can run into me...press random arrows and win 100% on luck"

A) they have to hit you first...if you get hit that many times from it..You have work to do

B) not all arrows are random...if you have any hand eye coordination...you'd be fine

C) you have a chance to retailiate against the person...if it just some random guy that just started playing...you have a good chance of suckering them into comboes or knocking them places

If you find it boring cause it is too slow...::Shrug:: guess that is your problem. If 1.3 is this pace i wonder whats going to happen. but anyway...back on topic since i haven't really talked about 1.1

i have played time to time but only on lan with some bots and my brothers. I don't enjoy it as much but it does bring back some memories. Alpha 1.5 does as well which i think peppercity was a great map to play on. Ugh off topic again..

1.1 is good at best but i beleive it wasn't the best version out there.
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💻 Oldtimer
Oct 27, 2004
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Even though I find 1.1's mele a lil confusing, most of the EXPERT players are insane when it comes to basic mele/teleport hitting because i heard in 1.1, when you hit osmeone they went too fastso you'd have to teleport to hit them again. 1.2 requires a lot of aim since you can swoop in free wil, but any time i meet a "veteran" they have great speed.
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Jan 4, 2003
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I enjoyed 1.1. There wasn't a day that went by where I wasn't in a server for atleast an hour or two. I enjoyed playing with my clanmates and other people who were associated with me or the clan. Everyone knew SL or U17 and that was cool too. One of the main reasons I don't play 1.2 anymore is because most of my clan doesn't play. And a reason they don't play is because I don't play. We didn't like change. It wasn't that it was going to be too hard to relearn new things, but that we had to forget most of what we grew to love over the past 3 years. Alot of my guys had worked so hard to go from the lowest clan (anyone remember [::A.D::]?) to one of the more respected-- even hated clans because we improved over so many. Things were good and everyone played because everyone was good. Member activity was at its greatest height in the weeks before 1.2 came out just because everyone was geared to play. We even played our best clan match, against APE, in that final week-- and we tasted some good victory from it. When 1.2 came out, it was a start-over process. My mentality was that I worked hard to get my clan to a strong rank in ESF, only to be put down to ground zero with everyone else. We had all tried 1.2. I will admit I didn't give 1.2 a chance past a day of playing, but I didn't want to learn something new. I didn't want the change because I thought esf 1.1 was the perfect game for me. I won't say anything past that. 1.2 is not the game for me even though I know its a great game for others.

To answer the question =P, yes, I play 1.1 weekly. Mostly with my brother. But sometimes with old clanmates. I run a dedicated server on request.
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Jun 15, 2003
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I too, played for atleast 1 hour a day. I actually had something to prove on that game, and did a damn good job at doing it. People say theres ways to get around 1.2 melee, just like the throwing bug and clashing into advanced melee. And hitting eachother back all the time because you guys have the same amount of skill is damn stupid, but I wish changes never happened. Amongst others, the time died, time to find new games to go to.
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Jan 4, 2003
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I was quick to take up DoD after 1.2 came out. I got my brother and his roommate to play with me so it passed the time well until I started beta testing for World of Warcraft. And now I'm a full-time WoW player. hehe.

If the demand for a 1.1 server was high enough and people were going to be in it at all times, or most of the time thru the day, i would permanently put up my ded server. Someone would have to start a signup though of people who wanted to play so that I know there were going to be enough people to keep the server active 50% of the day.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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Well...at least you two are a lot more fair about 1.1 vs. 1.2 commentary than some others around here have been [cough cough Carl cough].
New Member
Sep 22, 2004
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that wasn't very nice :-/ but i have a question...if 1.3 comes out and it is not what you were hoping it to be...what are you guys going to do? just play 1.1 for the rest of the time you play esf? i mean...some of you said you played 1.2 for a day and that you don't want to learn anything new...what are you gonna do when 1.3 comes out...if a big portion of it is going to be nwe...you might as well not download the game then. ::Shrug:: just my question and opinion
New Member
Jan 4, 2003
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My answer to your question:
I doubt the ESF team plans on making dramatic changes to the melee system where it resembles 1.1 style more than 1.2. The reason why most of the 1.1 lovers don't enjoy 1.2 is because of the new melee system. As PCJoe has stated, he thinks the melee system is the perfect blend for noobies and pro's, with all the inbetween'ers as well. He stated he didn't want to touch the melee scripts again, so I am guessing that 1.3 will be how 1.2 is already. 1.3, from what I've gathered, is just going to include more transformations and a few new characters. I don't see how this would encourage people who don't already like 1.2 to download 1.3. Thats my opinionated answer :)

If people love 1.2, they will love 1.3 even more because of the added transformations and the new chars. If you didn't like 1.2, you still might download 1.3 just to see the changes and new transformations, but the chance of playing 1.3 if you don't play 1.2 is not likely. I will probably download 1.3 out of boredom one day and beam spam for the fun of it just to trans. :) If you see me in 1.3, get out of the way :laff:

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