Virginia Tech shooting

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Sep 22, 2004
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there was the worst campus shooting in the history of the U.S today and my brother goes to this school. Took me 5 hours just to hear he was alright.

Apparnetly a gunman killed an entire classroom....that classroom was right next to my brothers...i don't know if any of you know about this situation or have anyone that goes here or even go there but i just thought i would let you know about it.

God bless those hurt/killed
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Dec 1, 2001
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I feel for the loss of all those who have died, and am glad to hear your brother is ok.

I can only pray, that people like Jack Thompson don't use another gun-related tragedy to make a cheap political point at the expense of the victims.
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Nov 14, 2003
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GTA IV provoked this. true story!

it's a tragic loss for your community, and i'm glad your brother is ok.
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May 7, 2003
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Don't joke about that.

Well, here's another disaster to document. I think it's going to keep getting worse from here. It's terrible.

I feel for all of the families of those who were killed for absolutely no reason.

I pray the wounded will recover & hopefully continue with their lives...
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Oct 2, 2002
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Yeah, I just saw this on the news. Not a lot of details out yet about anything.
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Nov 6, 2004
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Round Rock, TX
Holy ****, thank god I moved to Florida. If I hadn't moved, I'd be going there now.

Sucks to hear about that though, glad your brother is okay. Did the SWAT teams own the stupid guy?
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Dec 7, 2002
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nobody knows, either campus security shot him or he topped himself off according to sources
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Oct 27, 2004
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I was on the school bus home after hearing something on the radio about "31 killed at Virginia (something) university". I was like "Oh ****". I feel for those who are dealing with this because my school also dealt with a school shooting in December.

But, it says that there were no safety precautions taken after the first shots in a dorm room. Wtf? My school would have been on lock down pronto. It's ashame you only take these precautions after something terrible happens.

31 seems just like a statistic, but try counting to that on your fingers while giving each a name.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
My brother was thinking about going there to college too...

Anyway, this is horrible. I feel bad for the victims / their families.
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Jul 20, 2005
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claims of the death count being 30+ and rising.
It was 21 a few hours ago, then 22 and now more than 30. I just hope the number doesn't keep rising.

And WTF!?!? Thompson got on Fox News and spread his ****!? That guy should be raped by bulls and shot. A disaster like this and ALREADY he makes fun of it.
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Dec 1, 2001
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I stand corrected. Once again, Jack Thompson exploits a tragedy to make a cheap political point.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
This isn't about how Jack Thompson is a moron, we already know he is.
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May 30, 2003
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Jesus ****ing Christ.

I have nothing else to say.

Also... **** the 2nd ammendment.


I go to Roanoke College which is about 30 mins away from VTech...lots of people here are still trying to get ahold of friends and family they know there. I heard about it in one of my morning class just as it was unfolding and I haven't had the news off since this afternoon. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families =/
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Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
I feel sorry for the victims and next of kin. But I have to admit, I'm not that surprised anymore. It's largely because of the weapon laws in America. It's because weapons are allowed. There is absolutely no reason to allow weapons in any country in the world. This might not solve every problem, but it will at least make it a lot harder for a common person to get a hold of a 9mm gun. You should think that you would know better after the Columbine massacre, but now it happens yet again...I don't only feel sorry for the victims and the next of kin, but also for the rest of America, for having such ignorant and short-sighted leaders.
Mr. Preacher
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May 7, 2002
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Their official count at the moment is 33 dead and 29 wounded. I've been listening to the radio when I was at work and when I got home which was around 4pm I saw what President Bush had to say.

Theres a lot of things that made this situation worse then it already was which was 3 things, they didn't lock the school down when the shootings happened at the ambler hall that should have been done immediately. The shootings happened at 7:15am they were saying and the kids didn't get any notification till around 9:15am which most of the kids are saying. The third thing which made me even more angry was the cops were standing around outside thats just wrong they should have moved inside Norris and neutralized the enemy as soon as they arrived instead of standing around which I've seen in most of those video's.

They need to teach their local law enforcement, campus police how to act in such a situation for the future so these things can be preventive which is what one swat tactical commander was saying over CNN and I totally agree.

Another sad day in the US history and the world pretty much because you just never know when these things are going to happen.
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May 30, 2003
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I feel sorry for the victims and next of kin. But I have to admit, I'm not that surprised anymore. It's largely because of the weapon laws in America. It's because weapons are allowed. There is absolutely no reason to allow weapons in any country in the world. This might not solve every problem, but it will at least make it a lot harder for a common person to get a hold of a 9mm gun. You should think that you would know better after the Columbine massacre, but now it happens yet again...I don't only feel sorry for the victims and the next of kin, but also for the rest of America, for having such ignorant and short-sighted leaders.
The 2nd ammendment has it's ups and downs, this is a down.
Before you judge, just know that weapons have been a part of our country since it's founding. In the days of the revolution, we would not have been able to revolt against Britain if we weren't allowed to carry weapons for hunting. So essentially, the 2nd ammendment stands mainly for when/if we decide to oust our government, when we see it as right and just, as stated in the Declaration. Not to mention the right to bear arms is in our Bill of Rights. Revoking that puts the government on a slippery slope. Suddenly, it's ok to revoke ammendments that have been around for over 200 years? What would stop the government from making an excuse to revoke the first and our most sacred ammendment next? This country runs on precedent.

Our leaders are not ignorant on this matter, believe it or not. They know for a fact they would have a very, very pissed off voting population if suddenly guns were banned. The right to bear arms is as sacred here as the right to free speech in other places. That is why the National Rifle Association is arguably the single most powerful lobbying organization here. I know many people that collect guns, like some might collect other valuable items. It's a cultural thing, not some "Woo I has a gunz lets shoot sum pplz!"

I don't particularly believe that every man, woman and child should have the right to have a gun. I do, however, believe that if someone wants to own a weapon for self defense he should be allowed to own a handgun. What disgusts me is that there are rifles that are close to AK-47s, Mac10s, etc. that are actually legal to own. It is way too easy to get a gun here. But, I would never go so far as to say we should outlaw guns.

On that note, I'd like to hear what was used in this incident. Unfortunatly, on a lot of school shootings, it isn't well known or talked about as to how the shooters actually attained their ammunition. Something we should certainly be paying attention and looking into.

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