Unhealthy =\


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
I see what all are you are saying, Im gonna aim to eat better and do more exercise, while at the same time, Kong says with the way my sleep patterns are atm, it's really messing around with my body's routine, so im gonna try and sort that out too. Maybe after I start running I mite consider a gym or something, depends if I think I'll be satisfied with just running, would be nice to not only be thinner, but stop being such a scrawny wretch too. Weirdly when I was overweight in school I was a hell of a lot stronger (comparatively with my friends) than I am now that I've lost the weight.

I would talk to my doctor btw, but I dont think he'd appreciate me waisting his time, since even when im ill, thats how it seems >_>
Just don't rush through everything and think you'll go cold turkey over night. It will take time and patience, but it is well worth the wait.

Try talking with your doctor, but if he gives you the impression that you're wasting his time then remind him it's his job to help you. Either that or you can find another doctor.

Ive also heard if you decide to work out, its best to not drink water or anything just before doing it.
You definitely don't want to drink water just before you start working out. You should drink about a glass of water 20-45 minutes before you work out. While you're working out you should still drink water but in a very small amount.
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Nov 13, 2006
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HEy David. Maybe you could get a job or somthing. I have a paper route myself, and that gives me some good exercise.. And i'm making money At the same time.
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💻 Oldtimer
Apr 28, 2003
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There are some good advices here that I might even use...
But then again...I'm too lazy and unmotivated to do...anything...

Heck David, sleeping hours pattern is very important and it's definatly affecting everything else you do...right now I'm awake for about 20 hours trying to get my sleeping hours strait...and to tell you the truth I cant keep it strait for more then a week...2 weeks if I try really hard, it's bad. D;
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Oct 2, 2002
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Always walk on your toes.

Try and workout every day if you can, or at least almost every day (like 5-6 days a week). Don't make excercise the exception to the rule. 30 mins-1 hour of excercise done every day = teh gewd.

And by excercise I mean running in some way, be it in a sport or just around a track or something. Try not to use treadmills, I think supposedly they work less muscle.

I had a friend who was a little overweight, captain of the wrestling team, he spent a year lifting weights but without doing enough other kinds of training. He basically just "bulked up", he looked thicker than before, maybe even fatter, but that's about it. He was stronger, but he was pretty pissed.

Eat until you're full, and don't eat too fast. People often eat far more than they need to if they do it in a rush (or if they're depressed); truth is you really don't need that much food. Understand that and maintain a healthy diet, as well as a *regular eating schedule* (i.e eating at routine hours, preferably 3 times a day). Especially try not to eat right before you go to bed. Don't drink soda, don't eat dessert. A lot of very simple choices like that can make a huge difference in the long run.


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
And by excercise I mean running in some way, be it in a sport or just around a track or something. Try not to use treadmills, I think supposedly they work less muscle.
Treadmills still work the same muscles since you are still walking/jogging/running, just that your doing so on a conveyor belt rather than on asphalt, concrete, grass, etcetera.
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Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
See... i got a problem too. Whenever im bored, i go out in the kitchen and eat. And i think i do it subconsciously too. Like i'll be eating some chips, then i'll be like "wtf?!?! Damnit! i dont wanna eat!".
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Apr 14, 2005
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See... i got a problem too. Whenever im bored, i go out in the kitchen and eat. And i think i do it subconsciously too. Like i'll be eating some chips, then i'll be like "wtf?!?! Damnit! i dont wanna eat!".
I don't know if you're the one doing shopping at your place - but perhaps it might help to not buy as many snacks?

You can't eat what isn't there. :3


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
Just to make a note, stay away from supplements. Sure, some might be effective, some might not be effective, but I strongly recommend doing it the old fashion way. If you feel that you need to take supplements, then I strongly recommend you speak with your doctor first and possibly, get a second opinion.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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Go to boulder colorado. It forces you to be healthy =/

I figure, if you know why you're unhappy, then you must know how to fix it. So, fix it. It's pretty much that simple. If you don't like smoking, then don't do it. (Easier said than done, but if millions of people can quit smoking, so can you). Same goes for eating correctly. If you want to be slim, or fit, or whatever the case may be, just, eat healthier, have salads instead of chocolate bars (I'm just throwing out ideas here, I have no clue what your eating habits are).

Maybe do some running, or any other cardio vascular excersizes. And remember, people do it because it works. If anyone said "oh, working out doesn't make me stronger or healthier" then they haven't done it long enough.
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Dec 26, 2003
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Well David, to be honest your not in the right mind frame to start losing weight. You're saying you wanna quit smoking, but you're waiting for some law to pass beforehand? So what your pretty much saying is that your relying on some other force besides your own free will to initiate the change in your life style

Working out isn't about someone else pushing you to do it. You work out for your own benefit, and so when you really wanna change your lifestyle you take action asap. You don't wait until some law or w/e is passed. The best advice I can give you is to start doing push-up's, do a lot of them. Do as many as you can, and once you cant do anymore, push yourself to do 1 more, if you can push yourself to do that extra one, push yourself to do another extra one. Look inside yourself for the strength to keep going.

Working out is all mental, your body can do more than you think it can, but its whether or not you can push yourself to do i You need to take more initiative with your weight training and excersize. Because as of right now, it seems like your waiting too much for yourself to start changing, instead of taking the steps to start the changes. Stop reading this post right now, and start doing some push-up's. Do what i said and keep pushing yourself, once you really cant do anymore. Take a 30 second - 1 min break, and do some more, push yourself. Because your working out for your own benefit, no one else's. Then instead of replying to this thread, go out and run, doesn't matter how far, just run. For a good hour to hour and a half, try to keep a running pace, with short jogging breaks in between. No matter what DON'T walk. When you get back, do some more push-up's, or some sit-up's. Spend all the time you WOULD be spending at the computer, working out. Maybe turn on some pumped up music to help you keep going mentally.

Remember above all, your working out for yourself, no one else. So you're only gonna get out of it what you put into it. If you want fast results. Then put everything you have into every minute of every day possible. If you don't care so much, then don't really bother with it and just do it whenever. You alone are in control of how in shape you get.

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