Today I found out something about esf period.

Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Carl, stop making threads, period.

It seems like every day you make a new thread, and people don't really care, you're sort of out on your own. There are a handful that agree with you, but most of us can see past all of your garbage comments. 1.2 has faster paced gameplay regardless of what you think because you're always closer to your opponent than you were in 1.1 and no one is sitting on the powerup button. People play 1.2 because it's the current version, not because they aren't "special honors" people. I've run into just about every one of the "great" 1.0 or 1.1 players in 1.2 servers, more every day, so I don't think they're playing 1.1 .

Carl you admit you don't play it so what gives you the nerve to come and start arguments with people who do? Just keep playing 1.1 and leave your personal problems out of the forums. Note that most of the people in this thread don't agree with most of your claims, and a lot of what you state is ignorance, like the lack of exploits in 1.1, which doesn't make you sound very persuasive. 1.2.1 is an improvement on 1.2, and 1.3 will improve on it further, that's the nature of a beta, it's changing and improving over time. Go play 1.1 until we release a version that you do like, because you can't change the current version no matter how much complaining you do.
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Mar 13, 2003
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Ya 1.2 isn't what i expected but I dont hate it to shin's extent. The speed could be quicker but im sure the next patch will fix that. Also pride, not everyone in 1.1 how/lsm in fights, most the "leets" at one time were just all about side hits which made it fun.
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Jan 3, 2003
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I'm not even going to read everything in this thread. Chances are I agree and disagre with it, so why bother. Its all the same.

This thread is classic ESF community, in one way or the other, depending on how you look at it. One guy posts his "thoughts" in a very bad form, and then the "community big guns" turn at him and blow him away. I don't even need to read the posts to tell that. Classic, and its halarious. I laugh as I type.

Anyway, onto the topic at hand. I'm sure this has been posted before, but I'll say it anyway:

No one cares if YOU dislike ESF 1.2, and preferred 1.1. The fact is, the current version is 1.2. Live with it, or go play 1.1. There is also the option of using the 1.1 melee in 1.2 (there is a cvar). Thats one option. The other option is to shut up, turn your computer off and go cry in the cornor because people don't care about you.

Thats about it. Yea . . .
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Dec 3, 2002
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You know Soul, I read the first half of that post and thought it was going to be lame. But when I got to the second pretty much illustrate my entire point of view on the game. You're not accomplishing anything by disliking it and posting about it rudely here...

...unless one considers making the team feel underappreciated and thus weakening the morale of the mod and the eagerness they have to continue working on it an accomplishment, of course.


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Aug 23, 2003
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Hey you, yeah you, SSJ SHIN CARL, you are just like your avatar, a loser.
You are acting like him, like a full grown man, who is beaten by a kid.
Like a proffesional, who is getten beaten by noobs.
The only thing why you are complaining about 1.2 is because you cannot win so easily anymore, SOWHAT!!!???.
The first time i played 1.2, it was difficult for me to, and stil is.
but it is fun, just try to find out all of the combo's, if you master them, you are the man.
So stop crying like a baby, and start playing 1.2, and try your best.
It is no shame to lose, in the beginning i lost al the time.

Now i hope you guys give eachother a great hug, and make up again. :laff:
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Cucumba said:
I am going to reiterate Majin You's warning . . . this argument better stay clean of flames, or I will crack the skull of the person who can't control themself on the rock of woe. This will be the final freindly warning to keep it clean. ;/

Warning :warning: to JP for flaming. Cut it out guys.
The Viking
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Sep 29, 2002
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Why do you create a thread, if you plan on stop playing 1.2? It's not world breaking news you know... :rolleyes:

All you do is provoke people with nonsense like, 1.2 is too slow, 1.2 is for noobs, 1.2 sucks. Give us some real proof that 1.2 sucks. Sure, the numbers on your scorebaord may have changed, but isn't a game about playing it? it's fun if you're winning, but for me, that's were it ends. I don't feel the need to be competetive all the time, or a nonstop desire to win. If you do have those desires, go play Counterstrike. But stop bothering us with threads that keep on saying the same things again.


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Aug 23, 2003
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Sonic Boyster said:
Warning :warning: to JP for flaming. Cut it out guys.
i am sorry, it was'nt my meaning to flame
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Nov 5, 2002
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Seriously Carl, if you don't like 1.2, then stop *****ing, and stop playing. It's not going to change back to what it was.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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sorry i disagree with the view that he shouldnt post these threads, he's entitled to his opinion, and he's entitled to explain it, but i dont agree with his arguement, to me its full of holes where he lacks the actual common sense to see past that u cant own people like in 1.1. I dont Shin carl really plays it that much, u can join a server and watch some people get many kills and no deaths, that requires skill, and you seem to complain about the lack of skill needed for the game, if there was no skill needed, newbs could join games and get the same score as the l337 players which isnt the case, the strongest fighters proper, and the weakest loose which is not down to luck but down to skill, score boards show this as well as fighting a range of opponents. 1.2 has opened up a whole new world of tactics now you dont have to target for melee enableing ki blast and implementions of, throws, prepunches, advanced melee, wall jumping, different directional swoop all add new dimentions to the game. You now are more manuverable and you have to hit the target instead of being guided towards your opponent, that requires more skill, the speed now is perfect imo, its not too complicated and you're not tapping teleport and hoping, you're actually controlling where u are going, dodging the enemy with skill, and learning their movements. 1.1 was incredibly linear in movement, it wasnt hard to catch sum1 unless they teleport like mad. basically with all this talk of having no skill it brings me to a conclusion you have no idea what you are on about, skill is now more essential than ever, as you must develop your own style of fighting instead of learning the cheap tricks that people descover through the loop holes in the game. Say wat you like, but if their are people that can consistantly beat others in a game, that is proof of there being skill required.
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Nov 5, 2002
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Well, david, he's entitled to his opinion, however, we've heard this same exact opinion thousands of times already, we don't need to hear it anymore. 80% the time it's not even with any type of constructive criticism, it's just a thread with some guy *****ing about a FREE GAME that he doesn't like. Screw him, why the hell should anyone show any type of sympathy, when he doesn't deserve it?

People that want 1.1 back are just making useless threads, the mod is going forwards not backwards. The team already said that there is a patch coming to speed things up, wait for it. If you don't like the way the mod is going then I suggest you either give it another shot, or just quit alltogether.
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Dec 3, 2002
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+ Had pace
+ Was fun (if you were good)
+ errrr....

- Community was DYING
- Exploits
- Sucked ass online (coz you got pwned by leet players)


+ Pace
+ FUN!!!
+ Far more tactical
+ Balanced
+ Far more players
+ No/Few exploits

- Too few South African players
- A few bugs :p

Basically dude, 1.2 is the best thing since sliced cheese :D I had an awesome 1 v 2 against some local dudes today, was on city and beam jumping swooping around buildings, swooping back down and smashing them into the ground :D . Honestly speaking I rarely ever use advanced melee, what I usually do to mix it up is let 8/9 hits go thru then add a strong hit with adv melee...just so many options...most of the more skilled ppl I know dont ABUSE advanced melee, coz they know it cant be :p In 1.1 it was a case of *SWOOP* HIT/GET HIT! *SWOOP* HIT/GET HIT!!! Explain to me how that was fun :/
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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yeah i know wat u mean, but it doesnt hurt, its not like he's a bad guy or anything, he just prefers 1.1, which he feels the mod should revert to, and he's trying his best to get that accross, but it is evident that people disagree, all this thread does is show him where he's not thinking, opening a discussion in which we shouldnt attack him, but should attack his arguements. This thread is a positive not a negative, hopefully he'll learn from it instead of shunning all the points made. I know how he's made some of these points over and over, but so have sum of the people who disagree with him, its just we have to discuss this not outcast him for his views. I'd rather encourage him that 1.2 is better, so he can enjoy it, i'd rather help him than tell him to piss off.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Normally, Davidskiwan, I'd agree with you. Except the thread's second post was lewd commentary regarding me personally.

I think at that point was when the idea of respectful debate went out the window.

He has also yet to make a valid complaint, in my eyes. The complaints about the speed, unless I'm mistaken, are irrelevent since the game can be sped up (I think). The melee complaints were unfounded too, since no one is forcing him to use them.

Not to mention he hasn't presented himself like an adult on the whole 1.2 subject for several threads now.
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Nov 24, 2001
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I think the main thing people seem to lose sight of is the fact that this game is a WIP. They take feedback from the community and improve their work. It's simple. People complained about 1.1(the majority of people, might I add. You may say it was just the newbs, but even so, even if it was just 'the newbs', then the team go with the majority still) because people exploited the system, played 24 hours a day because they have no lives, and owned them, giving them no chance to get any fun out of the experience. At all.

Now, that minority that was exploiting the game finds that newbs (Heaven forbid!) have a chance against them, and they can't take it. You want them to change it, fair enough, but realise that YOU are in the minority here. The majority of people love it.

Having said that, the team will probably (and imo, should) try to cater to the masses, and that's where the WIP bit comes into play again, because you should realise that they're trying to build on their work to make it better for everyone.

"It's too easy to be exploited, and newbs can't play. Players can advance to a level which takes all the fun out of the game for less experienced players." Fair enough, melee system changed.

Now, newbs can play, but veteran players find that hard work and practice isn't paying off, and they can't advance to a higher level (this only applies to the players who didn't exploit the system, of course). Okay, now this is where you come in. Suggest something that'll make it easier for everyone, not just you, the veteran, or the newbs.

You have to suggest things for the team/community relationship to work. If you want to have more fun with this game, suggest stuff. I mean, come on, telling them to go back to square one isn't helping anybody. :\
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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SaiyanPrideXIX said:
Normally, Davidskiwan, I'd agree with you. Except the thread's second post was lewd commentary regarding me personally.

I think at that point was when the idea of respectful debate went out the window.
>_< i forgot he did that......

and yes, what you've said Scruffie makes a lot of sense, very well put.
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Jan 3, 2003
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SaiyanPrideXIX said:
You know Soul, I read the first half of that post and thought it was going to be lame. But when I got to the second pretty much illustrate my entire point of view on the game. You're not accomplishing anything by disliking it and posting about it rudely here...

...unless one considers making the team feel underappreciated and thus weakening the morale of the mod and the eagerness they have to continue working on it an accomplishment, of course.
You as in me, or as in Carl?
I don't feel that my post was rude, so I'm somewhat confused :scared:

As for the second half of my post, or any of my posts in general, I follow the basic rules that govern normal people posting on a forum:

1) I speak the truth
2) I speak my opinion
3) I speak facts

Thats about it. Just about everything I post I try to keep simple, and to the point, shooting out the cold hard facts to the people that seem to be blind of them.

Cold hard fact: If you don't like 1.2, don't play.

. . . :tired:
May 11, 2004
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SSJ Shin Carl said:
what part of 1.2 are u saying takes more skill?

Im saying the melee takes a little more skill since theres no targeting and adv melee takes a bit of skill too in 1.1 melee took no skill at all
Lost in space
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Dec 1, 2002
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I'm not going to take the time to read this entire thread, reading the first post in it was enough for me.
I'm not trying to sound mean, but if you don't like the game, and you decide not to play it, then don't come here and whine about it. I don't think the ESF team reads posts of people saying they're no longer going to play the mod, and take it seriously. But it sounds like you do.
Stop wasting everybody's time.
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Nov 4, 2003
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o wah!!!???? You dislike 1.2? Oh well, if you want fast paced you should try out 1.2.1 patch.

Me= love 1.2 because of the swooping, you get to fly around all the time and once you get good at the swooping you can trick people,dodge special beam cannons and combine it with all the other elements of this game. That's why there's more strategy involved, and it's not like 1.1 melee disappeared.

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