The mind is a wonderful thing.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
What do you believe and theorise about the human mind? Since we only use a small portion of it.

Here's a small theory I cooked up. Since you can seriously, put a person in a hypnotic trance, put an ice cube in their hand, say it's fire their hand will blister as if it were being burned.

Which means the mind can do..alot.

I believe when in a state of sleep..the mind has an involuntary ability to go ...weird.

Have you ever went to sleep with something on a shelf, woke up and it's on the other side of the room?

Could it be sleepwalking? Or maybe telekenisis by phasing the object?

Just small theories cooked up by me and a friend.

What do you guys haev to say about the mind?

Besides it being squishy.
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Nov 25, 2001
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The human mind it far too complex to be fully understood as of yet.
Lost in space
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Dec 1, 2002
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It's more complex than we'll probably ever know.

*remembers The Matrix D:*
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Sep 9, 2004
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i sometimes wonder if we're even alive..
if the brain manipulated everything.. like what ifour brain was actually inside a glass jar being electrocuted by some mad scientist?
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
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Sep 6, 2004
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Jumin said:
i sometimes wonder if we're even alive..
if the brain manipulated everything.. like what ifour brain was actually inside a glass jar being electrocuted by some mad scientist?
Thats freaky. I've often thought about that...

To be able to tap the full potential of the mind is beyond the capabilities of anybody.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Magus said:
Here's a small theory I cooked up. Since you can seriously, put a person in a hypnotic trance, put an ice cube in their hand, say it's fire their hand will blister as if it were being burned.

Which means the mind can do..alot.
Er, evidence?
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Oct 2, 2002
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Magus said:
Here's a small theory I cooked up. Since you can seriously, put a person in a hypnotic trance, put an ice cube in their hand, say it's fire their hand will blister as if it were being burned.
Ehhh? I'd like see evidence of that. Although I've heard of monks that can boil water with their fists, that's more associated with "chi" or whatever the hell.

Magus said:
Have you ever went to sleep with something on a shelf, woke up and it's on the other side of the room?

Could it be sleepwalking? Or maybe telekenisis by phasing the object?
I'd say that the rational explanation is that somebody else came in the room and moved it (like your mom or something.) The other explanation is that you simply had a warped memory of it; for instance, sometimes you might be thinking of a word, and you're absolutely sure it starts with "Ter. . ." but it turns out to be something completely different. Or sleepwalking, but rare few people have it without actually knowing.

Parapsychologists have been studying ESP and all that junk for years. There has yet to be a reproducable ESP phenomenon. While I certainly think the mind is really weird and really interesting, I really don't buy most of the crazier stuff (telepathy, telekinesis, blah blah.)
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May 29, 2002
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I'm not trying to slam religion into all of this, but I can't help it. I have plenty of dreams that suggest a higher purpose, a higher ability than the world around leads us to believe. We're told were powerless, just another statistic... well I couldn't disagree more.

What you say and do changes too many things for you to be powerless, for you to be weak. The word "reality" is a joke, a barrier, a guideline that tells you this is impossible or this is not "normal."

That's where my next question against the old ways comes in... What is normal?

Normal is another joke, another barrier, another guideline that makes us feel unecessarily guilty if you don't follow it. Normal is a stereotype like any other stereotype is a stereotype. I can't stand the word normal.

The above explains how I truly feel and the following...

The mind is a creator, destroyer, and a traveler.

The Mind is a Creator:
It can be considered a creator because it "creates" thoughts, these thoughts being considered "reason" and the basis for "understanding", reality and normal being barriers for this creation. If your mind has the ability to deem something possible in the first place, if the elements aren't effected by solid and widely viewed facts, what prevents it from happening. The acknowledgement of reality and something being normal.

Take placebos for instance.

They're pills designed to trick the mind into healing a certain physical or mental disease. Could this be only one method in making the mind more powerful than it commonly led to be? I honestly believe it is one of many. Society has led us to compensate what we "see" instead of what we think we "can see."

I am a person who believes highly in the enhancements of Martial Arts, Tai Chi especially. Tai Chi suggests that the world is a concentration of energy, energy that can be used to many amazing extents. Since science books claim that everything requires energy, what is to say that Tai Chi isn't correct?

What is to say that anything, if you believe the energy is there, is impossible?

The Mind is a Destroyer:
You tell yourself, you "can't" do this, or you "can't" do that. Your mind is making this decision, but does it have to? Does your mind have to believe in limitations?

That's why I believe a mind can be a destroyer, a weapon as well. Any human being, regardless of race or sex has the ability to destroy themself mentally. To convince themself that something isn't going to happen, that something is a certain way. The basics and standards of reality and normal play into this as well, a person convinced that if wasn't possible before, then how is it possible now?

Stop telling yourself that anything is impossible and scowl at the words "reality" and "normal."

The Mind is a Traveler:
Dreams... random, subconsciously metaphorical, and mentally invigorating dreams. What are they? No one truly knows, with reality and normal guiding their thought process, they'll just be as confused and have that "lovely" guilt trip as always.

But, I say screw that... dreams are taking a trip into the unknown, a trip into another demension, another realm of possibility. People have deja vus, which is basically dreaming something, then later on noticing that it actually happened.

Does this suggest destiny?

It could, why not?

What does is hurt to think it does?

Does destiny scare you?

Can your destiny change?

Why not?

Your laying in your bed, thinking about recent events of the past and of the day. Then you fall asleep, having a dream about you being around certain friends a certain even happening, a few weeks later, the event actually happening later, during a time that you consider being "awake."

Does this make you a prophet?

Sure, why not?

People travel to see new things, witness things they've always wanted to. What keeps you from believing that in a sleep-like state, your mind obviously having to work a lot less, that the urge to travel doesn't die? The urge to see things that acknowledge your future, to see things that you subconsciously wish to witness?

There are dreams though, that can't fall under this explanation. Dreams that question "reality" and "normal" so much, you wake up in a such a concentrated contemplation, that if the slightest urges the rationality of "reality" and "normal" create appear... the dream will slowly fade out of your flow of thought.

What can we consider these dreams, metaphorical manifestations?

Maybe. But, I consider them windows, our spirits traveling into other demensions, other worlds.


Knowing full well that you'll probably call me stupid and ignorant, I'll always wonder why do the guidelines and guilt trips of "reality" and "normal" make you feed this much hatred. So, I shall close this post, quoting Bernard Shaw...

"You see things and you say 'Why?'. But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why Not?'"
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May 21, 2004
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The thing that always gets me thinking is how we came to thik consciously. I mean...i know i exist, and i know a lot of other things (or at least think i know), but how did we come to think as we do? how did we evolve conscious thought, sentience? what triggered that kind of evolutionary change? even without potential power of the mind, that's many lifetimes worth of thought just from that
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Oct 2, 2002
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Well from an evolutionary standpoint, Zarius, humans are not remarkably fast or agile, remarkably strong or vicious, and they have no real natural weaponry. So, adaptation. Our intelligence kept us alive, and because that worked, we got smarter and smarter as it was the intelligent humans who survived.

Hwoarang, I dunno what you're talking about with guilt trips and hatred because of dreams... o_O Maybe if I like, dreampt that I had sex with my mom, I'd start feeling pretty disgusted and guilty, but otherwise most of my dreams are of a completely irrational nature anyway, so... yeah.

It's hard to say if dreams actually foretell the future, or if they only seem to because we are more likely to recall or reconstruct dreams that seem to have come true.
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May 29, 2002
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I'm not talking about the guilt trips and hatred of dreams.

I'm talking about the guilt trips and hatred that's associated with "normal" and "reality."
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Oct 2, 2002
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Ahhh, alright.

Well I see what you mean with "normal." There are people that hate other people or feel guilty about themselves because they set themselves apart from what is considered "normal," although that's more societal I think, than psychological.

As for reality... I consider reality the world as I perceive it through my five sensory organs. That's it. It is me, and that which surrounds my living body. Reality is perceived differently by different people, but reality holds ultimate facts to it, such as life and death. These "guidelines" are final truths. As human beings our actions in reality are controlled by the rules of the universe we live in, rules like gravity. It is where I am, it is my plane of existence. Now, you can toy with the idea of reality, like saying maybe what -I- think of reality is just my mind in a fish-bowel being zapped by electricity, but that's abstract. There is no point in believing something like that because what I have right now as a "reality" has proven to be extremely consistent, and I accept it as fact. I don't think there is in fact any guilt or hatred associated with the defiance of reality. Things that defy reality (or appear to) are often regarded with amazement, with awe and admiration. Dreams are such things, because dreams are worlds created within your own mind, seperate from reality, subject to no rules; the same goes for cartoons and movies. They defy reality. But nothing can defy reality within reality itself. If something that we perceive as unreal does in fact occur, that only means we were wrong, and must stretch our perception of what is real. Reality, in the end, is as open or as closed of a concept as you want it to be, dependant on how you think.

That's just how I see things anyhoo.

Here's some stuff aboot forgetting dreams though (I was curious)

Freud said:
That a dream fades away in the morning is proverbial. It is, indeed, possible to recall it. For we know the dream, of course, only by recalling it after waking; but we very often believe that we remember it incompletely, that during the night there was more of it than we remember. We may observe how the memory of a dream which in the morning was still vivid fades in the course of the day, leaving only a few trifling remnants. We are often aware that we have been dreaming, but we do not know of what we have dreamed; and we are so well used to this fact- that the dream is liable to be forgotten- that we do not reject as absurd the possibility that we may have been dreaming even when, in the morning, we know nothing either of the content of the dream or of the fact that we have dreamed. On the other hand, it often happens that dreams manifest an extraordinary power of maintaining themselves in the memory. I have had occasion to analyse, with my patients, dreams which occurred to them twenty-five years or more previously, and I can remember a dream of my own which is divided from the present day by at least thirty-seven years, and yet has lost nothing of its freshness in my memory. All this is very remarkable, and for the present incomprehensible.

The forgetting of dreams is treated in the most detailed manner by Strumpell. This forgetting is evidently a complex phenomenon; for Strumpell attributes it not to a single cause, but to quite a number of causes.

In the first place, all those factors which induce forgetfulness in the waking state determine also the forgetting of dreams. In the waking state we commonly very soon forget a great many sensations and perceptions because they are too slight to remember, and because they are charged with only a slight amount of emotional feeling. This is true also of many dream-images; they are forgotten because they are too weak, while the stronger images in their neighbourhood are remembered. However, the factor of intensity is in itself not the only determinant of the preservation of dream-images; Strumpell, as well as other authors (Calkins), admits that dream-images are often rapidly forgotten although they are known to have been vivid, whereas, among those that are retained in the memory, there are many that are very shadowy and unmeaning. Besides, in the waking state one is wont to forget rather easily things that have happened only once, and to remember more readily things which occur repeatedly. But most dream-images are unique experiences, * and this peculiarity would contribute towards the forgetting of all dreams equally. Of much greater significance is a third cause of forgetting. In order that feelings, representations, ideas and the like should attain a certain degree of memorability, it is important that they should not remain isolated, but that they should enter into connections and associations of an appropriate nature. If the words of a verse of poetry are taken and mixed together, it will be very difficult to remember them. "Properly placed, in a significant sequence, one word helps another, and the whole, making sense, remains and is easily and lastingly fixed in the memory. Contradictions, as a rule, are retained with just as much difficulty and just as rarely as things that are confused and disorderly." Now dreams, in most cases, lack sense and order. Dream-compositions, by their very nature, are insusceptible of being remembered, and they are forgotten because as a rule they fall to pieces the very next moment. To be sure, these conclusions are not entirely consistent with Radestock's observation (p. 168), that we most readily retain just those dreams which are most peculiar.
I have fun talking about this stuff, so don't let me come off as offensive or anything anywhere. :yes:


i once woke up with my stereo next to me in bed :s

pretty weird since my stereo is in the room next to my bedroom :x

other than that, nothing weird happend, apart from the fact that i hold a pillow fight with myself every once in a while
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Feb 26, 2003
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I've actually had my own theory about the mind and stuff. It kinda popped up one day.

As Magus said, we use only a small portion of our mind. Have u ever wondered y?
I say the mind contains an undeveloped communication portion, that develops from generation 2 generation. Did u notice how communications between humans has improoved since our creation. We're xtremely united compaing to how we were 2000 years ago, aren't we. We have international marketing, ppl travel in different countries (unless flat earth is right and most of 'em don't even xist :p). But what is so special about this communication, annd till when will it develop? I believe that in a few hundreds of years, the mind will be developed enough, and all the space needed for that special ability will be reched, therefore allowing human beings to intercommunicate between themselves. But I also believe that in a hundred years even, some humans will be able to reach that state. These ppl will have to extremely open minded and also, not have any sences nor movement anymore (kinda like what happened to Cristopher Reeve, who btw died today :( ), since they use a smaller portion of their brain, giving more space to the "ability". But this won't be mere psychic abilities... this will be more like a web of human information, letting the people in that condition have an unbrakable communication between themeselves. I believe, this is also what happens when ure dead. Ure mind is finnaly freed from the body, aloowing it to have an infinite space for that communication. This theory is proven in many places. Let's use Cristopher Reeve as an example again. The way he cared for everyone, no matter what were their flaws, and tried to help others in the rest of his life proove he got more open minded, since he couldn't move and all.

U may think this is xtremely nutty, but I gave u proof, and can probably find much more ;)
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Apr 16, 2002
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Well this sorta things come up in my head all the time, and for some reason i think ive almost made sence of this huge illision... but i have to say that after hearing my theory's then all of you will just say that its the matrix. but why not? mayb this person has experienced the exact same thing i had about a month ago...

Im not going to lie my head it totally messed up,
So my theory.. everything is set out straight with rules, something is in charge, i dont know how or who but it is, everything is a sort of piece of code, to run out throughout your lifes,. everything has code to it to run out what its meant to be.. and basically finding out a certain 'vius' code if you like hacks through this 'norma;' state to see reality or at least a differant reality, im not going to say what the virus is as you need to find it yourself, but about a month ago i had the virus, and nothing made sence, it was as if i was re-writting the code, i was in control... but in the same way i wasent in control...

For a slip second i could see reality in a differant way, i seen a monitor surounded in blackness with what i would normally see inside this screen... and for a good solid 3 or 4 hours i was saying to myself in my head.. "This is real.. this is happening right now" and i got worried and scared becuase i was in control yet i didnt know how to be in control,... things i was doing didnt make sence, and when i spoke i heard me speak as of other people could hear me... you know when you speak into a mic and you hear play back and go, "Wo do i sound like that" well i was scared to speak for a good few hours because i didnt want to hear me speak like that... so i was coutious of not speaking, at one point im certain i re-wrote the code to allow me some professional abilities, stupid ones but defanitly ones that worked...

but through out this whole thing it was not just in my head.. gravity had no meaning and i was very very scared. ok im not sayin that i felt i was flying but my tongue did.

No one on hear or anyone ever can tell me that this didnt happen becuase it did.. there is absolutly no way i can proove this but its going to stay with me for ever and it has seriously messed me up... and ever since then ive not been right.. always thinkin to my self, well for example.. i would think of something over and over in my head and it would happen guarenteed 100% it would happen if i thought about it over and over in my head. i dunno... its really hard to explain but i guess unless u get as messed up as me you wont figure it out... oO

oh and aboout the Ki aspect? the first comment about the ice and fire... how are you expected to proove it guys! seriously if it happened to you, someone put ice on your hand and you thought it was burning you and i asked to proove it could u...? no. But Ki is defantly real, and the way i see it, if you can find the code to alter this then it is prossible, possitive thought can alter anything, and its all internal to the head. Me and Kuyu used to do basic ki training, and strangly someof it did work in an odd way. So i dunno everything is possible you just have to set it out in your head...

oh and religion is poison.. it is for the weak who dont want to be in control of themselfs, for people who need someone to look after them when things go wrong, dont ***** at me for saying this... it is static and certain..

The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Moshe Kipod Ham said:
As Magus said, we use only a small portion of our mind. Have u ever wondered y?)
Be careful how you say this. You use every portion of your brain. Now whether or not you use each portion to it's fullest might be different.
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Apr 18, 2003
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You are not the brain or the mind. You are just pure counscious, mind is the lowest ability to understand reality. Your felings actualy reflect a lot more reality than your mind ever does. Thoughts are like Air Castles, they are very dead, like illusion. When you use your feelings to understand reality you will get further in this than using the mind or thoughts. You can go even further than feelings, your feelings are more real than thoughts but they are not the most real thing, the most real thing comes when fellings and thoughts are gone. I don't know how to call it, it is something beyond words..
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Feb 26, 2003
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Deman said:
Be careful how you say this. You use every portion of your brain. Now whether or not you use each portion to it's fullest might be different.
yeah well as usual don't take everything I say 2 seriously. As long as u got what I meant though, its k...
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Dec 3, 2002
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You know...I have been having this crazy recurring dream. Where some type of odd world exists, somewhere underneat ours. It is basically a manifestation of the psychological conflicts I encounter throughout my life. It is way too intricate to get into here, but the events in this world supposedly influence this one greatly, according to the dream.

Wouldn't it be interesting if it were true?
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Oct 4, 2004
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One who asks for proof is either non believing, or wise, which one are you trying to be? I have suddenly woken up in the middle of the night, as I dreamt a basketball hit me hard in the chest, and I woke up by losing my breath. That is one example of your minds power. You can trick yourself into doing ANYTHING! Like walking on coal, all you have to do, is convince yourself that you do not feel warmth or pain. As in religion, your mind has something to do with this too would you not agree? If you believe strong enough (think, concentrate, focus) on something, it might happen. I have done things I know I usually would not be able to do by focusing my mind to it..

Can you explain how people can walk on *real* burning coal without feeling pain?

Our minds only work at 10 %, and we still invented advanced technology, medicinal cures and industry with only that.. The mind also controls the muscles, so when we master our mind we will also become a hell of a lot stronger.

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