The dumbest thing that scared you the most??

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Feb 6, 2002
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ROFLMAO you guys have some relly fun things there lol...
well i guess my would be when i took a bath 2in the night in my jacuzzi, fell asleep for like 15min (dangerous?) when i woke up i were like drowning, had water all over me, i thought someone had thrown me in a sea or something... man that was scary....

i dont get scary out of muc but that time and sometimes in cimputer games oh man... i have a chair when you lean forward to much it pops, and like the levler that would hold it in place losses and you get "thrown" forward.. so one time when i was playin a scary computer game dont remeber what it was... just when it was a scary part my chair "popped" and my head hit the computer screen >_<
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Dec 2, 2001
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i have to say the cariest thing is when you are all alone its about 2 am, and im sure everyone knows the feeling. you somehow feel like there is just something else in the room or around you, almost like a omni prescense. out of te corner of your eye you see things but can never make out what they are. it isnt a good feeling either. its almost as something bad is ganna happen but you dont know when, but you know its ganna happen. its like a candle that hasnt been lit being lit for the first time. some type of aura just fills the air but it isnt a good aura. you feal helpless because you cant see or hear thsi thing but you can feal it. its a very strong fealing of anxiousness, nerves, and a fear of what you cannot explain.

its this same fear that makes people shut their closet when they go to sleep, or shut the blinds when you are in the middle of no where.
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Nov 29, 2002
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I remember this one time, when I was playing AVP with a friend. There was just the two of us in the room, at some early morning time. So he's some way behind me in the game, but he's sitting right next to me in the room. I come out of this corridor into an intersection on about the first level, and I scan from right to left, planning to go right.
Right...dead end.
Ahead...dead end.
Left...dead end.
I turn and look right again, and all of a sudden this alien is in in my face, from a dead end mind you. So I yelled, because the damn thing scared the crap out of me, made my friend jump and then laugh as I blew this alien away.

It was very funny.

As for actually scared, only some dreams I had when I was younger have scared me a lot. Recurring ones, but they went away when I stopped myself from waking up before the end. ^_^
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Nov 29, 2002
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suicidal_maniac said:
Scariest thing in the world are those loud Alert! sounds in MGS. >_<
Omg!!! do you mean like the amber alert? OMG everytime that comes on my radio at night I always turn it off for about a min then turn it back on... that beep beep beeeeeeeeep. It has the scariest tone to it..
Super Saiyan Dabura
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💻 Oldtimer
Oct 31, 2003
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on my gf's breasts
Another 1
My friend gave me Korn media and the first song was ''twist" so I didnt know that song was the first one so I turned volume to mega max and one of the speakers was behind me while I was doing something...then.....the song began playing and that voice was realy freaky.......I jumped thinking some dog was behind my adrenalin was damaged so I freazed and then I was filled with anger becouse my friend was there every time he plays cs,avp,....fps games in scary situacions I scare him and he is like ''what tha funk is wrong with you'' (he sayd from the top of the monitor)

And another 1

My friend (the one above) and me were playing AVP and suddenly his sister run across the room.....he jumped screeming on me like a little girl and I joined him with that stuff:( we were jumping along while hes sister was laffing.I hate hes sister now! And I think she is a alien every time she comes in the room....
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Jan 27, 2003
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Don't you hate it when your watching tv, flicking the channels over, and you come across a horror film and you think to yourself
"yeah, i'l watch a little bit of this"
and then you feel you have to watch the rest of it. When you've finished watching it, and its 1 am in the morning, your on your own downstairs and everythings dark you think
"why the **** did i watch that for !!!"
You then head upstairs to bed, lie down and stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes, too scared to roll over and go to sleep.
At these moments i vow never to watch horror films again, but i always do and go through the same process every time =/
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2003
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Jonesdaniel said:
Don't you hate it when your watching tv, flicking the channels over, and you come across a horror film and you think to yourself
"yeah, i'l watch a little bit of this"
and then you feel you have to watch the rest of it. When you've finished watching it, and its 1 am in the morning, your on your own downstairs and everythings dark you think
"why the **** did i watch that for !!!"
You then head upstairs to bed, lie down and stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes, too scared to roll over and go to sleep.
At these moments i vow never to watch horror films again, but i always do and go through the same process every time =/
exactly and then i have scary dreams and i dont get to sleep till 2am and i have to wake up at 7 the next morning
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💻 Oldtimer
Oct 2, 2002
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Ever played the game Fatal Frame 2?

That game scares the flying shiznos out of me, it's the only game I just can't play alone, and I feel stupid buying it when I almost never get to play it >_>;
I save it like, 1 am if I'm with friends though, it's awesome then ^_^
Lost in space
Oct 2, 2003
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i never had an scary moment in my l'm an screen-thinker..i see everyting in my head..
i cant dream..and ive seen every single monster infront of me..
this is no joke..this is serious
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Dec 22, 2002
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Lol, i got a good one actually, Me and my friend were in our history of film class watchin the original psycho, and the stabbing came up (wee wee wee) and yeah, my friend, who was asleep, got scared by the music thinkin it was his alarm clock and jumped up in the middle of class looking for where his clock was. It was pretty damn funny.
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💻 Oldtimer
Apr 9, 2003
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well the most dumb thing that i was scared of ...was........
MYSELF!(believe me i´am scraing)
well i got drunk one night and did sleep at my girlfriends home.
and i didn´t know she "re-styled" her romm and she put a mirror above the bed .
and well i woke upe opened my eyes and swa myself in the mirror and was pretty scared for a feew sec´s
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Nov 28, 2002
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A while back when i was like 10 or so i just recently saw the exorsist or some scary movie. Anyway it was probably about 2 or 3 in the morning and i woke up in the middle of the night because i couldnt sleep and i kinda had a cold sweat. Well i was awake and im sure nobody else was and i heard a very clear knock on my door, and then about 5 seconds later it knocked at my door again...then my door busted open and this guy in all black ran into my room and stabbed me #$@!#!!

...hehe not really all true except for the door opening stabbing guy. After the knocks i was awake for about 30min to an hour watching my door.

Also before the very first day of school this year (you know how it is your anxious for the first day of school and its hard to go to sleep) Well i tried to think of pleasent thought but all i could think about was the Freddy Crouger song

"One two Freddies comin' after you. Three four better lock the door"

(I had just seen Freddy v. Jason) and it became so real to me and it was hard to go to sleep...

O and 1m4 0wn y0 455 i know what your saying :fight:

[a little long eh? :p ]
New Member
Apr 3, 2005
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ive just whached aliens on my widescreen tv, i go into the kition and theres a melon starting to go out of date on a top shelf i triped over somthink hit the wall the melon land on my head so i now a melon head i thurghit i was being face hugged as my friend said i ran in cercles intill i fainted. when i fainted i hit my head but the melon saved me from having brain trama now that ****ing creapy


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Thanks for reviving a thread over a year old...wait >_>

please don't revive threads over a month old.

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