Swooping Idea


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💻 Oldtimer
Jun 18, 2003
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New York
The problem is that hardly anyone knows how to turn them of, and thats why i suppose it was removed in the first place, because ppl started whining bout it.
So then you just make it off by default. I imagine it wouldn't be hard implement at all. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want this in.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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Yes, most people who are still arguing against this idea, still evidently haven't noticed that we've been asking for it to be defaulted off, that way people that can't handle it, won't need to worry about it. In other words, if you don't like this idea, don't even worry about this thread, becuase if it is implemented, you won't even notice a change.
The Krazy One
✔️ HL Verified
🎈 Advanced
Feb 2, 2002
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The reason dust trails were removed is they were buggy. If you swooped straight down while at the ground, the trails would endlessly appear in the same spot until the swoop ended, which caused the fps to drop to 2 at times. This was realized when the bots were implemented. Now I know for a fact that, that can be easily be fixed, but I believe the ESF team thinks that fixing the swoop trails isn't a high priority to worry about.

Now yes, the swoop trails were indeed interesting to watch. They caused alot of lag, and most people didn't know how to turn them off.

If they were to be re-added, it should be defaulted as off, that way if people want to have them on, they can turn them on from the options menu, or console.

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