Super dbz D:

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Jun 8, 2004
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It might be the PAL version, we got it earlier and maybe they hadn't added American dubbed voices yet. Like they did with Budokai 1 -_-

Getting this game on monday, if I don't try out that new Mecha Frieza soon i'll shrivel up and die.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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heh, im kinda glad, i much prefer the japanese voices, pitty the kanji arent there though... but while you play it actually does look really good.


I just got king kai's planet too ^_^ its awesome, you can fight anywhere on it heh. I've got a character card for every character now, but i've only completed like 5 or 6, my goku seems to be my best character atm, I've even got his dragon finisher, even though its kinda hard to pull off its worth the crazy spiritbomb scene, looks just like when buu got vapourized in the manga. I've chosen videls tripple kick to inherit too D: next im going for ultimate gohans melee attack thing where he shoots instantly from one place to another, Im trying to make goku as much melee as possible.

Btw, If you're wondering what that round thing with 3 tubes on is on cyborg frieza, its his grenade launcher... Cyborg frieza has a very nice arsenal of weapons, i love crack bombs =P
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Jul 23, 2006
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i dont know much bout this game is it pc or console kidna game coz to me looks liek it comes from a console ??


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
Read through the previous replies. It's a console game, but more specifically it's for the Playstation 2 and arcade systems.
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Oct 27, 2004
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MC said:
Talk about spoiling a game...

So what's the verdict? Buy, Rent, or Don't bother?
You can spoil this game?

Well it depends, if you love fighters and/or DBZ, an absolute must buy, but if you are "meh" in the afromentione categories, then rent would be good.

In response to David:

King Kai Planet+No Borders=THE perfect stage. Now, you said you were adding Videl's move to Goku...If you add Gohan's, won't that replace it? And I assume you have seen the maximum size of the spirit bomb yes? I do think they could have made better button input commands (circle and square at the same time...?) They could have added more varied moves too if they didn't have copies of moves (qcf [ ] doing the same exact thing as qcf /\. I know some are faster/different attack, but some are just exactly the same and could have been used for a different combo/attack)
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Jun 8, 2004
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You can add the moves of one character to another?

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Nov 18, 2002
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all im using is the training mode for now ._. will i always have this small amount of combos? o-O and why the heck does i go back in non-ssj when i grab someone... owlel time to get off of naruto >_<
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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sorry, i didnt think it was that big a deal >_< anyway, you could rent it but i say you wont ever be able to unlock everything that you'd want for it, the ammount you can customise is unbelievable. If you want a brief summary of the way everything works you can read this (i'll try not to give too much away): Potential spoiler ahead

You create your own individual character cards, you have to earn experience for new moves (this is done in all playable modes even vs), every character has their own indivdual skill tree where as you earn experience you decide which skills you want and it effects the options for the rest of the skill tree. Your characters also have battlepoints which basically show how much they've done/won/fought im not too sure if it makes any kinda damage difference because it doesnt seem to make any when playing friends but in original mode i seem to be able to defeat any oponent quite easily with my goku who's at 300,000 bp (you start at 1,000), plus fighting between you and your mates you exchange bp for wins/losses, more bp if you beat someone with a higher bp and stuff. You have to use the dragonballs to get quite a few extra's (there are a lot of wishes you can make, anything from stat upgrades and skills to different voices for announcements) Dragonballs are obtained in both single player modes, not in vs.

The gameplay is very balanced, and the choice of your characters totally depend on how you want to play. Also crazy juggle combo's require a lot of practice to be able to pull them off, I can only do one or two basic ones with every character, but other than that there are completely personalised combo's for each character which not only require learning that characters timing, but are effected by your opponent as well because of their size, and weight. The only personalised combo's ive learned is one of trunks's and one of Goku's, but I only know very simple ones =\ and i have been whoring this game as much as i can scince i got it. The only thing i have trouble with is the flying, i still havent learned how to incorperate jump attacks into my fights. It's a very fast game, there is one flaw though, that blocking can be whored badly, however there are ways around it, and you still take small ammounts of damage while blocking.

Really a great game imo, best dbz game i've played, I never was any good at streetfighter, but the budokai games were all very easy for me and always left me feeling unsatisfied, except for budokai tenkaichi, but that was only because of the multiplayer, imo the storymode and ranking mode didnt keep me interested enough in the game and the lack of proper customisation and the purposeful unballancing of characters really detracts from the gameplay. The way you build up you own characters in this makes the single player a lot more worth it. Attacks are varied, and so are stats, but they're all balanced with one another. This game would be even better if you and your friends all had copies of the game, and built up your own individual characters to fight each other with, but unfortunately, all my friends bar one or two hate dbz and would rather die than buy something associated with the series, but they still like this (the also really liked tenkaichi). Thats sort of my review, but remember i am bais in favour of this game, like the gamespot review is blatenly the opposite.

SSJ is a limited time period, you dont have many combo's per say, but its all about how you use them and how they link up with your special moves and the dashing, as well as super moves

Ravendust: you can choose either a stat effect or a skill from another complete character card but the moves they give depend on who you are and the person you're giving them too.

Chakra: Im not too sure what you mean about them being the same moves [] is weaker and /\ is stronger it also effects different moves in different ways like the rock throw stays for a minute if you use [] if you use /\ it shoots off right away, I think they're all customised at least to a much greater extent than in tenkaichi or budokai, all attacks are different in some way, some less than others, but some are completely different. Plus i dont know if it'd replace it, i havent got that far before =P but i've got 1 empty slot left on my character card.... so i was hoping it'd be okay :x if not i'll just have to grab a stat effect... might wish to restart goku again too, because i really like that gohan move :x, btw spirit bomb for me is [] + /\ which means i can just press L1 to use it instead, you must've chosen something different on your character tree or you're talking about the dragonfinisher rather than the spirit bomb move >_>
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May 7, 2003
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I picked up my reserved copy the day it came out. Eh, a friend of mine and I played it for a bit. We got a handle on the controls & how to perform combo attacks... and use Power Ups(Super Saiyan/Super Namek, etc), but I gotta say, this is the worst game I've played recently(Worse than Sagas in my opinion). The gameplay is rather half-assed, choppy & just silly. It's very hard to understand what the actors are saying during combat and the sound quality is bad. The model physics are the worst I've seen in this age of technology. I mean, wouldn't it have been easier to revert to a 2D style game, aim closer to the Anime style of drawing & use extraordinary physics? I would have loved it to look something like Marvel vs. Capcom, but hell, they decide to go all 3D & spend little time working on the character animations & sound.

The last time I saw some excellent physics & animation was during Tenkaichi's Intro video--apart from the strange coloring, it was pretty topnotch. Super Dragon Ball Z, on the other hand, was just horrible. Too many divided positive elements--they're always used in some other game when they should be integrated into one. That's when they'll go somewhere. All of these games just appear as dupes of eachother; Budokai, 2, 3, Tenkaichi, and now Super Dragon Ball Z--and then eventually Tenkaichi 2, and possibly a Budokai 4, and then I suppose some online play, and at that point people will be so burned out by all the repetitive gameplay and fighting styles the idea of playing online wouldn't even sound as interesting as it once did.

Battle Stadium D.O.N. Now there's a game worthy of being brought to the US. Different style, addictive & a beautiful selection of characters to choose from. Naruto & Dragon Ball Z? I will love killing every single character from Crap Piece.

Fact has it, Japan always gets the better stuff. Problem with the US is FUNimation. They shut everything good down. ZEQ2 > Any FUNimation/Atari game. ESF > Any FUNimation/Atari game. It's so funny, how giant money suckers like FUNimation & Atari never really know what the fans want--it's always the fans who do something appealing for other fans. Okay, sorry for that.
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Jun 8, 2004
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@David - Whoa, that's quite the review :eek:

You mentioned a lot of features and depth that the Gamespot review 'missed out'. I can't wait to start up my own character cards, speaking of which, if you choose a skill in your skill tree and find you're not well suited to it, can you undo your decision or do you have to wipe your character card and start anew?

GameFAQ's boards seem to agree with you on a lot of points, makes me wonder if the Gamespot guys saw the title, slapped a 7/10 on it, gave it a vague review and took the rest of the day off work.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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Ravendust: Yes, you can alter it, but it requires you collecting the dragonballs to wish for your skill tree to go back to the start, you get all your experience back but it means you can change how your character will play

Sorry if you think this game is too choppy RP, but imo its a hell of a lot smoother than any budokai game ive played, tenkaichi is "smooth" if you want to call it, but its also a lot more about routines, as every action in that game has a counter action, and if you play cleverly you can pretty much sail through that game just purely on routine. I'll put it this way, i dont think I can be beaten with kid goku in that game, i've played it for hours on end, and i can play ssj4 gogeta with kid goku and win without using a single beam (and i mean against friends who are prettymuch on par with me in tenkaichi). Super dbz requires you to learn your own character, his own timing, his own ways of linking up moves (which did take almost a day of playing to get as fluid as i am now) It doesnt flow naturally, it has to be learned. To me, the graphics in this game are far superior to tenkaichi, purley because is so manga like, the enviroments are top notch, they look like they're taken from the manga. Apart from cell, I think every model in this game looks a lot more like the characters in the manga than tenkaichi, to me i see a lot of flaws in tenkaichimodels, not so much in number 2, but number 1 had some pretty hideous models. I'm a manga lover though.
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Jun 17, 2003
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Not sure if anyone notices it, but it reminds me alot of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat put togethor in a cellshaded world. =/
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Sep 11, 2005
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I just rented the game today and this is my review.

I think the game is not good or bad, It's just another DBZ game sort of.
I feel that there arent enough characters and combo's, And throwing a ki blast is quite random, there is like no certain button for Ki attacks, I also do not like how SSJ is for about 10 seconds, They minus well nit have put it in the game to begin with.

I do like the RPG System on the game, where you can upgrade your stats and moves, That's definetly a plus. There isnt enough game modes, A story mode would be nice, It's also lame how you cannot fight A.I. in practice mode.

It's almost like the combos arent long at all, they are pretty short, but the special effects are pretty cool.

I will post more if I get better or further in the game.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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I understand what you're saying, I happen to agree with you on some of it.

I kinda do miss a story mode, and no ai is pretty annoying too. I know what you mean about lack of combo's, except i dont think you're quite getting how the combo's are ment to be used, they should be used to link up ki attacks, dashes and hard hits, its not just 1 sequence of buttons which pulls off various melee hits. Its all about a collection of moves that go together beautifully, the better you get with a character the longer you can get the chain of attacks, switching characters makes this harder scince you probably wont be able to link things in the same way with somebody else. It also means that you have to be able to pull of any move at any given time, which took me a while to get the hang of. The ki blast is there to stop those attacks hitting you which are pinning you down. About the number of characters, i think you've just been spoilt by tenkaichi and budokai =P even in them u have a million characters but they all play pretty much the same, in this every character is different, also remember back to streetfighter/mortal combat days? 18 wud have been a healthy number of characters in that, and people were more than satisfied with the selection. Also there are some combo's that you need incredibly percific timing to get right and follow up from, try with goku Light hit >hard hit (sort pause) hard hit if you get it right there will be an explosion when you punch them, and this also enables you to dash immediately after them, this is good if you've sent them up into the air already so you can continue to keep them up there before you shoot of a beam.
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Jun 1, 2004
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Sep 14, 2005
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i just rented the game and all i can say is...holy ****....theres..just so many combos...... and gokus spirit bomb kicks ass...right now hes my best char with bp around 200k.... i recomend this game to all people who love street fighter and all i have to do is wait for T2 to come out :D
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Sep 11, 2005
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Wow, some of these unlockables are pointless,

"Change my name?"

"I want a different outfit?"

"Show my stats?"

Who cares?
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Jul 23, 2005
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-- I actually like the show my stats wish-- nothing like 250 wins to 0 being showed before a fight to intimidate your opponent. " Huggles her Action Replay "

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