SSJ4 Gogeta WIP

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Jan 14, 2003
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hokage did u just request him to give u that model? cause i dought he would give it to u unless u were doing somthing with it like skinning or animating but becuase he isnt releasing no one will get it.
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Dec 3, 2001
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Jenny_Kitty said:
The only thing I DONT like about it is the feet, they look weird, and the part where the arm bends between the arm and forearm, it looks to thin. Other then that it looks good.

Also, can we see a side view please?
The feet probably look wierd to you because there is a lack of shadow... And they're black... So it would be hard to see the front.
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Dec 10, 2002
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I hope this render shows you more ^_°.
I fixed his whole neck area! I made a big mistake there... You maybe didn´t noticed that, but i did ^_^.
I hope the feets are right now.
The hands are a little bit smaller.
his boobs are a little bit bigger, but only a little little little bit.
I fixed the damn Yellow things on his arms and around his neck!
There was soooooo many mistakes there!
I fixed his teeths a bit.
I add him on his arms the hair which stands forward. ( If you look exactly at his wristband - hand connection area you can see his hair standing forward^^. It is modeled and not only coloured polys!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
That mean i can alpha map it to make it looking like real hair^^.
The problem is i don´t know how to alpha map :p .
I fixed some other little things... :p

I have maybe forgot to answer some of your questions or to answer to your request... I am sorry for that.

REASON why i didn´t post Wireframe and Flat Shade:
First of all IF i show you a flat shade why do you need a WireFrame too??? o_O . Secondly IF i show you a WireFrame why do you need a Flatshade?
In the BFP2 Brahma thread of JBoska (i hope i wrote his name right^^) some of you asked for a smooth shaded and flatshaded pic. BUT if you have looked exactly at it you would have seen that the pic was FLAT-WIREFRAMED. :p
But that´s not the reason why i didn´t post Wireframe OR Flatshade.
Wireframe pics are for me totaly USELESS so I won´t post any.
Flatshade pics are very useful, BUTTTTTTT I forgot to make one o_o .
I will post one later I think ^_^.

Reason why I won´t post a Sideview:
If i would think that my model don´t look that well from the side and could need some work or i would need help on the side view or something like that I would show you a side pic. But because my model looks 99% right to me from the side and I don´t want any coments or crits to it i won´t show it.
BTW, that´s only a little reason.
If i would show a side pic I bet 10000 gogeta ssj4 WIP threads will come.


The model animates with and without the west great ^_^.
I would like to gave the model animateable eyelids, but it is confusing.
If i would add him eyelids the eyes wouldn´t be connected to the eyebrows.
There would be a distance between them and that would be an incorrect DBZ anatomy. But DBZ BUDOKAI (1,2,3) models does have animateable eyelids but there isn´t any distance between eye and eyebrows.! Would it work if i make the eyelids separate? (not connected to the head...) And if i rotate the joint it goes outside of the head and close his eye? Would that be the only way to gave a DBZ model animate able eyelids? o_O
New Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Mate his feet are now too small, with shoes on the width of the base of your foot is considerably wider than the top of your ankle. That aside it looks much better. Good job.
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Dec 10, 2002
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Saiga said:
Mate his feet are now too small, with shoes on the width of the base of your foot is considerably wider than the top of your ankle. That aside it looks much better. Good job.
I know what you mean... I will fix it again :fight: .

I forgot something:

*****POLYCOUNT: 2302*****
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★ Black Lounger ★
💻 Oldtimer
Apr 23, 2003
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i think the budokai eyelids are animated skins, though dont hold me to that its been a long time since i looked
New Member
Jan 14, 2003
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ok if u wont show us a full body side view can u show us a sideview of the shoes
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Mar 28, 2004
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I suggest you show all the views . Front/side/back .

And his nick is JBoskma (Jelmer Boskma) .
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Mar 26, 2002
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Kreshi said:
REASON why i didn´t post Wireframe and Flat Shade:
First of all IF i show you a flat shade why do you need a WireFrame too???

Because flatshade doesnt show poly formation, it only shows poly flow. Sure you can see some lines on where the vertecies join with the faces, but it doesnt show which way the polys are. THAT is why we need to see wireframe and flatshade.

Also, even if you think you shouldnt post a side view because you think you are so "Sure" of yourself that its perfect, it doesnt mean WE dont want to see what it looks like. Its the same as saying "Why post a front view when I think its 99% correct. How about I dont show it at all because all of it is 99% correct". If you say that you wont show a side view because you think its 99% right, but you show a front view, then would you be saying that the front view is "Incorrect"? Think about it.
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Dec 1, 2001
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Jenny_Kitty said:
Because flatshade doesnt show poly formation, it only shows poly flow. Sure you can see some lines on where the vertecies join with the faces, but it doesnt show which way the polys are. THAT is why we need to see wireframe and flatshade.

Also, even if you think you shouldnt post a side view because you think you are so "Sure" of yourself that its perfect, it doesnt mean WE dont want to see what it looks like. Its the same as saying "Why post a front view when I think its 99% correct. How about I dont show it at all because all of it is 99% correct". If you say that you wont show a side view because you think its 99% right, but you show a front view, then would you be saying that the front view is "Incorrect"? Think about it.
Uhh Jenny, before you get everyone confused with your logic =P (I understood it ;)). he said that was only a tiny part of the reason. He's afraid if he shows a side view, people will rip/clone his model.

BTW, that´s only a little reason.
If i would show a side pic I bet 10000 gogeta ssj4 WIP threads will come.
New Member
Mar 31, 2004
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idd before posting plz think a little ^^, good job Kreshi, dont show a side view there ar eloads of evil rippers :p (EVIL EYE)
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 10, 2002
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DarkaGe|SSJ look man stfu no one wants to rip this its a great model so stfu about ripping cous i dont think that u know wat u are talking bout
New Member
Mar 26, 2002
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DarkaGe|SSJ said:
idd before posting plz think a little ^^, good job Kreshi, dont show a side view there ar eloads of evil rippers :p (EVIL EYE)
I did think. I, just like everyone else, post front, side and offset views of models and none of them get modeled off them. I will admit I've seen it done, but I take that as a compliment in that my work was good enough to be copied. Either way, you can easily tell the origonal from the copy any day.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 10, 2002
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yup i used to do coppying just becous i liked the models and geas wat i never released anny of them
New Member
Mar 31, 2004
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firstly FU zelda there is no reason for u to start abusing me in dat way, and in a way i made my post in abit of humour so STFU zeldalink dont abuse me, I did not abuse you now stay on topic and dont abuse others cuz I woudnt wont this thread closed its kreshi's not ours
New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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Styer101 said:
well majin pool if u would read u would know that it wasnt for esf and it wasnt for zeq2 its for practice
Okay, sorry then.

Reads again, WHAAAT!!!?? not for esf?

to bad
New Member
Jan 14, 2003
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Thank you majin pool that helps every1 and keeps these threads spam free ;)

Dark and Zelda stop having a war in the thread take it to teh pms or ims

anyways i've always liked your models and i still do so good job.
New Member
Dec 10, 2002
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guys I have lied :( !
I haven´t show you a side pic, because the model sucks so much from the side if you compare it to the front :( .
I am ashamed because I made the model looking that bad from the side :( .
The pants suck like a pig from the side and the upper body is totaly stretched.
After I have fixed the side I will show you a pic... I don´t wana show it to you in this progress. BTW, I forgott his tail!!!!!

And here the flat-shade:

I will only post a side pic if someone would 100% draw me a good drawover to help me out :D
Otherwise I will need to draw it myself... and i haven´t drawed since months^_^. I have only take real screens^^.

And for the wireframe... I really don´t understand it.
Why do you wana see the lines?
WTF, that would only help you to make your models with the same structure and not more! In a flat you can normally see everything you need to know how the model is built. But in my opinion if someone wana see a wireframe it have an evil background :\
"Why should someone wana see how my model is built?" You have only to look at the detail-polycount and you would know if it´s good or not.
The flatshade i showed isn´t that FLAT because of the lightings I think I don´t really know^^, but it is enought to show you how the whole model is built, because i don´t think that if the body have a good structure the head won´t have or inversely.

BTW, if you look 10000 times at your own model you don´t like it anymore that much as you liked it before... Editing on the same model all the time to get it looking better and better and better get boring and boring and boring...
So I won´t change much anymore on this model (only fix the ugly side proportions... they are really a bit strange... the pic i used seem to be totaly out of proportions... so I will again use my old good body pics to fix that^^).
I have to finish my Tien skin and releasing a Gohan SDK.

And because the model is geting boring and more boring and so on, I will maybe really release it if Sorrow (who wanted to skin it) allows it^^. :D

His boobs are supposed to be "split" like that I think :]
New Member
Jan 14, 2003
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Sweet so u r mabey going to release it. This means im gonna have to instal esf after my steam blew up.
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