F'shizzle! +downloads pack+ I'm gonna check this out right away!
EDIT: I love the pack! It could use some more work, like in the skins (especially around the eyes and the whole front in general). Also, Shadow's spikes should be a little shorter and should have a more pronounced edge to them.
Most of the sounds are pretty good, though some are reused too often or are of very differeng quality. Sonic's sounds are, on average, pretty good, and I especially like the transformation sounds, but Shadow's sounds are kinda.. blah. There's even some Vegeta sounds in there. I can understand though, if this is done because there was a lack of good Shadow sounds, but I thought I should bring it up nonetheless.
I'm no expert at modelling, but I think both models could do with a few more polies to smoothen it out a little.
Oh yeah, and Sonic's shoes look a little off. The skin around the feet, and the white band thing around his shoes in particular, seems a little out of order. I think the white band should be a little slimmer?
I love some of the animations, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Sonic's idle animation where he does the stretching thing. :3 Oh, and it's been mentioned before, but Shadow's skating motion should really be fixed. He basically takes two 'steps' for each time he swings his arms, but he's supposed to swing his arms with each step. Just thought I'd add that.
In all, I really do like the pack. Give it a little more work and it'll be just fine. I'll use it regardless, especially the Sonic model. Nice work!
Also, Chakra-X, please tell me what map that was where you were showing off Shadow's skating animation? Just PM it to me, please. :3