Some model's for beta 1.3...

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Apr 11, 2004
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So what if sum character sucked at the series, the ESF team can make that character so that he/she is good? Can't they? Yea and Nappa would be a great character to play with!
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Aug 2, 2002
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Amongst the dirty dutchies
chris109 said:
putting in characters such as the ones you have listed is sort of pointless.. because they are all weak compared to goku and the rest of them. think of it this way. put yamcha against cell, who wins. or even him with frieza.... no matter what happens no one can beat the bad guys. ya see. i mean... no offense to vegeta but hes even worthless, he could never beat one of the evil villians. He helped yeah but never beat one.

anywho my point is the only real people that would be good to put in are the people that are strong. like the androids, goten not little trunks. captain ginu. people like them. if you were going to do yamcha and all them, you would have to balance them out to all the rest of the characters.

Fire Phoenix
you mean like krillin has a chance,
all characters can be added, tien, yamcha, krillen werent weak, maybe compared with the bad guys they were, but i think yamcha and mystic krillen could defeat freeza at the end of buu saga

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