Simple ideas

New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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In melee attacks, if 2 people charge against each other, maybe they could collide and lock into a struggle. The one that taps a certain key faster, wins.

IF you make 7 wishes, in the 8th an evil dragon appears.

For the fusion idea (I know it can't be possible), but i was thinking of how to be able to fuse 2 controls into one. Well, let's take the idea of a F-14. While player 1 moves the character, player 2 selects the attacks and fires them.

Sometimes, instead of making the generic beams explode when hits the enemy, maybe push the enemy.

I would also like to have a different kind of radar. If the other player is charging a kamehameha, make his fighting power increase slowly so to bring more excitement. Or if he is transforming into SSJ for the first time, also increase rapidly his fighting power, but not all sudden changes in the radar numbers, unless you reached the perfect transformation level.

I hope none of them where posted before, if so. I'm sorry, i'm still a Noob!
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 27, 2003
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I'd like the melee struggle, and the click bit sounds good but i think the person with a higher powerlevel would be able to click less and still win.
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Dec 27, 2002
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I also like the idea of the melee struggle- with the clicking and all. It might actually pose a challenge to those who are stronger.
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Feb 10, 2003
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Clicking is no good - it is far too easy to cheat on clicking fast - scripts can be made EASILY to do this, but perhaps something more like our current power struggles w/ beams would be more appropriate, just holding the mouse button down, and the highest PL (generally) wins.
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Feb 26, 2003
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What will the evil dragon do?
Generate the dragons that will be like the freaky aliens in hl and when u kill 1 u get a Dragon Ball

Like it :confused:

And btw the pl increasing while transforming is nice :D
New Member
May 3, 2003
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I think the team has already considered this (Just a guess im not trying to act like i know everything) because i used to think the power struggle was a click competition when i first played the mod and that is how I did it, i also didnt know about holding down the right mouse button in melee and i just pressed it wen i thought i should so yea thats prolly why i was crap at it lol

But the clicking idea i agree with psychodn it would be far too easy to cheat, maybe not with a script but there are many ways.

The pl increasing while transforming is also a great idea and should be on your pl bar and not just their radar, it could slowley start increasing and towards the end just shoot up to its final pl, could be a ****ing ass to calculate though lol

I actualy thought that the dragon looked red when i was on the evil side and i summoned the dragon, maybe it does i dont know havnt retested but if not is that an idea?

I dont like the controller at the same time thing, I considered it also, But you have no real proper way of communicating with eachother and knowing when to do it, I doubt it would work out properly. But the fusion idea overall would be an amazing adition just like transforming and would be pure quality, but it sounds like its not to be expected...:(

The push them from the beam is a bit silly because if they block it does that anyway, unless there too powerfull and can just push it away.

Your powerlevel increasing during an attack, hmmmmm, intresting idea....might involve a whole new calculation method on it but it does sound like an intresting idea, If you were experienced at the game you could tell how big the blast radious is going to be compared to how big your pl is overall....Intresting idea indeed...

Sorry for the long post but I felt I wanted to answer to all of them.
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Apr 24, 2003
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Don't worry Stanz, I like people to tell me how they felt about my ideas. And you took the time to reply to each one, Thank you.

TO make some generic beams to push the player might be useful you want him away, make him crash against something, don't get hurt by the close range, etc.

And the clicking struggle I took the idea from the lock saber of Jedi Outcast
New Member
May 4, 2003
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Agreed. Mad clicking isn't good for your mouse anyway. I saw someone post the rock/paper/scissors idea once and I think it is the most effective means of achieving this. My example is as follows...

To enter the physical power struggle, both players would have to swoop at each other at the exact same instant. If they meet head on then they enter the struggle. Animations play showing each character making furiously quick attacks, blocks, and dodges for a certain duration of time. We'll say 5 seconds for instance. The players will be notified at the point that they must make their choice. The choices are as follows.

"Rock" - The Attack. Left-clicking will enter the selection of wanting to attack your opponent. This attack would be a monsterous swing, an earth-shattering punch, or a monsterous kick. If the other player enters "Rock" as well, then each character clashes and are sent flying backwards with damage equivelant to their power levels. A Super Saiyan entering combat with a weak character for example will do more damage than the other. If the other player enters "Paper" (which is a dodge) then the attacking player misses. If the other player enters "Scissors" (a block), the attack is successful but the blocking player is not knocked backward and the damage is reduced. In all instances the attacking player is left open for roughly 1 second during the follow-through.

"Paper" - The dodge. Tapping the movement key(s) will enter the selection of wanting to dodge your opponent. The character moves quickly to the side. If the other player enters "Rock" (the attack), the player side-steps the attack and all damage is ignored. If the other player also enters "Paper", both players shift to the side at the same instant. If the other player enters "Scissors", the player shifts to the side as usual. Obviously, nothing happens here either.

"Scissors" - The block. Right-clicking will enter the selection of wanting to block. The character enters the standard block stance. If the other player enters "Rock", the character is not sent flying backward, half the damage is absorbed, and the character is immobile for roughly 1 second. If the other player enters "Paper", they shift to their side while the player enters the block stance. Nothing happens, obviously. If the other player enters "Scissors", both player enter the block stance and look like morons.

Zing! Whaddya guys think?
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 27, 2003
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Originally posted by -ThrillKill-
Agreed. Mad clicking isn't good for your mouse anyway. I saw someone post the rock/paper/scissors idea once and I think it is the most effective means of achieving this. My example is as follows...

To enter the physical power struggle, both players would have to swoop at each other at the exact same instant. If they meet head on then they enter the struggle. Animations play showing each character making furiously quick attacks, blocks, and dodges for a certain duration of time. We'll say 5 seconds for instance. The players will be notified at the point that they must make their choice. The choices are as follows.

"Rock" - The Attack. Left-clicking will enter the selection of wanting to attack your opponent. This attack would be a monsterous swing, an earth-shattering punch, or a monsterous kick. If the other player enters "Rock" as well, then each character clashes and are sent flying backwards with damage equivelant to their power levels. A Super Saiyan entering combat with a weak character for example will do more damage than the other. If the other player enters "Paper" (which is a dodge) then the attacking player misses. If the other player enters "Scissors" (a block), the attack is successful but the blocking player is not knocked backward and the damage is reduced. In all instances the attacking player is left open for roughly 1 second during the follow-through.

"Paper" - The dodge. Tapping the movement key(s) will enter the selection of wanting to dodge your opponent. The character moves quickly to the side. If the other player enters "Rock" (the attack), the player side-steps the attack and all damage is ignored. If the other player also enters "Paper", both players shift to the side at the same instant. If the other player enters "Scissors", the player shifts to the side as usual. Obviously, nothing happens here either.

"Scissors" - The block. Right-clicking will enter the selection of wanting to block. The character enters the standard block stance. If the other player enters "Rock", the character is not sent flying backward, half the damage is absorbed, and the character is immobile for roughly 1 second. If the other player enters "Paper", they shift to their side while the player enters the block stance. Nothing happens, obviously. If the other player enters "Scissors", both player enter the block stance and look like morons.

Zing! Whaddya guys think?
Wow...never thought of it like that, but i must say that has to be one of the best ideas i've heard for a while, nice.
New Member
Feb 21, 2003
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nice but what happens when both players decide to dodge? nothing? And same for both blocking? Nothing? leaves kind of a break there...the idea has potential, but i don't know...
New Member
May 4, 2003
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That struck me as well. I'm still thinking about a way to fix that. I just think that it's the best way to approach a physical power struggle. At least the best that I could come up with.

I'll make sure to inform you lot if I come accross something.
New Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Well regaurdless, Joe is completely revamping melee in 1.2 according to him, so I say we wait and see what he has up his sleeve...
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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ThrillKill - I agree, that's a nice idea. As has been mentioned, though, it seems a little biased against "rock"...

How about this instead?

"Rock" - Energy blast.
"Paper" - Rapid punches.
"Scissors" - Big punch.

Energy blast beats big punch beats rapid punches beats Energy blast.

A big punch would have the same result as it does now, except with a bit of bonus damage as a reward (+20% damage and knockback?).

Rapid punches would see your character deliver five melee attacks in quick succession, with only the last knocking them away as it does now. The first four attack anims will be chosen at random, so that each time you choose this the beating it'll look different. The damage is split up between them, adding up to a bit more damage than a normal hit (+10% damage and knockback).

Energy blast is meant to simulate when one DBZ guy grabs the other, and fires an energy ball right into their gut at point blank. What it would look in ESF, to avoid animation hassles, is your character hitting them then immediately launching a generic beam - except, it would be a detached energy attack. This can potentially cause the most damage, but will leave you without much ki.
New Member
May 4, 2003
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Well there you go, Mystic Snidely. That's perfect. To hell with blocking and dodging! Stand up and fight, sissy! *laughs*
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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If they wanted to block and dodge, they shouldn't have run straight into each other and caused the melee struggle. ;)
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💻 Oldtimer
Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
melee struggle: i like the idea

Evil dargon: wht can he do?? Ow maybe this when the dragonballs are not collected in a certain time, and if the last guy who wished not has wished again he dies and starts of with his starting pl again

Fusion idea: not bad, not bad at all, that could work but then after a certain time the controls should be given to the other so they both get a chance to attack/move

generic beams: good idea

Radar: also not a bad idea dunno if its to hard to code

Overall: i give these suggettions on a scale 1 to 10 i give it a : 9,7
(that means VERY GOOD, and 10 is PERFECT so almost a perfect suggestion tread :p)
New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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MMm, i like the idea of papers, scissors and rock. It's more about luck than player's skills. It's good to have a random chance to win even if you are a noob or loosing if you are a real pro. And it sticks with the idea of the series.....remember the buu saga that GOKU, GOHAN and VEGETA chose which one to fight first with this method.
New Member
May 4, 2003
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It also keeps balance among the characters, and keeps you tense because there would be no one way to win the struggle every time. Pros would get reminders that they aren't Gods, and n00bs would get a good thrill now and then.

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