power up, KI and Power Level

New Member
Nov 14, 2002
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first off .. i don't really know what KI means .. and i never see them in DBZ power up after they charge an attack because they ran out of ki and they want to restore it ... the only time i saw such thing is when goku ssj3 was fighting kidd buu in "minute of desperation" and it was a whole minute (even a minute wasn't enough) to restore his energy (i didn't see the next ep. yet)

ok .. here is my idea about powering up ..

when u power up .. not only ur ki bar fills .. but if it's filled then after that it works like turbo, (raise ur power level) u see .. like in kid buu saga .. after he detroyes the earth and goes to the other world, vegeta and goku powered up (to RAISE thier POWER LEVELS) to grab buu's attention .... they kept powering up untill buu went thier ..

also ... when ur in turbo mode .. i think that in the show they pwoerup and then they are in turbo mode .. so turbo mode shouldn't be instant, but u keep pressing the button to power up .. and when u release it ur in turbo .. the boost in ur pl depends on how much you powered up .. ofcourse thier should be a limit, u can't power up till ur power is doubled :tired: and if u have a high pl then it becomes like perfect ransformation pl when u just powerup instantly (no need to hold the turbo button down)

also some times they power up when they are angry (like vegeta lways does), and like it says in some dbz fan sites (on how to calculate ur pl) u know calculate ur wight and age and all that, they say if ur angry ur pl is 1.5 ur normal pl :p so when they are angry, they power up .. because they want to boost thier pl!!!!!

hehe .. the last part is crap never mind ..

and another thing .. in esf when u power up .. if u already in turbo mode then after u finish powering up ur out of turbo mode!! atleast that needs to be changed!

so .. that's about it ...
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💻 Oldtimer
Feb 4, 2002
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Implementing a system that is true to dbz in a video game is difficult. Maybe in an rpg this idea would be good. But for an only multiplayer game that would just not work.

I do agree with you that, that would be very much like the series. But I don't think it would work well in multiplayer
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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Only thing i can think of is combining the ki and hp bar. Because Ki literally means life force so that would make it more true to the series.
Would be *** though if you was in the middle of charging a beam and you run out of power and die though lol.
New Member
Dec 5, 2002
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They do tie in the ki and life.. cuz with low life your ki falls... i guess thats kinda like it.

Also about turbo, i think the equivalent to turbo in DBZ is when they are on the ground, they make that sounds, and get an aura as they take off. or in the air when they start start to "rush" they make the turbo sound and take off.

And In the show they never "recharge" their ki persay, but in the show they dont launch 10x kamehameha waves in 3 minutes. And after they do launch a powerfull beam they are really tired and dont do much for a bit.

And in the show, almost ALWAYS, they are just toying around with each other, because everytime one person starts to get beat they raise their PL, and then the tables turn and then the other person raises their pl, and blah blah blah. so naturally when they are angry they flip out and charge up like crazy.

Sayjin's also get stronger when they are defeated or are on the brink of defeat, something about them causes something to snap and they gain that extra power that they otherwise could never controll.

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