Power Level Suggestions

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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 21, 2004
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Ok. I noticed how if a low level player enters a room with people with alot higher pl, and he isnt very good that it can be hard to keep up.

I have a few ideas and stuff that might help.


We know how people can be cheap.... kick spamming, throw spamming, or doing advanced melee with knock back finishers, all of which give you no chance of gaining pl.

Well, i hate that...

First of all, I think something needs to be done with the low hp rapid pl drop.. that is horrible. I hate it when i spend an hour in a room for of spammers trying to get high enough to ascend, then i transform and die boom, i lose 200,300,000 off my power level.

I think that should be abolished as well, or at the least, cut.

-Things to help low levels.

I think that if you sit and charge ki... you know press e, that your power level should go up a little bit, i think that would be kind of neat, that way people would be more inclined to stop and charge ki.... instead of... spamming.
New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Power level needs to be earned.
If you don't like your pl going down turn of Pl catchup.
If you want somone to catch up turn on Pl catchup - the drain on you wont be too much unless there STUPIDLY low in witch case get a nice member of the server to go to full power float and block while they blob them.
IF you don't like any of my solutions I'm sorry but chargeing PL is cheaper than spamming - people would just charge... and charge ... and charge ... and it'd be pathetic.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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💻 Oldtimer
Feb 17, 2003
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When you are looseing pl, you will gain it back when you die. I don't know why you complain about that fact. I know its hard for people with low PL who join a server, but if you just have some paitence and hit those with highter PL, you will gain PL quickly.
New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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Yeh they're right, if you just keep at it you'll reach their level soon enough, and then the process will start again with some other person who joins at a low Pl once you've reached a high one, and so on and so on(Circle Of...ESF? Elton John would be rolling in his grave, if he had one).

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