power level effects movment


New Member
Aug 14, 2004
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when some one has a higher power level than some 1 else than he sees him move slower then normal and he sees his ki attacks slower too, and the same thing for some 1 else stromger than him.
1 has 600,000 pl
2 has 1,000,000 pl
3 has 2,000,000 pl

1 sees 2 move faster than him and sees 3 move faster than 2
2 sees 1 slower than him and sees 3 move faster than him
3 sees 1 very slowly and sees 3 move a bit faster than 2


and i ddont mean move faster if you have a large power level i meen see
people move slower if they have a smaller power level than u
Mar 27, 2004
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i dont know much about coding but i dont think half life can make this but you would need one of the team members to tell you about all of that :p

ok your idea is abit strange because the whole point of transing is so you can move faster because you get such a large power boost the way it is now is fine to me
The Krazy One
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Feb 2, 2002
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This can't be done on the Half-Life engine, or in any game that uses network code. The Specialists doesn't use this. Their slow motion effects ALL players when activated. There is no way to actually slow down an opponent on your screen, while on their screen, you are moving faster. The packets (which is what servers send so they will know where the clients are in the map) would be all messed up, and some players won't actually be where they're suppose to be.
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Jul 6, 2004
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yea, and kai affects how far you go, not how slow you go, cos people with really high pl like say and they transform. they would be so fast that you wouldnt be able to see them and you would just be being hit by nothing too u.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jun 8, 2004
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As impossible as this is, u cud have a sort of effect to simulate it, i'm thinking a trail of 3 or 4 afterimages when swooping to make it look like you're moving faster, the effect is used in UT with the speed relic.
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Nov 28, 2002
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There is 1 way.

Just like an average powerlevel there would be an average speed.

The average powerlevel is like 2.000.000.

2.000.000 powerlevel equals 100 basic speed, then you add the char speed like Gohan + 10 so his speed would be 110 and Buu + 50 so his speed would be 150.

Then you have to add powerlevel speed, for every 10.000 pl that you above the average powerlevel you gain an extra +1 speed.

Also this effects should be vice versa, like for evey 10.000 pl that your below the average powerlevel you lose -1 speed.

Now the thing is, if everybody gets stronger, the game speeds up(3 million powerlevel would equal like 120 speed) + you would still have character difference + powerlevel difference.

Which makes this totally DBZ :p

Then some cool GFX for people who moves VERY fast and for people who move VERY slow >:]
New Member
Sep 30, 2002
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I have an idea, how about the higher ur power level u can interpret the possible movement of characters significantly below you. For exmaple. a semi transparant after image like ravendust stated, but which appears before the character. Ov course this wouldn't be accurate but for cases when someones flying at you it could work. It wont really help much i guess but would look nice.

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