Wait so Spiderman helped make Facebook?
On another note, Web of Shadows was epic! I loved how you can change between 2 different characters at will! Felt powerful and had an extensive range of abilities while the game still remained challenging enough.
It would be awesome if they make another Superman game like Superman Returns for PS2 type after the movie as well. Loved the free roaming and the high speed flying but I never got to play it much since PCSX2 doesn't run it
The Spiderman movie actually looks pretty good although it seems to have a plot I don't remember seeing before? I like how it has reverted to the web cartridges like it was in the original animated series. This brings me back so many memories of my childhood
. The game looks pretty good and if it follows the Akrham City recipe it can't really go bad BUT and this is a massive BUT, I heard they are not bringing it to the PC. FAIL!
And I am also pretty sure DeadPool has been pretty much explained in the Wolverine Origins movie.
Why did Marvel give Spiderman rights to Sony? Thats a bit stupid.
I don't think they can come up with a plot that can make Matrix even more confusing and like Frankensteins adopted son....can they?
Regardless, another Matrix game would be welcome if they keep the fighting gameplay core ideas there.