
  1. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    Aurum is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 80289.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  2. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    Prozac is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 79188.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  3. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    DarkVegetaESF is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 59316.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  4. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    Mr.House [503] is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 14183.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  5. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    Deverz is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 13129.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  6. Arcader

    New Score in: SuperHero in 60 seconds

    Skyrider is the new SuperHero in 60 seconds champion, achieving a highscore of: 8638.000! Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy - Play Now!
  7. Denz

    New superhero movies

    New Superman and the new Spiderman remake we all saw your thoughts ?
  8. Mkilbride

    Jack Thompson says he's "Protecting America" like a Super-Hero
  9. J-Dude

    Superhero Movie: The turn of the tide for spoof films?

    No, I haven't actually spent money to see it, but I work at a movie theater as a theater quality checker, and I see a lot of the films while on my rounds. I've more than noticed in recent years just how bad parody movies have become. Scary Movie went from generally accepted to a synonym for...
  10. R

    For superhero fans!! (Yes, another random thread)

    This and my other thread donald duck are very .. random.. Anyways I am a HUGE super hero fan, but the ones I want to talk about now are Spiderman, and Superman They both lead normal, mild mannered lives. Then when trouble arises, they rip open their shirt and poof, their a superhero. My...
  11. S

    Create your own SuperHero!

    Hero Creator. This is so funny,lol, click the randomizer to see some crazy stuff. Heres the many I've already made.....Jeremiah and Hortorankhun being my favorites.
  12. Guru_San

    Any Anime SuperHero duo's?

    Hey All, Me and G@me-Guru are wanting a Co logo, but we want to get a Super Hero duo and edit it for us, but i had an idea about having an Anime Duo. So does anyone no any Anime Super Hero Duo's??? From Guru, p.s. click on the 5xG Logo in our sigs :D
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