Lucifer the Satan VS Anubis [spoiler]

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Oct 21, 2006
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In the end, what you have to ask yourself, is why is the Universe here? On all accounts, nothing should exist at all. Paliontologists admit when scientifically looking at how the Earth supposedly formed and how life supposedly evolved that the conditions on Earth were never suitable for life to evolve as is so widely accepted by the world.
You can't denounce their discoveries by denying evolutionary theory and then turn around and use their research as a point for your argument, either you take a scientific approach or you stick with your faith, you really can't have both.

Anyway I applaud your newfound maturity on the subject, but it seems you've taken the easy way out of the discussion.

Personally I'm not trying to disprove God, just the Bible, in my opinion there's nothing even slightly holy about it and if we all lived by it to the letter, then humanity would never achieve anything.
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May 28, 2006
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i would just like to point out J-Dude, that you're 100% wrong on one issue "when god lays down the rules he expects them to be followed".

if that's the case, then there is NO free will.

moreover, jesus himself supposedly said something along the lines of "if you ask forgiveness, you will be forgiven, and pradise will be yours".

ZOMG whether i believe or not as long as i repent on my day of judgement, i'm going to heaven. w00t.

oh, and you still didn't answer the one word question: "Dinosaurs"?
I have to disagree almost entirely. While you're expected to follow God's laws as a prerequisite of being heavenbound, time has shown again and again that humans are QUITE capable of breaking these rules. Hence, freewill. We can do whatever we want, but anything we do or do not do has a consequence.

Concerning repenting prior to death, God is not stupid. To be forgiven you have to believe and you have to be truly, genuinely sorry. It's not as simple as you make it to be. Someone who doesn't actually regret sinning is not going to be relieved of it. There are no loopholes.

And dinosaurs? Of course I've considered that. In the Bible, some creatures described bare a great similarity to such "prehistoric" creatures. It is my belief that the great extinction occurred during Noah's flood. Simply, they drowned, and elluvial soil tossed through the water from the storm settled in layers atop the dead creatures according to density and weight, thus creating the illusion of the "sedimentary crust layers" theory used often to determine when a creature died.
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
Concerning repenting prior to death, God is not stupid. To be forgiven you have to believe and you have to be truly, genuinely sorry. It's not as simple as you make it to be. Someone who doesn't actually regret sinning is not going to be relieved of it. There are no loopholes.

Here i kinda agree with you. If you dont deeply feel sorry for your sin you shal not be forgiven. But that fact that you have to actually believe to be forgiven is bogas if you ask me.

While the Bible does state "Your believe have saved you" quite often not once does it stat wich believe exacly those are. The believes in god or the believe that your sins were wrong and that you regret them.

It could be any of those two and maby even more than that. As for dinasours. Its quite simple. God made the earth and the creatures on it. Humans were made last. How maby milleniums later we dont really know. Just cause our day has 24 hours. Gods day can take a million years or maby even more.

As for my own believes. I believe the theory of evolution is true. But i also believe that the litle soup cooked to start the whole evolution was made by god. After that the evolution started and achieved the form of human. Weather we are the actuall intent or just a phase in the middle of gods plan i dont know. For all i know God may have cooked that soup to make a beeing into wich we humans will evolve later. We could only be a side product of a greater plan.
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Nov 14, 2003
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so where did the water from the flood go? how is it that the soil and earth weren't irrepairably damaged by the immense amount of water forced into it?

and if noah was charged with collecting 2 of every species for his arc, surely there would still be dinosaurs today? or there would have been recordings of lets say, a giant brachiosaur or two on his ark, along with the rex' trying to eat everything, and what about the waterborn dinosaurs?
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Nov 29, 2004
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Jesus, you guys clearly haven't been to a creation museum before. They would explain how dinosaurs lived before the flood, how you don't share common ancestors with monkeys, and a whole lot of other crazy **** like that because a couple people can't accept that a book written by man, and then translated by man, could ever be misinterpreted. You would think that applying your beliefs in God to the knowledge that science has uncovered to form a more realistic view of the universe than was help thousands of years ago would be a natural choice, right? Is it so hard to believe that if God had the power to make life perfect, he would have had the forethought to make it such that it could adapt itself to a changing environment? Saying that you believe in a higher power that created the universe is one thing. Saying that a higher power created the universe and did so in a very specific way (and only moments ago, from a galactic standpoint) is just being delusional. As Lewis Black put it... REALITY.
Lost in space
Dec 15, 2005
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I don't have half the gumption to refute each and every one of the posts that actively try to prove to me that God and his existence is illogical. To be honest, I could give a rip. I don't care how the evidence supposedly stacks up. I won't be moved on this. You can call me closed minded or ignorant or whatever. The truly faithful have to suffer such things to reach the paradise at the end. God loves all his creation, but as the all-powerful manifestor of all that is, when he sets down rules, he expects them to be followed. He was quite prepared to send a 2nd flood, but instead his son offered to die for the sins of man so that we could have our sins forgiven of us so long as we are truly sorry for them. A man on the verge of death who asks forgiveness with his whole heart and truly believes that God is the almighty and that his son died for our sins can enter heaven. God is more than fair; there is no point of no return. We have our whole lives, and as long as we are faithful in the end, regardless of the past we will be rewarded for our faith.

One person said that they resent God for giving us free will and settings rules that we have to follow. Name one of the ten commandments that impedes upon your life unless you have the desire to do evil unto another person? God gave you life, he offers you paradise after 100 years or less of mortal living, and you have the nerve to resent him for doing this for you? God loves you unconditionally, but he is the father of all, and like any father, rewarding a misbehaving child for doing wrong is irresponsibility.

Yes, I believe God saved my father. What is so wrong with that? God intervenes in everybody's lives whether you see it or not. My father is by no means any more or less "special" than anybody else in God's eyes. Why do you take offense to the notion that something may exist that is too incredible for your mundane outlook on life? Why do you consider science as we know it now to be king? Because things make SENSE that way? Sorry to burst your bubble, but in terms of science, humans are generally far too arrogant in their assumptions of how the Universe works to realize that we don't really know anything in the grand scheme of things, and life has proven that science is not always right. Thomas Edison may have been the only one to really get it. He once said "We don't know one-millionth of one-percent about anything". In a hundred years, in our minds we've figured out a lot, but things are hardly different now from then, however proud mankind is of it's so-called mastery of the laws of physics.

In the end, what you have to ask yourself, is why is the Universe here? On all accounts, nothing should exist at all. Paliontologists admit when scientifically looking at how the Earth supposedly formed and how life supposedly evolved that the conditions on Earth were never suitable for life to evolve as is so widely accepted by the world. They say that life as we know it COULD NOT have evolved on our planet alone.

And considering the Universe itself? Why does matter or space exist? Wouldn't it "logically" make more sense for nothing to have ever existed? For there to be no void, no space, no time? Simple nonexistence? But even science agrees that the creation of the Universe had to be catalyzed by something.

You may disagree. You may say that nothing of what I say matters because in the end I can't prove anything. I accept that, because I CAN'T prove anything. In reality, neither can you; you just THINK you can. Your faith is in science, never questioning the physics books and the laws of Newton. I however, place my faith in something greater, something worth believeing in. I too live my life by a book, and by a few certain laws. In reality, you and I aren't as different as you think.

I'll leave it at that, and I wash my hands of this thread. Any more and the conversation will begin to break down. I sense it coming. God Bless.
Actually, your God promised not to flood the Earth ever again and gave Noah a rainbow to seal the deal. I would think you'd know that considering how devoted and faithful you are.

You took my words and completely distorted them. If you're going to take Genesis as the complete and utter truth, then the rest of the Old Testament must be completely true as well. In the Old Testament, in the antediluvian days, God and the Nephilim did nothing but screw around with humanity. They seem to have focused on punishing the most faithful of their followers (to test their faith, right? Yeah, ok). Why should I love such a God? Why should I love a God who tells me I have the freedom to choose between the life of a sheep or face eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell? Because you say he gave me life? He didn't. My parents did. Even if your God existed, why would an omnipotent being proclaim himself to the be cosmic stork? If he is, then who's fault is it really that humanity had become so perverse and horrid?

Somehow, you've managed to live your entire life as a super Christian, and yet you don't even seem to know the basics of what the Old Testament God did to humanity. He was responsible for more deaths than man and satan combined! Time and time again, he just flat out murdered families and entire cities because they weren't pure or whatever the torah or bible claims. Should I love him because if I don't, I'm going to hell? Well, ****, at least if I choose hell I know that I didn't make my choice out of fear.

It is wrong that you believe God saved your father, because you're insinuating that your father was somehow chosen by God to be saved, and thus must be more worthy than the man who slips down a mountainside and dies, leaving behind a family who can only worry and hope that he might still be out there. The God of the New Testament hasn't singled anyone out in forever because the God of the New Testament takes the hands off approach and isn't the temperamental child of the Old Testament.

Science isn't about "We now know everything. Let's stop trying to learn." Religion is. God says "This is how it is, was, and will always be. Now worship me." Science says "Alright, we just learned this, but what if we're wrong? Let's keep studying it and learning about it and surely will discover either something new about this, or discover something completely new and unrelated." Learning is an ongoing process, and will never end. Every person on this planet knows that. What you're doing is projecting your values onto us, and science. You "know" for a fact that God exists, that Noah saved 2 of every animal in the world, that Jesus was the son of God (Because God has cosmic sperm; why bother bestowing powers on a human and guiding him when you can just knock up some 13 year old?), that the rapture will happen, that satan exists and is evil (although all he does, according to the bible, is whisper into people's ears and try to get them to allow their Id to take over), and that all the faithful people will zoom straight up to heaven. These are all facts to you. None of this can change. The bible knows everything about everything and can't be disputed. This is what you believe.

Nothing is supposed to exist on Earth? You seem to be using a really out-dated theory, because last I heard, it's quite possible that asteroids from other planets or star systems crashed into ours, giving our planet the juice it needed to create life, which of course evolved over time. And then you say life as we know could not have evolved on our planet alone. I completely agree. It's quite possible that life as we know it evolved elsewhere. It's quite possible that life that is completely alien to anything we've ever seen or studied has evolved elsewhere. If you truly believed in the awesomeness that is a supreme diety, you'd see the larger picture. What could be more amazing that a God saying "Bing bang zoom!" and creating the big bang, and allowing his initial creation to expand, and evolve and become more complex and spread throughout the Universe and to continue evolving? Why must everything be so completely simple? "LOlers occam's razor!1" No. The truth is always stranger than fiction.

I don't live my life by a science book, or by laws or rules other than the moral code I choose to live by. Do I believe in Jesus? I believe his existence is possible, perhaps even probable, but was he able to levitate and do all those crazy things? Probably not. I'm sure he was a great man, but sometimes people need more than just the story of a man to make them get up and demand change. Sometimes people need to believe in a super being, something larger than themselves, because all of their lives they've been taught how worthless they are. If they were to realize the potential every human on this planet has, if we realized our truth worth, we might not need religion at all.

The great Bill Hicks once said:

"...all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

And he's probably right.

Dinosaurs weren't wiped out during the flood the bible spoke of. How do we know this? While carbon dating may not be the most accurate means of determining a fossil's age, it usually gives us a ballpark figure. Dinosaurs pretty much died 65 million years ago, which is far older than the 8000 years the bible gives for the Earth's age. Did a worldwide flood exist? Probably not. The Epic of Gilgamesh talks about the a great flood, as well, and is far older than anything in the bible. In all probability, the flood only covered their region of the world. The Tigris and Euphrates might have overflowed at some point (according the story, Sumeria was already pretty old), maybe because of melting icecaps or something, and wiped out a great many cities and people. Was Noah involved? No. Did the guy in the Sumerian version save 2 of every animal in the world. No. Did it last 40 days and 40 nights? Nah, according to the story, it lasted a week.

Good stuff.
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Nov 14, 2003
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sorry, you know the rules about ban evading. gonna have to step up to IP bans soon.
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Nov 28, 2002
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I don't have half the gumption to refute each and every one of the posts that actively try to prove to me that God and his existence is illogical. To be honest, I could give a rip. I don't care how the evidence supposedly stacks up. I won't be moved on this. You can call me closed minded or ignorant or whatever. The truly faithful have to suffer such things to reach the paradise at the end. God loves all his creation, but as the all-powerful manifestor of all that is, when he sets down rules, he expects them to be followed. He was quite prepared to send a 2nd flood, but instead his son offered to die for the sins of man so that we could have our sins forgiven of us so long as we are truly sorry for them. A man on the verge of death who asks forgiveness with his whole heart and truly believes that God is the almighty and that his son died for our sins can enter heaven. God is more than fair; there is no point of no return. We have our whole lives, and as long as we are faithful in the end, regardless of the past we will be rewarded for our faith.
Wait, someone who is almighty and sent himself(Or part of himself) to be sacrificed is good? The whole Jesus/god story is already rediculous.

He can just forgive anyone(He is almighty, according to the bible) and he didnt have to do the whole drama with Jesus dying at the cross. He somehow thinks it's better to execute himself(Or his son, depends on what you believe) then just to forgive everybody without all that melo-dramatic stuff.

But maybe that is just to simple and logical.
One person said that they resent God for giving us free will and settings rules that we have to follow. Name one of the ten commandments that impedes upon your life unless you have the desire to do evil unto another person? God gave you life, he offers you paradise after 100 years or less of mortal living, and you have the nerve to resent him for doing this for you? God loves you unconditionally, but he is the father of all, and like any father, rewarding a misbehaving child for doing wrong is irresponsibility.
No your god doesn't love everybody unconditionally. God will sent you to hell if you don't believe in him.(Or you will live without him if you dont believe in hell)

Yes I resent that an almighty being, who just can sent me to heaven, needs a 100 years to make up his mind, what he already knew before he even created the universe.(He is all-knowning according to the bible)

Or in other words, he knows the result before the match even starts.
Yes, I believe God saved my father. What is so wrong with that? God intervenes in everybody's lives whether you see it or not. My father is by no means any more or less "special" than anybody else in God's eyes. Why do you take offense to the notion that something may exist that is too incredible for your mundane outlook on life? Why do you consider science as we know it now to be king? Because things make SENSE that way? Sorry to burst your bubble, but in terms of science, humans are generally far too arrogant in their assumptions of how the Universe works to realize that we don't really know anything in the grand scheme of things, and life has proven that science is not always right. Thomas Edison may have been the only one to really get it. He once said "We don't know one-millionth of one-percent about anything". In a hundred years, in our minds we've figured out a lot, but things are hardly different now from then, however proud mankind is of it's so-called mastery of the laws of physics.
Science doesnt proclaim that it knows everything or all the things you are saying it does. You are creating a strawman argument.

Science isn't my answer to everything, as is your god to you. But you get pissed off when science clearly contradicts your faith. That's not science arrogance, that's your ignorance.

And btw, Thomas Edison was a scientist and an atheist.(Not to proof anything, I just love irony)
In the end, what you have to ask yourself, is why is the Universe here? On all accounts, nothing should exist at all. Paliontologists admit when scientifically looking at how the Earth supposedly formed and how life supposedly evolved that the conditions on Earth were never suitable for life to evolve as is so widely accepted by the world. They say that life as we know it COULD NOT have evolved on our planet alone.
No real paleontologists don't claim that. Why we are here is a philosophical question instead of a scientific one.
And considering the Universe itself? Why does matter or space exist? Wouldn't it "logically" make more sense for nothing to have ever existed? For there to be no void, no space, no time? Simple nonexistence? But even science agrees that the creation of the Universe had to be catalyzed by something.
No science does not agree that the universe had to be created by anyway. Science agrees on evidence and the evidence points to a multiverse, not a predesigned universe.
You may disagree. You may say that nothing of what I say matters because in the end I can't prove anything. I accept that, because I CAN'T prove anything. In reality, neither can you; you just THINK you can. Your faith is in science, never questioning the physics books and the laws of Newton. I however, place my faith in something greater, something worth believeing in. I too live my life by a book, and by a few certain laws. In reality, you and I aren't as different as you think.
Faith in science? Yeah I have also faith, when I drop a ball, it will drop to the ground.

I also don't have to prove anything, the burden of proof is on you sir. You are making the claims.
I'll leave it at that, and I wash my hands of this thread. Any more and the conversation will begin to break down. I sense it coming. God Bless.
That's weak. Giving a last reply and then putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "lalalala".(And also posting that self fulfilling prophecies isn't cool, as you began provoking by saying dumb things)

And btw, god is dead.
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Nov 14, 2003
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i'd also like to point out, i've spent the best part of 10 years questioning the laws of physics, of newton, and of chemestry while i was at it.

the laws of physics aren't just the "creation" of one man... it took many great minds, many centuries of experimenting, failing, succeeding, and ultimately calculating the existance of these "laws", by which the whole world works.

i have a very religious friend, who, when another friend of mine became pregnant, was convinced that it was a miracle, sent by god. i can see his point. but then i said "so now what do you do? do you just... leave it? and it'll be born healthy?"

he had no answer. the very essence of life itself is in the consumption of dead entropy. to put it simply, a lifeform is classified by its ability to consume energy, metabolise it, and release it as a new form of energy.

here's the kicker though, there is no such thing as "creating" energy. convert it, yes, but we cannot MAKE energy. in our universe, at all times, exists the same level of energy. it is merely converted from one form to another.

a baby in a womb, cannot survive without consuming energy. it will not magically survive because it's gods will. it NEEDS energy to grow. within our bodies is a lot of stored, potential energy. which is converted when we need it, into kinetic energy.

to make things even more complex: our sun is a giant nuclear reaction. gasses being burned up, in an energetic reaction which gives off new energy in the form of heat, and light. it gets this energy from small gas particles wich were sitting doing nothing, with their minescule amounts of potential energy. they are burned up, releasing a different kind of gas as waste product. that heat, and light, travels outward from the source of the reaction, propelled by the force of conversion. until it reaches our plants, and animals. the heat energy is absorbed by our bodies, which helps us stay alive. the light is photosynthesized by plants into yet more potential energy, which is in turn absorbed by animals and converted into kinetic energy, and sometimes heat when needed, to fuel the animals movement

when we move, the kinetic and heat energy is used. when we touch something a portion of that energy passes into that object, could be a tree, the floor, anything. but it is then converted into another type of energy, and the cycle continues.

where did it all start? i don't know. i don't think anyone will truly know the answer. and that, i think, is why so many people put their stock in god, or faith. because they can't find an answer, and to them a life without answers is scary.
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Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
so where did the water from the flood go? how is it that the soil and earth weren't irrepairably damaged by the immense amount of water forced into it?

and if noah was charged with collecting 2 of every species for his arc, surely there would still be dinosaurs today? or there would have been recordings of lets say, a giant brachiosaur or two on his ark, along with the rex' trying to eat everything, and what about the waterborn dinosaurs?
Didnt the dinosaurs die out before Noah?
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Nov 14, 2003
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according to J-Dude and the Flat Earthers, no, they died in the flood.
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
They died in the 7 days period.

The 7 days period is this planets history in the short short version.

First day the planet was made (the earth a baren planet with lots of vulcanic activity and the darkend atmosphere because of all the dust in teh air)
Second day the sun and stars (the vulcanic activities stopped and the sun and stars were visible)
Third day water (well water formed)
Fourth day plants (eventually life began with plants leading the way)
Fift day animals (after the plants seezed the world animals slowly folowed able to breethe the air the plants were producing)
Sixth day humans (eventually that evolution brought us to humans)
Seventh day rest (what happened after the sixth)

Thats a short explanation of the 7 days in the bible. It doesnt mean 7 days as in 7 days. It means 7 days as in 7 stages of Earths evolution. How many years were betwean those stages is a difrent thing.

Its kinda interesting that the people of that time knew exacly how the steps of this planets evolution were folowing oneanother. But they had no idea about the actuall time. So they simply said days.

Thats the most logical explanation i know of. God = earths evolution. Its kinda like he started it and guided the earth into each step.

On the other hand. We have no idea what day 7 would bring us. So far we are still kinda stuck in day 6.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Hitler, whether you accept it or not was a catholic.
As long as you are "saved" (believe in christ, believe he died for mankind, and you're a sinner or something) which Hitler did, you are heavenbound.

Too bad the 6 million non-repenting jews he killed go to hell anyways although he goes to heaven.
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Nov 6, 2005
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Hitler, whether you accept it or not was a catholic.
As long as you are "saved" (believe in christ, believe he died for mankind, and you're a sinner or something) which Hitler did, you are heavenbound.

Too bad the 6 million non-repenting jews he killed go to hell anyways although he goes to heaven.
It was something like a more effective crusade.
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Nov 14, 2003
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SIEG HEIL!!!!! o/~~~~

Hitler was badass...

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