LAN Problems! Need Help!!! LAN PARTY ON SUNDAY!!!

So what should we do with him?

  • Ban him for 1000 days . . .

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  • Strip his Admin Powers . . .

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  • Hire a trained Assisin to bump him off, and make bets on how long it will take

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  • give him a big hug

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  • Slap him with a large trout

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  • Hide in terror from the big ban attack, the Death Cucumbers, and the Zucchini Shock Troops that he i

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New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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ok lets see, i have this problem when i try to connect two machines ok i create the game and when i try to join with the other machine i get an error "VALVE validation rejected" so what the ..... is that!!! its happens the same with NT Mod, but it dosent happent with CS or Half-Life, is there a solution? thx for the answers and sorry for my bad english O_O O_O O_O
and other problem is that when i am playing with the BOTs i star playing fine and when i am starting to enjoy the game, it dosent answer and i have to close and create the game again and play until the game crash or i dont know what happens
and yes i am using the version beta 1.2.3 and i dont use steam because i hate that shi....

PD: i have the half-life and the steam i install both of then, i update the steam and i open my account i go to "my games" and there i see "Half-Life", "Opposing Force", "Blue Shift", "Team Fortress", and there is something that says "Pre-load Games" so my question is this, how the he.. can i do to play half-life because when i press the direct access its send me to steam again so man i dont know what to do any more (and i have press the right botton and i dont see for any where something with the word "PLAY"), and yes i have that "Valve Validation Rejected" because i dont know what and i have it playing in LAN mode.

PD2: I play ESF and NT with the CS 1.6 i just install then in the CS folder and make an direct access and write in the end -nomaster -console -game ns (ns is the name of the folder where is the whole game just in that case because the ESF it have a direct access all ready
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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and yes i am using the version beta 1.2.3 and i dont use steam because i hate that shi....
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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and other problem is that when i am playing with the BOTs i star playing fine and when i am starting to enjoy the game, it dosent answer and i have to close and create the game again and play until the game crash or i dont know what happens


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💻 Oldtimer
May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
ok lets see, i have this problem when i try to connect two machines ok i create the game and when i try to join with the other machine i get an error "VALVE validation rejected" so what the ..... is that!!! its happens the same with NT Mod, but it dosent happent with CS or Half-Life, is there a solution? thx for the answers and sorry for my bad english O_O O_O O_O
I never heard of this problem before.

and yes i am using the version beta 1.2.3 and i dont use steam because i hate that shi....
You need to use Steam.

and other problem is that when i am playing with the BOTs i star playing fine and when i am starting to enjoy the game, it dosent answer and i have to close and create the game again and play until the game crash or i dont know what happens
Bots are known to crash ESF, unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to fix it.

Also edit your first post instead of making two additional posts, the moderators/administrators don't like it when someone doesn't edit their posts.
Beta Tester Squad
✔️ HL Verified
🚂 Steam Linked
💻 Oldtimer
Jan 26, 2005
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well your problem it's that you did not select LAN games in when you createt server and one more thing you suld have the same workgrupe at your netowrk neiberhood and since it's a lan game don't do a dedicatet server
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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well men to be honest its a crazy error, because i was playing ESF in LAN with another machine and i was the one that can create the game because if he try to do it when i get the server and click in connect its tell me "VALVE validation rejected" but if he join in the game that i create we can play normaly realy crazy error and in that moment i dirent select the LAN games, and just for be clear where do i select that option? , and in natural selection is the same i change everything in both machines and try to join in one nathing i make the same in the other machine nathing and always the same error "VALVE validation rejected" its sucks man and the game is amaizing i recommend it, its very nice and have a nice nice graphics!! and yes i have both machines in the same work group that is "Inicioms" and they are with TCP/IP mode
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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but why? i have my normal account, and ok i admit i hate it, i dont use it because you need internet for everything you cant play if your steam account is not connected and that two machines dosent have internet they are connected in LAN, and i really want to play ESF normaly and NS too because they are two great games
Beta Tester Squad
✔️ HL Verified
🚂 Steam Linked
💻 Oldtimer
Jan 26, 2005
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A know what's the problem on of you is using steam the other one no steam you suld both use steam or no steam
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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i only have installed in my machine the next: Half-Life (i think is a small copy or something like that because its come with the CS 1.6), CS 1.6 (here is where i put all the MODs to play them), and finally the ESF and the NS the think is that i play Half-life and CS very fine with out problems
Beta Tester Squad
✔️ HL Verified
🚂 Steam Linked
💻 Oldtimer
Jan 26, 2005
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if you instaled ns and ESF they suld not have a problem as well just when you create a server go to advance and mark LAN GAME or X or check it


New Member
Feb 2, 2002
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I know you've probably already fixed it now, but there are a couple of methods:

A) Tick the "LAN Game" option (it's in "Advanced Settings" when you are creating the server)


B) Open notepad, click file->open, set "files of type:" to all files, browse to your esf folder, find "listenserver.cfg" and open that, find the line that says sv_lan 0, change it to sv_lan 1... (if that line didn't exist just add sv_lan 1 at the bottom on a new line), finally- click file->save, and close the file. Now create the server.

If that second one made sense then do that... it shouldn't change back later this way. (it shouldn't change back anyway, but still)
Oh, and if you do the second one: server.cfg = for dedicated servers, listenserver.cfg = for non-dedicated servers.
You should check those files anyway to make sure they aren't changing sv_lan back to 0... :smile:

the tick box in "method A" changes the sv_lan setting. An X in the box sets sv_lan to 1.
sv_lan 1 = only PCs on your LAN can access your server.
sv_lan 0 = PCs on the internet can also access your server. If you are on WON Half-Life then it won't work, but on Steam HL it will work.
(hmm, im starting to think I should of just said "tick the LAN Game box", rather than post an encyclopedia worth on it! :D)
New Member
Apr 23, 2005
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I am familiar with the problem. After me and couple of my friends tried to play NS on No-steam version of Half-life(Not Won version either, i think it was cracked version or something made to play CS 1.6). It didn't work basically because we didnt actually play it through steam.
New Member
Jun 20, 2006
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no i havent fix it, i will try what mog says, i havent do it in that way, and yes the half-life version i have it's made to play CS 1.6 without the fuc.... Steam, the other think is Mog, i have 4 listenserver.cfg and server.cfg i change them and put sv_lan 1 in each one, the think is that in one listeserver.cfg says "DEDICATED SERVER" so i am no idea if i did good any way i have to try tomorrow in the office to see if its works the other think is sometimes when i try to play NS in internet when i chose a server and click in connect an error happens "Server Class C" what the hell is that?
New Member
Dec 16, 2006
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I had that problem one day but it fixed itself.Try to reinstall esf mabye it will work.:rolleyes: :\

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