Jinzouningen must be in ESF | READ Before you Post |

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Nov 10, 2002
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Ah, Ok.
I am currently getting bored of Saiyans.
I tried playing as Buu/Piccolo/Cell/Freiza but they are even more boring.

Heres a nice site on them too...
I guess I lost interest over the fact every DBZ Fighting game
includes the same characters. I was wondering if the Androids
could be incluted? 16, 17, and 18. For the Fact they did have
their own saga, They do not complain about being weak like Cell
and Buu and ***** all the time. They got pride, Kinda like freiza.
Stubborn but they beleive in themselves. They lack attacks. But if
you have read my previous posts on them Each one has atleast
as many attacks as krillin, or as many attacks as krillin currently
has. I do not mind if they do not get a transformation. I melee
most of the time too so maybe they can be slightly a bit stronger
in melee for those who barely use beams in-game?

The game is lacking some villians too.
Heres my idea's and attacks for their transformations:

Jinzouningen Juuroku (Android 16)

Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Hells Flash

Attacks after Power Up/Transformation(s)

Melee (Increased)
Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Hells Flash
Super Punch (Flying punch, Can come back like freiza disk)
Dooms Day Bomb (Charge time like the current Spirit Bomb)

Jinzouningen Juunanagou (Android 17)

Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Flush Bomber (An insanely fast Rezoku attack)
(Go here to see Flush Bomber http://www.jinzonigen.net/ssj4kain/f1.shtml)

Attacks after Power Up/Transformation(s)

Melee (Increased, not as much as 16's though)
Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Flush Bomber
Bakurikamah (stance and performance is like Big Bang Attack)
Dooms Day Bomb (Charge time like the Current Spirit Bomb)

Jinzouningen Juuchachigou (Android 18)

Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Kienzan (Goes straight, it aint like Destructo disk or Freiza disk)

Attacks after Power Up/Transformation(s)

Melee (Increased a bit more than 17's but not as strong as 16's)
Ki Blasts
Generic Beam
Ki Wave (Powers up and unleasehes a kamehameha-sized attack)
Dooms Day Bomb (Charge time like the Current Spirit Bomb)
Side Technique

Also I think that hitting block button repeatadly two times.
should activate a barrier for all 3. You will be immune to:

Melee, Disks, Eye Beams, Lazers, Generic Beams, Ki Blasts, Ki Blobs.

The ability to fly without using Ki. It is literally flying.

They should gain power level lower than everyone else for the
fact they do not run out of energy. so it'd be unfair. So how about
they can transform every 1,500,000PL Gain. And gain PL by
100,000 after killing someone equal to their strength. killing
someone weaker will gain them 50,000PL gain. Getting killed
by someone stronger than them they get a 150,000PL Gain.

I just gave you all the balancing idea's I could, And I see nothing
wrong with it. The rate they get PL to transform would be like the
rate of trying to reach a 4,000,000PL just to transform with any
other player. That way people wont whore the infinite ki. They
also had their own Saga so I do not see why they cannot be
New Member
Dec 30, 2002
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im all for it, the man has made his points, whoever has the audasity to disagree is a stubborn ****. ill make it part of my agenda to see what models i can modify to make at least ONE of these androids, but im not too too quick on the model making, so all in due time. any more takers? im sold
New Member
Apr 29, 2002
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I don't know much about the Androids but I think that 1 with the black hair looks raw. I'd love to see him in ESF. It'll add some variety. I mean it deserves atleast 1 android.
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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thats extrodinary. Good work, balanced well.
EXCEPT for the blocking everything, thats unfair and not one of their skills. The flying with no ki is good.
Perhaps to keep it to the show their beams are weak but they never run out of ki. Dont make them have stronger melee just give them full ki so they could teleport the whole time.
So at the end their melee will be the weakest but the dont run out of ki...
instead turn the ki bar into a stamina bar which goes up as soon as u stop doing stuff. So u can shoot a few beams but then u have to rest for a second.
and if u did this then make the transform level higher, like 3,000,000 with the pl gain u said. and the transformation isnt permenant and in fact drains the stamina much faster.
The transformation will mean, stronger beams, slightly faster and more hp.
in ps and bs it drains stamina, but ki is put into the beam at as a second option the more ki u put in the more stamina it drains...see?
this would be the best way i think
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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Well how about this for Barrier:

You can have a melee+block struggle with the Androids.
Like how vegetto tried to get through majin buu's barrier.
And if you win the struggle you punch me out.

The Vegetto on Buu was cool though Buu created a dimensional
rip from his anger. ANYWAY.

I disagree with them having weaker melee.
If they have weak EVERYTHING. Then their pretty much useless
and the only thing that will be good is having them teleport 24/7
which is not really an attack :S
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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ok at the start they have average melee, and then they transform and their melee and beams are increased hugely so they are stronger than vegeta ssj, but weaker than ussj vegeta, (to be like the show). That way they would be like an ussj vegeta that has full ki all the time. That would be cool.
The stamina bar would mean they couldnt teleport 24-7. Just a hell of a lot more than anyone else, like with a high pl not transformed, like 20 times before they have to rest. Transformed they lose stamina quicker but they are MUCH stronger. (Just less than ussj vegeta) they still have much more stamina then anyone else.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jun 9, 2002
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Im guessing "Jinzouningen" are the androids although I didn't know.

I don't mind which new characters get added, because I don't play all that much anyway.

It all seems balanced enough to me, cept for the barrier thingy.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 7, 2002
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well, you have pretty much labeled out a perfect set of attacks for all the androids thus making it easer for the esf team to add him, BUT there are a few little things that needed to be editied, the unlimited ki thing is good but anyone can go on a tele whore session firing blasts everywhere, you'll never catch them! if they do have all the statistics you say just place a tele limit, about 3 then a 3 sec pause, ect ect...
lets just focus on gettin a tien in game, my sound packs gagging for it :p
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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yeah u know what else would be good?
If u read the rest of the posts!
That would be so cool...
They do have unlimited ki, what i suggested was a stamina bar that works like...im not gonna repeat...just read the posts ok?
New Member
Dec 20, 2002
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Yea I'd say add at least one android.. Some good attacks posted!
New Member
Mar 2, 2002
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Nice Idea but how about if the Barrier Acts as if ur blocking and deflects ALL and every single beam Back at people

like someoens using barrier then someone fires Kame hame ha id say it should deflect it back but the barrier takes up ki pretty fast
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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You basically gotta think about balancing it out, Because think
about it, They do not run out of energy, And thats a big advantage
Their needs to be a real big balance. And I pretty much just gave
my ideas.

It should only be able to deflect weaker beams and
beams that are not even powerful but just sharp like a kienzan
or eye beams and finger lazers. They could probably be the only
ones to avoid kienzan attacks as well. Gohan can use Barrier too
but I dont know why they never gave it to him.

If you however throw a strong beam at an android while he has
his barrier up. You should do like a block struggle only it does not
go back it just disapears (or desintigrates into the barrier). But
if you try to melee someone using the barrier. There should be
a struggle like how Vegetto was trying to break through Super Buu's
barrier after buu completely lost it and created a dimensional rip
in the skies. But if the Android wins that melee-to-block struggle
that person should get pushed back and slightly damaged.
New Member
Dec 17, 2002
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i think its a good idea. didnt think andriods would be good in esf till now. go for it.
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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Perhaps an ability for the androids could be that they dont show up on the radar because you cant 'sense' them, like in the show.

That might give them too much of an advantage, so how about if they only show up on the radar when they are doing an attack.

It would be like you are 'sensing' the ki from the attack and not them.
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Thats a really good idea.
Androids abilities positives: Invisible to radar, Infinite Ki, no aurora
Negatives: not as strong as ussj vegeta in stats, transformed.
Stamina bar means they can only do so much. Varies on android and pl. Transformation makes this go down, but gives you huge power boost. Transformation also gives them a white aurora. (so they are easier to spot)
Note, averages go by Ussj vegeta(transformed) and vegeta normal(not transformed) and the beams are measured to the Gallit gun. stamina can never be increased for the androids.

Android 16: has HUGE stamina (20 teleports at start, and the good beams (when transformed), but is slowest. Weak melee.
Transformed: x2 (stamina goes down 25% faster from untransformed(15 teles))(beams increase to just under goku kame size from gallit gun *NOTE* he can not move while charging or firing this beam and cant control the amount of ki put into beam unlike the other fighters will be able too (i hope) melee not increased)
Hp: 180
Speed: 210 (pls not ussj vegeta was faster than ssj vegeta)

Android 18: (10 teles at start), average beams. has weak ki attacks.

Transformed (gains bb type attack weaker than gallit gun but can move while charging)(also gains increased melee(vegetas arm))
hp: 140

thats it. keeping in mind gokus getting ssj3, gohan mystic, vegeta ssj2 majin and buu like 3 more transformations, and everyone will be zipping about with 200+ hp and 400+ speed, these should be pretty even consiering the teleports and the invisible and infinte ki factors...
New Member
Jan 22, 2003
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yeah its all good except the infinite ki idea. If youre gonna put a limiting factor to the abilities of a char let it be ki. Maybe make them recharge ki faster but thats it. No stamina thingy.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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That that'd be way better. Good thinking alejandroc. They just recharge
faster than everyone else.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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there is no point suggesting charaters at this point in time

the beta is not up to a point where the team needs ideas for new charaters

its just wasteing time post charater ideas because the team isnt gonna look because they have there hands full just making the charaters that are already in esf as good as they want them to be

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