Is Anyone Sick Of...

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Sep 8, 2002
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...People whining and complaining about Microsoft just because they get viruses all the time?

I have so many friends that know jack about computers and don't shut up about "OMFG MICROSOFT IS SUCH CRAP! VIRUS *BLAH BLAH BLAH* SPYWARE *BLAH BLAH BLAH*" -- Personally I haven't had a virus in ages, and I rarely scan for them, spyware/adware aren't a problem for me, I have a great "computing experience"

Whatever, just ranting here. I like Linux, I like Windows, I hate noobs.
Lost in space
Oct 21, 2003
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I don't find them annoying, I find them hilarious lol



Them: Hey man what's up.
Me: hi
Them: I ran adaware today, it only picked up 50 items. Pretty good eh?
Me: You fail at life *clicks block*
Yeah ok, I've completely given up even talking to these people, it's clear that they are "happy" with being "protected" by anti-whatever programs, and aren't interested in becoming safe and knowledgable computer users.

So screw them lol, although it's funny to see them post dubious claims on forums though, claiming X causes Y without proof. Oh well. Not everyone can be leet like me o/
Lost in space
Nov 4, 2003
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Word. What kind of moron relies on a computer to protect them from other people?

New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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Reasons why I hate Microsoft:
- Heavy GUI load, eventhought it's crap to look at (standard)
- Can't stand the least bit of stressing on programs (lockup, ctrl+alt+del, stop the program, wait 10 minutes, get a message that the program isn't closed properly, wait another 5 minutes, program is still active, ctrl+alt+del again, stop the process again, program stopped, Windows is still going heavy on CPU and HD for a few minutes..)
- Overall attitude of Microsoft.. Hardle ever has Microsoft come up with a good idea of it's own.. Everything you see now is based or even stolen from other companies. The only reason why they got away with it and get a lot of (paying? lol) costumers, is because they're noob friendly.. Which brings me to my next point.
- Every little button in windows has the "OMG CLIEK TEH HIER 4 MAKIN PWN W0RD FIELZ" info popup going.. Every button in windows is huge, covering up precious pixels for when you're doing something related to art.
- The lack of default security in Windows.. Windows XP has a built in firewall that doesn't work.. Only blocks the things it shouldn't block (gameports) and for the rest, it does nothing.. But what happens when you turn of the firewall? You get the "your system isn't protected, blabla" message from your systemtray for 2-3 days in a row.
- Having the world's worst and unsafe browser built in in Windows.. Yes, this is an "omg microsoft = virus" point, but it is, in fact, the main reason why people get virusses.. There was some commotion around this a few years ago, from browser companies (netscape and some others) that *****ed about the fact that Microsoft had this browser as default product in Windows, leaving little to no choice for new people to obtain a different browser when they get Windows.

Basicly, the only reason I'm still running Windows, is because most games still get developed for PC mostly.. But once the Apple-Intal pact gets well on its way, I'll be tossing this PC out and use my iMac G5 all the time.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 13, 2003
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Meh, and I **** you not, but i think the only reason people get viruses if they are retarded.

1. Downloading **** from p2p programs. I downloaded an mp3 that was 700kb. Guess what? It was a virus.

2. Using unsafe browsers. I'm not talking about only Firefox, but at least use something different than IE. Not those addons to IE, they are still vurenable (wtf sp?).

3. Just being retarded.
I am so gonna get bashed for flaming and tryna be cool like Kurt, but failing miserably D:.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 21, 2003
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Even though I myself don't get spyware & adware because I know what to look out for, and if infact in the case that I suspect I might have some know what to use, then I'm all safe. I usually end up reformatting atleast once a year or so (due to the fact that my registry will or would be full of registry keys by that time, I do clean out my registry too, but on the other hand I'd prefer to start fresh).

I am considering setting up a linux distro (what ever I can get my hands on at this time, My brother bought a mag witch has an installer for debian on it, & then when I get better net i'll consider changing to ubuntu) to use as my os that is used on a regular bassis & use windows for gaming. I'm wanting to learn linux stuff anyway & plus seeing as how a majority of the programs I use or like to use are open source, all the better I guess.
New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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bapplebo said:
Meh, and I **** you not, but i think the only reason people get viruses if they are retarded.

1. Downloading **** from p2p programs. I downloaded an mp3 that was 700kb. Guess what? It was a virus.

2. Using unsafe browsers. I'm not talking about only Firefox, but at least use something different than IE. Not those addons to IE, they are still vurenable (wtf sp?).

3. Just being retarded.
I am so gonna get bashed for flaming and tryna be cool like Kurt, but failing miserably D:.
My Windows is completely free of virusses, spyware, ad-aware and what not.. But my problem lays in the fact that I had to download/purchase a ****load of tools and programs to keep it completely free.. If Windows came with software that allowed you to protect your computer, I wouldn't have any problem..

I use Firefox (downloaded) on Windows, and Safari on my iMac.. Difference is that firefox is a program one has to download, so clueless noobs that just got their Windows, don't have a safe browser, and they sure as hell don't know where to get a safe browser.. Safari is the default browser on mac, and is even more safe than firefox.. That browser comes default with any macOS.. See where I'm going?

Btw: If you download an mp3 that's 700kb (and it's a song) then you're the retard :p
New Member
Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
Well, not really. If there is a 32 bitrate song that is about 2 minutes long, than it could be 700-800 kb. I know, i downloaded one once, but it was poor quality... DUH!
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2002
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I just find it funny when someone who's never used another OS before (e.g. Linux) bashes Windows because "it got them a virus."

The vast majority of malware infections are the fault of the user, not their software (not upgrading broken software is the fault of the user as well).
New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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I agree that Windows doesn't give you virusses.. But the lack of security in Windows does increase the chance of getting virusses for people not familiar with anti-virus software, and internetprograms with better security.
Cunning as Zeus
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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I do a lot of things that I shouldn't be doing and I haven't had any viruses and I have no spyware on my pc. Use common sense when using windows. If a sign pops up saying "OMG YOU HAVE 10 VIRUSES! CLICK HERE IMMEDIATELY! Signed, Bill Gates", don't click the damn popup -_-.
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Nov 29, 2004
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Umm... Vulnerable?

I have never had a virus or any sort of difficulty with my computer. So yeah, Id say it has to do with stupidity, not the OS.
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💻 Oldtimer
Feb 23, 2002
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I'm always venturing into the "dark side" of the internet if you will, and doing thing things often associated with getting virus'. But i've never once gotten a virus (well maybe when i was like 10 years old I did). And as far as I know, i've never gotten spyware either (I dont run scans, but even if I do have some, seeing as I can't actually tell or not if they're there, then they can't be that bad). Hell, I only get like one or two pieces of spam in my email every few months, and I've signed up with many questionable sites.

The bottom line is people just suck. If you have some common sense, and take the time to pay attention to what your doing, you should never have any problems with your computer, simple as that.
Super Saiyan Dabura
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 1, 2003
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on my gf's breasts
I got spyware atm >_< (run into ones few mins ago and cant get them off meh comp)
ohh....if I could get my hands on those guys who made them...
Validated Steam Engine
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Jun 5, 2004
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What I find stupid is when people complain about Microsoft putting their own browser in their OS. Sure, IE sucks but it's a Microsoft product so of course they're going to put it in, they're not going to put FF in as default. Also, if they didn't put it in then how would you expect people to be able to get onto webpages to download a different browser?


Take into account that not all ISPs supply browsers.
Retired Forum Staff
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Nov 21, 2002
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I don't dislike Microsoft, although people who do bash companies without knowledge of how/why their bad experiences occured are quite close-minded. It's just another company, they have produced both good and bad products.


@Kimfu: Wow, your arguments amaze me...

Kimfu said:
Reasons why I hate Microsoft:
- Heavy GUI load, eventhought it's crap to look at (standard)
What standard are you referring to? I never knew that the way the default graphics appear on an operating system is enough reason to hate the company that developed it. Don't like how things look? There are a billion applications for changing the appearance. *Sorry* if the default GUI for every OS one encounters doesn't satisfy the mass populace of computer users.

- Can't stand the least bit of stressing on programs (lockup, ctrl+alt+del, stop the program, wait 10 minutes, get a message that the program isn't closed properly, wait another 5 minutes, program is still active, ctrl+alt+del again, stop the process again, program stopped, Windows is still going heavy on CPU and HD for a few minutes..)
Firstly, when an external program "locks" up - there could be a billion reasons why that actually happened. That third party software could have poor code, it might be an issue with hardware, the threads might be locked up, the operating system might be sending the software a message to respond and it might not be getting one back (hence the "not responding" label), etc. I have been running windows for ages and I keep my OS clean, no unnecessary software or applications running in the background - and the only recent time I can remember my PC crashing is when my graphics locked up in a game. When you are able to press ctrl+alt+del, it is not _windows_ which is going heavy on your CPU and HD, it is the software which is actually using your system memory and cpu by creating multiple threads and for doing whatever the application does. You can select which columns to view in the windows task manager, check out what is actually hogging your computer next time the problem occurs.

- Overall attitude of Microsoft.. Hardle ever has Microsoft come up with a good idea of it's own.. Everything you see now is based or even stolen from other companies. The only reason why they got away with it and get a lot of (paying? lol) costumers, is because they're noob friendly.. Which brings me to my next point.
Your opinion, fair enough.

- Every little button in windows has the "OMG CLIEK TEH HIER 4 MAKIN PWN W0RD FIELZ" info popup going.. Every button in windows is huge, covering up precious pixels for when you're doing something related to art.
Again, all customizable. Don't like it? Change it. Hardly a reason to dislike Microsoft as a company which develops software, you're just listing small stuff you dislike about the generic windows environment. All void points.

- The lack of default security in Windows.. Windows XP has a built in firewall that doesn't work.. Only blocks the things it shouldn't block (gameports) and for the rest, it does nothing.. But what happens when you turn of the firewall? You get the "your system isn't protected, blabla" message from your systemtray for 2-3 days in a row.
The firewall is customizable, and turning it off never displayed that warning once I had clicked on it. The firewall was built in as a default security measure by Microsoft. I agree, the built in firewall isn't really advanced and not that efficient. I disabled it the day it was released, and use my own third party firewall software. But you have to realize, that there are more users of windows/computers out there: first time users, older people, people who aren't that savvy with technology and computers; what do they do? What kind of "minimum hassle" firewall should they resort to? Heck, I can't imagine xxx's grandmother sitting and configuring Tiny Personal Firewall Pro to her needs...can you?

- Having the world's worst and unsafe browser built in in Windows.. Yes, this is an "omg microsoft = virus" point, but it is, in fact, the main reason why people get virusses.. There was some commotion around this a few years ago, from browser companies (netscape and some others) that *****ed about the fact that Microsoft had this browser as default product in Windows, leaving little to no choice for new people to obtain a different browser when they get Windows.
Internet Explorer was complete **** long ago, but it's not that bad now. I myself use IE and Firefox (IE for university network traffic and http downloads and Firefox for my usual ADSL browsing), and I am extremely satisfied with both. Think a bit more about this, be objective - how would _you_ stop someone not that experienced with the internet from getting a virus? Warnings while visiting unsafe sites? Not allowing activeX or other dynamic content from running or only running with a warning? Blocking out certain content? Browsers are tools available to users. It is how YOU use them that ultimately leads to the kind if internet experience you get. Everything can be customized, if you go and click yes on a dodgy certificate and allow activeX content to be run without warning; it is you who is jeapordizing the security of your computer (this sentence is an example).


Cap J said:
What I find stupid is when people complain about Microsoft putting their own browser in their OS. Sure, IE sucks but it's a Microsoft product so of course they're going to put it in, they're not going to put FF in as default. Also, if they didn't put it in then how do would you expect people to be able to get onto webpages to download a different browser?


Take into account that not all ISPs supply browsers.
Indeed *nods*.
Validated Steam Engine
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Jun 5, 2004
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I think a couple do.....not sure.

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