I need help with server commands

New Member
Aug 12, 2004
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Can some1 plz tell me the server commands for ESF :confused:
New Member
May 13, 2004
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i got this from Here

addip: adds an ip the server filterban list (0 minutes = permanent)
banid: [kick] ban player with id for minutes (0=permanent ban). Add 'kick' after user number to also kick the player off the server.
bgetmod: request batch mod status
changelevel: load the map specified without disconnecting clients from the server
changelevel2: load the map specified and continue the current game without disconnecting clients from the server
deathmatch 1: enable deathmatch mode
decalfrequency: set how frequently clients can spray paint their logo
default_fov 90: set the default Field-Of-View, smaller numbers zoom in, larger numbers zoom out (fish-eye style).
dropclient: drop client from server (disconnect)
edgefriction 2: set friction between players and walls or objects
fullinfo: enable verbose user information display
fullserverinfo: enable verbose server information display
getcertificate: authenticates your cd key (by checking it with won.net) without joining a server
heartbeat: send a heartbeat signal to the master server (set setmaster)
hostname: set server hostname (the name that will appear in server browser lists, if setmaster is set)
ip 0: echo server ip
ipx_hostport: set host port for IPX LAN game
ip_hostport: set host port for TCP/IP LAN game
kick: kick player from a server
listid: list id numbers
listip: list ip addresses in the filter ban list
localinfo: show local info settings
logaddress: set address for logfile (to log to a remote machine)
lservercfgfile: set listen server config file (default is listenserver.cfg)
mapcyclefile: specifies the name of the list of maps to cycle through on a server, default is mapcycle.txt
maps: list maps containing substring, * lists all
maxplayers: set maximum number of clients allowed to connect to the server
messagemode: prompt for a chat message to send to all clients connected to the server
motd: display the message of the day (motd.txt) for the current server
mp_allowmonsters: enable monsters in multiplayer mode (bots)
mp_autocrosshair: enable aiming assistance for clients
mp_decals: set max number of decals to display in multiplayer (set lower for perfomance boost, but blast marks and logos will disappear sooner)
mp_falldamage: enable realistic falling damage
mp_flashlight: enable flashlights for clients
mp_footsteps: enable footstep sounds
mp_fraglimit: set the number of frags (by any single player) between map changes, see timelimit
mp_friendlyfire: enable friendly fire in teamplay mode (mp_teamplay)
mp_logecho: enable logging of echo commands
mp_logfile: enable logging during multiplayer
mp_teamplay: set teamplay mode flags -- set this variable to the sum of the numbers by the options you want enabled: 1=teamplay on (always set this for teamplay mode), 2=half-damage friendly-fire, 4=no damage friendly-fire, 8=half-damage friendly explosive, 16=no friendly explosive damage, 128=half-damage armor friendlyfire,256=no damage to armor from friendly-fire, 512=half-damage armor friendly explosive, 1024=no damage to armor from friendly explosive, 2048=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 4096=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 8192=YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 16384=YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 32768=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire, 65536=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire,131072=YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire, 262144=YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire.A common setting used to deter spamming is 1 + 4 + 16 + 256 + 1024 + 2048 + 8192 + 32768 + 131072 = 175381
mp_timelimit: set the time (in minutes) between map changes, see fraglimit
mp_weaponstay: enable permanent weapons
password: set private server password (0 = public server, anyone can join)
path: display current search path for game files
pausable: enable whether or not clients can pause server game
ping: display name and ping of all clients connected to the server
rcon_address: set remote console ip address
rcon_password: set password for remote console operation
rcon_port: set remote console port
reconnect: reconnect to the current server
reload: reload current map
removeid: Un-ban a user (remove the id from the ban list). See users, kick, banid, writeid,
removeip: remove ip from filterban list
restart: restarts the current multiplayer map (remove decals, blood, bulletholes, scores,etc.)
servercfgfile: set server .cfg file (default is server.cfg)
serverinfo: display server information (variables flagged sv)
setinfo: display model name, color settings, name, rate, and model crc
setmaster: set the master server (server list manager) for the server, see heartbeat
shutdownserver: shut down the server status for each client list: user#, frags, name, frame rate,frame latency, ping, drop %
stuffcmds: used to initialize client console commands from server
sv_accelerate: set player acceleration
sv_aim: enable aiming assistance for clients
sv_airmove: enable clients ability to move in air
sv_allowdownload: enable allowing clients to download maps and decals
sv_allowupload: enable allowing clients to upload maps and decals
sv_bounce: enable bounce pads
sv_challengetime: set time to allow clients to complete connection
sv_cheats: enable cheats
sv_clienttrace: set client bounding box size (for collisions, not clipping)
sv_clipmode: set client clipping mode
sv_friction: set friction
sv_gravity: set gravity (lower is less gravity, higher jumps)
sv_maxrate: set the max data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value over 10000 defaults to 10000.
sv_maxspectators: set max number of spectators
sv_maxspeed: set max player speed (for ALL clients)
sv_maxunlag: set the maximum number of seconds of lag the server will try to compensate for (if sv_unlag is 1 Suggested values are 0.3 to 0.6.
sv_maxupdaterate: set the maximum number of times per second to update clients
sv_maxvelocity: set max object velocity
sv_minrate: set the min data transfer rate in bytes per second for any one client on the server. Setting this to 0 or any value under 500 defaults to 500.
sv_minupdaterate: set the minimum number of times per second to update clients
sv_password: set server password
sv_skycolor_b: set sky color blue value
sv_skycolor_g: set sky color green value
sv_skycolor_r: set sky color red value
sv_skyname: set sky texture
sv_skyvec_x: set sky x-axis orientation
sv_skyvec_y: set sky y-axis orientation
sv_skyvec_z: set sky z-axis orientation
sv_spectalk: enable allowing spectator clients to chat
sv_spectatormaxspeed: set spectator max movement speed
sv_spectator_password: set spectator password
sv_stepsize: set monster and player automatic step-up size (larger values allow auto-climbing of steeper slopes)
sv_timeout: set timeout inactivity limit
sv_unlagpush: enable server push lag compensation
sv_wateraccelerate: set in-water acceleration
sv_wateramp: enable amplified (higher) waves in water; clients can set with gl_wateramp
sv_zmax: set max zbuffer size
upload: upload files to server
user list for specified user: model colors, name, rate, model crc users lists user names, userid's, and uniqueid's for all clients connected to the server. Use to find number for kicking/banning problem players. Userid's are assigned serially as users join the server, but uniqueid's are unique numbers assigned to a single user -- use the uniqueid to permanently ban players.
writeid: write a list of permanently banned id #'s to .\banned.cfg.
writeip: write ip addresses to halflife\valve\listip.cfg

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