I am the Thread Killer

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Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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It is here that we make our final stand against the atrocity known as...no, I can't bear to say their name. It must remain unspoken. The clouds began to darken and rain fell, kinda at a slant cause there was some wind and **** like that. Thunder crackled like so: *CRACKLE*

Planet Nix knew this would be a dark day, and mourned for those who would soon be lost. Those lost on our side, of course. No planet would mourn for those animals. The 1st through 13th legions lined up in front of Nixium, spearheaded by the caped Bashar Dogmanix. Armed with only a pulse sword, a personal shield and years of combat experience, Dogmanix glared at his sworn enemies.

*Put put put put* *CRACK-A-BOOM!*

Lightning scorched the sky and thunder boomed overhead as rain fell upon my Legionnaires', who waited anxiously for my order to attack.

1,000 yards away, 20 million no-humans breathed heavily and grunted as they waited for their Alpha Silverback to give them the order to proceed. The air was cold enough that I could see their breaths. Twas a sight to behold.

RAHHHGARRAHHHH!!!!! the no-humans yelled.

FOR THE EMPEROR! my legionnaires roared in unison.

Rayne, position the Niger Nex. Remember, fire once the enemy reaches the second to last lookout post.

Legionnaires! This is the final battle of this war! Many of you will die, but all of you who stand here today by my side will be heroes!

*rahhhhhhhhhh* they screamed.

We fight not for ourselves, but for the Nix! Give them hell!

The Legionnaires began to march forward in 2 rows of 6 legions and a single unit at the point, led by Bashar Draconix.

It has begun.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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Actually the name of the thread is "Last post wins" ...

Really the only people that can win are mods =/ roffle.
Pwns Mastasurf at TF2
Retired Forum Staff
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Dec 7, 2001
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Actually the name of the thread is "Last post wins" ...

Really the only people that can win are mods =/ roffle.
I could win this thread so fast! CLOSED!!! :p Well not really, but we'll see :p

Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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Destroying my posts would be like killing your only child, bringing him back to life, and then killing him again.

It's just not right.
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Nov 29, 2004
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I'm sorry to have to do this, but it must be. Done...



/sits and watches the universe implode
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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I watched as the Imperial Legion marched towards certain destruction. Outnumbered 3-1, my legionnaires could only hope to draw the enemy into the Niger Nex's firing range, which would send every soul on the battlefield to the depths of Hell, where my Legionnaires would fight on for all eternity. Their loyalty knows no limits. I began to feel angst, and proceeded to cut my wrists with my belt buckle in every possible direction. As the dread and anguish oozed out of my veins, I let out a mighty roar. I was ready at that moment to order my men to face certain death.

Feel the Nix flow through you, my Legionnaires! Let it consume you! Let it mingle with your repressed hatred and anger and sadness, and allow it to raise you to new levels of awareness and power! Give those filthy beasts everything you've got and make them regret the day they placed their dark feet on our soil!

The Legionnaires began to quicken their pace as they heard my shouts of encouragement. I peered over my shoulder at The Dogma formally known as Rayne, and he nodded knowingly. The Niger Nex needed only to be loaded at this point.

The monstrosities bent over and began to sprint towards my troops on all fours. They moved swiftly for such large beasts. Gates and fences began to rise out of the groundbut those no-humans jumped over it with the ease of one who has done this all of his life. Our wall-mounted cannons began to shoot orange spheres of energy at the monstrosity's but to no avail. The no-humans simply grabbed the spheres out of the air and began to dribble them with amazing speed. They promptly threw the spheres at all of our protective nets, scoring points no one would bother to count.

As both armies reached the second to last lookout post (or the second lookout post depending on your position in relation to it...), they drew their weapons and held them above their heads while screaming the scream of a small child lost in a Walmart, because his parents are too irresponsible to notice he has been missing for the last 4 hours.


The Legionnaire's swords were met by dark claws and yellow and extremely white teeth. Every slash left a Legionnaire mortally wounded, slowly bleeding to death while trying to keep his organs from spilling out onto the sand. Pulse swords were thrust into the chests of our greatest foes, followed by the massive sound wave that exploded torsos. Seeing their allies fall in mortal combat, the Legionnaires became enraged and threw themselves at anything not wearing their standard uniform. This reckless self-abandonment was their greatest power. A being is at his most dangerous when he no longer cares for his well-being.

The Dogma formally known as Rayne, they’re reached the Secondary Lookout Post (Yes, I know I changed the name. Stfu.). Prepare to fire. At that point, Rayne looked at me skeptically, so I relieved him of his life. That’ll teach him to stare at his master that way. Prince Sub! Come to my side. It is time to end this.

At that point, I climbed into the Niger Nex and placed my visually appealing helmet onto my head. As Sub made last-second adjustments to my trajectory, I wondered if my men understood what was about to happen.

BOOM! I lurched forward, taken offguard and unawares of what was happening for the briefest of moments, but soon regained my composure. At the sound of the Niger Nex, all of my men turned around, gazed way up at the sky, took a knee, placed their left hands on their right breasts/hearts, held up their pulse swords and aimed it in my direction and yelled out, “FOR THE EMPEROR!”.

And that is when it happened.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 19, 2006
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In the bushes, stealing your loot
I watched as the Imperial Legion marched towards certain destruction. Outnumbered 3-1, my legionnaires could only hope to draw the enemy into the Niger Nex's firing range, which would send every soul on the battlefield to the depths of Hell, where my Legionnaires would fight on for all eternity. Their loyalty knows no limits. I began to feel angst, and proceeded to cut my wrists with my belt buckle in every possible direction. As the dread and anguish oozed out of my veins, I let out a mighty roar. I was ready at that moment to order my men to face certain death.

Feel the Nix flow through you, my Legionnaires! Let it consume you! Let it mingle with your repressed hatred and anger and sadness, and allow it to raise you to new levels of awareness and power! Give those filthy beasts everything you've got and make them regret the day they placed their dark feet on our soil!

The Legionnaires began to quicken their pace as they heard my shouts of encouragement. I peered over my shoulder at The Dogma formally known as Rayne, and he nodded knowingly. The Niger Nex needed only to be loaded at this point.

The monstrosities bent over and began to sprint towards my troops on all fours. They moved swiftly for such large beasts. Gates and fences began to rise out of the groundbut those no-humans jumped over it with the ease of one who has done this all of his life. Our wall-mounted cannons began to shoot orange spheres of energy at the monstrosity's but to no avail. The no-humans simply grabbed the spheres out of the air and began to dribble them with amazing speed. They promptly threw the spheres at all of our protective nets, scoring points no one would bother to count.

As both armies reached the second to last lookout post (or the second lookout post depending on your position in relation to it...), they drew their weapons and held them above their heads while screaming the scream of a small child lost in a Walmart, because his parents are too irresponsible to notice he has been missing for the last 4 hours.


The Legionnaire's swords were met by dark claws and yellow and extremely white teeth. Every slash left a Legionnaire mortally wounded, slowly bleeding to death while trying to keep his organs from spilling out onto the sand. Pulse swords were thrust into the chests of our greatest foes, followed by the massive sound wave that exploded torsos. Seeing their allies fall in mortal combat, the Legionnaires became enraged and threw themselves at anything not wearing their standard uniform. This reckless self-abandonment was their greatest power. A being is at his most dangerous when he no longer cares for his well-being.

The Dogma formally known as Rayne, they?re reached the Secondary Lookout Post (Yes, I know I changed the name. Stfu.). Prepare to fire. At that point, Rayne looked at me skeptically, so I relieved him of his life. That?ll teach him to stare at his master that way. Prince Sub! Come to my side. It is time to end this.

At that point, I climbed into the Niger Nex and placed my visually appealing helmet onto my head. As Sub made last-second adjustments to my trajectory, I wondered if my men understood what was about to happen.

BOOM! I lurched forward, taken offguard and unawares of what was happening for the briefest of moments, but soon regained my composure. At the sound of the Niger Nex, all of my men turned around, gazed way up at the sky, took a knee, placed their left hands on their right breasts/hearts, held up their pulse swords and aimed it in my direction and yelled out, ?FOR THE EMPEROR!?.

And that is when it happened.
can i be in the story line?:D
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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Anyone who posts after me is a loser with a small penis and a penchant for sucking on the ****.

I win.
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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can i be in the story line?:D
Storyline? My friend, this is no story. This is history! These are merely excerpts from my Journal, taken from the time of the last Great Purification.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
Lionheart: We appreciate your valor and admiration however, young one. I'm glad to see another friendly face who supports the great cause.
Pwns Mastasurf at TF2
Retired Forum Staff
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Dec 7, 2001
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Pffft, what cause? The cause that gets me winning the game? I'm down with that since you guys just lost the game....now where's that thread close button.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
I should have stated no mods can win :p. too late now i guess
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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What cause? WHAT CAUSE? This is obscene! My men fought to the death to keep YOU alive? To ensure YOUR freedom?

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a monstrosity sent to infiltrate our ranks and spread lies amongst our men.
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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Well, I don't even have to guess what you are. My God Sense tells me you are a heathen! A heretic!

May the Nix have mercy on your soul, for I will not. Reincarnated Dogmanix:

Kill him.
Lost in space
Aug 21, 2006
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I know how to get this thread closed :D.
ATTENTION: The folowing info might get me warned or even banned so i written it in white for the ones who don't want to read.
Edited out. -Magus.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
I know how to get this thread closed :D.
ATTENTION: The folowing info might get me warned or even banned so i written it in white for the ones who don't want to read.
Edited out. -Magus.
Enjoy your ban, goodbye.
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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Lionheart, I dub thee my Imperial Cheerleader! I have bestowed upon you one of my most prized ranks. You should feel extremely proud, my friend.

Perhaps one day you might even join my Imperial Legion.
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