Halo, sad or wack

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Dec 31, 2002
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Halo's story is just the same garbage they've always had for every sci-fi movie game. Alliance of aliens that attack space colony, that is all alone, and cant get decent support, then ONE PERSON fights off hundreds of aliens, makes it out alive, and you dont even see his face at the end!(It was like a bad Metroid ending, lol) And if you think about it, most Microsoft games have books about the stories. I mean, MechWarrior doesnt have the greatest story in the world, but they have plenty of books.
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Dec 2, 2001
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halo is still garbage, and nope i wasnt getting destroyed. the game just sucks overal. what you who have been able to do is limited by the controller. its like quake 3 on DC it will just never amount to a pc version of a fps. i dont know why u r so astounded i mean common the dude is ripply from aliens.
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Apr 29, 2002
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i think the controller is fine, i can do just as much in Halo as i can in say Counterstrike. Take ESF for example controls u NEED to play and an X-box equilvent: Mouse(countrolstiks and Trigger buttons), Jump(A), Turbo(B), Ascend(black), descend(white), Teleport(X), Change attack (D-pad up/down), Power up(Y).

There you can play the game fine, you could even put in some special move by clicking the stik and pressing a direction. So controller can't be a reason for a bad game.

true there is no voice comms atm but its a LAN you're not gunna need it and when H2 goes Live then the mic will be fine.

Storyline isn't alien attacking colonies, the covenant have taken reach yes its a colony, but the Piller of autumn isn't left on it own by chance, they deliberatly Hyperspaced or whatever you wanna call it away from earth so the fleet covenat fleet wouldn't find it. The ship AI knows the location of earth so the Ai needs protected, the PoA is already being boarded and is surounded by a whole covenat armada, so they have no choice but to run and try to survive.

The chief is not alone he is supported by Marines but he IS suppose to be elite. He has been trained from a very young age to fight, the armor makes him different but on the inside he is more or less a well trained and very strong marine.

Why would you want to see his face many people in different part of the world have their opinions on what a "Hero" looks like is would be silly to instantly make MC (Master Chief) either black, white, asian or freaky person from mars.

And as for being ripply i know its hard to tell but ripply is female watch a bit closer and you'll see SHE has breasts.

Hey lets keep this clean ppl i don't wanna see a Console war starting or even mad and pointless flaming im argueing a point not tryng to start a war so remeber to chill b4 posting :)
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Alright! Time to piss some people off.

Personally, here's my oppinion of Halo: Best game ever...

For the first 5 levels, after which the game gets so ridiculously tedious that I cannot even finish it. I'm simply tired of playing the same levels with the same weapons in the same rooms with the same enemies over and over and over and over and over again. I'm at about level 9/10 and I can't even finish the game. I've played through the same rooms with the exact same enemies so many times I've lost count. The game is GREAT when you are outdoors and there is practically a war going on, but once you step inside of a building the game boils down to "Hold down the first button until your finger goes numb, then switch fingers."

I almost COMPLETELY gave up on the game when I was going through the four levels of "The Flood" on the spaceship (when you first get beamed aboard). That was probably one of the top ten most boring levels in any video game I've ever played. There was no reason to go any further after that, I knew what to expect from the rest of the game, and truth be told that's just what I got. Same rooms, same textures, same enemies, same weapons, same goals, every time. The story is great... when you get to the cutscenes. Outside of the cutscenes and indoors the game is absolutely terrible. God-awful as it were, around levels 7+, I have to play for about 10 minutes and then stop, just so that my mind doesn't go numb from the tediousness of it all.

Edit- I personally think the controls are absolutely fine for what they are. The small amount of Auto-Aim included with the game corrects most of the aiming accuracy difficulties. For a consol system it was totally fine.

Further edit- Saiyan Pride is right. The game sold like mad because it was hyped to hell and back. People start thinking the game might be great, and that leads to ASSUMING the game will be great, once everyone ASSUMES the game will be great, everybody goes out and buys the game. Some people actually CONVINCE THEMSELVES that the game is great just because it is SUPPOSED to be so great, and that doesn't help either. I bought the game because everybody else did... does that make it a great game?
New Member
Feb 19, 2003
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I have to say that im somewhere between the 2 extreames. Halo was imo a decent game but nothing revolutionary. Like Sonic Boyster said the indoor lvls are boring as hell sometime but i found the outdoore ones to be rather fun, especially if they had vehicals and teamates. But imo my favorite feature was the abbility to beat the crap out of the aliens with any weapon.
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May 5, 2003
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Halo is basically the only console game I like at the moment, however I do not own a X-Box so in turn I do not play it often. By the way, a little off topic but forgive me, I love your signature Culex, laugh at it every time I see it :).
New Member
Mar 1, 2002
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Halo is one of the best 3rd first person action games i played
It can be very diffucult or very easy you choose
awesome graphics
nice weapons
nice levels
nice enemies
basicly the whole game :cool:
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Apr 29, 2002
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Firstly i'd like to say is sonic this is not an attempt to piss ppl off only i simple discussion so no need to set yourself out on a mission to piss ppl off.

I agree with you sonic on most a few points truly the indoor levels can often be a bit repetitive, i am not blindly saying this game is amazing look at the microsoft sign printed on my ass. In fact i think the libary level is one of the most repetitive levels i've ever seen and not a good one for replay value.

As for the "run into the rooms and hold the trigger till your finger hurts" i dont think you did that on legendary since while your unloading your AR or PR into one elite you'll be gettin pummelled by the other enimies in the room. So it takes more skill that just holding the trigger. Try using stealth, first time i played through Halo i thought it would be impossible to be stealthy yet try sneaking into one of those circle rooms and watching your motion tracker for blips you can work out their patrols sneak up on them and melee them in the back. This will work better when H2 is release with real time lighting.

Halo might not be revolutionary in some ppls option but i havent played a better FPS on a console since goldeneye and most players i've seen on muiltplyer FPS has been 4 not 16.

I'd say 3 ppl in a warthog, 2 ppl in ghosts and 3 ppl on a tank is a pretty impressive site when they start fireing.

Ohh the joy :)

As for the "hype" i think it deserves it. It takes the title of best console FPS in my option which the likes of Timespliters or even counterstrike (true not quite on console yet but will be) doesnt deserve.
New Member
Feb 7, 2003
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Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
OMG that fact the some ppl say Halo Sucks astounds me.
What so now people aren't titled to an opinion?
Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
Halo is a very good game. If you played a 16 LAN match and didn't enjoy it, then the reason is probally because you were destroyed by those who could play the game
Yes, really cool playing a FPS when its incredible hard to aim and your "shield" recharges.
Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
The Story line is not just "OMG its aliens lets kill them" Even before the release f Halo storyline was being made, Check out bungies site and look for the cortana Letters and the transmissions between ships. I'm not going to tell all the halo story here cause that would be a spoiler
OK, is a first person shooter has explosions and a story line, its an FPS gone entirely wrong.
Hmm lets see... when developing a game you do what? Story, graphics, engine and music score. This game is not an exception.

Not to mention the "elite" controller set up where melee is actually its own button. Don't forget the weapons from the first level, which consist of a Pistol, an Assault Rifle, a Plasma Pistol, a Plasma Rifle, and some needle thingy.

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
...but lets just say that two books have already been release based on Halo; Halo: The Flood, and Halo: The fall of Reach.
First of all, even though its a bad idea, you should have the story in the game. Putting in a book is intirely retarted, which makes me hate this game even more.
Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
True some missions can appear to be go to A go to B get back to A fly to B but this is the first installment of this game on a new engine, Bungie knows what they need to do now and already have a new engine with much better graphics, Physics, AI, real time lighting, etc, etc...
Yeah, its happening all the time. Halo Bungie isn't the first one to think of this. Look at any successful(by successful, I mean made a sequel) game. Half-Life 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Doom 3. Nothing special at any time.
Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
Halo might not be revolutionary in some ppls option but i havent played a better FPS on a console since goldeneye and most players i've seen on muiltplyer FPS has been 4 not 16.
Wow, so your saying if I buy 4 Xbox's, have some USB connection thingy, 4 copies of Halo, 16 controllers and 4 TVs, I can play 16 player FPS? Wow, I am convinced that this game is the best! I only have to spend about $2000, but hey, its for a second rate FPS on a console! Its all worth it!
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Apr 29, 2002
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Just because i say im astounded doesn't mean your not entitled to an option, not once did i say stop thinking that, im just argueing a point.

You can change your sensitivity level if you can handle the stik then knock then sensitiveity down or up. I find it easy to aim with sensitivity 8.

Yes thats right your shield recharges ohh and you forogt to metion that on the harder difficult levels the enemies shields also recharge the strenght of your shield is reduced and the strength of the enemies shields is increased.

i find the melee very useful... many time in alot of games i have gotten up cloe to a person and then run out of ammo you can decide to reload or change to the melee!!! CHANGE to melee!!! ohh wait a sec mate to i put this here very heavy weapon down and start punching you, NO you want to wack em with the gun thats what you gotta do.

4 weapons in the first level oh yeah sure why dont we put the rocket launcher into the first level like every other game is the world? It's a law of gaming you don't get the damn rocket laucher till the 5th level. Tell me what weapon do u get at the start of HL.... whats that a crowbar then a pistol wow they sound like amazing weapons yeah it played fine and very enjoyable.

The books are an extra thing you don't have to buy the books the stroyline is explained well enough in the game, "The flood" is a book form of teh game as far as i know and the "fall of reach" is the events b4 the game happened.

True i agree sequels happen its the way of tech knowledgy.

The idea behind the LAN games is you have friends with x-boxs. You dont buy them all yourself and playing in your bedroom alone. Between me and my friend we have 4 x-box getting 4 T.V's together is the hardest part but we are doing that today. As for the connection is just a normal ethernet connection same as i use for my home LAN.

Times up again but i said most what i wanted to say

Remeber to chill :D
New Member
Feb 7, 2003
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Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
You can change your sensitivity level if you can handle the stik then knock then sensitiveity down or up. I find it easy to aim with sensitivity 8.
So, its basically any FPS on the computer, only with a controller? +1 gimp points

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
Yes thats right your shield recharges ohh and you forogt to metion that on the harder difficult levels the enemies shields also recharge the strenght of your shield is reduced and the strength of the enemies shields is increased.
Plus the shield recharges on multiplayer. But seeing how that increases gameplay, no gimp points here.

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
i find the melee very useful... many time in alot of games i have gotten up cloe to a person and then run out of ammo you can decide to reload or change to the melee!!! CHANGE to melee!!! ohh wait a sec mate to i put this here very heavy weapon down and start punching you, NO you want to wack em with the gun thats what you gotta do.
Wow, so they give you long range and short range on one person. That is so stupid, I give it +2 gimp points.

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
4 weapons in the first level oh yeah sure why dont we put the rocket launcher into the first level like every other game is the world? It's a law of gaming you don't get the damn rocket laucher till the 5th level. Tell me what weapon do u get at the start of HL.... whats that a crowbar then a pistol wow they sound like amazing weapons yeah it played fine and very enjoyable.
Well, if you werea a true gamer you would have played Serious Sam, where the first level you need to kill about 50000000000000 monsters, then you get to go to the next level, and this continues for about..... 13 levels. Serious Sam was all what FPSs should be, killing limitless enemies. Plus, Half-Life was actually a good game, with many mods and puzzles. Biggest puzzle I saw in this game was "throw a gernade at the enemy", which isn't a puzzle. +1 gimp points

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
The books are an extra thing you don't have to buy the books the stroyline is explained well enough in the game, "The flood" is a book form of teh game as far as i know and the "fall of reach" is the events b4 the game happened.
Could have easily made that a game using the same engine. Wouldn't have tooken them more than 6 months. No gimpy here.

Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan
The idea behind the LAN games is you have friends with x-boxs. You dont buy them all yourself and playing in your bedroom alone. Between me and my friend we have 4 x-box getting 4 T.V's together is the hardest part but we are doing that today. As for the connection is just a normal ethernet connection same as i use for my home LAN.
You can't really play with your friends, its impossible. They all have to bring there Xboxs, possibly TVs. All it is useful for is fragfest on campuses, which you should just get Half-Life and play through that, much more games and maps and such not for every gamer. But, none offer what Halo offers, so... -2 gimp points

All and all, this game has 2 gimp points with a maximum of 10 and a minimum of -10, 10 being the worst and -10 being the best.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Originally posted by AscendantSaiyan

As for the "run into the rooms and hold the trigger till your finger hurts" i dont think you did that on legendary since while your unloading your AR or PR into one elite you'll be gettin pummelled by the other enimies in the room. So it takes more skill that just holding the trigger. Try using stealth, first time i played through Halo i thought it would be impossible to be stealthy yet try sneaking into one of those circle rooms and watching your motion tracker for blips you can work out their patrols sneak up on them and melee them in the back. This will work better when H2 is release with real time lighting.
There are several occasions in which you cannot use stealth, particularly indoors after around level 7. Not all enemy placements are the same, but you don't even give a crap about using stealth after you the twelfth time you've seen the same room used over and over. Stealth would just slow things down. As for holding down the button, I didn't mean for anyone to take that literally, but it is the practical explanation for what you have to do. Tap the button over and over and over to kill people. Holding it down works up recoil so you don't do that. Doesn't make a huge difference. Your finger still gets numb, especially on levels like "The Flood."

If the team had relied more on the intelligence of the enemies and less on programming in thousands of them at a time I would have enjoyed the game more. I just find it incredibly mind numbing to fight more than 300 of the same creature on every level, simply because they aren't intelligent enough to hold their own. I hope Halo 2 is an improvement.

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