I stil say make a new body. If you say your going to then do it, dont just edit 1 base model 30 times, you will never get better, and sorry to say, but you need to get better..
Ill tell you what I really think of the model on aim.
dont worry i know what you mean, and im working on it...
it's just not ready and i might use it for the next version...
i know those models might be crappy but this was a long time ago...
now im making a new body from the same ref with some new teq's i lurned...
so it might get better...
but can we see a screeny?
the models arent fully ingame, when we get it ingame we will post screens
um.......SV i played with ya Goku on EEA....... and wat i'd like to say is that it looks retarded for some reason! and i think the same will go with your gohan
no it wont cuz my goku was assigned in 30 mins, it was rushed...shijing assigned him so fast cuz we were rushed to release eea...
now, see that vegetto, gohan and goku all have the same body base...
check out my vegetto screens and see that he is assigned perfecly (thanks to killmore)
so there will be no prob with gohan and future goku...(gonna reassign him)
super vegetto... i think the saiyaman mystic form should be the kaisuit... when he was at the king kai planet and preparest to mystic form.
it's cool if im going by the show i guess but im going by budokai2
dont really like the ssj2 hair, its just spikey, and it doesnt look like gohans hair.
lol i allways like hearing crits from you david
umm about the hair, is it just ssj2? or all forms?
and what should i do to make it look better?