Final Fantasy XII

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Nov 10, 2002
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SailorAlea said:
Anyone who talks down about FF11 obviously hasn't played it, and is ignorantly labelling it as a bad game when in fact it's spectacular.

Don't let the fact that you don't have a good enough hard drive, video card or wallet decide whether something is good or not.
Well I may have not played the demo but I have read reviews and stuff from
the people who created the game, they said they were going for a bunch of
stuff, like not moving when in a battle and whatnot, When they finally decided
to make the battle system and the manuvering not too diffrent from Everquest.
So yeah, I guess I know what to expect, Everquest with a diffrent title and
diffrent classes. I dont mean to sound like an ******* Alea, but even if FF11:O
is not bad, even if it is better than all Final Fantasies, im still not going to play
if I have to pay. I just find that to be wrong...

Its like this thing I have against the internet...
You pay like $2600 for a comp alone... and everybody knows that a Comp is
practically nothing without internet.even if its just $20 or $40 a month you
waste money like crazy. Im the one you call... unsuccessful. I have a job.
But I need to have two jobs to properly support myself. Since I dont seem
to be getting help from nobody. One reason... the only reason why I dont
have a phone line.
New Member
May 28, 2003
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Yeah... Square Enix is so dumb, making us pay. After all, they're just keeping up a 24/7 server, updating the game with new events constantly, let you interact with real people rather than some idiot NPC with some ****ty AI.

You shouldn't complain about the payment. If you can't afford $10 a month you need to get a damn job. If you have a job and still can't afford it at least try to open your mind just enough to understand that the things they do in an MMOG require money from some place.

BTW Majin Krillin your ignorance is showing -_-
New Member
Dec 31, 2002
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Haplo said:
BTW Majin Krillin your ignorance is showing -_-
My apologies, I didn’t realize that I left it sticking out. I threw that line out there because I knew someone would bite at it. :p

Anyway the truth of the matter is that most so called MMO”RPG”s are nothing more than kill everything in sight and get the phattest loot possible games. They have little to no story or any real reason to keep playing other than leveling up your character by killing more things.

Square used to build games that were all about the story and character development, now it seems like they have sold there soul so they can build them around pure visuals. Why would Square even create a game that fits under the MMORPG classification and then slap a Final Fantasy label on it?

Unless they have somehow managed to create a MMORPG that actually has depth, story, and character development. However given the way they appear to be making there games recently, cough FFX-2, I doubt this is the case for FFXII.
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May 30, 2003
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Anyone ever think about why Square and other companies charge people to play games? I'll tell you why, its to keep people like most of you out. Yeah, that's it, Square and the rest of the FFXI community is just fine without all this *****ing, so theres your answer.
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Mar 11, 2002
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FF12 seems more technology-based than FF10, but not as based as FF7. Based on those screenshots. I do have a problem with the main characters looking more girly like every time though. Anyways, I wouldn't be suprised if FF12 was about technology. Plus it's not like those pictures show the main male and female characters. Those two could be other playable characters.

(how the heck did she go from summoner to some
sort of a singing star anyway? I dont get it...)
Pfft. Sin's is gone right? What's the point of being a summoner? She's needs to pay the bills right? It's not like she would be a wife after that.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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Im goinna try to get me FFX-2 Today, I hear its supposed
to be in stores today...
New Member
Sep 24, 2003
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hmmmmm? isnt that ff12? hmmmmmm MMMMMMM?
I thought ff12 was gonna be an expansion for ff11. oh well.
Well its good to see another square rpg, but i dunno really...
Looking at the screenshots its looking just like ffx/ffx-2
Square needs to change the style a bit, it looks like there just taking ffx and modifying it =/
If they were to set this ff in the past a bit, like ff9 era, but with ff10 graphics.
Then it could be intresting..
If they actually bother to put in as much story as they did with ff7,ff8,ff9 , that would be great.
But i doubt any of that is gonna happen.
FF12 doesnt look as bad as ffx-2, but we shall see.
:( not another fff game im gonna have to miss out on :(
they should do a now look,feel to the game its like 10+ there kinda useing the ff10 engine lol

I don't like the idea that they started to make sequals. Every FF game starting from 1 to 9 have been different stories... or fantasies. Now, it's just a sequal of FFX. I don't like that, I want new characters and story lines.

+iam one of the biggest ff fan i know i played and owned all 6,7,8,9,10 and i think it was 4 or 5

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