Final Fantasy VII - Emerald & Ruby

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Nov 10, 2002
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I just want to know, the other day I was replaying Final Fantasy VII.
And then when I took a look at my oldest file I reloaded it, I was at
a point where I didn't beat the game and all I wanted to do was beat
Emerald and Ruby...

Here are my strategies for both:
I start off by attacking, When he brings out the little lasers
on his shoulder then I summon "Knights of the Round" to kill them
all at once. Everytime he brings out his little lasers. He does Emerald
Blast which cuts everyone's health by 1/3, leaving me at 3500HP.
Sice all my characters are LvL 99. After you have destroyed the
lasers he does Revenge stamp, that does 2000hp dmg to all. I use
MegaElixir to heal everyone back to 9999hp. Then I begin to use my
Limit breaks, OmniSlash, Highwind, and Meteor Strike. Meaning I
have Cloud, Tifa, and Cid on my party. Everytime he does Emerald
Beam to deal 6000hp to one of my members I heal that one member
with an X-Potion to recover their health to full.

After this strategy has been repeated 3 times, he doesn't let me
destroy his lasers and he uses his ultimate attack, Aire Tam Storm.
which deals 9999dmg to all. The only way to avoid that attack is
to get lucky and have it miss atleast one character. Not even
Barrier/MBarrier works. Its like ones you have reached a certain
limit to his damage he does that attack without giving you a chance
to attack yourself.

Before I fight him, I have two of my party members killed so he
wont remove my players from the field with whirlsand. So that the
person that is alive has Life2. I enter the battle, revive both
members, and begin to try and attack ruby, and I cant destroy
his tentacles cause if I do they will be retreived and he will use
whirlsand screwing me over from the start. I try to use protective
accessories so his tenctacles wont transform me into a frog or
whatnot. but one of the tentacles removes like 500hp meaning I
wont get to use summons when I have the chance to. And he
can sometimes attack like 2-3 times in a row no matter how high
your stats are.


Aside that, I have been "Morphing" my enemies into Item-Sources for the
past few days, to increase my characters stats even though they
are all LvL99. But their still strong and it takes long to morph someone
since the attack that follows up with the morph command is weak.
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Jan 27, 2003
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I just master the Mime materia twice so I have 3,and Underwater materia

Then let Cloud have KoTR and Final Attack-Pheonix at master level,and someone else with Enemy Skill materia with 'Mighty Guard' learned,cast that off at the start,then the rest....

Cloud = cast kotr
Rest of group = mimic

Emerald = use Aire Tyre Storm
everyone = final attack-pheonix

Made it simpler by using a small diagram

As for Ruby....I just whacked him over and over and over....Of course starting with 2 dead characters :)

But Emerald....without the right equipment you won't be able to beat him easily

As for morphing....make sure you have Yuffie's last weapon (dunno what it's called,but you'll know because no materia growth on it) and let her do the enemy-morphing :)
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Nov 10, 2002
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I think Yuffie's last weapon is Conformer.
But anyway, yeah I have been successful in summoning Pheonix but
then it would be a pain in the ass to try and attack again cause some
times after Emerald uses his Lasers he will go for another Aire Tam Storm.

And from what Enemie(s) can I learn Mighty Guard from?
I doubt that will work though cause everytime Emerald Blast hits you
(the attack that cuts your health by 1/3), it also removes all spells
on you such as Wall/Regeneration.

What do you get for beating both of them anyway?
If its only EXP then its too late for that :\, Also I have never heard
of "Underwater" Materia... Where do you get it? Usuaully when I
play an RPG I dont refer to guides, but im guessing you get it for
reading all Six Turtle's Paradise Flyers, if so then I gave up on looking
for Flyer #2 a long time ago. I've searched everywhere between
Midgar and Gold Saucer, cant find Flyer #2 :\
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Apr 7, 2003
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I found Emerald weapon to be the most annoying one.. so I just used KOTR+Mimic :devgrin:
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Nov 10, 2002
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SailorAlea said:
I found Emerald weapon to be the most annoying one.. so I just used KOTR+Mimic :devgrin:
Hey Alea I sent you a Private Message a couple of minutes ago :p
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Jul 16, 2003
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The way to beat Emerald is by going into the battle with a "7777 Berserk". This happens when you enter the battle with one character at exactly 7777 life. So when you go in, he will attack 64 times for 9999, but that won't kill him. I do this by getting to any XX27 or XX77 and then healing up with potions. You should go into the battle with Omnislash ready so that as soon as the berserk is over you can use it with no delay. From there, your third character will use KoTR and everyone will Mimic him. If he deals lethal damage to you via Aire Tam Storm, you need final attack-Pheonix to come back to life. A few more KotR after that and its over.
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Nov 10, 2002
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ForeverZero said:
The way to beat Emerald is by going into the battle with a "7777 Berserk". This happens when you enter the battle with one character at exactly 7777 life. So when you go in, he will attack 64 times for 9999, but that won't kill him. I do this by getting to any XX27 or XX77 and then healing up with potions. You should go into the battle with Omnislash ready so that as soon as the berserk is over you can use it with no delay. From there, your third character will use KoTR and everyone will Mimic him. If he deals lethal damage to you via Aire Tam Storm, you need final attack-Pheonix to come back to life. A few more KotR after that and its over.
So if Pheonix is not the Final Attack my characters have no chance
of living? Cause I thought there was something fishy about Cid
having missed Aire Tam Storm, I had chosen Pheonix when he performed
that attack... thanks for the hint... But I still think it can be avoided
another way because I remember Tifa and Cloud boh survived once.
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Dec 2, 2001
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for emerald get an under water materia u will also need knights of the round. and u will need regen + all maxxed. cast regen on all characters off the bat. play as you normally would and if your hp starts to get low open up the lid. this will freeze the current positions and your regen will keep going when its at full health simply close the lid and resume fighting. thats the easy way to do it.

i wouldnt even bother beating ruby considering the gold chocobo u get sucks. just breed one
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Oct 20, 2002
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Emerald i found rather easy. I used 3 omni slash's had tifa constantly healing everyone, 2 of barret's catastrophe's,1 bahamut zero, 1 kotr, and a crap load of melee attacks by cloud and barret. My Cloud and Barret were both at lvl 96 at the time though and Tifa was 94 ^_^'
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Mar 23, 2002
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Make sure you get omni-slash and that thing that allows you to use a summon 'twice' in a row. Also, get a golden chocobo and travel fare north-east of the world. You should see an island, go inside, and that's when you get the craziest summon of all time, Knights of the Relm ;)
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Jul 16, 2003
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There is one more way, though I don't recommend it. You could junction Life materia to Final Attack, so you only get 1 revive, then have him cast pheonix. Additionally, Aire Tam Storm deals 1111 damage per materia you have equipped. If any of your characters ever survived it, they had under 9 materias equipped, which is never the case with me...
Ice Cream God
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Dec 2, 2001
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Erm.... just equip a KOTR and HP Abosrb materia to everyone. Then he only does like 2222 to you and you heal yourself with every KOTR you do to him. Duh... I beat him without the Underwater materia.

I forgot how i beat Ruby, but he wasnt very hard either.
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Nov 10, 2002
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suicidal_maniac said:
Erm.... just equip a KOTR and HP Abosrb materia to everyone. Then he only does like 2222 to you and you heal yourself with every KOTR you do to him. Duh... I beat him without the Underwater materia.

I forgot how i beat Ruby, but he wasnt very hard either.
Again... WtF Is UnderWater Materia? Where do I get it :p
Also thanks for the tip about Aire Tam Storm doing damage
depending on how much materia you've got.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 23, 2003
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after doin some crap some guy in the first town gives it to you., ( i aint playe dthis game in years)

it allows you to avoid the time limit on the underwater fight

and i remember this, i had finalattack revive on all my characters with maxed attributes for max efficiency,

ofcourse i made sure by the time i got to these two i had all 3 of my main chars equipped with full master materia (i think is what it was called)

knights o fthe round>mimic>finalattack+revive will win you any fight in this game,

also that enemy skill that revives+heals completely as well is a must.

angel somethin, i forget what,
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Jul 16, 2003
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To get the Underwater Materia, you need the Guide Book, which you get by morphing Ghost Ship in the aquarium under Junon. Take this to the Kalm Traveler, an old man in Kalm who trades you stuff and you'll receive the Underwater Materia, which is pretty useless except it takes away that 20 minute counter when fighting Emerald.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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Oh, I remember that old man, he also asks for
a desert rose, and an earth harp but I would never
know where the heck to find it.

Also, I never encountered a ghost ship...
(Except the one with the huge skeleton in the
Battle Arena... is that the same one?)
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★ Black Lounger ★
💻 Oldtimer
Apr 23, 2003
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that 20 minute timer runs out pretty quick when your fightin that guy, its a long fight,

he can kill everyone in one hit regardles what your health and defense

if your gonna go with KOTR, your gonna need alot of time to cast that over and over
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 10, 2002
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I wish there was a "Break HP Limit" in FF7 then
Emerald would have died a long time ago for sure :p
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💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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Emerald Weapon = ub3r easy (Use Final Attack + Revive)

Ruby...I cheated and lost >.>

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