Dragonball Trivia


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
mf29 said:
what the ****, that never happened
SailorAlea is correct, it did happen. Android 17 gave his energy to Goku for the Spirit Bomb.

I hope you're not including Dragon Ball GT characters though... I never watched every single episode, nor do I remember much about the villians.
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May 7, 2006
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WhAt!?!?!?! Android 17 became good huh? Man i saw every episode of buu saga and cell saga all i remember is when 18 got spit out of cell and thats the last of an android i saw of.


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May 24, 2003
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United States, Florida
Android 17 appeared very briefly, not to mention considering the time between the end of Dragon Ball Z and after Cell was beaten, it probably would have been noticable if he started a killing spree.

Here's a clip: http://www.freewebs.com/danotoriousmc/xfbdxzr.wmv

Sorry for going off-topic, I just wanted to clear that up.

Dabura, Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chaozu, Android 8, Android 16 (I think he was always good, that's why he was considered a failure) Android 17, Android 18, Buu
Kami, Ox-King, Puar, Akuman, Myra, Bardock, Tora, King Vegeta, Oolong
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Sep 11, 2005
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MC said:
Android 17 appeared very briefly, not to mention considering the time between the end of Dragon Ball Z and after Cell was beaten, it probably would have been noticable if he started a killing spree.

Here's a clip: http://www.freewebs.com/danotoriousmc/xfbdxzr.wmv

Sorry for going off-topic, I just wanted to clear that up.

Kami, Ox-King, Puar, Akuman, Myra, Bardock, Tora, King Vegeta, Oolong
still missing people
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Nov 14, 2003
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uhhh 17 didnt turn good. he helped give energy for the spirit bomb, by trying to rob someone who then put their hands up haha.
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May 7, 2003
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still missing people
You're insane. How many of these missing characters were of much importance to the story? And how evil were they before they became shining heroes? It sounds like you're sending people on a wild goose chase.

Technically Android 17 was partially good during the Cell saga, as him and Piccolo both fought Cell together. Also, I thought I'd mention Android 17, 18 & 16 never actually committed murder in the present timeline (apart from the maniac Dr. Gero). Vegeta, on the other hand, destroyed an innocent truck driver.

Let's review:
(No Dragon Ball GT) (No Dragon Ball)

No = Evil / Never became good
Yes = Became good / Already good

The Saiyan Saga
Raditz (No)
Vegeta (Yes)
Piccolo (Yes)
Nappa (No)
Saibaman (No)

The Namek Saga
Zaacro (No)
Raithi (No)
Orphan Children (Yes)
Captain Ginyu(Frog) (Yes)
Qui (No)
Dodoria (No)
Zarbon (No)
The Ginyu Force(Burter, Jeice, Recoome, Guldo) (No)
Frieza's Henchmen (No)
Frieza(All forms) (No)

The Garlic Jr. Saga
Garlic Jr.(All forms) (No)
Spice(All forms) (No)
Vinegar(All forms) (No)
Mustard (No)
Salt (No)
Human Race (Yes)
Dodo-bird Race (No)
Chi Chi (Yes)
Yamcha (Yes)
Oolong (Yes)
Puar (Yes)
Bulma (Yes)
Master Roshi (Yes)

The Trunks Saga
Cyborg Frieza (No)
King Cold (No)
Frieza's Henchmen (No)

The Android Saga
Android #19 (No)
Android #20 (No)
Android #18 (Yes)
Android #17 (Yes)
Android #16 (Yes)
Cell(All forms) (No)
Cell Jr. (No)

The Majin Buu Saga
Spopovich (No)
Yamu (No)
Pui Pui (No)
Yakon (No)
Babadi Henchmen (No)
Babadi (No)
Dabura (Yes)
Majin Vegeta (Yes)
Psychopathic Snipers (No)
Majin Buu(Fat-Mr. Buu) (Yes)
Evil Buu (No)
Super Buu(All forms) (No)
Kid Buu(Uub) (Yes)

It's possible I missed a couple.

uhhh 17 didnt turn good. he helped give energy for the spirit bomb, by trying to rob someone who then put their hands up haha.
You know Android 17 raised his palm, right? Judging by his attire, I'd say he became a wilderness hunter. No real harm there, I guess.

EDIT: Android 17 never actually heard Goku's voice prior, so I found it awkward he didn't raise his hand when Vegeta was requesting the energy.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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Goku, he was evil till he fell off a mountain onto his head and became good.
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Sep 22, 2005
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You could consider Krillin a little bit because he cheated Goku out of dinner that time
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Jun 4, 2006
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well before the garlic saga ur bang on but in the garlic saga every one turns evil except the already evil ones...and except for gohan,krillian,piccolo..but piccolo faked being evil to decive garlic jr.
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May 28, 2006
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Yeah, I'd been thinking about that myself. The Androids in Trunks' future were ruthless killers.

The present timeline Android 17 and 18 were even more powerful than those in Trunks' timeline. Even still, they never actually killed anyone in the DBZ manga. They wanted to go after Goku, but I think that was only because they figured 16 wouldn't give them any peace about it until they did. Even in their joyrides in the truck they never killed anyone. Even a bunch of policeman chasing them were only a little rattled by 18 after she blew out their cruiser's engines. I seriously doubt they would have caused much trouble for long even if Cell was out of the picture. 16 took control of his own programming after a bit and decided against killing Goku at all. 17 and 18 probably would have been "whatever" about his change of heart and they'd just pull petty cross-country misdemeanors for a while.

And now that I think of it, it doesn't make sense for the GT "Black Star" Dragonballs to exist at all.

Supposedly, Kami made them while in his post as Guardian of Earth. He seperated with Piccolo before being able to take the job. So that would imply that he just made them on a whim before becoming Gaurdian. It doesn't make much sense to me. Then again, GT was a buggy waste of time anyway.

@Revitalized Prince: That's easy; 17 was probably loaded with reference data on Goku. It'd be natural that data on his voice signature would be included. True, they never met (canon) but I imagine he knew what he sounded like. He was designed to kill him in particular you know...or its just a dubbing mistake...lol
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Oct 23, 2004
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J-Dude said:
Yeah, I'd been thinking about that myself. The Androids in Trunks' future were ruthless killers.

The present timeline Android 17 and 18 were even more powerful than those in Trunks' timeline. Even still, they never actually killed anyone in the DBZ manga. They wanted to go after Goku, but I think that was only because they figured 16 wouldn't give them any peace about it until they did. Even in their joyrides in the truck they never killed anyone. Even a bunch of policeman chasing them were only a little rattled by 18 after she blew out their cruiser's engines. I seriously doubt they would have caused much trouble for long even if Cell was out of the picture. 16 took control of his own programming after a bit and decided against killing Goku at all. 17 and 18 probably would have been "whatever" about his change of heart and they'd just pull petty cross-country misdemeanors for a while.

And now that I think of it, it doesn't make sense for the GT "Black Star" Dragonballs to exist at all.

Supposedly, Kami made them while in his post as Guardian of Earth. He seperated with Piccolo before being able to take the job. So that would imply that he just made them on a whim before becoming Gaurdian. It doesn't make much sense to me. Then again, GT was a buggy waste of time anyway.

@Revitalized Prince: That's easy; 17 was probably loaded with reference data on Goku. It'd be natural that data on his voice signature would be included. True, they never met (canon) but I imagine he knew what he sounded like. He was designed to kill him in particular you know...

GT wasn't based on a Manga.
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✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
May 28, 2006
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Yeah, I know, I was just mocking the GT concepts in general...
New Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Well what about the next question...

How many times did vegeta and goku turn into a super saiyan in dbz (give both goku's and vegeta's) ?
New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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TheCost said:
Well what about the next question...

How many times did vegeta and goku turn into a super saiyan in dbz (give both goku's and vegeta's) ?
Just SSJ, or with SSJ2, and 3?
New Member
Nov 29, 2004
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you could also try and tell how many times was transformed to a stage
New Member
Sep 22, 2005
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Super Saiyan
Fighting Frieza
Fighting Android #19
Fighting Cell
Fighting Pikkon
Fighting Yakon

Super Saiyan 2
Fighting Majin Vegeta
Before going Super Saiyan 3

Super Saiyan 3
Fighting Fat Buu
Against Super Buu with Gotenks & Piccolo
Fighting Kid Buu

Super Saiyan
Fighting Android #19
Looking for Dr Gero
Looking for gero's lab
Fighting Android #18

Ultra Super Saiyan
Fighting Cell

Super Saiyan 2
Fighting Goku (as Majin)
Fighting Kid Buu

Movies Included

Super Saiyan
Fighting Cooler
Fighting Metal Cooler
Fighting Android #13/Super Android #13
Fighting Broly

Super Saiyan 2
Dodging Fat Janembas Blast
Fighting Hildergarn

Super Saiyan 3
Fighting Janemba
Fighting Hildergarn

Super Saiyan
Fighting Metal Cooler
Fighting Android #14 (or #15?)
Fighting Super Android #13
Fighting Broly

Super Saiyan 2
Fighting Janemba
Fighting Hildergarn

Did I miss anyo_O
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💻 Oldtimer
May 7, 2003
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How many times did vegeta and goku turn into a super saiyan in dbz (give both goku's and vegeta's) ?
I'm counting all levels of Super Saiyan.

Trying to refresh memory...


The Namek Saga
(1 Character - Goku)
1) Fully transformed
2) Goku descends, flies away - shot at, goes Super Saiyan again

The Garlic Jr. Saga(Doesn't really matter)
(1 Character - Goku)
1) Hallucination of Goku's Super Saiyan Aura

The Trunks Saga
(1 Character - Goku)
1) Transforms into a Super Saiyan while speaking with Trunks

Z Warriors Prepare
(1 Character - Goku)
1) Transforms into a Super Saiyan during Vegeta's dream

The Android/Cell Saga
(2 Characters - Goku, Vegeta)
1) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan before battling Android #19
2) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan before battling Android #19
3) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan after eating a Senzu Bean
4) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan before hastily chasing the Androids
5) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan before babbling about his heritage(Mountain)
6) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan sometime before flying to the location he sensed Frieza's energy - discovers a Super Namek
7) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan during his training in the Time Chamber
8) Vegeta reaches a new level of strength - transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan
9) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan while flying to Cell's location
10) Vegeta transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan before fighting Cell
11) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan while training Gohan
12) Goku reaches a new level of strength - transforms into an Ascened Super Saiyan
13) Goku reaches a new level of strength - transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan (Stage 2)
14) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan while training Gohan
15) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan while training Gohan
16) Goku reaches a new level of strength - transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan
17) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan for Korin
18) Vegeta transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan during his second year of training in the Time Chamber(ambiguous amount)
19) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan while battling Perfect Cell
20) Vegeta transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan before battling Cell Jr.
21) Vegeta transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan while unleashing his fiery hate on Ultra Perfect Cell
22) Vegeta transforms into an Ascended Super Saiyan before pulling a sneak attack on Ultra Perfect Cell

Pre-Majin Buu Saga
(2 Characters - Goku)
1) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan while fighting Pikkon
2) Goku reaches a new level of strength - transforms into a Super Saiyan 2
3) Vegeta reaches a new level of strength - transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan
4) Vegeta reaches a new level of strength - transforms into a Super Saiyan 2
5) Goku reaches a new level of strength - transforms into a Super Saiyan 3
6) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan, 2, 3(unknown amount)
7) Vegeta transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan, 2(unknown amount)

The Majin Buu Saga
(2 Characters - Goku, Vegeta)
1) Vegeta transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan sometime before or while training in the Gravity room with Trunks
2) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan while battling Yakon in Babadi's Ship
3) Vegeta transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan while being possessed by Babadi
4) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan sometime during Majin Vegeta's killing spree
5) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Majin Vegeta
6) Majin Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Goku
7) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after confronting Babadi & Majin Buu
8) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan during his Super Saiyan demonstration
9) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 during his Super Saiyan demonstration
10) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 during his Super Saiyan demonstration
11) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 while teaching Goten & Trunks the Fusion technique
12) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 before battling Super Gotenks Buu
13) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Super Gohan Buu
14) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Super Gohan Buu
15) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after being attacked by Piccolo & Gotenks
16) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 during his battle with Gohan
17) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after being confronted by Super Buu
18) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after being confronted by Super Buu
19) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Kid Buu
20) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 while battling Kid Buu
21) Vegeta transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan before flying to Goku's aid
22) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan after head butting Kid Buu
23) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after head butting Kid Buu
24) Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 after head butting Kid Buu
25) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 before battling Kid Buu(stall for time)
26) Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 after picking himself up after a heavy beating
27) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan before finishing Kid Buu off with the Spirit Bomb
28) Goku transforms into a Perfect Super Saiyan while bathing with Goten & Trunks butt naked

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