A REALLY big idea list

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Mar 1, 2005
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I've been playing ESF since it's inception, though after reading a few posts on the forums, I never registered. Honestly, seeing people "1337 sp3@k" on this forum was probably my greatest aversion. However, trusting regardless that the coders are capable and educated (as I would assume them to be at least to some degree, given that they made this mod in the first place) I have despite distaste registered on these forums, scanned through many of the ideas out there, and decided to compile all my thoughts on what I want ESF to evolve into. I don't expect everyone to agree with all my ideas, but this is the best way I can see, to make ESF both balanced and fun, yet still like the show.

I will begin with changes to the very system itself, rather than with characters, because I feel it is more appropriate that a person know what the system I want the other changes to take place in is. I will start with melee since it seems to be a greatly contested idea, and I personally find the current melee system a bit dry and unskillfull.

The melee system I want would be partially comprised of ideas taken from DBZ Budokai, a game for the current consoles, as well as both of the ESF melee systems (the original one and the new Advanced melee mode), as well as some ideas from playing Dragonball Z Roleplaying games and my very limited experience with the show, and also some experience with DragonModZ. Since I know many people would not like this idea if implemented, it would make sense to be capable of toggling the melee mode to be original, normal, or advanced, normal being the current system and advanced being the system that I am about to suggest.

Swooping should be kept in, and a person should be capable of both running on land (instead of swooping over it) and ramming into someone for little or no ki, or doing a flying ram in the air for some ki cost for swooping. Instead of ramming into someone, punching them over and over again, and then going into a psudo-dual where neither participant can be harmed by outsiders, I'd prefer it if the melee system was a bit more open. You can run up to someone, punch them, jump back and pelt them with ki blasts, for example, without sending them flying with a ram hit. I'm sure the players reading this will note that this will make it hard to hit an opponent, since the characters will not be contained in a little energy bubble that makes it impossible to simply aim incorrectly. To alleviate this, I'd suggest a targeting system. I'm aware that many people disliked targeting, but I have a different idea for it's use than simple ramming. Let's say two people are both on the ground, and they run up to each other and attack. Both could see some of thier opponents actions in a queue at the top of the screen - not as arrows, but as actual indicates, such as a low punch or kick, and which arm or leg is being used. They could then dodge or block as appropriate, and possibly reciprocate with an attack. This is not to say they will be contained in a bubble - either participant could jump back and out, so long as he isn't being bashed into the ground at the time.

Hence you could keep your opponent from retreating out of melee combat by suppressing them with your attacks. A participant might even shoot the other with a fireball or such (more on ki attacks and ki attacks in melee down below) during the combat.So for an example, two people rush at each other (not ramming, just running at each other) and target each other for melee combat (the target expires if either combatant gets too far away from the other). The two reach each other. Let's say one of them decided to run in a ram, the other sees the indicator at the topleft of his screen for a high ram. He holds down the Defense key (which lets you queue up defensive actions), and queues up a crouch. Without letting go of the crouch key, to show that hes combining another action with that, he lets go of the defense key and hits the medium kick key. The result being a dodge and a counterattack: He ducks under the brunt of the high ram and kicks the other character in the stomach. The two are now in close-range melee.

So the buttkicking begins. Let's say the rammer decides to get really crazy with it, and he starts queueing up attacks just like theres no tomorow. The other combatant also queues up a few attacks, but seeing his opponents offensive, holds the defensive key and queues up some defensive moves. So his character dodges the opponent and fights back, whereas the other is all offensive so he proceeds to start getting hurt. So our rammer decides that he has to do some defense also, and starts queueing up random defensive actions, which of course isnt very effective, and still takes damage. Our more skilled combatant decides he wants to get serious, and instead of watching for the next attack and defending/countering, he uses a disabling move (namely, he kicks his enemy up in the air) swoops straight up into the air, then rams straight down (and because he's locked on, the system keeps his attack on target) and rams the other person down into the dirt.

Well, fighter 1 (the rammer) is now on his back, and while he's getting up fighter 2 has time to charge up an attack. For the sake of simplicity, we'll say a Kamehameha fireball (not a beam, see below) and proceeds to blast it at him when he gets up. Fighter 1 has learned from his mistakes, and immediatly queues up a parry-back, a tricky manuever that takes a good bit of ki (or stamina) to use, but deflects an energy attack back at the user. Succeeding in this, he decides that getting into melee with this guy was a BAD idea. So he attempts to swoop backwards while his opponent deals with his own fireball. Fighter 2 parries back the fireball again, and while it travels at Figher 1, 2 jumps into the air and comes down at him in a flying ram. 1, not having any idea how to stop both attacks at once, panics and fumbles the controls, getting roasted by a fireball and slammed into the dirt by 2's foot again, both still in melee. 1 decides he has to get out of this somehow, and rolls sideways to try and dodge his opponents next attack. 2 jumps into the air and slams the dirt, missing 1, who gets up and kicks 2 into the air with a power-kick to stun him for a few seconds. 1, who happens to be piccolo, uses his hellzone grenade (the scattering blasts) and surrounds 2 with shots.

2, recognizing that theres no way out of this move, forms a shield (not gohans shield, see below) and tries to resist it, but still gets scorched. Meanwhile 1 has managed to retreat out of melee range and so both players lose thier ki locks (the targeting boxes).

That was an example of the advanced melee in the game, using rams and energy attacks. Advanced melee can also be more simple, for example, 1 might just throw a bunch of punches, 2 might just dodge, block, or parry them (blocking being the easiest to do but still getting you damage, parrying being the hardest to do but when you parry someone's attack, all the other attacks in thier queue vanish so they have to requeue them, and dodging being the in-between that just keeps you from getting hurt) everything you do in advanced melee is queued. Even moving to the left or right appears in the queue as basic dodges, though they dont usually work since the enemy has you targeted and can just turn to keep facing you. Moving backwards and away from the opponent appears as a dodge also, while moving forward doesnt appear at all - your just closing the distance, probably so one of your attacks will sink in. So just backing away wont get you out of a fight. You can try to swoop backwards, but that also appears as a dodge, and if it fails (And that particular dodge almost always will) you get hit, lose the ki you used for the swoop and you dont move anywhere.

The more "advanced" dodges work differently. You hold down the defensive key and hit a directional button, and your character turns, sidesteps, or whatever in that direction to avoid a blow. So if an opponent is coming at you with a high punch from the left, you can duck to avoid it or move to the right, or both, and if your quick you can hold down your defensive keys and put in an attack too, to counter. For example: Billy does a high left punch at Bob. Bob sidesteps to the right, dodging the move, and also queues a counter: a medium kick. Bob dodges the attack and immediatly gets his attack in, pretty much as a free action. Billy would have to react really fast to stop that counter. The downside to counters is that only really basic moves can be used: You can punch or kick, but they will always be at medium height. Characters with telekinetics (like Vegeta or Frieza) can counter with telekinetic move (which is basicly a punch that knocks the enemy back) but also always at the middle, hence easy to dodge.

A player might think "at the middle? What the...?" Well, at-the-middle attacks can only be done this way. Basicly they're attacks that can be dodged by basicly any maneuver. But hey, a free attack is still a free attack, and it's fast.

So, confused by all this? I'll do my best to summarize it in a later post and make it more coherent. *I* understand it, if thats any consolation :p. Moving right along: This isn't the only type of melee. In fact, it's the most advanced type. A person can also just do a normal, simple swooping ram (just like in ESF 1.2) without queueing or targeting or whatnot. Granted, the person you go at might target you, sidestep, counter, whatever, but they'd have to be quick as hell. Also, I'd like to see upward and downward simple rams (when you swoop straight up or down) work properly, without upward/downward swooping making you go forward/backward.

Another way you can attack someone in melee is with a good old hostile pummel-ram. Basicly the prepunch combo from ESF 1.2, you ram into them and beat the tar out of them UNTIL THEY KNOCK YOU OFF....or you run out of ki, if your flying, or stamina, whether flying or not. So basicly you can beat them silly with it if they're not paying attention. Not to mention, while YOU can target THEM and start advanced melee, they cant target you until you stop beating the crap out of them. So you could target them, and lets say they manage to hit the block key between your prepunches and hence get thier blocking up....your still beating them silly, but at least now they're taking less damage. Or if they time thier block JUST RIGHT, they could parry you and end the combo entirely (which isn't how it works in A.Melee. In Advanced Melee you would have to do a quick combination of things, so if they came at you with a left punch you'd have to hit the block key, then choose a counter-attack. Instead of block-countering, you would parry (Because blocking is basicly a copout defense, so you cant counter afterwards) parrying is a more advanced type of blocking.

Whatever attack you choose, your character attempts to deflect the enemies attack with his. Theres a certain parry for each attack, lets say they attacked you with a right high punch, you would respond with a right high punch and your character would fist-catch them or deflects thier arm. you cant counter after a parry but it offbalances the opponent and ditches thier whole attack queue so they have to remake it. It's also hard as hell to do and if you fail it, your offbalanced instead and lose your attack queue.

Back to the prepunch combo. So you were beating them up and targeted them for advanced melee, but let your character keep swinging anyway, and you figure you'll stop your combo and go into advanced melee if they get thier guard up or anything. The other person then manages a dodge (by hitting a directional key at just the right time, which shouldn't be too hard since prepunches are done to a set rythm) and counter-attacks you. Any counter-attack in this case is the exact same: A punch, kick or telekinetic attack that knocks the prepuncher back and disables and A.Melee locks. If they just dodge without hitting an attack key, the prepunches are just stopped, but you can still get into A.Melee with them. You could also just stop your prepunches after a bit and attack - whatever you decide.

Rushing at them while holding nothing down results in the prepunch combo. Hitting the left mouse button locks on. rushing at them with the right mouse button is how you do swoop-rams, and you can target while swooping or ramming. If you swoop while on the ground, your character rushes forward (though you can hit the jump key and go into flying-swoop mode, though it costs more ki). Hitting left mouse while in prepunch locks on, hitting right mouse while prepunching grabs them (or tries to, it stops your prepunch, pauses for a second, then grabs so it's kinda easy to dodge) and then immediatly attempts to throw (if the grab is successfull, the throw is automaticly).

Grabbing in Advanced Melee: You launch this as a normal attack, but it's aimed at the middle, so you have to time it after you stun the enemy (using powerfull kick or whatnot) and then grab them. Once you succeed, your in grappling mode with you as the attacker, them as the defender. You can attempt to bearhug them, if you succeed then your character bearhugs the enemy and continues to do so like a prepunch combo. You can stop bearhugging to bodyslam them or throw them, but nothing else. (bodyslam left click, throw right-click) Beahugging done by not clicking anything.

Or you can ram them into something (other than the ground) nearby, but right-clicking. So you could ram them into a wall or a mountain or whatever. After ramming them, you knocked back a bit.

Or you can throw them by right-clicking, and hence toss them out and get out of advanced melee. This works pretty much the same as throws do now.

Defender: You can attempt to block, which makes your character brace for the attack, dodge, which makes you maneuver so that they fail, or parry, which makes you take control of the grapple and become the attacker. It's hard to do any of these, however: Grapple moves go fast. If two people grab each other in Advanced Melee at the same time (grabs cant be blocked or parried, but they're middle-attacks so they're not hard to dodge) then you enter a Head On mode, winner becomes Attacker in grapple.

Head On: I feel this is a place where the Advanced Melee system used in ESF right now works just fine: the arrows and all work fine for a head-on, so the system shouldn't change IMO. Of course, head ons apply to both Prepunches and swoop-rams just as it did before ^.^

Wondering about Ki Attacks in Advanced Melee? : You can use any ki attack in advanced melee, but charging it up counts as a queued attack. It's best not to do it unless they're on the ground or seriously stunned. Krillin can take serious advantage of this with his Destructo Disc, but it's fairly easy to dodge that attack. Also look at Stunning below.

Stunning: Any powerfull move stuns the opponent. Ramming them into the ground, bodyslamming them, or even just a really good roundhouse. If you queue up the same attack over and over, instead of doing it over and over, it just makes the one you do really powerfull. Look in Melee Maneuvers for more info on this. Also note: If you decide to charge a move in A.Melee, you CAN dodge them just like normal, but you cant block or parry. So basicly, the best way to do a ki attack in A.Melee would be to stun them slightly, while they're stunned queue up a seriously powerfull stunning attack, and if that goes through you charge up your move. You might still have to do some fancy dodging though.

Beam Jumping in A.Melee: counts as swooping backwards for all intents and purposes for dodging. The enemy can swoop to follow you, or can stun you with a hit and send your beam flying up into the air.

Thats it for melee, hope you enjoyed that huge amount of info....now on to Ki attacks and the rest of the system changes I want, but this should be much shorter.

Note that this right here is how I feel the system should be changed, not specific moves.

First off: I have noticed that the more people in a server, the more powerfull everything gets. In a 1-1 battle, a KameHameHa barely covers any space at all, whereas with 8 people, you can nuke a good portion of the map with it. I feel this is a bit unfair in certain matches: It makes it MUCH harder to hit with many beam attacks. I think it would be better if all beam attacks had a set explosion radius, regardless of people number. The current size for a 2-person match is fine, IF the next thing is implemented. The reason I want this is because it's hard to know what your limits are the way it's set up now, and it makes it easier for chars like Goku to get thier butts kicked in 1-1 matches because thier large explosion radia are gone, where in 6 or 8 person matches, those same characters become overpowered.

Powerlevel: On the subject of powerlevel....I think first of all that it should start much lower, down in Saiyan Saga levels, that way people have a chance to really develop thier characters through all the different levels of power. Since Goku is the protagonist in DBZ, I guess I'll give an example of him: He might start out as low as 100 Powerlevel, and gets very little powerlevel per kill or hit. Possibly as little as 50 or so. As it rises, he could get new moves when he did in DBZ. I dont mean giving him new transformations that have new moves, I mean he justs manifests a new move and a little notifier pops on on the screen saying "You got Continuos KameHameHa" or whatever the move is. This way, he can go through his transformations and moves as he goes along, developing a large arsenal to use against his foes. It's also more newbie friendly: You start out with few moves, such as in gokus case, the KameHameHa (read below: It starts in fireball mode) and melee, and maybe a few melee maneuvers (a section on that is right below this) as well as the normal melee option, all the normal acrobatic moves (walljumping, jumping, etc.,) and some very limited superspeed (without afterimages?....I dont know when Goku got the Zanzoken, but I think that ability should be seperate from SuperSpeed)

So goku cant fly yet (he can go turbo though, worry not) and he doesn't move at his normal speed for ESF yet (but not INCREDIBLY slow, dont worry: Hes just a little below normal). He also has very little HP/Ki.

As powerlevel rises, a characters Ki, HP, and speed increase AS WELL AS effectiveness: So a person with a lot of Powerlevel could use the KameHameHa in my system idea the same as a goku now might use it in an 8-8 battle, REGARDLESS of how many players are in the game. So thats how I think powerlevel should work: I think it should have a lot more effect on the game. This is besides it giving lots of transformations and moves. Basicly this means that a 10,000,000 Powerlevel Goku is going to lay the smackdown on a 2,000,000 SuperSaiyan Goku, just because the powerlevels are different. In fact, the ONLY difference I think a transformation should make, other than graphical and, where applicable, new moves, is a PL rise.

The reason HP and Stamina, and Ki should rise is because the way it is now, if you get extreme powerlevels everyone dies really fast because HP doesnt go up, and once you have your perfect transformation, PL basicly does nothing but make people die faster and faster.

I also think the server admin should be able to set a starting powerlevel RANGE. That is, you dont say "Everyone starts being able to get this transformation" or "Everyone starts with exactly this much PL" - that might harm characters who only have a few transformations but get them early. Instead you could put in "Everyone starts REALLY high" while this would still be harmfull to those characters, they might get extra powerlevel or whatnot to help make them equal as well. People playing those characters would still eventually fall behind, but thats expected with that type of character.

Also, PL gained should rise as PL rises. If you have 1000 PL and so does your opponent, you should get about 500 pl for killing them instead of 50. This makes for a momentum-style PL building system, so later on you can get a whole lot quickly. Still, it'll take hours to reach your true potential if you start at rock-bottom, just like it does now, which is why I suggest the server option: Not everyone has HOURS to play the game, but they might not want to play a low-power game. I feel the people on a schedule deserve some considerations. And lastly: The amount of PL it takes to raise the effectivenes of a move (like the speed/explosion of a Kamehameha or the homing ability of a kame torpedo) should also have a momentum system: If you've got millions of Powerlevel, then getting 50 PL shouldnt kick up your KameHameHa speed, but if your down in the 100-200 range, it should. So it takes more PL to raise things as PL rises, but PL also rises faster (provided you arent going after very weak enemies) so you always get the same reward for the same amount of effort. So thats it for PL.

Melee Maneuvers: So you've read about melee and using ki moves in melee and you might be thinking "not too bad a system, but that kinda makes the moves limited doesn't it?" Well, yes, and some characters have some truly cool moves they might want to get off. For example: Trunks might want to do a flying slash on that stupid piccolo up in the air. He might want to jump, pull out his sword while spinning, and end the spin with a slash and take that namekian down a couple notches. So, for character uniqueness (and because there are some situations where you might want a special move, such as the one above, to get into a special position (in the air) WHILE attacking (instead of swooping up to piccolo so that your queued moves wont auto-miss because your enemy is too far away or not in front of you) Melee maneuvers all characters share would be: Each character should (I'm getting this from DBZ Budokai) get a special throw unique to them, a pummel move where they just swing really really fast (counts as one attack, so if you fail to dodge/block/whatever, too bad) but costs a lot of ki/stm, more than its worth unless your finishing them off, and: A series of SuperSpeed kicks/hits from various angles that you use when they are trying to retreat. Also: All characters should have some sort of jump-forward hit (like a jumpkick) and some attack that allows them to hit the enemy while rising. Also, any character can use a really powerfull attack. It's noted above that if you keep on queueing up the same attack, it just makes that attack really powerfull instead of spamming it. (but it also makes the attack slower, and very noticeable in the queue). 1 makes the attack, 2 makes the attack medium strength (such as a hook instead of a jab) three makes it really powerfull (such as spinning and using a backlash) and four makes your character actually charge ki into it and make it a glowing attack that can't be blocked. Any more just make it more powerfull. You stun them a bit longer the more power you have, and knocking them into the ground gives you +1 strength to that stun (so a 4-queued bodyslam will stun them for 5 turns or something like that. Any suggestions here?)

Specific melee maneuvers down below in character section.

Ki Section: Other than whats above on ki attacks, I think it should be possible for all characters to put up a sort of ki defense. Change thier aura to protect them from damage. That way characters like Krillin who have little stamina or HP to block enemies with can still block semi-effectively: Not AS effectively, but well enough that they aren't slaughtered. Why not AS effective? because melee isn't thier specialty if thier a ki fighter, so they should have reason to stay out of it (not that krillin doesn't make a good melee fighter)

Also, on power struggles: Have you ever seen a beam coming at you and powerstruggled it too fast to aim it at it's maker? - I think power struggles should automaticly aim the shot at the maker over the beam (No idea how to handle this is MPS's, but the beams/balls should always be aimed at SOMEONE) and if you fail, you should see your character in that energy tunnel before you die) (kind of like Cell just before he died) Also, you should always be able to put more ki into your attack after you fire it, whether in a powerstruggle or not. Since you can transform in a powerstruggle, it would make sense if my last suggestion went through that you be able to transform whenever you have a beam launched.

Also on the subject of ki: Ki attacks, in my opinion, should travel faster and turn faster and have lower explosion radia. That way they take more skill to use, but it IS possible to snipe and all with them, effectively. Hitting an opponent head-on with a beam while the opponent is moving should be not only technically possible, it should happen fairly often. If an opponent devotes 100% of thier energy to dodging you and you devote 100% of your focus to hitting them, both of you should have a good chance of succeeding. Just my thoughts.

Powergifting: When you turn this on, it makes your character give ki to the character you choose whenever they are out of ki. They basicly drain ki out of your stores instead. This is good for matches where there are newbies who arent much good to thier team otherwise. Also, when you start charging, if your at full ki it beging filling thier ki instead. You get a tiny blue meter down in the bottom right that shows thier ki amount. You can toggle it on and off with a kistroke, and you wont powergift them when they need it if your at 1/4 your max ki or lower.

Telekinetics: Ah, yes, the other way for a ki figher to fight in melee. Basicly, if your character does little melee damage (and yes, I believe melee damage should in part be decided by character) he might make up for it by spending a lot of ki on a punch to make it do more damage or penetrate defenses (see specific characters melee maneuvers) but if thier punching is really that bad, or thier speed is really that slow so they can't sink a blow in (Yes, I feel that as PL rises, speed should rise, and hence melee battles should be faster/more hectic/more difficult. Hey, if you got a high PL, you should be more skilled, right?) they might toss a ton of ki into a telekinetic attack instead. Basicly, this is an attack that makes your character get into position, aim a hand at the enemy or whatever, and send a little ripple through the air that slams them back and away and does some damage too. If you read the melee section above, you see that its a center-attack as a counter. If not a counter, you hold down the attack button (telekinetics is a ki attack) as well as a normal attack button like a high punch or whatnot, and it attacks basicly like that manuever only it's fast, costs a bucket of ki and knocks them back. Still, it's only one attack so it's easy to dodge unless you try to hide it amongst a lot of other attacks.

Telekinetics is a ki attack that only certain characters get. It can be used as a direct attack or you can throw stuff at people. See specific chars.

Alternate Attack Modes: Ever wanted to say "screw blast radius, I want some speed on my kamehameha!"? Thats what this is for. Instead of using it the normal way, maybe you could use a specialized version of your attack (such as the small-but-fast version of the spirit bomb) with all your different attacks. Attacks that have more than 2 modes might scroll through modes when you right-click instead, or might require you hold both mouse-buttons down for your third mode or whatnot. See specific attacks in specific chars, again (And again and again and again)

Graphical Changes: Most changes have already been suggested.....but I do suggest the ESF team play Budokai and make it look as much like that ;D as possible. Mainly with the auras and stuff and also some of the movie clips in Budokai 1 have some good moves graphics in them (at least on the gamecube, which is the only console I've played it on) Auras and beam attacks are probably most important. Maybe char graphics also - I hope theres some way to make the faces move or whatnot, everything else seems to.

Exploding terrain: Also been suggested, it's been said that this isn't possible. Well, what about making a large pile of "crates that are shaped like pieces of the mountain in ESF_Riverside? People dont expect to be able to rip up the ground, I dont think anyway, but slamming them into mountains and all would be cool.

Battle-torn uniforms: Also been suggested/denied due to incredible animation needs. Maybe ESF could host a contest for graphics, with sub-contests for each characters and the community could work towards this? Hmm.

Acrobatics: All I have to say here is: I think wall-jumping should go faster than it does now, much faster, and I think beam-jumping should be acquired early in the game, but not RIGHT at the start if you start way early in the saiyan sage in powerlevel..... Also, walljumping should be allowed to people charging beams, only they have to take as long as they do now to wall jump. Why not? - they can beam jump really fast already, so I dont see much abuse here. As for Flight, that should be acquired fairly early, basicly at the same time as beamjumping (200 PL?....300? Where did that start?) lastly, I think people charging beams should move faster. Once again I see little abuse here because you can just get momentum before charging and use that to dodge anyway. As for super speed: I think only characters who actually learn the Zanzoken in the show should get afterimages, but thats just me. Anyway, I feel the lowest level of this should be gotten early, the next level teleports you farther, the level after that lets you teleport as much as you want with no pause, the level after that lets you use the longer range teleport with no pause. Any thoughts on this?

Movement in general: When your hit head-on by a beam, or even by a large blast (large being determined by the % of your total HP it takes from you) your knocked down as though hit by a ram. This doesn't happen often, but strong beams/balls knock you around if they hit well.

Specific Characters: So you read all this so far and you still want more? Or maybe your just skipping ahead? either way, heres my list of ideas for specific characters.

Transformations: When you transform, if the new character has any ability in the slot number of the move you were using before, it should switch to that instead of Melee. Also, transformations should slowly drain ki or stm or both, until you get thier perfect versions. So lets say SS drained 1 ki per second or so (not saying thats a good number, just an example) and SS2 drained 2 ki, SS3 drained 3 ki. When you get Perfect SS, you no longer lose ki for being in that form. But SS2 STILL drains its full 2 ki, until you get it's perfect form. When you descend, you dont immediatly go to normal: You go down one stage of transformation and get some ki back, just like going up gives you a larger ki bar that isn't full. The offset to this is that while transformed you have a lot more ki, so the drain isn't too bad. This encourages players to actually have a reason to use low forms. FYI: You can run out of ki and stay in your form, unless your knocked down, knocked against a wall, etc.,

Goku: Other than the normal system changes and the wealth of transformations he's likely to get (King Kai Fist (KKF) 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, the various SS 1-3, and if they do put in battle-torn uniforms they'll have to do a lot of cut'n'pasting :p) I feel he should get new moves, and maybe have some moves tweaked....here goes.

KameHameHa: Gokus nice little you-die-right-now nuking-beam-move. If all the changes I want are put in (which no, I dont think they will, I'm just writing this because I hope some of them will be, and I hope the team can gain inspiration from this) then this move will be used much much differently.

Mode 1: Fireball. This shoots a blue fireball at the enemy. If ki attacks are sped up and have less explosion radia like I wanted them to (see Also On Ki in the Ki Section) Then this should work just like the show. It doesn't really have an explosion best I could see (remember, my experience with DBZ is EXTREMELY limited) so much as it hits something and that thing it hits takes a ****load of damage. Like when goku was in the gravity training chamber, shot a kamehameha and it came back and hit him in the face? He didnt blow up and neither did the ship.....it just looked like it hurt like hell. In short: A very fast-traveling energy ball with no real explosion radius. Hit with it head-on and it's sure to get the job done.

Mode 2: Continuous Kamehameha (also: Chou-KameHameHa): Ah, the beam version. This is both mode 2, and mode 3. Mode 2 is the more generic, "Sniper KameHameHa" version: Basicly like the fireball, only with the ability to turn very quickly and some minor explosion to it (anyone who's watched the show and wants to correct me on this, feel free to post below, I'll be watching this topic)

Mode 3: Explosive KameHameHa: Who cares about sniping when you can just nuke them?! Well, I do, but I'm wierd, so: Basicly this works as it does now. Kaboom, your fried, but not much in the way of speed/turning.

Kame Torpedoes: Ah, yes, the new homing-attack that can be truly devastating, supposedly. First off, I would like to see the bug where the torpedoes rush away from enemies and into random objects ended....I truly hate that bug....and they should be a LOT more accurate in general, though accuracy should still depend on charging amount (why a lot more? remember that in my idea, I said that things dont change based on number of people playing, and in 1-1 fights Kame Torpedoes have no accuracy whatsoever, basicly) But they should be FAR from useless with low pl. So they should start with a really high accuracy, and it should rise with PL (but not too much, and like EVERYTHING ELSE, the amount of PL it takes to increase it should rise as the general amount does (see the section on PL)).

Mode 1: Normal: A sniper-oriented torpedo. I've never seen this move in the show, but I'm guessing it should work like this: A well-guided KameHameHa fireball, but with a good deal less speed (remember ki attacks travel really fast by my ideas, so the Kame Torpedo should move, in my idea, as fast as it does now) with some limited explosion radius (basicly the same as is, again). Graphically, since I've heard people comment on this in the past, I think it should be a lot smaller. It shouldn't stand out so much (granted, size should rise with power which rises with PL: A 10,000,000 PL person will make a huge torpedo, even a normal one)

Mode 2: Explosive Torpedo: Bigger explosion radius, but less guidance. So if it hits dead-on it's more deadly, but it's less likely to, and its also a bit slower. It's also a LOT larger, as the size of the torpedo size rises with power, so it's noticeable as hell. If your thinking: Why is there no in-between between the normal one, which is guidance-oriented, and the explosive one, which is explosion oriented, the answer is: that would be a bit superflous. It really isn't needed, as the "sniper" one is really the normal version, and I dont think the coders could make one even more accurate with ANY fairness left, unless it did crap damage....and if you want guided kiblasts, you should play KRILLIN. I dont want to see a ripoff of his move in the Kame Torpedo)

Spirit Bomb: The slow moving nuke from hell. I think this move should be more powerfull, actually, since you cant do it while transformed and in the show it always had more than the power of a super move. Overall: Faster travel, because even with the radius it has now, it's useless if someone sees it....which they always do, since even the small one is really noticeable charging up. And also: Size should vary GREATLY depending on power.....the high-powered one was much larger than the one in ESF, yet the starting one was like a super-powered ki blast. Other: I think the first time this move is used it should be FORCED to use it in it's normal mode, and goku should let out that huge energy funnel he did the first time he used it. Making it more noticeable, the first time, but hey: At those low levels, if you get it off, the enemy is screwed. Explosion radius could actually stand to remain the same: Once you throw it, it moves fast at them, pushes them down (if they block they resist it of course...otherwise it just travels normal speed and rams them into the ground) is so large it's hard as hell to dodge, and blows them and anyone dumb enough to stay nearby to bits) Maybe give it a longer chargetime to make up for this? I really don't know: Send your opinions

Mode 1: "I.....I need to borrow" What am I qouting it for? - everyone's heard it already). As already said, the first time using it should release that energy funnel and probably have a bigger explosion radius, for drama. Anyway, basicly this fits the description above. Goku's qoute should probably be different the first time using it, but the "I need to borrow the strength of the planet" qoute every now and then, but I think his normal qoute should be the same as mode 2: Let me have some of your energy. I just dont see using drama if someone is spamming the move (or trying to: They will usually get fried first) If they havent used it yet this respawn, use the "I need to borrow" qoute. Thats just my opinion....also, as with the Death Ball and any other move that you charge that can be seen externally, if someone shoots it while your charging it or runs into it, it should immediatly count as thrown (if its ready to throw. If not, it sticks on the end of thier beam as though they were powerstruggling it, but it doesnt do anything....just a graphical ploy) I've devoted a lot of though onto how to make the super spirit bomb possible, and it seems to me the best way to do it is to give players a new move when they reach the level needed to go Super Saiyan instantly which adds energy to it. If my suggestion that when you transform you immediatly switch to your new forms equivalent move goes through, then it should be a simple matter of popping SSJ and using the move. I'm thinking it should be an instant-charge move that takes up a good bit of ki (it charges to full instantly, and drains the ki needed, instantly, so if you dont have the ki you cant do it) and it cant be done below maximum level. Basicly make it act like a beam attack that does no damage, so you shoot the spirit bomb with it and it makes it more powerfull and lets you add ki to it despite it being a ball (whereas beams, already stated above, should always be ki-addable whether they're in a power struggle or not) and maybe have other advantages. I don't know - however the coders see fit to code it, if they code it) I'd like to see this in, though.

Mode 2: "Let me have some of your energy": Smaller, faster to charge, but much weaker version....nuff said.

Mode....3?!: Super KameHameHa: This should either be a seperate move, gained when you have perfect transformation level, a instant-beam as stated above, or maybe just another version of the spirit bomb that acts like a beam, looks like a ball, and forces you to transform? - since you can already transform when in a powerstruggle, or if my suggestion goes through, whenever you have a beam firing. This WOULD be listed after Super Saiyan, but I feel it's easier to put here as well.

Warp KameHameHa: When Goku gets IT (see below) he can use it along with the KameHameHa. This works in any mode (it did in budokai....anyone wishing to correct, post away)

Solar Flare: Works just fine right now in my eyes ^.^ could stand to NOT blind the USER of the power, though, and needs an animation for it's use.

Melee: Just normal, ol' melee under my idea system) manuevers are below.

Generic Beam: Self-Explanatory, both beam and ball versions, the way the work is fine: Low explosion, fast moving. I'm open to suggestions for changes.

Ki Blasts: Also self-explanatory.....I'd like to know where the idea of ki blobs came from, and I'd like the Mode 1 to look more like ki blast waves - streams of energy that fly out, while mode 2 would just look as it does now....;)

Sword: Sword?! you might ask. Yes, sword. I don't know what Goku's special moves with the Z sword were, just just use Trunks' sword system (look at trunks character)?? Anyway, this should only be gained VERY late in PL.....he got it sometime in the Buu saga, so I guess he should get it around that much PL. Reason for not giving it earlier, other than the fact that that's just when he got it, is that it kinda detracts some of the uniqueness away from Trunks, especially with Gohan having a sword also (see below) but hey, thats just the way it goes.

Melee Maneuvers: As I've not watched many of the cartoons, I'd say Goku should get a couple good kick combo's that are unique to him, in addition to the normal moves, but thats all I really know. Also....

IT (Instant Transmission): This allows you to teleport long distances by hitting a special key. When you hit that key, a charge bar with a blue energy meter instead of green appears right above the normal charge-bar location, and the longer you charge it the greater the distance. You can hold charging on this by holding right-click, just like you do for beams. On your screen only, you see a line and a big indicator at the end of the line showing where you teleport to. This can be used, when acquired, with KameHameHa - it's acquired right after Super Saiyan.


KKF (King Kai Fist) 1: When you achieve this, you can use the Spirit Bomb for the first time - you HAVE to be in KKF to use the spirit bomb for your first time ever in the game, after that you can use it while normal or in KKF, but not in SSJ ever.

KKF 2, KKF 5, KKF 10, KKF 20 - all the same as KKF 1 only more powerfull, more red, a more noticeable aura, etc.,

Pissed Off Saiyan: When a saiyan is REALLY angry, but not powerfull enough to go Super Saiyan, his hair stands up but nothing else happens. I don't know if this effects powerlevel, but it'd be a cool addition for when goku's HP is so low his Powerlevel is draining, or when the other team is winning bigtime.

Perfect KKF 1-2-5-10-20, most probably gained before SS, 20 might be a little after.

Super Saiyan: Wee, your powerlevel rises dramaticly, even over KKF, and all your moves recieve a slight extra boost on top of that. What could be better? Shortly after getting SS you get the IT ability. And your aura is gold and very noticeable, and turbo is much more apparent. And your hair stands up a bit and turns blond. And your eyes are a light green.

Perfect SS: SS no longer costs ki, and you can transform instantly.

Super Saiyan 2: Wee, even MORE dramatic powerlevel raising, even more of a slight boost to your abilities. Not to mention lightning dances around your character and makes his hair and clothes move around with it. And your hair now stands STRAIGHT up, has orange and dark yellow to it, and your eyes are even MORE green. Other than that.....not much to say.

Perfect SS2: Same as Perfect SS, only for SS2.

Super Saiyan 3: Okay, now your hair falls down to your knees, you lose your eyebrows (for some reason) and your even MORE powerfull. Not much else to say, here, really.

Perfect SS3: Same as the other Perfect SS's, only for SS3.

Sorry if I left out special moves that goku gets for SS, SS2 or SS3.....I dont know of any! Please let me know if you do.

Gohan: Well, theres Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, the Great Saiyaman and Adult Gohan. So which is it? I'd personally say that depends on powerlevel, actually. When he reaches a high enough Powerlevel, he should respawn as an older incarnation. Great Saiyaman should probably be the untransformed version of Adult Gohan, and when he transforms his armor should explode off of him. Here goes:

Kid Gohan (low powerlevel):
Melee: Normal old Melee, with all the normal maneuvers, a kick/punch combo unique to Gohan, and of course his forward-attack move should be his Drill Kick, which changes when he becomes the Great Saiyaman.

Masenko: I don't know if this was a beam or a ball in the show, to be honest. Since I know so little about it, all I know coming from this game and Budokai, I'd say that it's a fast-moving, quick-turning attack with next to no explosion radius but a lot of damage. Since most beams in my idea move fast, I'd say make this charge faster and maybe move as fast as a generic beam (if it doesnt already?) Since I have no idea if it's beam or ball or interchangable, I'll wait till I get replyposts to put more here.

Shield: I dont know much about this move but I know he had it as a kid....so...keep it at status qou? Maybe make it a red shield that only works in a certain direction when hes in kid-mode?

Generic Beam/Ki Blast Wave

Unlock Potential: Makes Kid Gohan more powerfull. This is a permanate transformation. Fades when he goes Teen Gohan. Of course, no ki cost because it's permanate.

Teen Gohan (Medium Powerlevel):
Same moves as gohan. Maybe a better shield. This incarnation gets new transformations, though, and does get a few special moves:

KameHameHa: Same as Goku's.

SuperSaiyan: Same as Goku's
Perfect SuperSaiyan: Same as Goku's
SuperSaiyan Two: Same as goku's, but with two new moves:
Super KameHameHa: This move actually drains Gohan's raw spirit to power. He loses HP, Ki, STM, and even some Powerlevel to do this.

Father-Son KameHameHa: A SuperKameHameHa that requires no Powerlevel, but takes everything else. Gohan has to be getting Power Gifting from someone who's character is, at the time this is used, dead and not yet respawned, or respawned with the invincibility ticker on or is there to help. The person powergifting should be notified that Gohan's using the Super KameHameHa, and give them the option to help if they're dead/invincible, or make gohan appear as a black dot on the radar if they're alive.

Adult Gohan: Untransformed looks like the Great Saiyaman. If he transforms into SS, SS2 or Mystic, then his armor bursts off. It doesnt come back until he respawns: If he descends then his hair falls back into black and he acts just the same as though he were transformed other than that.

Same as other incarnations, has a big bright yellow shield? But thats it. Also, his drill kick is now, when in Great Saiyaman form, his "justice kick" (yes, getting this from Budokai) which does more damage. He also gets the "Justice Punch" which is a handy way to knock someone into the air and drag them back down again.

SS, PSS, SS2, PSS2 (P = Perfect) all same old...
Mystic: Power goes above and beyond SS2, but with an added advantage. This transformation costs nothing to sustain, and is permanate unless deactivated (Or, alternatively, lasts until killed). I'd say it adds some new melee manuevers/combos, but I dont really know anything beyond that personally.

Krillin: It's baldy, and he's here to kick some butt. Normal moves overall, don't know any special melee maneuver's here that are really specific to krillin.
Melee/Generic Beam/KiBlast
Destructo Disk: A deadly disk that instantly kills whomever has angered Krillin. Travels faster the more it's charged, get's bigger the more it's charged, damage is always instant death. Note that I think this should give full pl bonus for kills, whereas now it only gives a little bit of pl per use. Should be power-strugglable, also.

Mode 1: Disc flies straight (by the way, while krillin is on turbo and using a DD, for some reason it makes him stand on this disk....bug-report)

Mode 2: Disc will spin in whatever way is needed to hit nearest opponent (effectively making it like a ball of death instead of a disk) but costs alot more ki and doesnt get as large.

Scattering Beam: Probably the hardest move to code ever, eh ESF team? This is just a beam that goes forward then splits off into a lot of little beams that chase the enemies down as best they can. Instead of it being purely better when there are more people around, how about it does more damage the fewer beams that are released? Anyway, theres also a center beam that krillin controls directly, though it should probably have some auto-aim function in it. If someone powerstruggles one of the small beams, they go against it and it alone, none of the others, though krillin has one struggle meter that covers all the beams (or he should? :p this is an idea, not an implemented feature, after all....)

Mode 1: Read above.

Mode 2: Instead of going after ALL the players, this one only goes after an amount judged by Powerlevel. So if your low on Pl you can keep it from spreading too much.

Mode 3: Yes, this is a move you have to toggle modes for by right-clicking. This mode automaticly shoots at a number that you set (via a Cvar?....via player options?) no matter your powerlevel or how much you charge the beam.

Mode 4 (maybe): As it works in ESF 1.2....if he could do that in the show.

Kamehameha/Generic Beam/KiBlasts/Melee/Solar Flare

Unlock Potential: Same as Kid Gohans, Krillin gets new melee moves and:
Destructo Combo: This fires several small, spinning destructo discs followed by one huge, non-spinning one. Would take some time to charge up, would cost a ton of ki, but hey.....let the burning begin. This is a very sick move if you can get it off in Advanced Melee.

Mystic Krillin: This never happened it DBZ, but it could have if Krillin had been trained by the person that trained Gohan, because Krillin was also unlocked by Guru, which to my understanding is what makes a person a candidate for the mystic...? Anyway, this makes Krillin much more powerfull. He grows hair, his clothes change, and you can't see the dots on his forehead, but it's still krillin. I don't know of any new moves to be gained via this other than some new Melee abilities.

Piccolo: Same as krillin, I dont know many special melee maneuvers for this guy, other than the fact that he's GREAT at backflips kicking people up into/down out of the air, so a few combos like that.

Melee/Generic Beam/Ki Blast

EyeBeams: Works fine right now, best I can tell. Maybe add a tiny explosion radius to it? - I was under the impression that it made a small explosion. Since it takes no time to charge, this move works great in Advanced Melee when the enemy is a short distance from you. It can be used in a grapple whether your defender or attacker.

Special Beam Cannon: you charge it, and that takes a long time. You fire it, and you can't move while it's travelling, and you cant turn it once it's fired. But it instantly kills someone, and it travels fast as hell.

Mode 1: Read above.
Mode 2: Faster to charge, but doesn't instantly kill opponent, just does very serious damage. You can leave once it's fired, even if it hasnt hit yet. (Does this version really exist?)

Masenko: See Gohan's.

Transformations: Fused with Nail (or just Powered Up Piccolo):
Light Grenade: Very cheap move that sends a ball of energy that travels at an INCREDIBLE speed at the enemy. Good damage for what it costs, near impossible to dodge due to speed, charges up really fast. But the damage, while good for the cost, still isn't so hot. Better than a Generic Beam blast however, especially for the speed boost.

Fused with Kami (or Super Powered Piccolo):

Hellzone Grenade (or scattering blast): There are two modes to using this move, as well.

Mode 1: You fire a whole lot of ki blasts, then you find someone you dont like and you focus the shots on them, and the all travel to that one person (I think you should get a bit of an auto-aim function while trying to at at the person, and the shots should travel a lot faster than they do now) Basicly just like in ESF 1.2.

Mode 2: How do you get a mode 2 if the right click is being used for targetting the shots? simple. This mode is only ever used in Advanced Melee: Once you've targeted and enemy, using this ability fires ki shots at them that travel near them and just STOP near them. If you manage to stun them, this is a great move to pull: they cant get out of the circle of shots without frying themselves (basicly like passing through a super-ki-block) then you right click and....boom. Costs a lot of ki to use.

Vegeta: The prince of all saiyans. Pretty much normal melee stuff here.
Gallic Gun: A lot like the KameHameHa, only a more powerfull version of it (higher ki cost, bigger explosion, MUCH bigger beam (the beam itself is large in diameter)) that takes longer to charge, and travels more slowly to my understanding (once again, correct me if I'm wrong).

Mode 1: See above.
Mode 2: Super Gallic Gun: See Gohans Super KameHameHa: Takes some PL to use, but travels as fast as a KameHameHa, has a huge explosion radius (yes, even in my idea the explosion is pretty big, despite all explosions being smaller-than-normal) does more damage. Basicly it's a Gallic Gun version of the Super KameHameHa, but theres no Father-Son Gallic Gun ;)

Renzoku: A whole lot of ki blasts travel out at once, almost like the hellzone grenade only it automaticly focuses them. I think this should be more powerfull than it is in ESF 1.2....it seems pretty useless to me (suggestions welcome)

Generic Beam/Ki Blast(he needs this back)/Melee.

After he gets Super Saiyan: These moves are gotten when he can go Super Saiyan but he can do them in normal form also.

Telekinetics: He can make rocks come up and fly at someone or instead send a ripple through the air that looks like a heatwave (should be a noticeable distortion) that does less damage than the rocks, but is harder to see. Also has special effects in Advanced Melee (namely it can knock the enemy back).

Mode 1: Rocks (takes longer to charge, but more damage. Also more visible)
Mode 2: Telekinetic Wave (can be used in A.Melee)

Final Flash: A stream of fire that basicly scorches the heck out of the enemy. Vegeta can't move while charging it, and it isn't really a beam as he can't turn it, but the fire bursts forth REALLY fast and does a lot of damage. Also should probably blind the enemy for a little bit from the fire. This move takes a while to charge. This beam is HUGE in diameter, also, like a Super Gallic Gun.
Basicly it's as large as the explosion radius for a generic beam in ESF 1.2.

Mode 1: See above.
Mode 2: Much faster charge, but no blindness, the beam isn't as thick and it doesn't travel as fast. Much better for an Advanced Melee encounter.

Super Saiyan:
Big Bang Attack: Think of a ball version of the Super Gallic Gun - this is it. Undeniably huge explosion radius. It doesn't travel very fast but when it hits it's hard to dodge. Note that a huge explosion radius in my idea doesn't mean a nuke - it's like a large kamehameha (though really high powerlevel battles have nukes of course). This move does some serious damage. Vegeta can't move while charging it, unlike the Gallic Gun, but it can really put the hurt on.

Ultra Super Saiyan (Super Vegeta): Gained just a bit before Perfect Super Saiyan, this move makes vegeta's hair stand up but without the orange tint of SS2. Essentially a stronger Super Saiyan.

Perfect Super Saiyan.

Ultimate Super Saiyan (Super Vegeta 2): Speed-racer hair, but no lightning yet. This mode is essentially the same as Trunks' transformation in the Cell Saga, so players should probably be allowed to set a cvar or whatnot to trade speed for power or vice versa.

PUltra SS, PUltimate SS, SS2

Perfect SS2: This is Majin Vegeta, basicly - SS2 costs nothing while he's in this form.

Melee/Generic Beam/Ki Blast

Sword: Trunks possesses a sword from the start and can use it whenever he feels it is appropriate. Basicly this is a high-powered version of Melee, doing more damage. He can also swing according to his speed, instead of at a set rate, giving him a lot of room for growth in melee. He has a completely different set of special moves for when he's using his sword, and swinging the sword takes stamina with each swing, so he can't use it too much. A sword attack that would normally stun the enemy stuns them by 1 more than a normal hit, but also costs even more stamina than the sword does normally.

Super Saiyan:
Burning Attack: A firey ball of ki that you don't want to get close to. What more is there to say? He can charge this based on his SPEED, so he can really charge it fast in high PL battles. Does a good amount of damage, too.

Mode 1: Above
Mode 2: Burning Blast: Look at Final Flash mode 2: No blindness and a smaller beam, but basicly the same deal. This type of Burning Attack doesn't charge based on speed - it always charges almost instantly, like a generic beam, but it doesn't do a whole lot of damage (the beam he used to finish off Frieza, FYI) Once he has this he gets the Burning Slash manuever, which is the combo he did to Frieza. He also gets a Jumpslash followed by this mode of Burning Attack.

Ultra Super Saiyan, Perfect SS, Ultimate SS, P Ultra SS, P Ultimate SS, SS2

All of Trunks' Transformations can be done at MUCH lower-than-normal PL levels.

Almost there.....not much more left right?

Melee/Generic Beam/Kiblast

Fingerlaser (AKA: Deathbeam): Piccolos eyelasers, only Frieza does it with "the finger". Can't be used in grapples.

Form 2, 3, 4, 5 and
Form 5 100%
This form allows frieza to use the Death Ball. I see no reason to change it from ESF 1.2 other than system changes ;) it's basicly a spirit bomb that costs ki. Oh, and Frieza cant move while he's charging it, can he?

Well, thats it...oh, wait, I forgot Buu....but I know nothing about Buu, so other than giving him more forms in the new ESF, I have no input on him.

Hope you all enjoyed the spam. It took me forever to write.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
do you think people are actually gonna read this!? Sorry but this is just way to long please try to condense your post a little better.
Active Member
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Oct 27, 2004
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Yeah I agree....I've seen essays shorter than this!
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
May 15, 2002
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for each idea, put a title like "swooping," or "teleporting." and put it in bold. maybe ppl will look at the bold title ideas and might read just that section of this novel o_0
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Oct 4, 2004
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I've got an idea, why don't put at least the "sections" in a large size? That way people can read the names of, like Gohan, Goku and the chars easily.. and the entire "character" should be giant, even bigger than the other headlines.. Basically, make an index :p
Super Moderator
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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Everyone who posted somethign along the lines of "As if I'm gonna read all that." is spamming, so let this be a notice to everyone, next person to spam in this thread gets a warning.
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
EDIT: Man was I wrong now wasnt I O_O

Yes im actualy going to read it

1.)Melee: WTF usseless unless you can pres 20 buttons in 1 second it will slow the game down to snail speed and the keybord isnt big enough for all the difrent tricks not to mention there is a nead of 100+ animations for your idea and i dont think HL can suport that

That was melee now beams -_- (god save me)

2.)Beams: You have no idea how the splash damage works now do you. The number of peuple in a server is not important. The radius is dependand on your PL and the server average. The more over the average you have the bigger the boom.

2.0.1)PL: The PL rise and HP, KI and spead boost is the only thing they get on transformatuins. OK the PL dosent make people die faster cause the more PL you have the less damage you take from the enemy so its balanced. OK the word is balance characters with less transformations have stronger increases so thas coverd and you dont nead that starting PL thing cause it would make the game more borring. If i read this right you are suggesting ESF to becoma a RPG. Sorry to dissapoint you but the PL system is fineand so are the beams.

Till now all your idears did is unbalance and make a hell lot of work and im not talking 2 times more work im talking 100 times more work.

Next section

2.0.2) Melee Maneuvers: Stop jocking round firstly the slashing people up isnt suported by HL and secondly all you said that people should have some unique combos wich they will get in a future version so its usseless. And again the system would be realy slow.

2.0.3) Ki Section: Usseless the curent melee system avoides that problem and its a lot less work.

2.0.4)Power Struggles: There will be a new PS system in ESF 1.3 and that makes your system look bad, trust me. (It isnt PS but you put it there^^) NO WAY this is ESF not CS. She beam spead is like that for balance, if you want to snipe use lasers!

2.0.5)Powergifting: Jea right long live the endless PS since you can have 2 people that recharge there KI and takes turns in suplying you with it.

Opinion till now (SUX)

2.0.6)Telekinetics: (BTW its called sogiekiha or something like that) It would be good to have it in but it would be overspamed. So NO!

2.0.7)Alternate Attack Modes: OK it could be usefull but there is no point to third mode. Oh and the small SB only charges faster the spead is the same as the big one.

2.0.8)Graphical Changes: Wait for ESF 1.3 it will include new models and a new aura that is better than the one im bodukai.

2.0.9) Exploding terrain: To tell you the trough destructable terain is possible on the HL engine but unless you want such LAG that you cant play you shouldnt be wanting it in. HL has very limited suport and the maps arnt endless wich means when you run out you have nothing.

2.1.0)Battle-torn uniforms: It was denied cause each character would nead 2 more models and that would make ESF 2 times bigger than it is already. (With all you have suggested on changes youd nead 5 GB just to install it)

2.1.1)Acrobatics: Yes, i have a thought. No way ^^. Walljumps only take long if you hold the spacebar if you just tap it you jump instantly. And the second part of it is a total suport for beamspam.

2.1.2)Movement in general:Again suport for beamspam. That idea would give another good reason to do it.

3.)Specific Characters: OK if you say so then well move on ^^

3.0.1)Transformations: OK i agree about the first part. But you cant expect to have a full keyresource when you detrense. If you have 75% KI in SSJ and you detrance to your normal form you have 75% KI in normal form.

3.0.2)Goku: Kaioken will not be in.
-> Mode 1: Usseless since id dos nothing and it was mever used in the anime or can you tell me when Goku fired a ball and not a beam -_-
-> Mode2: Cant be implanted in a working way -_-
-> Mode3: No nead to explain that it will satay like this Torpedoes: I alread told you the amount of people in a server has nothing to do with beams or other stuff-_-
Mode1 and Mode2: Kame torpedo is a distraction move in Frieza saga. And therefor your ideas arnt show based wich means DENIED! Bomb: All modes: You dont play much ESF on the servers now do you Forstly SB is the strongest non-beam attack (yes big bang is weaker). Secondly it costs absolutley no KI and finaly its a move that does moast non SSJ beamspam kills next to SBC. And how did Superkamehameha get to be mode3 of SB O.O (No super kame in ESF) KameHameHa: You can already teleport when charging a beam with SSJ Goku so that was a waste of time. Flare: It already has a animation you are just blinded and cant see it thats all.

Lets skip melee since you find it OK Blasts: Frieza saga Gohan VS Frieza OR Vegeta VS Cell after Trunks dies.
Mode1: would be laggy as hell
Mode2: No coment ^^ GOKU DOSENT HAVE A SWORD!!!! Not in the series nor ingame.

Werll i got bored after getting to here.
So here is a sumup:

Moastly the idears:
-are unbalanced
-are to much work for someone who isnt getting payed for this
-would ruin gameplay
-would make ESF bigger than 2 versions of HL2
-just lake the game slower

//Quits after getting to bored to read and coment the rest//
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Best answers
I'm attempting to edit my original post, but the ESF forum is messing up. Until such a time as I get to edit it, I'll post the revised version down below, once it works I'll edit that out and edit the top instead. To Grega: Goku, when in that ship with the gravity chamber, got caught in a lightning storm or something, and got stuck at 100x gravity. He couldn't take it, and was trying everything he knew to turn the damn thing off. At one point, he fired a blue fireball ( a kamehameha, and yes he said "KameHameHa" as he used it.) but it blew back up in his face. Since I haven't seen much of dbz at ALL, this is the only example I know of. I did watch a good bit of the original DB, however, and that was the only type of KameHameHa known of in DB if I'm correct. Regardless, I'm aware of the fact that ESF is based on DBZ, not DB, so I just gave you a DBZ example. Also, Grega, please use proper punctuation and capitalization in your posts. No offense, it just irritates me, as I figured my original post made clear.

As far as the beam system I suggest, I feel it would take more skill to use. The way it is now, you can just let a beam rip out at your opponents and blow it up in thier face. You can miss entirely and still kill a dozen people with a single explosion. I find this ridiculous, personally, and think that faster beams, with better aim, but smaller explosions would take more skill to use. As for beam users walljumping: I don't see it how it hurts anything really. Personally, by the time I start charging the beam I'm already moving at top swooping speed, and I tend to stay that way until the beam is fully charged. If you can't figure out how to do this, ask, I'm sure many people will tell you. My personal favorite method is to swoop for about half a second on the ground, let go and jump, which keeps my momentum up as I charge. Also, I hold down walljump, and pop off and start charging the second I leave. Then I just jump the second I hit the ground again, over and over, never losing speed. A person could swoop right at me, and assuming they have less speed, will not catch me until I hit a wall or slow down. And no, I don't play online, unfortunatly: I did before, but my computers online access is shot. I'm posting from a notebook that does not have Halflife on it.

As for the melee system, your irritation on that was UNDERSTANDABLE and JUSTIFIED - I'm not arguing with you over that, because I was ambiguous in my first post about the speed with which it is done. I hope my new post clarifies things a bit. As for Kame Torpedoes: I dont have enough experience with the show, and I even noted in my first post that I did NOT ever see them used, so of course I don't know. I also don't know about Masenko. Instead of telling me everything sucks, why not try to see what in my post was constructive or good in it's idea, and help me refine it?

As far as auras go, yes, I saw the idea where they posted a picture of the auras. I also saw several other ideas. I'm just putting in what I want to see in ESF. You could release both an ESF and an ESF Lite, the Lite version not having battle-torn uniforms, for example, to keep it small for people who dont want large installations. As for major lag coming from using a crate-based destructible system, I'm not so sure it really would lag. As for the map eventually getting torn apart, I was under the impression that that's just what happens in DBZ. Also, on the subject of Goku's sword: He did acquire a sword, in the Buu saga. You can look at the Goku personality card for the Buu Saga starter deck, in the DBZ trading card game, and he has a sword there. You can also play Budokai 2: Goku can use the Z-Sword, as can Gohan. Trunks cant: He has Trunks' Sword (though I thought the two swords were one in the same?) sorry you weren't aware of this. Now, without further ado...heres the revised version

Okay, let's try that again, only smaller than an FAQ this time. Sorry everyone, but I read and type extremely fast and as a result, I tend to be verbose. Not to mention I'm sick, and I posted a first draft. Let's see how much I can tone this thing down, now, shall we?

I've been playing ESF since it's inception, though after reading a few posts on the forums, I never registered. Honestly, seeing people "1337 sp3@k" on this forum was probably my greatest aversion. However, trusting regardless that the coders are capable and educated (as I would assume them to be at least to some degree, given that they made this mod in the first place) I have despite distaste registered on these forums, scanned through many of the ideas out there, and decided to compile all my thoughts on what I want ESF to evolve into. I don't expect everyone to agree with all my ideas, but this is the best way I can see, to make ESF both balanced and fun, yet still like the show.

I will begin with changes to the very system itself, rather than with characters, because I feel it is more appropriate that a person know what the system I want the other changes to take place in is. I will start with melee since it seems to be a greatly contested idea, and I personally find the current melee system a bit dry and unskillfull.

I said I'd summarize the Melee section, and I'm going to do my best. I'll have to explain what I think of the powerlevel system first, though, for this to be understandable.

On the subject of powerlevel: I think powerlevels should, by default, start in low levels, maybe just after Frieza saga (Basicly PL's that are in now) and rise from there. as a DEFAULT, but I also think you should be able to set which saga you which to start in powerwise (anything from Saiyan to Buu) in case your short on time, or your a newbie and want time to build up your moves. Powerlevel gained should be based entirely on the PL of the enemy you defeat, so for example, in the saiyan saga defeating someone may net you 50 powerlevel, but later on it could get you 50,000 if your past the buu saga or whatnot. As powerlevel rises, you should gain more Hitpoints, Ki, and Speed, as well as new moves (not just through transformation, but actually just acquire the moves in some cases) This method is newbie friendly in that it lets them start with very few moves and work thier way up, so they are very familiar with thier moves before getting another one. Lastly, Powerlevel controls combat effectiveness. Right now, the strength and size of a beam explosion is determined by the number of people on the server. So a Kame Torpedo isn't accurate worth anything 1-1, but in an 8-8 match almost never misses, as it is now. I think this should be based off of Powerlevel instead. See the Ki section for more specific details.

Changes I feel should be made to acrobatics:

Walljumping should work faster for people not charging beams

People charging beams should be capable of walljumping (hey, it's not like it'd make too much of a difference....they tend to just use momentum anyway. Or at least I do.)

Beamcharging people should move a bit faster than they do now.

At low powerlevels you get Super Speed that works as it does now, but at higher powerlevels you get longer teleports and then no pause between teleports. Also, afterimages should only be available to characters with the Zanzoken power. (Also see Goku's technique: Instant Transmission)

Flight shouldn't be available at the very begining (Bottom saiyan saga) powerlevels.

If you swoop forward/backward, you should rise/fall automaticly, if you swoop up/down, you shouldn't go forward/backward automaticly, which you do now.

If you swoop while walking, your character should charge forth running, but not go into the air unless you hit Jump. This should cost less Ki than air-swooping.

When your hit head-on by a beam, or even by a large blast (large being determined by the % of your total HP it takes from you) your knocked down as though hit by a ram. This doesn't happen often, but strong beams/balls knock you around if they hit well.

Definitly the most simplistic type of attack ever. Done the same as in ESF 1.2. You swoop holding down the right mouse button, and ram into them, sending them flying backward, upward, into the ground, etc., only changes can be seen in Acrobatics....you can ram straight Down into someone and crush them into the ground, or carry them into the cieling. (See Melee Manuevers)

Pummel Ram
This is basicly the Prepunch combo in current ESF. You swoop/run at them like your doing a ram, but don't hold down any mouse buttons. Your character goes into the "prepunches", but in this case, DOESN'T STOP HITTING them until they either successfully dodge or parry. This should cost a lot less than prepunches do now in ki, but have some minor STM costs so your character can't carry it on more than, say, 20-30 punches if the enemy is really too slow to get out of it. It'll still hurt them in a very real way, however. Hitting the right mouse button causes your character to attempt to grab the opponent, from which he can throw them, but he can also do other manuevers. Left-clicking targets them for Advanced Melee, and you can stop your prepunches at any time (by hitting the block button), whether to start advanced melee or just to back off.

Vs. Pummel Ram
If your caught on the wrong end of a pummel ram, you can do a few things. Hitting a direction causes your character to move to that side (so if your up against a wall you roll, if your in midair you float to that side, if your on the ground you sidestep) and if you time this right, the opponent misses and the pummel ends as they go by you. Alternatively, you can hit the block key between punches and try to get your guard up, but you can't dodge while blocking. Lastly, you can parry them, by trying to hit the block key just as they swing. If you do this, your character slams them away, though this is harder than a dodge.

Advanced Melee
So, right clicking and swooping or not clicking and swooping have effects. What does left clicking do? Well, left clicking targets the enemy (like it did in the original ESF) but with different effects. You can be walking, swooping, against a wall, or whatever when you target them, but when you target them you can engage them in Advanced Melee. You can only target them if they're pretty near you. So what is advanced melee, anyway? Well, my idea for AM (Advanced Melee) is that you target the enemy as above, and you can then throw an attack. While targeting the enemy, both players see two action queues. These are little indicators that appear in the topleft. In the very topleft theres a green queue holding your attacks, and underneath it is an orange queue holding your opponents defenses (if any) directly to the right of your attacks is a red queue (your enemies attacks) and underneath that is an blue queue (YOUR defensive actions, if any). If more people engage in Advanced Melee, only the person they target sees thier moves. Everyones Queue has a small picture of thier characters face next to it, and thier name written above the queue. So if one person is targeted by two Frieza's and a Goku, he'd see four queues, all three names, and the character pics for all of them. Meanwhile, all they would see would be thier own queues and his. It should be noted: Blocks take up Attack queue slots, which turn blue in response as well as defensive queue slots.

Once you enter Advanced Melee, if you throw an attack, it will take place 3 seconds later if your Powerlevel is in the Saiyan Saga levels. This is slow and easy to control. It goes down to only 2.5 seconds in the Frieza Saga powerlevels, 2 seconds in the Trunks Saga powerlevel range, and drops down to 1.5 seconds in the Cell Saga range. Once past the Cell Games and into the World Games range, it goes down to 1 second. If powerlevels reach the Fusion Saga (which you can't start at - the highest Powerlevel option you can set for starting is Buu saga) it goes to burst speed: .5 seconds between movements. Your character has two queues, as has been stated. You hit a key to switch between Defensive and Offensive modes. At any given time, all queues have a max of 5 slots visible at once (both yours and your opponents)

Offensive mode is where you start whenever you engage in Advanced Melee (if your attacked by someone using A.Melee, your allowed to defend as per normal, but not attack until you switch to A.Melee and target them). Theres a button for High, one for Medium and one for Low. High attacks can be ducked under, but a jumping enemy will run right into it and take extra damage. Medium attacks can be ducked under or jumped over, but do extra damage if the enemy fails to dodge. Low attacks can be jumped over, but do extra damage to crouching opponents. You also choose whether to throw a Right or Left attack, which effects how it's dodged. To queue up an attack, you hit the Left mouse button (which is Punches in Advanced Melee) or the Right mouse button (Kicks). Not hitting anything before doing this causes your character to queue up a medium right attack (or left if you choose left-handed as your preference) and if you hit it again, a medium left (or right) hit, going back and forth. Kicks are a bit slower than punches (Take up two slots automaticly) but do almost twice the damage, if they manage to connect. There is a High and Low key, as well as a Left or Right key. Hitting these puts indicators up at the top center of the screen in large icons. So if you hit High Right, and hadn't picked an attack yet, it would show the High Right indicators, without the Kick indicator. If you queue up the same move over and over (there should be a Repeat Attack key for this purpose) instead of doing it over and over, it takes up multiple queue slots but does more damage. See the Stunning and Attack Charging sections below to get a better idea of how that works.

Rams in Advanced Melee
Swooping in Advanced Melee automaticly counts as a ram, but not the type of Ram above. Instead, it just clobbers into the target and does a lot of damage, knocking them to the ground (see Stun below). It goes into the Queue like any other move. If you want to do a normal Ram like above, instead of the Advanced Ram, then queue it up as a Right move, and if you want to pummel ram them, queue it up as a Left attack (same as the mouse buttons associated with those moves) So if you want to leave Advanced Melee quickly, a normal Ram could be the way. Rams of any type take three slots in the queue, and being are as easily disabled as Movements (See below) this is a great way to catch up to an enemy who's running away or to jump out of a fight while your enemy is stunned, but otherwise the time it takes to execute makes it a bit unreliable. Doing left or right rams disables Advanced Melee targetting for the rammer.

Ki Attacks in Advanced Melee
Yes, thats right, Ki Attacks in Advanced Melee. Read in the Ki section to figure out how this is remotely possible. Explosions are smaller overall in my suggestion, as you will see there, but in Advanced Melee moves are used differently. Each and every move is used in a special way that keeps it from exploding in your characters face. Granted, some moves don't have such a method of usage, but any move with a Advanced Melee Mode can be. Basicly, if you use a Ki Attack targetting someone, you use it in it's special mode. This does, of course, take a good while. Your charging time is divided by the action time and queued accordingly. So if you have a KameHameHa, and it takes 3 seconds (just a random number) to charge, and your in the Fusion Saga powerlevel range, then it takes a total of 6 queues just to ready, then it takes 1 to fire. As such, it's pretty easy to avoid, or disrupt the charger, especially if they want to charge it to full. Don't fret though - check the Ki Section for details on how Powerlevel also speeds up Charging. This is obviously most usefull against Stunned opponents.

Attack Charging
If a Punch or Kick doesn't do enough damage for you, you can queue it up multiple times instead. Instead of hitting with the same move over and over again, this makes that one move take up multiple queue slots. Each time you charge it gives the attack +50% damage, as well as making it do some Stunning. Unfortunatly, charging attacks burns stamina quickly (or Ki, if no Stamina is implemented) the more you charge, the more stamina per charge (so while it might cost 1 stamina (example only) to charge for 1 turn, it would cost 3 total for the next level, just like stunning). An attack can only be charged for four turns. On the fourth turn, the attack can no longer be parried or block. The attack shows up as a bright red to your opponent in thier defensive queue. The fourth charge also adds nothing to stun time or damage.

For every queue slot you Charge a hit, you stun them for a the number of slots you have charged. So 1 queue slot of charging results in stunning them for 1 turn, 2 results in stunning them for 3 slots total, and 3 results in 6. For each slot that they are stunned, thier Defensive Queue slots turn grey, and your offensive slots turn red, to show those are turns on which they are stunned an cannot defend against you. Thier offensive actions during that time vanish, also replaced by grey. Anything that slams an opponent into a wall or the ground stuns them for 3 Queue slots, no more and no less, regardless of the power of the attack. (I'm unsure about the whole charge = stun thing. Any suggestions?) Stunning is typically achieved through use of Melee Maneuvers.

Hit the Grab Key in Advanced Melee to grab your opponent. This takes two queue slots to do, and does no damage in and of itself, but changes the playing field a bit. This move can be dodged by any dodge, even movement, and can be parried normally, though it can't be blocked. Once in a grapple, blocking is impossible of course. Only the grabber may attack, the other person may simple defend (While grabbing, the two count as in a powerstruggle, so the defender can break free possible if the attacker is just holding them there. The attacker starts with a slight advantage in the Powerstruggle but can't pump in Ki as fast as the defender, so the defender WILL escape if held too long). This means you can hold the defender there while an ally attacks them, though your ally might hurt you as well. Dodging in a grapple means they shift out of it as you try to attack them, ending the grapple.Parrying in a grapple changes the perspective: The defender becomes the aggressor in the grapple.

Grabbing Manuevers:
Bodyslam: You slam them into the ground. Doing this ends your grapple (but you stay in advanced melee with them stunned for three slots). If Dodged by the opponent, you get stunned for a slot on the dirt, and take half the damage you would have dealt to them. This is done by using the Ram technique below and setting it as a Low attack.

Ram: You charge forth with them. You swoop with them, and you crash them into a wall (but not the ground: Thats a bodyslam). If nothing is contacted in the swoop, the grapple ends and Advanced Melee resumes. The penalty for this being dodged is the same as the penalty for Bodyslam, though Ram's do more damage. If parried, instead of the grapple changing, they throw you forward. You go flying forward as though hit by a normal (non advanced) ram, and take full damage should you collide with anything. This is done by a left click.

Bearhug: If you dont click, your character bearhugs the enemy. Basicly they hold them in place, the powerstruggle from above applying, though you do damage occasionally (like a Pummel Ram at half speed and 1/4 damage) they can Parry these damages, which just results in not taking damage. No Dodges, however, as the damage doesnt appear in the queue (The bearhug takes up the whole queue. The damage just happens periodically).

Throw: Basicly the same as it is now in ESF 1.2. Right click to throw the enemy from a grab or a Bearhug. All characters have the Throw technique, though each characters' should look unique.

So, now you know how Offensive mode works (hopefully) it's time to learn how to defend against attacks instead.

Movement/Simple Dodges
If someone is too far away when you throw an attack (but still targeted) your attack automaticly misses. Also, when they're in the wrong direction (such as behind you) you auto miss. Since you have them targetted, it's difficult for them to stay in the wrong direction for long, but it is possible. When a person hits a movement key while in Advanced Melee other than moving directly towards thier opponent, it queues up as a Movement, which goes into the defensive queue as a Simple Dodge. Movement, once it comes up in the queue, doesn't take long to do of course (unless you hold down the direction instead of tapping it, in which case it queues up multiple times) but you can't combine any actions with it. So if you want to move and punch, you need to move first, or punch first, but not both at once. Also, if your hit by your opponent when trying to move (such as trying to move left when the enemy does a roundhouse, and hence getting hit anyway because moving left doesn't protect you from that move) your movement is cancelled. Almost any move hits a person trying to move, so it's only really possible if you stun them or if they have no attacks in thier queue. Certain energy moves might not hit, depending on how thier fired, of course. Movement can be queued up regardless of whether your in Offensive or Defensive mode. Jumping in Advanced Melee queues up as a normal Jumping dodge instead of movement, though hitting the Fly key queues as normal movement (in the UP direction) where hitting the down key (in midair only) counts as Movement in the Down direction.

This can also be done in either mode. Hitting the Block key queues your character to Block the enemies next attack, lowering damage. However, after you block, you lose an entire Queue slot to ending your blocking (although you can queue it up multiple times and this extra slot is only lost on the end of the blocking). These slots are taken out of both Offensive AND defensive queues, so Blocking, while easy to do, stops you from going offensive on the enemy.

Hit the key to switch over to Defensive mode. After you do this, you can Dodge or Parry. To dodge, you hit the dodge button (left mouse button) and then the direction you wish to dodge in (forward/backward count as Jumping/Crouching, respectively) A dodge to the Right dodges a Left attack, and vice versa, while Jumping goes over Low attacks and crouching goes under high attacks. Jumping/Crouching both work on medium attacks. Fumbling a dodge (dodging to the wrong direction) causes you to take damage. Parries work differently: Instead of queueing it up, you have to hit Parry at just the moment the attack is about to land. Your Defensive queue slot for that action must be open to do this. A successfull Parry stuns the enemy for a queue slot. A failed parry results in you fumbling, and hence losing your next Offensive queue action, as well as getting hit.

If you queue up a dodge and your corresponding Offensive slot is free, you can queue up a Counterattack also. Basicly, this makes your attack take place the same time as the dodge. It's automaticly Medium height and your preferred side (left or right). To do this, you queue up your dodge, but before letting go of the last ky in queueing it up (and hence sending it to the queue) you hold down that key, hit the Toggle key (to turn on Offensive mode) and input the offensive command with the defensive. This can let you hit faster than normal, but takes some skill and time to do.

Melee Maneuvers
This is all of your characters special techniques, be they specific to the character or just a cool technique other than the normal moves that all characters possess. Character-specific techniques are listed under the characters. These are techniques shared by all characters. All manuevers can be activated by a specific key (Player binds them beforehand. Instead of binding a specific character manuever, the player binds Character-Specific Manuever 1, so if Goku's Specific Manuever 1 was a "Dragonfist" and Trunks' was "Jumpslash", you could switch characters and the key would alternate) Any Shared Melee Manuever should look SIMILIAR between characters, but should still be unique. NOTE: I got inspiration for this part from the game DBZ Budokai.

Throw (self explanatory)

Slam (You swoop downwards at a flying enemy, and instead of prepunches or a ram, you drag them all the way to the ground and slam them. Or you go up into a flying enemy and bring them to the roof. This is aided by an autoaim function since it's hard to see straight up/down, so if your targetted on someone it will automaticly go at them, but if they move you miss)

Combo (A basic combo of attacks that results in them being knocked back at the end. Takes Stamina.)

Rampage (A bigger type of Combo that results in them being slammed into the ground at the end. Takes more stamina.)

Forward attack (Jumpkick forward, or maybe something more creative. Basicly move forward and attack at same time.)

Jump attack (Jump up and attack enemy in air. Like above, only going up instead of forward.

I'm open for more ideas!!
Specific melee maneuvers down below in character section.

Thats all for Melee. Now on to the Ki section.

As stated in the Powerlevel section, Ki attacks should be goverened solely by powerlevel. They should stay the same no matter how many people connect, so that people know thier abilities. Current blast radius for 1-1 matches is fine as a base explosion radius (and it gets bigger with powerlevel). However, while they do get bigger with PL, I dont feel they should get as large as they can now unless your in the Fusion powerlevel range (So no nukes until PL is insanely high) so the fusion saga PL range is roughly equal to maybe 6-6 or 8-8 matches in blast radius, which is pretty damn big, but takes a long time to get to. I do, however, feel all attacks should be MUCH faster in general, and beams should turn faster. If a person gives thier 100% focus to dodging an attack that someone gives thier 100% focus to hitting them with, both should have a good chance of success (if thier skill levels are equal). Ki users should be able to hit dead-on with ki attacks occasionally, even when the target tries to dodge.

Other Ki info: Characters should have a sort of defense that lets them use thier aura to defend themselves against damage in Melee. This isn't as effective as dodging or whatnot, but if your character really stinks in melee (is mainly focused on ki usage) then it might be able to make up for a low HP by spending a lot of ki.

On Power Struggles: Sometimes, you see a beam coming at you while your charging, but you dont have time to aim at the shooter of the beam before letting go of yours. It should automaticly aim it at them. In Multiple Power Struggles, the winning party should have the beams travel directly into thier opponents.

Powergifting: When you turn this on, it makes your character give ki to the character you choose whenever they are out of ki. They basicly drain ki out of your stores instead. This is good for matches where there are newbies who arent much good to thier team otherwise. Also, when you start charging, if your at full ki it beging filling thier ki instead. You get a tiny blue meter down in the bottom right that shows thier ki amount. You can toggle it on and off with a keystroke, and you wont powergift them when they need it if your at 1/4 your max ki or lower.

Alternate Attack Modes: I've thought of alternate ways to use just about every move in the game (such as the rightclick function for Spirit bomb) so read on, correct me when I'm wrong.

Graphical Changes: Most changes have already been suggested.....but I do suggest the ESF team play Budokai and make it look as much like that ;D as possible. Mainly with the auras and stuff and also some of the movie clips in Budokai 1 have some good moves graphics in them (at least on the gamecube, which is the only console I've played it on) Auras and beam attacks are probably most important. Maybe char graphics also - I hope theres some way to make the faces move or whatnot, everything else seems to.

Exploding terrain: Also been suggested, it's been said that this isn't possible. Well, what about making a large pile of "crates that are shaped like pieces of the mountain in ESF_Riverside? People dont expect to be able to rip up the ground, I dont think they do at least, but slamming them into mountains and all would be cool.

Battle-torn uniforms: Also been suggested/denied due to incredible animation needs. Maybe ESF could host a contest for graphics, with sub-contests for each characters and the community could work towards this? Hmm.

Specific Characters: So you read all this so far and you still want more? Or maybe your just skipping ahead? either way, heres my list of ideas for specific characters.

Transformations note: When you transform, if the new character has any ability in the slot number of the move you were using before, it should switch to that instead of Melee. Also, transformations should slowly drain ki or stm or both, until you get thier perfect versions. So lets say SS drained 1 ki per second or so (not saying thats a good number, just an example) and SS2 drained 2 ki, SS3 drained 3 ki. When you get Perfect SS, you no longer lose ki for being in that form. But SS2 STILL drains its full 2 ki, until you get it's perfect form. When you descend, you dont immediatly go to normal: You go down one stage of transformation and get some ki back, just like going up gives you a larger ki bar that isn't full. The offset to this is that while transformed you have a lot more ki, so the drain isn't too bad. This encourages players to actually have a reason to use low forms. FYI: You can run out of ki and stay in your form, unless your knocked down, knocked against a wall, etc.,


KameHameHa: Right click scrolls through modes

Mode 1: Fireball. A blue KameHameHa fireball. Has basicly no real "explosion radius" but it travels fast compared to other energy blasts (yes, even in my idea where ki attacks in general are sped up a lot) and if it hits someone, it does a lot of damage. The speed of this attack is to make up for the complete lack of explosion radius.

Mode 2: Continuous Kamehameha: The beam version. Basicly a beam version of the normal KameHameHa Fireball. This has the advantage of being able to turn and move quickly, and does a good deal of damage, but takes more Ki than a normal Fireball.

Mode 3: Explosive KameHameHa: The more nuking-oriented version of the KameHameHa. It travels more slowly and turns less effectively, but does a lot more damage and has a larger blast radius.

AM (Advanced Melee) Mode: No explosion radius. Stream of energy in beam mode, normal fireball in fireball mode.

Kame Torpedoes: Right click uses mode 2
The only differences I want to see with this move are it having a better homing feature (it should home as well as it does in a 6-6 match from the very start) and to see that stupid bug where it runs in random directions and blows up fixed.

Mode 1: Normal: A sniper-oriented torpedo. Should travel as fast as it does now, and I don't see any reason to lower the blast radius below what it is now for a 1-1 match. Size should be MUCH smaller normally (Though rising with PL, just like the blast radius/guidance/speed)

Mode 2: Explosive Torpedo: Bigger explosion radius, but less guidance. So if it hits dead-on it's more deadly, but it's less likely to, and its also a bit slower. It's also a LOT larger, as the size of the torpedo size rises with power, so it's highly noticeable.

AM Mode: Basicly acts as a guided version of a KameHameHa Fireball. Has to be dodged twice instead of once.

Spirit Bomb: Right click either uses mode 2 or scrolls through modes, depending on how Super Spirit Bomb is implemented.
Size should change ALOT based on PL. Spirit bomb should travel a LOT faster (maybe 2x or 2.5x as fast as it does now) and spirit bomb should grind enemy into ground and THEN explode (Even if they dont block)

Mode 1: Check my first post for my idea on changing Goku's qoute. Basicly I think he should only make the dramatic qoute once per respawn, after that just use the qoute from the small spirit bomb below.

Mode 2: "Let me have some of your energy": Smaller, faster to charge, but much weaker version....nuff said.

Mode 3: Super Spirit Bomb: Gotten after Super Saiyan, but can only be used in King Kai Fist or normal modes. Check my first post to see my ideas on how it might be done, but either way, this really needs to get in.

AM Mode: Mode 1 or Mode 2 as normal, spirit bomb pushes enemy into dirt and blows up, except explosion radius is the spirit bomb itself (in other words, it only harms things actually touching it) and explosion graphic, while large, is harmless.

Warp KameHameHa: When Goku gets IT (see below) he can use it along with the KameHameHa. This works in any mode (it did in budokai....anyone wishing to correct, post away)

Solar Flare: Same as it is now.

Melee/Generic Beam: Self Explanatory

Ki Blasts: Also self-explanatory.....I'd like to know where the idea of ki blobs came from, and I'd like the Mode 1 to look more like ki blast waves - streams of energy that fly out, while mode 2 would just look as it does now....;)

Sword: Gained very late in PL, at the start of the Buu saga. Same as Trunks' sword, only Goku has no manuevers with it (Other than normal manuevers). Anyone with manuever ideas, send away.

Melee Maneuvers: As I've not watched many of the cartoons, I'd say Goku should get a couple good kick combo's that are unique to him, in addition to the normal moves, but thats all I really know. Also....

IT (Instant Transmission): This allows you to teleport long distances by hitting a special key. When you hit that key, a charge bar with a blue energy meter instead of green appears right above the normal charge-bar location, and the longer you charge it the greater the distance. You can hold charging on this by holding right-click, just like you do for beams. On your screen only, you see a line and a big indicator at the end of the line showing where you teleport to. This can be used, when acquired, with KameHameHa - it's acquired right after Super Saiyan.


KKF (King Kai Fist) x1, 2, 5, 10, 20.
Perfect KKF x1, 2, 5, 10
Super Saiyan
Perfect KKF 20
Perfect SS
Perfect SS2

Sorry if I left out special moves that goku gets for SS, SS2 or SS3.....I dont know of any! Please let me know if you do.

Well, theres Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, the Great Saiyaman and Adult Gohan. So which is it? I'd personally say that depends on powerlevel, actually. When he reaches a high enough Powerlevel, he should respawn as an older incarnation. Great Saiyaman should probably be the untransformed version of Adult Gohan, and when he transforms his armor should explode off of him. Here goes:

Kid Gohan (low powerlevel):
Melee: Normal old Melee, with all the normal maneuvers, a kick/punch combo unique to Gohan, and of course his forward-attack melee maneuver move should be his Drill Kick, which changes when he becomes the Great Saiyaman.

Masenko: I dont know enough about this move - please post info. Is it really a ball, or a beam, and what different uses are there for it?

Shield: I dont know much about this move but I know he had it as a kid....so...keep it at status qou? Maybe make it a red shield that only works in a certain direction when hes in kid-mode?

Generic Beam/Ki Blast Wave

Unlock Potential: Makes Kid Gohan more powerfull. This is a permanate transformation. Fades when he goes Teen Gohan. Of course, no ki cost because it's permanate.

Teen Gohan (Medium Powerlevel):
Same moves as gohan. Maybe a better shield. This incarnation gets new transformations, though, and does get a few special moves:

KameHameHa: Same as Goku's.

SuperSaiyan: Same as Goku's
Perfect SuperSaiyan: Same as Goku's
SuperSaiyan Two: Same as goku's, but with two new moves:
Super KameHameHa: Rightclick activates Powergifting request
This move actually drains Gohan's raw spirit to power. He loses HP, Ki, STM, and even some Powerlevel to do this. Much more powerfull than a normal KameHameHa.

Mode 1: As above

Mode 2: Father-Son KameHameHa: A SuperKameHameHa that splits the powerlevel cost between two players, but takes everything else from Gohan only. Gohan has to be getting Power Gifting from someone who's character is, at the time this is used, dead and not yet respawned, or respawned with the invincibility ticker on or is there to help. The person powergifting should be notified that Gohan's using the Super KameHameHa, and give them the option to help if they're dead/invincible, or make gohan appear as a black dot on the radar if they're alive.

AM: Same differences that a KameHameHa and a AM mode KameHameHa have.

Adult Gohan: Untransformed looks like the Great Saiyaman. If he transforms into SS, SS2 or Mystic, then his armor bursts off. It doesnt come back until he respawns: If he descends then his hair falls back into black and he acts just the same as though he were transformed other than that.

Same as other incarnations, has a big bright yellow shield? But thats it. Also, his drill kick is now, when in Great Saiyaman form, his "justice kick" (yes, getting this from Budokai) which does more damage. He also gets the "Justice Punch" which is a handy way to knock someone into the air and drag them back down again. These melee manuevers are lost when he transforms, replaced by weaker versions (but he has more PL, so it should even out)

SS, PSS, SS2, PSS2 (P = Perfect) all same old...
Mystic: Power goes above and beyond SS2, but with an added advantage. This transformation costs nothing to sustain, and is permanate unless deactivated (Or, alternatively, lasts until killed). I'd say it adds some new melee manuevers/combos, but I dont really know anything beyond that personally.

It's baldy, and he's here to kick some butt. Normal moves overall, don't know any special melee maneuver's here that are really specific to krillin.

Melee/Generic Beam/KiBlast

Destructo Disk: Rightclick activates mode 2. Scrolls through modes when transformed.
A deadly disk that instantly kills whomever has angered Krillin. Travels faster the more it's charged, get's bigger the more it's charged, damage is always instant death. Note that I think this should give full pl bonus for kills, whereas now it only gives a little bit of pl per use. Should be power-strugglable, also.

Mode 1: Disc flies straight (by the way, while krillin is on turbo and using a DD, for some reason it makes him stand on this disk....bug-report ;) )

Mode 2: Disc will spin in whatever way is needed to hit nearest opponent (effectively making it like a ball of death instead of a disk) but costs alot more ki and doesnt get as large.

Scattering Beam: Right click scrolls through modes
Beam that splits apart to track down all opponents. (Good luck coding this)

Mode 1: Read above.

Mode 2: Instead of going after ALL the players, this one only goes after an amount judged by Powerlevel. So if your low on Pl you can keep it from spreading too much.

Mode 3: Yes, this is a move you have to toggle modes for by right-clicking. This mode automaticly shoots at a number that you set (via a Cvar?....via player options?) no matter your powerlevel or how much you charge the beam.

Mode 4 (maybe): As it works in ESF 1.2....if he could do that in the show.

Kamehameha/Generic Beam/KiBlasts/Melee/Solar Flare

Unlock Potential: Same as Kid Gohans, Krillin gets new melee moves and:
Destructo Combo: This fires several small, spinning destructo discs followed by one huge, non-spinning one. Would take some time to charge up, would cost a ton of ki, but hey.....let the burning begin. This is a very sick move if you can get it off in Advanced Melee.

Mystic Krillin: This never happened it DBZ, but it could have if Krillin had been trained by the person that trained Gohan, because Krillin was also unlocked by Guru, which to my understanding is what makes a person a candidate for the mystic...? Anyway, this makes Krillin much more powerfull. He grows hair, his clothes change, and you can't see the dots on his forehead, but it's still krillin. I don't know of any new moves to be gained via this other than some new Melee abilities.

Same as krillin, I dont know many special melee maneuvers for this guy, other than the fact that he's GREAT at backflips kicking people up into/down out of the air, so a few combos like that.

Melee/Generic Beam/Ki Blast

EyeBeams: Rightclick has no effect
Works fine right now, best I can tell. Maybe add a tiny explosion radius to it? - I was under the impression that it made a small explosion. Since it takes no time to charge, this move works great in Advanced Melee when the enemy is a short distance from you. It can be used in a grapple whether your defender or attacker.

Corkscrew Blast (AKA: Special Beam Cannon): Rightclick uses mode 2
You charge it, and that takes a long time. You fire it, and you can't move while it's travelling, and you cant turn it once it's fired. But it instantly kills someone, and it travels fast as hell.

Mode 1: Read above.
Mode 2: Faster to charge, but doesn't instantly kill opponent, just does very serious damage. You can leave once it's fired, even if it hasnt hit yet. (Was this actually in DBZ?)

Masenko: See Gohan's.

Transformations: Fused with Nail (or just Powered Up Piccolo):

Light Grenade Rightclick has no effect
Very cheap move that sends a ball of energy that travels at an INCREDIBLE speed at the enemy. Good damage for what it costs, near impossible to dodge due to speed, charges up really fast. But the damage, while good for the cost, still isn't so hot. Better than a Generic Beam blast however, especially for the speed boost.

Fused with Kami (or Super Powered Piccolo):

Hellzone Grenade (or scattering blast): Rightclick activates mode 2
There are two modes to using this move, as well.

Mode 1: You fire a whole lot of ki blasts, which pause at random places in midair, after which you find an opponent and fire again, causing them to collect. This costs a lot of ki to use, and it takes a few moments to get the blasts together.

Mode 2: This targets an enemy. After they are targetted and you have hung all the blasts you can in the air, another left click results in explosion.

AM: Once you've targeted and enemy, using this ability fires ki shots at them that travel near them and just STOP near them. If you manage to stun them, this is a great move to pull: they cant get out of the circle of shots without frying themselves (basicly like passing through a super-ki-block) then you right click and....boom. Costs a lot of ki to use.

The prince of all saiyans. Pretty much normal melee stuff here.
Gallic Gun: Rightclick activates mode 2
A lot like the KameHameHa, only a more powerfull version of it (higher ki cost, bigger explosion, MUCH bigger beam (the beam itself is large in diameter)) that takes longer to charge, and travels more slowly to my understanding (once again, correct me if I'm wrong).

Mode 1: See above.
Mode 2: Super Gallic Gun: See Gohans Super KameHameHa: Takes some PL to use, but travels as fast as a KameHameHa, has a huge explosion radius (yes, even in my idea the explosion is pretty big, despite all explosions being smaller-than-normal) does more damage. Basicly it's a Gallic Gun version of the Super KameHameHa, but theres no Father-Son Gallic Gun ;)

Renzoku: Right click activates mode 2
A whole lot of ki blasts travel out at once, which then converge on whatever you target. Similiar to Hellzone grenade only instead of hanging blasts and collecting the, this launches a bunch of normal blasts at something that then collect.

Mode 1: See above
Mode 2: Targets enemy to use Renzoku on.

Generic Beam/Ki Blast(he needs this back)/Melee.

After he gets Super Saiyan: These moves are gotten when he can go Super Saiyan but he can do them in normal form also.

Telekinetics: Right click activates mode 2
He can make rocks come up and fly at someone or instead send a ripple through the air that looks like a heatwave (should be a noticeable distortion) that does less damage than the rocks, but is harder to see. Also has special effects in Advanced Melee (namely it can knock the enemy back).

Mode 1: Rocks (takes longer to charge, but more damage. Also more visible)
Mode 2: Telekinetic Wave (can be used in A.Melee, similiar to a kick except it takes Ki to use and bashes them backward)

Final Flash: Rightclick has no effect
A stream of fire that basicly scorches the heck out of the enemy. Vegeta can't move while charging it, and it isn't really a beam as he can't turn it, but the fire bursts forth REALLY fast and does a lot of damage. Also should probably blind the enemy for a little bit from the fire. This move takes a while to charge. This beam is HUGE in diameter, also, like a Super Gallic Gun.
Basicly the beam itself is as large as the explosion radius for a generic beam in ESF 1.2.

Mode 1: See above.

AM: Somewhat smaller beam, no blindness, not as much damage, but charges MUCH faster and pushes the enemy back.
Super Saiyan:
Big Bang Attack: Right click has no effect.
Think of a ball version of the Super Gallic Gun - this is it. Undeniably huge explosion radius. It doesn't travel very fast but when it hits it's hard to dodge. Note that a huge explosion radius in my idea doesn't mean a nuke - it's like a large kamehameha in ESF 1.2(though really high powerlevel battles have nukes of course). This move does some serious damage. Vegeta can't move while charging it, unlike the Gallic Gun, but it can really put the hurt on.

Mode 1: Above
AM: Smaller blast radius, but Vegeta will still have to back off before using it. Everything else is the same.

Ultra Super Saiyan (Super Vegeta): Gained just a bit before Perfect Super Saiyan, this move makes vegeta's hair stand up but without the orange tint of SS2. Essentially a stronger Super Saiyan.

Perfect Super Saiyan.

Ultimate Super Saiyan (Super Vegeta 2): Speed-racer hair, but no lightning yet. This mode is essentially the same as Trunks' transformation in the Cell Saga, so players should probably be allowed to set a cvar or whatnot to trade speed for power or vice versa.

PUltra SS, PUltimate SS, SS2

Perfect SS2: This is Majin Vegeta, basicly - SS2 costs nothing while he's in this form.

Melee/Generic Beam/Ki Blast

Sword: Acts like Melee
Trunks possesses a sword from the start and can use it whenever he feels it is appropriate. Does more damage, and if it would normally stun enemy, stuns them by 1 more slot. Drains stamina to use at all, however, and stunning moves are incredibly tiring. All sword swings cost extra Stamina and Ki.

Super Saiyan:
Burning Attack: Rightclick uses mode 2
Trunks can charge this move pretty damn fast normally, and the speed with which he charges it increases with his speed (So with high Powerlevels, it charges almost instantly). It's explosion is so-so - if trunks is a little ways away he wont be hard (If its fired down at you, you can jump straight up and the explosion wont harm you, but you'll be at the very limits of the blast) but it does great damage and blinds the target.
Mode 1: Above
Mode 2: Burning Blast: Look at Final Flash mode 2: No blindness and a smaller beam, but basicly the same deal. This type of Burning Attack doesn't charge based on speed - it always charges almost instantly, like a generic beam, but it doesn't do a whole lot of damage (the beam he used to finish off Frieza, FYI) Once he has this he gets the Burning Slash manuever, which is the combo he did to Frieza, shooting a Mode 1 Burning Attack at the opponent, and if they dodge he intercepts them and hacks them apart (Though this drains his ki and stamina tremendously, of course) and if they fail to dodge he automaticly does a Jumpslash afterwards.

Ultra Super Saiyan, Perfect SS, Ultimate SS, P Ultra SS, P Ultimate SS, SS2

All of Trunks' Transformations can be done at MUCH lower-than-normal PL levels.

Almost there.....not much more left right?

Melee/Generic Beam/Kiblast

Fingerlaser (AKA: Deathbeam): Piccolos eyelasers, only Frieza does it with "the finger". Can't be used in grapples the way Piccolos eyebeams can.

Form 2, 3, 4, 5 and
Form 5 100%
This form allows frieza to use the Death Ball. I see no reason to change it from ESF 1.2 other than system changes ;) it's basicly a spirit bomb that costs ki. Oh, and Frieza cant move while he's charging it, can he?

Well, thats it...oh, wait, I forgot Buu....but I know nothing about Buu, so other than giving him more forms in the new ESF, I have no input on him.

Hope that's small enough. I'll post the Advanced Melee versions of all the moves later - I'm tired right now.
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Recently I went through a lot more of the topics in this forum, and I was pleasantly surprised to find many intelligent and coherent posts. Sorry, my first impression was bad. Apologies to ALL offended, if any, though I didn't really aim this at anyone in particular. It seems the first ones I looked at were just unlucky on my part.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
there are alot of, well to say it nicely, uneducated people on the forums but that doesnt mean you have to show off by speaking with high vocabulary sentences. (unless of course thats the way you talk, and sorry if your not trying to show off. I dont mean to offend)

Power levels take a long time to raise even now where the PL system has been modified. Lowering the power levels would only make it longer to get a transformation, which is already annoying enough with krillin and buu.

Sorry but its gonna be a long time before kaioken (king kai fist) will be put in the game if at all (they didnt specify on that detail)

you already get mystic krillin as a transformation in the game but while it does take a long time to transform he is the fastest in the game after transforming
Sword: Acts like Melee
Trunks possesses a sword from the start and can use it whenever he feels it is appropriate. Does more damage, and if it would normally stun enemy, stuns them by 1 more slot. Drains stamina to use at all, however, and stunning moves are incredibly tiring. All sword swings cost extra Stamina and Ki.
they had this in ESF 1.1 well see for 1.3 though

Just to tell you ANY attacks that stun WILL NOT be good in this game theres just TOO MUCH ki usage. You can lost up to 50 damage by just getting knocked to the ground and getting ki blobbed.
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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A solid point. I have no idea personally where Kiblobs came from. Keep in mind that you can't stack on stunning onto an already-stunned person. Also, stunning attacks are really obvious in the queue and easy to dodge - they take up two or more slots, and the action itself only takes place on the last slot of any multi-slot action. Not to mention you can interrupt them by hitting them - I'd edit that into the melee section, but I can't because the forums are glitching >.> I'm lucky to manage to post this (if I do....) also note that the way Advanced Melee works Right Now, a person can be knocked down for the equivalent of 3 slots already by getting thrown into the ground.

About Powerlevels going up slowly: Note where I say the powerlevels will normally start in Frieza Saga levels by default. In other words, the normal game of ESF will have the same Powerlevels it does now (or was it a later saga that had those powerlevels?) so the game wont go slower unless the server creator wants it to. If the server powerlevel average goes up to a new saga-range, then any new players who connect start there, by the way.

About stunning: Buggerall, I forgot to put in the Recovery section. Whenever your stunned by a charged up attack (As opposed to getting hit into the dirt by something) you can pump ki and stm into waking up early. This allows you to recover twice as fast, rounded down (so if you were stunned for 1 hit, you can recover instantly) You click once for each level of stunning you want to shrug off. So basicly, a full-charged hit does a ton of damage and stuns them, but it's also the equivalent of 5 hits (4 if your just charging to your stun max) and it does less damage than they would. The whole point of stunning is to offbalance them so you can finish them off with a ki attack or finishing move, but it's hard to pull off ;) or at least, I think it would be, under that system.

As for the sword.....trunks could use his sword whenever he wanted in 1.1 in pretty much the way I describe? - is there any way to download that into 1.2? (.3)

On the subject of writing: It is the way I speak, unfortunatly. Many people have commented on that. Could you please point out what I wrote that seemed deliberate so I can avoid it in the future?

To Grega: About my system seeming like an RPG....I HAVE played DBZ RPG's, but I don't see how this even comes close (other than the fact that I'm verbose in writing style and overexplain things)....so could you explain? Speaking of RPG's, you remind me a lot of a person I met on one. Do you use the Screenname Loki by any chance?
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
On the subject of writing: It is the way I speak, unfortunatly. Many people have commented on that. Could you please point out what I wrote that seemed deliberate so I can avoid it in the future?
dont worry about it i type in the exact same way although my ideas arent so...errr...long winded

About stunning: Buggerall, I forgot to put in the Recovery section. Whenever your stunned by a charged up attack (As opposed to getting hit into the dirt by something) you can pump ki and stm into waking up early. This allows you to recover twice as fast, rounded down (so if you were stunned for 1 hit, you can recover instantly) You click once for each level of stunning you want to shrug off. So basicly, a full-charged hit does a ton of damage and stuns them, but it's also the equivalent of 5 hits (4 if your just charging to your stun max) and it does less damage than they would. The whole point of stunning is to offbalance them so you can finish them off with a ki attack or finishing move, but it's hard to pull off or at least, I think it would be, under that system
but this just makes it seem like the basic melee system: hit and they fly back, throw ki blast, generic beam/ball, gallick gun, burning attack

Note where I say the powerlevels will normally start in Frieza Saga levels by default. In other words, the normal game of ESF will have the same Powerlevels it does now (or was it a later saga that had those powerlevels?) so the game wont go slower unless the server creator wants it to. If the server powerlevel average goes up to a new saga-range, then any new players who connect start there, by the way.
ahh i was merely skimming and pointing out the things that jumped out at me

As for the sword.....trunks could use his sword whenever he wanted in 1.1 in pretty much the way I describe? - is there any way to download that into 1.2? (.3)
yeah but in 1.1 there was no advanced melee, but you can go to the modeling section and see if someone will revamp your trunks model and put new animations in it so he uses his sword to attack instead of his fists (of course only you can see this though)
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Ah, yes, it's like Simple Melee in that you stun them, except you do this DURING ADVANCED MELEE, but without knocking them back and out of it. So basicly, you do this so you can get off a special move. How else could Trunks do his most famous combo?

Namely, firing a Burning Attack at the enemy, and when they jump away from it, descending down on them and slashing them to bits, then using the Burning Attack in a stream of fire to scorch them ter bits ;) granted, this is a melee manuever, but he needs some way to stun them while he prepares it (Burning Attack takes a bit to charge, after all.). In Piccolos case, he might need to charge up that Hellzone Grenade. If you get into Advanced Melee with someone, it's going to be a fight to the death, and don't expect to have an easy time of it if you move so slowly you get stunned by an attack ;) of course, you could stun them, and jump back and out of Advanced Melee, if that suits you. Whatever balanced the characers in the show will balance them here in the way of Melee Maneuvers (And even the characters who weren't balanced will be balanced, for gameplays sake ;) ) Really, stunning isn't The End Of The World. But it can kill you, just like getting slammed into a wall can now.
*thanks darkone for speedy replies*
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Yes, ESF is about DBZ. What's your point? *is a bit confused* everything I've suggested was in DBZ at one point or another, including the kamehameha fireball.

In short...what are you responding to Majin Pool?
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
Ah, yes, it's like Simple Melee in that you stun them, except you do this DURING ADVANCED MELEE, but without knocking them back and out of it. So basicly, you do this so you can get off a special move. How else could Trunks do his most famous combo?

Namely, firing a Burning Attack at the enemy, and when they jump away from it, descending down on them and slashing them to bits, then using the Burning Attack in a stream of fire to scorch them ter bits granted, this is a melee manuever, but he needs some way to stun them while he prepares it (Burning Attack takes a bit to charge, after all.). In Piccolos case, he might need to charge up that Hellzone Grenade. If you get into Advanced Melee with someone, it's going to be a fight to the death, and don't expect to have an easy time of it if you move so slowly you get stunned by an attack of course, you could stun them, and jump back and out of Advanced Melee, if that suits you. Whatever balanced the characers in the show will balance them here in the way of Melee Maneuvers (And even the characters who weren't balanced will be balanced, for gameplays sake ) Really, stunning isn't The End Of The World. But it can kill you, just like getting slammed into a wall can now.
*thanks darkone for speedy replies*
i can see it being spammed way to much, i mean the combos are already spammed alot, stun will just decrease the difficulty of getting a combo hit. a combo does about 12 damage, and you can do the combos a max of 2-3 times in advanced melee so thats an easy 36 damage off including damage from the stun hits which would probably make it 45. I think thats a little to much for advanced melee (not to mention that would just make it annoying for people like me who think advanced melee is to slow already)
New Member
Mar 1, 2005
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ERR.....yeah. Read the Advanced Melee section Darkowns! :p I suggest an ENTIRELY different system for Advanced Melee

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