2 people energy beams [read before vote]

Do u think its a good idea

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  • its good but lets work on it

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  • fine fine needs alot of work

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New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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well wot i thought wos (dont laugh) that we could have 2 peeps together do I beam attack like:

<How to get to gether> U would first be together then press 'j' or somefin but both have to press it (not at the same time though)
Then the person who pressed the button first would target.

<power> power would be determined by adding both power levels together then dividing it by 2

<What would be the beam moves> u would use a normal beam that evryone would use (dont know the name of em though sorry)

if ive got anyfin wrong pls tell and vote on the pole

ps be brutal :cry: :cry: :rolleyes:
New Member
Jan 18, 2003
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i like anything that makes you act like a team and joinin forces to fire a Beam is a really cool idea.
New Member
Nov 7, 2002
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i think it is a good idea, it would be hard to coordinate and is probally hard to code
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Wtf u talking about?
Adding the pls together then dividing by 2? are u a complete ****ing moron? Whats the point?
So ive got a pl of 500,000,000 and i press "j" and someone with 400,000,000 presses "j". Then ive effectively got a beam weaker than what i started with.(500 mill +400 mill/2=450 mill)
Or say hes got 500 mill as well than bith of us together putting all our energy into it gives us a beam the same strength as just me doing it on my own.
I think u have to get rid of the divide by 2.
And it has been suggested before.
its a good idea tho...
itd be really cool if u had a mode like "take down the legendary supersaiyan" and u and a friend oth power up then shoot a giant double kamehameha (hell make it 3 ppl can join in) at Brolli (or to appease the esf gods, "Mr X")
and hurt him like 10 when a normal one would do like 2...
thatd be cool. Or to a superstrong person in game u didnt like u both shoot a kamehameha at him and if he struggles with it, he has a chance to knock it back and kill u both or he could lose and u get mass pl.
But 1 problem, who gets the frag?
should u both get one?
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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ok heres probably a better version of my idea:

add both pl and take away a qaurter of both pls' (yeah i think that sounds right ;/ )

The beam would have to be a normal beam or if u had 2 saijins u could have some kind of a saijin blast or 2 namekiens then a nemekien blast OR 2 humans the a human blast, but if u have 2 beings completly different it would be a normal blast that would be weaker than a Nemekien blast or so on and so forth.

(got all that ;D )

ok listen, the bit about too much codin would be silly not in the fact that its too much codin work but in the fact that the team should be dedicated to a ESF that will revolutionalise gaming (by the by the team is doing a great job at the moment)

im not quite sure (at the moment) about who gets the frag maybe instead of a freg kill The next time u do a 2 peep blast wit that person it will be quicker and more effective

OH!! i just thought of something u could have a bar on the right hand side (or where ever) showing how much team play u have used with which player using the 2 peep blast method

(that still sounds a little groggy :\ )

Give me ur thoughts pls
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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Good idea. I don't think all the beams can be linked to gether though. Only the beams that are similar or the same. Also why not make it. Whoever has the weakest powerlevel, you add 50% of that person's powerlevel to the stronger person.
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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I don't really see a point in creating such a beam (especially if it gets weaker than the 2 original beams), except for powerstruggling, but for that we already have the multiple ps in beta1.1.
New Member
Dec 11, 2002
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This 'multibeam' feature already exists.

Try it. Stand beside a team-mate, a little ways away, and both aim a little towards each other at a distant target.

Charge up.

Fire the beams.

BOOM, power struggle with your two beams, charging more Ki into it as it sails across the map, bigger kaboom, just not aimable anymore. Nice and fair, already exists.

Nothing to see here, drive along... drive along. =^.^=
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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damn straight plus i really do think people will take a likeing towards this (its the little things that make the game all the special) and since this aint a little thing (its a big thing) it has to be good.

and i think the game should be as realistic as it should towards the series and theres no word in a determined mans dictornary as 'too much codin'

and i bet everyone would like to see this action go into plan it'll make the game even more sweeter
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 29, 2002
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good idea
but i would like it if: i am ps someone, im gonna lose, my friend sees that and comes to help with his beam,and the beams combine(like goten and gohan vs brolli)
New Member
Mar 2, 2002
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well ive actually done a special Double Kame hame Ha attack on someone it was on that NL server and it was pretty powerful how about if 2 of ur friends beams go close to each other and r aiming at same target the Both Join together into 1 big Special attack (BEAMS ONLY) but it cant be directed but it goes in a straight line at its normal beam speed

If u Had Goku Fire his Kame hame Ha and he had 100000 pl while u had SSJ vegeta firing his Final Flash with 2,000,000 id say that their pl would be joined together and halfed so the Beam would have 15 mil power into it so the blast raduis would be twice as big it would also looks cool
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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well we're not really talkin about a bug we're talkin about a real beam that wasn't an accident.

we're on the right tracks of solving the pl problem.

how about the pl would be just exactly the same as adding both Characters BEAM pl's and when ur joining together for a

(how did WolfWings describe it 'a multibeam') multibeam attack it would take totaly ages. that way it evens out.

:) so lets recape u would have both Chars Beam PL's added together so that theres no takin away PL (because if u did that then wot would be the point of having the 'multibeam' ;) )

:) To even out the scores a multi beam attack would have to take you atleast 5 seconds to get together and another 10 (depending on pl) to fire. by doing this it would even the plain field because the power of a multibeam would be enough to kill a ssj 2 (depending on pl)

hope ya got that all lol
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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but i would like it if: i am ps someone, im gonna lose, my friend sees that and comes to help with his beam,and the beams combine(like goten and gohan vs brolli)
i luv spectre's idea i hope they include it in the game plans after version 1.1 cos its just sick (sick in a gud way)

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