
  1. E

    VIDEO 2: Transformation

    The video looks awesome again, but now that I look at it at this angle, Its clear that the HAIR should turn yellow when the exploding ball goes flying off, not when the whole thing ends. That will make it look WAY better.
  2. E


    1 more suggestion, I would think it would be a lil more *INVOLVED* if the power level would start increasing SLOWLY and then suddenly jump up. Cuz right now the numbers stay the same and suddenly just jump to 4 mil.
  3. F

    new transformation clip

    NICE! the new transformation sequence looks pretty sweet. i cant wait for the full version to come out. keep up the good work :fight:
  4. V3g3t@


    if you transform to ssj or other you should be invincible during the trnasformation cause it would be crap if you get killed during it:D
  5. J

    Powerlevel rising (has to do with vegeta transformation movie)

    I looked at the PL that is being doubled after transformation. but i was thinking, cant the PL rise very fast. cuz it switches from 2 million to 4 million in 1 second. might just rise really fast. that you see the numbers moving. so it looks like people are really powering up. if thats possible...
  6. S

    Transformation Movies..?

    Say u guys....what do u think about having clips from the series when turning ssj u could have like a file play showing them transform 'n' such.............. Instant Transmission
  7. S

    Transformation Effects, reasonable idea!

    Godday I was wondering if it would be possible to implement the effects of an explosion to when you transform to SSJ, the effects where the entire maps start to shake, just like an earthquake, you already have it coded in explosions, so it should not be that hard to put into transformations...
  8. S


    When your able to transform in the beta finally, will your character model instantly change at a set point, or kind of morph into whats its turning into. Im not sure what the half life engine is capable of when it comes to morphing models, but it would be funny to watch krillins hair grow...
  9. S

    how much.....

    ey ESF-TEAM how many models are not finished cuz i think u guys only have to make a models of frieza second form. or are there more models not finished ?
  10. SSj Gotenks

    Transformation animation

    Hey I was wondering either in this release or a next one can you have the transformations be like really cool. I mean Like have some one crouch down the slowly levitate then stand up and transform. thats just an idea.
  11. ultrassj_vegeta

    question about the piccolo model

    will the piccolo model hav his cape?
  12. imkongkong

    trunks transformation!

    i have a question.. when trunks go ssj, will he take off his jacket?? if he does.. i have a suggestion.. maybe for ssj trunks does NOT take off his jacket.. then his next transformation maybe if ussj transformation for trunks would be added, he takes off his jacket, and gets bigger arms...
  13. I

    Powers that transformation yeilds

    ok so when you transform your stronger and faster. Will all the characters also get a new attack with the new transformation? Like Vegeta gets final flash when he goes SSJ. So do all the characters receive a new attack upon transformation? Can ya give any hints? :)
  14. SSj Gotenks

    SSj Transformation

    On the next release will you have some fighters go ussj or will you just skip that stage and go to ssj2?
  15. I

    Transformation status?

    So have all the characters got their transformations yet? Do all saiyans go super saiyan now? Do Cell, Krillin, Buu and Freeza goto Stage 2? Or is there still a few things left to be done there? Just wondering........ I can wait for the beta, just thought posting here would get the...
  16. U

    Transformation logistics?

    What decides whether you have mastered a form? Power level? Power level after transformation? Number of times transforming to that level? I seem to understand that you cannot be hurt during your first transformation to a particular level... does this mean that a smart player could reach the...
  17. Y

    Tien in ESF?

    Does this mean that tien might be in future ESF realeses?
  18. M

    Transformation length

    i noticed as watchin the whole series, that the first time ssj it lasted about 1 minute. but in the android and cell saga, the saiyans only need 1 second to get that state. that like in dmz, if u go with the required pl (5000) into the ssj state it is really difficult and last long. but...
  19. N

    Transformation through rage

    I think this would be a cool addition to my previous idea (see "I think this should be in beta" thread"): If the bar is all filled up and the rage kicks in, AND you almost have the required PL to transform, you just transform 'cause of the rage. This would be extremely cool in a PS. Oh, by...
  20. Synth

    Krillen's Transformation

    I like playing with krillen from time to time and i was wondering what his transformation will be(if any) i figure he grows the mushroom haircut.
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